タイトルよみPitt Meadows Japanese Farmers' Association = ピット メドウ ニホンジン ノウカイ
並列タイトル等Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmer's Association
一般注記Documents in Japanese or English
Other title, series title and no. from container
Filmed from the original archives held in the University of British Columbia Library, Special Collections and University Archives Division
Consists of correspondence, financial records, printed material etc. of the Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers' Association (1937-1942) and the Canadian Japanese Association in Vancouver. Includes references to the Japanese Language School and the town of Mission, and printed material pertaining to the Sino-Japanese war
Includes: Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers' Association : an inventory to the fonds in the University of British Columbia Library Special Collections and University Archives Division / prepared by Sayuri Tsuruta. July 1996
Contents: Series I.1-IV.4
Master negative no.: CRMM (BVAU) 960030
関連情報Japanese-Canadian research collection
掲載誌Japanese-Canadian research collection
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB03475683 : BB03475683