並列タイトル等歌劇≪利口な女狐の物語≫全曲 : パリ・シャトレ座
一般注記Sung in Czech with Japanese subtitles
Added title from pamphlet
Libretto by Leoš Janáček from stories by Rudolf Tísnohlídek
Casts: Thomas Allen (the forester), Eva Jenis (the vixen), Hana Minutillo (the fox), Libuše Márová (the forester's wife/ the owl), Ivan Kusnjer (Harašta, the poacher), Josef Hajna (the schoolomaster/ the mosquito), Richard Novák (the parson/ the badger), Jean-Philippe Marlière (the innkeeper/ the dog), Sarah Connolly (the innkeeper's wife/ the cock/ the jay), Florence Bonnafous (the hen), Françoise Martinaud (the woodpecker) ; Choeur du Châtelet ; Maîtrise des Hauts -de-Seine ; Orchestre de Paris ; Charles Mackerras, conductor
Credits: Directed for the stage by Nicholas Hytner ; set and costumes designed by Bob Crowley ; choreography by Jean-Claude Gallotta ; lighting by Jean Kalman
Reocorded in High Definition Television at Le Théâ tre du Châtelet in Paris in June 1995
LaserVision リニアPCM; stereo; DVD
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA68104012 : BA68104012