
Chandos Asian studies series : contemporary issues and trends


Chandos Asian studies series : contemporary issues and trends

Rowley, Chris



Series editor: Chris Rowley


The private sector and China's market development外部サイトHuman capital management challenges in India外部サイトExpatriates in Asia : breaking free from the colonial paradigm外部サイトHR due diligence : mergers and acquisitions in China外部サイトPost-acquisition management in China外部サイトLong-term commitment, trust and the rise of foreign banking in China外部サイトChina 2020 : the next decade for the people's republic of China外部サイトProspects of regional economic cooperation in South Asia with special studies on Indian industry外部サイトGlobalization and the Chinese retailing revolution : competing in the world's largest emerging market外部サイトSouth Korea : challenging globalisation and the post-crisis reforms外部サイトThe globalisation of executives and economies : lessons from Thailand外部サイトThe economic relations between Asia and Europe : organisations, trade and investment外部サイトVertical specialization and trade surplus in China外部サイトBusiness strategy and corporate governance in the Chinese consumer electronics sector外部サイトFemale entrepreneurship in East and South-East Asia : opportunities and challenges外部サイトThe transformation of human resource management and industrial relations in Vietnam外部サイトThe rise of the dragon : inward and outward investment in China in the reform period, 1978-2000外部サイトManaging people globally : an Asian perspective外部サイトChina and India : opportunities and threats for the global software industry外部サイトTruths and half truths : China's socio-economic reforms (1978-2010)外部サイトThe evolution of the US-Japan alliance : the eagle and the chrysanthemum外部サイトIndia's innovation blueprint : how the world's largest democracy is becoming an innovation superpower外部サイトDevelopment and reform of higher education in China外部サイトChina-ASEAN relations and international law外部サイトChina : building an innovative economy外部サイトSucceed or sink : business sustainability under globalisation外部サイトManaging foreign research and development in the People's Republic of China : the new think-tank of the world外部サイトHuman resources management in China : cases in HR practice外部サイトThe nature of Asian firms : an evolutionary perspective外部サイトMultinational corporation subsidiaries in China : an empirical study of growth and development strategy外部サイトVietnamese state industry and the political economy of commercial renaissance : dragon's tooth or curate's egg?外部サイトSolving disputes for regional cooperation and development in the South China Sea : a Chinese perspective外部サイトInternet law in China外部サイトThe private sector's role in poverty reduction in Asia外部サイトGlobalization, change and learning in South Asia外部サイトLabour disputes and their resolution in China外部サイトThe role of China in global dirty industry migration外部サイトGlobalization, flexibilization and working conditions in Asia and the Pacific外部サイトAsian business groups : context, governance and performance外部サイトGuerilla capitalism : the state in the market in Vietnam外部サイトSecuring the safety of navigation in East Asia : legal and political dimensions外部サイトThe Chinese consumer market : opportunities and risks外部サイトWTO accession and socio-economic development in China外部サイトThe rapidly transforming Chinese high technology industry and market : institutions, ingredients, mechanism and modus operandi外部サイトThe multi-dimensions of industrial relations in the Asian knowledge-based economies外部サイトTrends in mobile technology and business in the Asia-Pacific region外部サイトStrategic marketing decision-making in Japanese and South Korean companies外部サイトYunnan -- a Chinese bridgehead to Asia : a case study of China's political and economic relations with its neighbours外部サイトChina's capital markets外部サイトManagement education in Japan外部サイトThe changing landscape of China's consumerism外部サイトStrategic challenges and strategic responses : the transformation of Chinese state-owned enterprises外部サイトInside China's legal system外部サイトDoing business successfully in China外部サイトGlobalisation and work in Asia外部サイトImplementation of changes in Chinese organizations : groping a way through the darkness外部サイト






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Chandos Asian studies series
Series editor: Chris Rowley
The private sector and China's market development
Human capital management challenges in India
Expatriates in Asia : breaking free from the colonial paradigm
HR due diligence : mergers and acquisitions in China
Post-acquisition management in China
Long-term commitment, trust and the rise of foreign banking in China
China 2020 : the next decade for the people's republic of China
Prospects of regional economic cooperation in South Asia with special studies on Indian industry
Globalization and the Chinese retailing revolution : competing in the world's largest emerging market
South Korea : challenging globalisation and the post-crisis reforms
The globalisation of executives and economies : lessons from Thailand
The economic relations between Asia and Europe : organisations, trade and investment
Vertical specialization and trade surplus in China
Business strategy and corporate governance in the Chinese consumer electronics sector
Female entrepreneurship in East and South-East Asia : opportunities and challenges
The transformation of human resource management and industrial relations in Vietnam
The rise of the dragon : inward and outward investment in China in the reform period, 1978-2000
Managing people globally : an Asian perspective
China and India : opportunities and threats for the global software industry
Truths and half truths : China's socio-economic reforms (1978-2010)
The evolution of the US-Japan alliance : the eagle and the chrysanthemum
India's innovation blueprint : how the world's largest democracy is becoming an innovation superpower
Development and reform of higher education in China
China-ASEAN relations and international law
China : building an innovative economy
Succeed or sink : business sustainability under globalisation
Managing foreign research and development in the People's Republic of China : the new think-tank of the world
Human resources management in China : cases in HR practice
The nature of Asian firms : an evolutionary perspective
Multinational corporation subsidiaries in China : an empirical study of growth and development strategy
Vietnamese state industry and the political economy of commercial renaissance : dragon's tooth or curate's egg?
Solving disputes for regional cooperation and development in the South China Sea : a Chinese perspective
Internet law in China
The private sector's role in poverty reduction in Asia
Globalization, change and learning in South Asia
Labour disputes and their resolution in China
The role of China in global dirty industry migration
Globalization, flexibilization and working conditions in Asia and the Pacific
Asian business groups : context, governance and performance
Guerilla capitalism : the state in the market in Vietnam
Securing the safety of navigation in East Asia : legal and political dimensions
The Chinese consumer market : opportunities and risks
WTO accession and socio-economic development in China
The rapidly transforming Chinese high technology industry and market : institutions, ingredients, mechanism and modus operandi
The multi-dimensions of industrial relations in the Asian knowledge-based economies
Trends in mobile technology and business in the Asia-Pacific region
Strategic marketing decision-making in Japanese and South Korean companies
Yunnan -- a Chinese bridgehead to Asia : a case study of China's political and economic relations with its neighbours
China's capital markets
Management education in Japan
The changing landscape of China's consumerism
Strategic challenges and strategic responses : the transformation of Chinese state-owned enterprises
Inside China's legal system
Doing business successfully in China
Globalisation and work in Asia
Implementation of changes in Chinese organizations : groping a way through the darkness