
Economic series


Economic series

Science Council of Japan, Division of Economics, Commerce & Business Administration


On cultural conditions affecting population trends in Japan外部サイトEssais sur François Quesnay外部サイトCapital accumulation and its features in postwar Japan外部サイトAreal study and location theory : some methodological examination of economic geography外部サイトSome aspects of the history of the labour movement in Japan外部サイトEssays on a methodological study of social sciences外部サイトDie List-Forschung in Ostdeutchland外部サイトConditions for direct taxation and other essays外部サイトRelations between expanded reproduction schema and national income and inter-industrial relations table外部サイトEssays in public finance外部サイトThe theory of technological progress and its application to international trade外部サイトJapan's trade and her level of living外部サイトThe historical development of economic dynamics : a memorandum外部サイトFinancial aspects of economic development of Japan, 1868-1958外部サイトAn introduction to sociological economics外部サイトLabor in modern Japan外部サイトDevelopment of local banking in Japan : period of development of industrial capitalism外部サイトBibliography of the classical economics外部サイトBibliography of the classical economics外部サイトEssays on international trade外部サイトThe history and structure of Japan's small and medium industries : with two specific surveys外部サイトA system of functional equations for the behavior of the price of stock in a stock exchange ; fundamantal laws of "elasticity" as an operator外部サイトBusiness and government : review from the standpoint of public utilities and historical studies of American public utility commissions外部サイトConception of high grade corporation外部サイトThe theory of structural change of national economy外部サイトExploitaion among nations as factor of stagnation of productivity in underdeveloped countries外部サイトPresent-day public finance and trends in historical development外部サイトOver-population and family planning in Japan外部サイトStaat und Wirtschaft : Grundlegung der Nationalökonomie als der Logik der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft外部サイトPresent conditions of accounting education in Japan外部サイトJames Steuart, Adam Smith and Friedrich List外部サイトThe character of Japanese imperialism外部サイトCapital versus labour under high growth外部サイトAdjustment of the differences between business profits and taxable income . Present conditions of accounting education in Japan外部サイトIntroduction to the analysis of contemporary trade cycles外部サイトStudies in public finance and taxation外部サイトOrigin of "cash method bookkeeping" in Japan外部サイトBusiness cycles in post-war Japan外部サイトA revised statement of business accounting principles : an interim report of Business Accounting Council外部サイトPolitical-economic problems regarding African revolution : its present and future外部サイトDevelopment of Marxism and the contemporary age . A study on the Ono-gumi外部サイトDie Logik der technischen Welt : Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Studie外部サイトEssays on Marxian economics外部サイトDie List-Forschung in Ostdeutschland外部サイトA contribution to the theoretical study of monetary inequilibrium and economic growth外部サイトLevel of living in Japan外部サイト






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日本学術会議第3部 ニホン ガクジュツ カイギ ダイ3ブ
The Science Council of Japan, Division of Economics, Commerce & Business Administration economic series
On cultural conditions affecting population trends in Japan
Essais sur François Quesnay
Capital accumulation and its features in postwar Japan
Areal study and location theory : some methodological examination of economic geography
Some aspects of the history of the labour movement in Japan
Essays on a methodological study of social sciences
Die List-Forschung in Ostdeutchland
Conditions for direct taxation and other essays
Relations between expanded reproduction schema and national income and inter-industrial relations table
Essays in public finance
The theory of technological progress and its application to international trade
Japan's trade and her level of living
The historical development of economic dynamics : a memorandum
Financial aspects of economic development of Japan, 1868-1958
An introduction to sociological economics
Labor in modern Japan
Development of local banking in Japan : period of development of industrial capitalism
Bibliography of the classical economics
Bibliography of the classical economics
Essays on international trade
The history and structure of Japan's small and medium industries : with two specific surveys
A system of functional equations for the behavior of the price of stock in a stock exchange ; fundamantal laws of "elasticity" as an operator
Business and government : review from the standpoint of public utilities and historical studies of American public utility commissions
Conception of high grade corporation
The theory of structural change of national economy
Exploitaion among nations as factor of stagnation of productivity in underdeveloped countries
Present-day public finance and trends in historical development
Over-population and family planning in Japan
Staat und Wirtschaft : Grundlegung der Nationalökonomie als der Logik der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Present conditions of accounting education in Japan
James Steuart, Adam Smith and Friedrich List
The character of Japanese imperialism
Capital versus labour under high growth
Adjustment of the differences between business profits and taxable income . Present conditions of accounting education in Japan
Introduction to the analysis of contemporary trade cycles
Studies in public finance and taxation
Origin of "cash method bookkeeping" in Japan
Business cycles in post-war Japan
A revised statement of business accounting principles : an interim report of Business Accounting Council
Political-economic problems regarding African revolution : its present and future
Development of Marxism and the contemporary age . A study on the Ono-gumi
Die Logik der technischen Welt : Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Studie
Essays on Marxian economics
Die List-Forschung in Ostdeutschland
A contribution to the theoretical study of monetary inequilibrium and economic growth
Level of living in Japan
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research