
Monograph series


Monograph series

American Chemical Society
Chemical Catalog Co. : Reinhold Publishing Co



"The first monograph of the series appeared in 1921"--General introd. of no. 149 (c1960)"The Chemical Catalog Co." is the Book dept. of ACSPublisher v...


Aromatic fluorine compounds外部サイトHigh energy electron scattering外部サイトGlycols外部サイトThe vitamins外部サイトZirconium and its compounds外部サイトCalcium : metallurgy and technology外部サイトRadiation chemistry of gases外部サイトCasein and its industrial applications外部サイトThe manufacture of sulfuric acid外部サイトThe structure of crystals : supplement for 1930-1934 to the second edition外部サイトCrystallization : theory and practice外部サイトOrganic derivatives of antimony外部サイトThe chemistry of leather manufacture外部サイトCasein and its industrial applications外部サイトProperties of ordinary water-substance : in all its phases : water-vapor, water, and all the ices外部サイトThe origin of spectra外部サイトOrganometallic chemistry外部サイトCopper : the science and technology of the metal, its alloys and compounds外部サイトPhosphoric acid, phosphates, and phosphatic fertilizers外部サイトCorrosion resistance of metals and alloys外部サイトGlycerol and the glycols : production, properties and analyses外部サイトEmulsions : theory and practice外部サイトThe chemistry of the coordination compounds外部サイトThe performance of lubricating oils外部サイトThe chemistry of the coordination compounds外部サイトProperties of ordinary water-substance in all its phases : water-vapor, water, and all the ices外部サイトStyrene : its polymers, copolymers, and derivatives外部サイトEmulsions : theory and practice外部サイトProtective coatings for metals外部サイトTin : its mining, production, technology, and applications外部サイトThe properties of silica : an introduction to the properties of substances in the solid non-conducting state外部サイトThe chemistry and technology of rubber外部サイトThe solubility of nonelectrolytes外部サイトAlkali soils : their formation, properties and reclamation外部サイトThe properties of glass外部サイトThe chemistry and technology of rubber外部サイトThe chemical aspects of immunity外部サイトMembranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts外部サイトThe chemistry of the coordination compounds外部サイトThe chemistry of natural coloring matters : the constitutions, properties, and biological relations of the important natural pigments外部サイトManufacture of soda, with special reference to the ammonia process : a practical treatise外部サイトChemical refining of petroleum : the action of various refining agents and chemicals on petroleum and its products外部サイトMetallurgy of chromium and its alloys外部サイトProtective coatings for metals外部サイトTypes of tannages外部サイトTitanium : with special reference to the analysis of titaniferous substances外部サイトWood distillation外部サイトPhthalocyanine compounds外部サイトThe biochemistry of B vitamins外部サイトThe chemistry and technology of rubber外部サイトFormaldehyde外部サイトThe chemistry of acetylene外部サイトNucleic acids外部サイトShale oil外部サイトSurface chemistry : theory and industrial applications外部サイトTungsten : its history, geology, ore-dressing, metallurgy, chemistry, analysis, applications, and economics外部サイトThe animal as a converter of matter and energy : a study of the rôle of live stock in food production外部サイトSulfuric acid manufacture外部サイトPhotodynamic action and diseases caused by light外部サイトThe chemical aspects of immunity外部サイトIsotope effects in chemical reactions外部サイトChemistry of the soil外部サイトProtective coatings for metals外部サイトWood chemistry外部サイトSodium chloride : the production and properties of salt and brine外部サイトArsenical and argentiferous copper外部サイトTin : its mining, production, technology, and applications外部サイトThe chemistry of leather manufacture外部サイトThe chemistry of enzyme actions外部サイトProtective coatings for metals外部サイトFundamentals of dairy science外部サイトFlameproofing textile fabrics外部サイトThe free energies of some organic