
Perspectives on Southern Africa


Perspectives on Southern Africa

University of California Press


Confrontation and accommodation in southern Africa : the limits of independence外部サイトState politics in Zimbabwe外部サイトThe fractured community : landscapes of power and gender in rural Zambia外部サイトLesotho, 1970 : an African coup under the microscope外部サイトBureaucracy and race : native administration in South Africa外部サイトThe South West Africa/Namibia dispute : documents and scholarly writings on the controversy between South Africa and the United Nations外部サイトAfrikaner political thought : analysis and documents外部サイトEducation, race, and social change in South Africa外部サイトModernizing racial domination : The dynamics of south African politics外部サイトSol Plaatje, South African nationalist, 1876-1932外部サイトModernizing racial domination : South Africa's political dynamics外部サイトHidden struggles in rural South Africa : politics & popular movements in the Transkei & Eastern Cape, 1890-1930外部サイトLegitimating the illegitimate : state, markets, and resistance in South Africa外部サイトSwaziland : the dynamics of political modernization外部サイトJ.M. Coetzee : South Africa and the politics of writing外部サイトTales from southern Africa外部サイトThe rise of Afrikanerdom : power, apartheid, and the Afrikaner civil religion外部サイトA complicated war : the harrowing of Mozambique外部サイトCrown and charter : the early years of the British South Africa Company外部サイトThe tradition of resistance in Mozambique : the Zambesi Valley, 1850-1921外部サイトThe roots of rural poverty in Central and Southern Africa外部サイトTales from southern Africa外部サイトThe land belongs to us : the Pedi polity, the Boers, and the British in the nineteenth-century Transvaal外部サイトThe rise and fall of the South African peasantry外部サイトThe white tribe of Africa : South Africa in perspective外部サイトA life's mosaic : the autobiography of Phyllis Ntantala外部サイトBlack power in South Africa : the evolution of an ideology外部サイトPeasant consciousness and guerrilla war in Zimbabwe : a comparative study外部サイトSoldiers without politics : Blacks in the South African armed forces外部サイトLand and racial domination in Rhodesia外部サイトFault lines : journeys into the new South Africa外部サイトThe darker reaches of government : access to information about public administration in the United States, Britain and South Africa外部サイトGuns & rain : guerrillas & spirit mediums in Zimbabwe外部サイトExpectations of modernity : myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian Copperbelt外部サイトGoing for gold : men, mines, and migration外部サイトThe black homelands of South Africa : the political and economic development of Bophuthatswana and KwaZulu外部サイトThe revolt of the Hereros外部サイトAfrikaner politics in South Africa, 1934-1948外部サイトThe opening of the Apartheid mind : options for the new South Africa外部サイトCorporate power in an African state : the political impact of multinational mining companies in Zambia外部サイトModernizing racial domination : South Africa's political dynamics外部サイトPolitics in Zambia外部サイトThe spirit of freedom : South African leaders on religion and politics外部サイトThe soul of mbira : music and traditions of the Shona people of Zimbabwe外部サイトA democratic South Africa? : constitutional engineering in a divided society外部サイトChange in contemporary South Africa外部サイトThe autobiography of an unknown South African外部サイトTowards an African literature : the emergence of literary form in Xhosa外部サイトExpectations of modernity : myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian Copperbelt外部サイトBlack power in South Africa : the evolution of an ideology外部サイトJustice in South Africa外部サイトA democratic South Africa? : constitutional engineering in a divided society外部サイトBlack heart : Gore-Browne and the politics of multiracial Zambia外部サイトSouth Africa without apartheid : dismantling racial domination外部サイトThe Rand at war 1899-1902 : the Witwatersrand and the Anglo-Boer war外部サイトLaw, order and liberty in South Africa外部サイトThe house of Phalo : a history of the Xhosa people in the days of their independence外部サイトAngola under the Portuguese : the myth and the reality外部サイトState politics in Zimbabwe外部サイト






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Confrontation and accommodation in southern Africa : the limits of independence
State politics in Zimbabwe
The fractured community : landscapes of power and gender in rural Zambia
Lesotho, 1970 : an African coup under the microscope
Bureaucracy and race : native administration in South Africa
The South West Africa/Namibia dispute : documents and scholarly writings on the controversy between South Africa and the United Nations
Afrikaner political thought : analysis and documents
Education, race, and social change in South Africa
Modernizing racial domination : The dynamics of south African politics
Sol Plaatje, South African nationalist, 1876-1932
Modernizing racial domination : South Africa's political dynamics
Hidden struggles in rural South Africa : politics & popular movements in the Transkei & Eastern Cape, 1890-1930
Legitimating the illegitimate : state, markets, and resistance in South Africa
Swaziland : the dynamics of political modernization
J.M. Coetzee : South Africa and the politics of writing
Tales from southern Africa
The rise of Afrikanerdom : power, apartheid, and the Afrikaner civil religion
A complicated war : the harrowing of Mozambique
Crown and charter : the early years of the British South Africa Company
The tradition of resistance in Mozambique : the Zambesi Valley, 1850-1921
The roots of rural poverty in Central and Southern Africa
Tales from southern Africa
The land belongs to us : the Pedi polity, the Boers, and the British in the nineteenth-century Transvaal
The rise and fall of the South African peasantry
The white tribe of Africa : South Africa in perspective
A life's mosaic : the autobiography of Phyllis Ntantala
Black power in South Africa : the evolution of an ideology
Peasant consciousness and guerrilla war in Zimbabwe : a comparative study
Soldiers without politics : Blacks in the South African armed forces
Land and racial domination in Rhodesia
Fault lines : journeys into the new South Africa
The darker reaches of government : access to information about public administration in the United States, Britain and South Africa
Guns & rain : guerrillas & spirit mediums in Zimbabwe
Expectations of modernity : myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian Copperbelt
Going for gold : men, mines, and migration
The black homelands of South Africa : the political and economic development of Bophuthatswana and KwaZulu
The revolt of the Hereros
Afrikaner politics in South Africa, 1934-1948
The opening of the Apartheid mind : options for the new South Africa
Corporate power in an African state : the political impact of multinational mining companies in Zambia
Modernizing racial domination : South Africa's political dynamics
Politics in Zambia
The spirit of freedom : South African leaders on religion and politics
The soul of mbira : music and traditions of the Shona people of Zimbabwe
A democratic South Africa? : constitutional engineering in a divided society
Change in contemporary South Africa
The autobiography of an unknown South African
Towards an African literature : the emergence of literary form in Xhosa
Expectations of modernity : myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian Copperbelt
Black power in South Africa : the evolution of an ideology
Justice in South Africa
A democratic South Africa? : constitutional engineering in a divided society
Black heart : Gore-Browne and the politics of multiracial Zambia
South Africa without apartheid : dismantling racial domination
The Rand at war 1899-1902 : the Witwatersrand and the Anglo-Boer war
Law, order and liberty in South Africa
The house of Phalo : a history of the Xhosa people in the days of their independence
Angola under the Portuguese : the myth and the reality
State politics in Zimbabwe
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00452527 : BA00452527