compounds外部サイトChemistry of chromium and its compounds外部サイトProcess control of leather quality外部サイトThe chemistry of synthetic dyes and pigments外部サイトThe chemical effects of alpha particles and electrons外部サイトNatural products related to phenanthrene外部サイトPolymerization and its applications in the fields of rubber, synthetic resins, and petroleum外部サイトColloid chemistry : Wisconsin lectures外部サイトManufacture of Soda : with special reference to the ammonia process : a practical treatise外部サイトEvaluation of leather外部サイトThe chemistry of water and sewage treatment外部サイトThe modern calorimeter外部サイトIndustrial wastes, their disposal and treatment外部サイトCarbon dioxide外部サイトSemiconductors外部サイトThe chemistry of leather manufacture外部サイトModern methods of refining lubricating oils外部サイトThe nitrogen system of compounds外部サイトThe chemistry and technology of rubber外部サイトBacteriophage biochemistry外部サイトPatents on alkylation of alkanes外部サイトVegetable fats and oils外部サイトOrganic compounds of mercury外部サイトSodium : its manufacture, properties and uses外部サイトThyroxine外部サイトIndustrial organic nitrogen compounds外部サイトSurface chemistry : theory and industrial applications外部サイトChemistry and technology of fertilizers外部サイトPhenomena at the temperature of liquid helium外部サイトPolymerization and its applications in the fields of rubber, synthetic resins, and petroleum外部サイトVegetable fats and oils : the chemistry, production and utilization of vegetable facts and oils for edible, medicinal and technical purposes外部サイトThe chemical effects of alpha particles and electrons外部サイトFormaldehyde外部サイトModern methods of refining lubricating oils外部サイトFundamentals of dairy science外部サイトChemical refining of petroleum : the action of various refining agents and chemicals on petroleum and its products外部サイトThe therapeutic agents of the quinoline group : cinchophen, plasmoquine, nupercaine, quinine and acridine dyes; the relation between their chemical constitution and pharmacologic action外部サイトPhysical constants of hydrocarbons外部サイトIsomerization of pure hydrocarbons外部サイトThe chemistry of natural products related to phenanthrene外部サイトCyclanes, cyclenes, cyclynes, and other alycyclic hydrocarbons外部サイトFertilizer nitrogen : its chemistry and technology外部サイトPerchlorates : their properties, manufacture, and uses外部サイトCasein and its industrial applications外部サイト塩化ナトリウム : 塩および塩水の製造と諸性質外部サイトAtomic and free radical reactions : the kinetics of gas-phase reactions involving atoms and organic radicals外部サイトThe physical chemistry of electrolytic solutions外部サイトThe development of physiological chemistry in the United States外部サイトSoluble silicates, their properties and uses外部サイトAtomic and free radical reactions外部サイトThe performance of lubricating oils外部サイトEquilibria in saturated salt solutions : a summary of the results of the study of the heterogeneous equilibria which exist in aqueous solutions of electrolytes外部サイトCation exchange in soils外部サイトPhosphoric acid, phosphates and phosphatic fertilizers外部サイトOrganic arsenical compounds外部サイトMolecular rearrangements外部サイトThe performance of lubricating oils外部サイトThe physical chemistry of electrolytic solutions外部サイトCobalt外部サイトCobalt : its chemistry, metallurgy, and uses外部サイトHydrocarbons from petroleum : the fractionation, analysis, isolation, purification, and properties of petroleum hydrocarbons, an account of the work of the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 6外部サイトCoal carbonization外部サイトValence and the structure of atoms and molecules外部サイトGlue and gelatin外部サイトEmulsions : theory and practice外部サイトBearing metals and bearings外部サイトDielectric constant and molecular structure外部サイトAnhydrous aluminum chloride in organic chemistry外部サイトThe catalytic oxidation of organic compounds in the vapor phase外部サイトMolybdenum, cerium and related alloy steels外部サイトIndustrial hydrogen外部サイトNoxious gases and the principles of respiration influencing their action外部サイトHydrogen peroxide外部サイトPhotosynthesis外部サイトChlorine : its manufacture, properties and uses外部サイトThe mechanism of homogeneous organic reactions from the physical-chemical standpoint外部サイトAliphatic fluorine compounds外部サイトThe pyrolysis of carbon compounds外部サイトTungsten : its history, geology, ore-dressing, metallugy, chemistry, analysis, applications, and economics外部サイトThe chemistry of plant gums and mucilages and some related polysaccharides外部サイトFixed nitrogen外部サイトThe sulfonamides and allied compounds外部サイトCarotinoids and related pigments : the chromolipoids外部サイトThe chemistry of natural products related to phenanthrene外部サイトStatistical mechanics with applications to physics and chemistry外部サイトThe phosphatides外部サイトCorrosion resistance of metals and alloys外部サイトThe structure of crystals外部サイトThe chemistry of synthetic dyes and pigments外部サイトColloid chemistry外部サイトThe recovery of gasoline from natural gas : with a discussion of motor fuels外部サイトSoluble silicates in industry外部サイトThe pentaerythritols外部サイトProtective metallic coatings外部サイトThe analysis of rubber外部サイトThe chemistry of enzyme actions外部サイトThe furans外部サイトThe solubility of non-electrolytes外部サイトFormaldehyde外部サイトPreparation for tannage外部サイトBiochemistry of the fatty acids and their compounds, the lipids外部サイトElectrokinetic phenomena and their application to biology and medicine外部サイトThe structure of crystals外部サイトThe chemistry of wood外部サイトThe industrial development of searles lake brines with equilibrium data外部サイトPhenomena at the temperature of liquid helium外部サイトThe properties of glass外部サイトThe kinetics of homogeneous gas reactions外部サイトThe reactions of pure hydrocarbons外部サイトThe Raman effect and its chemical applications外部サイトThe alkaline-earth and heavy-metal soaps外部サイトZinc : the science and technology of the metal, its alloys and compounds外部サイトSurface equilibria of biological and organic colloids外部サイトVegetable fats and oils : the chemistry, production, and utilization for edible, medicinal and technical purposes外部サイトPolymerization and its applications in the fields of rubber, synthetic resins, and petroleum外部サイトMineral metabolism外部サイトChemistry of the soil外部サイトThe physiological effects of radiant energy外部サイトStyrene, its polymers, copolymers, and derivatives外部サイトWood chemistry外部サイトSolubility外部サイトThe chemistry of wheat flour外部サイトDiatomaceous earth外部サイトThe vitamins外部サイトThe properties of electrically conducting systems : including electrolytes and metals外部サイトThe ring index : a list of ring systems used in organic chemistry外部サイトDiffusion and membrane technology外部サイトThe ring index : a list of ring systems used in organic chemistry外部サイトThe science of high explosives外部サイトGlycerol外部サイトThe biochemistry of the amino acids外部サイトChemistry of the soil外部サイトPhotochemical processes外部サイトThe chemistry of organic cyanogen compounds外部サイトThe free energies of some organic compounds外部サイトPhotodynamic action and diseases caused by light外部サイトThe Raman effect and its chemical applications外部サイトParafins, olefins, acetylenes, and other aliphatic hydrocarbons外部サイトHydrochloric acid and sodium sulfate外部サイトNoxious gases and the principles of respiration influencing their action外部サイトProteins, amino acids and peptides as ions and dipolar ions外部サイトThe constituents of wheat and wheat products外部サイトThe Raman effect and its chemical applications外部サイトThe chemistry of the aliphatic orthoesters外部サイトCarbon dioxide外部サイトThe free energies of some organic compounds外部サイト



  • Aromatic fluorine compounds

  • High energy electron scattering

  • Glycols

  • The vitamins

  • Zirconium and its compounds





  • CiNii Research

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American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society monograph series
ACS monograph series
ACS monograph