
Early American studies


Early American studies

Dunn, Richard S.ほか
University of Pennsylvania Press



Director: Richard S. DunnSeries editor: The McNeil Center for Early American Studies


Seasons of misery : catastrophe and colonial settlement in Early America外部サイトThe Empire reformed : English America in the age of the Glorious Revolution外部サイトThe varieties of political experience in eighteenth-century America外部サイトLouisiana : crossroads of the Atlantic world外部サイトStuyvesant bound : an essay on loss across time外部サイトParades and the politics of the street : festive culture in the early American republic外部サイトSubjects unto the same king : Indians, English, and the contest for authority in colonial New England外部サイトWarner Mifflin : unflinching Quaker abolitionist外部サイトHopeful journeys : German immigration, settlement, and political culture in colonial America, 1717-1775外部サイトDangerous economies : status and commerce in imperial New York外部サイトReligion and profit : Moravians in early America外部サイトAn unsettled conquest : the British campaign against the peoples of Acadia外部サイトArt in a season of revolution : painters, artisans, and patrons in early America外部サイトAnglicizing America : empire, revolution, republic外部サイトSealed with blood : war, sacrifice, and memory in Revolutionary America外部サイトDeath in the New World : cross-cultural encounters, 1492-1800外部サイトAn infinity of nations : how the native New World shaped early North America外部サイトLiberty on the waterfront : American maritime culture in the Age of Revolution外部サイトJohn Woolman's path to the peaceable kingdom : a Quaker in the British Empire外部サイトChristian slavery : conversion and race in the protestant Atlantic world外部サイトNew Netherland and the Dutch origins of American religious liberty外部サイトAn age of infidels : the politics of religious controversy in the early United States外部サイト1812 : war and the passions of patriotism外部サイトTown born : the political economy of New England from its founding to the Revolution外部サイトThe way of improvement leads home : Philip Vickers Fithian and the rural Enlightenment in early America外部サイトRevolutionary backlash : women and politics in the early American Republic外部サイトAn empire divided : the American Revolution and the British Caribbean外部サイトSacred violence in early America外部サイトThe weaver's craft : cloth, commerce, and industry in early Pennsylvania外部サイトNew World orders : violence, sanction, and authority in the colonial Americas外部サイトThe shame and the sorrow : Dutch-Amerindian encounters in New Netherland外部サイトDoomsayers : Anglo-American prophecy in the age of Revolution外部サイトA nation of women : gender and colonial encounters among the Delaware Indians外部サイトPrinters and men of capital : Philadelphia book publishers in the new republic外部サイトThe Catholic calumet : colonial conversions in French and Indian North America外部サイトCapitalism by gaslight : illuminating the economy of nineteenth-century America外部サイトRebellion and savagery : the Jacobite rising of 1745 and the British Empire外部サイトMaking houses, crafting capitalism : builders in Philadelphia, 1790-1850外部サイトEmbodied history : the lives of the poor in early Philadelphia外部サイトSeduced, abandoned, and reborn : visions of youth in middle-class America, 1780-1850外部サイトLaboring women : reproduction and gender in New World slavery外部サイトThe poor Indians : British missionaries, native Americans, and colonial sensibility外部サイトThe varieties of political experience in eighteenth-century America外部サイトEnvisioning an English empire : Jamestown and the making of the North Atlantic world外部サイトPeoples of the river valleys : the odyssey of the Delaware Indians外部サイトFirst City : Philadelphia and the forging of historical memory外部サイトCaptives of liberty : prisoners of war and the politics of vengeance in the American Revolution外部サイトPhiladelphia stories : people and their places in early America外部サイトTaming lust : crimes against nature in the early Republic外部サイトThe Creole Archipelago : race and borders in the colonial Caribbean外部サイトRevolutions and reconstructions : black politics in the long nineteenth century外部サイトThe early imperial republic : from the American Revolution to the U.S.-Mexican War外部サイトSpeculation nation : land mania in the revolutionary American republic外部サイトRepublic of taste : art, politics, and everyday life in early America外部サイトSeneca possessed : Indians, witchcraft, and power in the early American republic外部サイトSweet liberty : the final days of slavery in Martinique外部サイトRum punch & revolution : taverngoing & public life in eighteenth-century Philadelphia外部サイトEmpire by collaboration : Indians, colonists, and governments in colonial Illinois country外部サイトDoomsayers : Anglo-American prophecy in the age of Revolution外部サイトTaming lust : crimes against nature in the early Republic外部サイトTea sets and tyranny : the politics of politeness in early America外部サイトRobert Love's warnings : searching for strangers in colonial Boston外部サイトSlavery's capitalism : a new history of American economic development外部サイトFriends and strangers : the making of a Creole culture in colonial Pennsylvania外部サイトSlavery's capitalism : a new history of American economic development外部サイトUnsettling the West : violence and state building in the Ohio Valley外部サイトThe Haitian Revolution and the early United States : histories, textualities, geographies外部サイトContested spaces of early America外部サイトLiberty's prisoners : carceral culture in early America外部サイトGenerous enemies : patriots and loyalists in Revolutionary New York外部サイトDiscerning characters : the culture of appearance in early America外部サイトPolitical gastronomy : food and authority in the English Atlantic world外部サイトUnwelcome Americans : living on the margin in early New England外部サイトThe first prejudice : religious tolerance and intolerance in early America外部サイトBodies of belief : Baptist community in early America外部サイトTroubled experiment : crime and justice in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800外部サイトThe native ground : Indians and colonists in the heart of the continent外部サイトLenape country : Delaware Valley society before William Penn外部サイトPerforming patriotism : national identity in the colonial and revolutionary American theater外部サイトImperial entanglements : Iroquois change and persistence on the frontiers of empire外部サイトA town in-between : Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the early Mid-Atlantic interior外部サイトThe settlers' empire : colonialism and state formation in America's Old Northwest外部サイトProfessional Indian : the American odyssey of Eleazer Williams外部サイトThese fiery frenchified dames : women and political culture in early national Philadelphia外部サイトIn my power : letter writing and communications in early America外部サイトColonial complexions : race and bodies in eighteenth-century America外部サイトOne family under God : love, belonging, and authority in early transatlantic Methodism外部サイトFrontier country : the politics of war in early Pennsylvania外部サイトJesus is female : Moravians and the challenge of radical religion in early America外部サイトDispossessed lives : enslaved women, violence, and the archive外部サイトThe ties that buy : women and commerce in revolutionary America外部サイトThe shame and the sorrow : Dutch-Amerindian encounters in New Netherland外部サイトWild Frenchmen and Frenchified Indians : material culture and race in colonial Louisiana外部サイトA not-so-new world : empire and environment in French colonial North America外部サイトFrom privileges to rights : work and politics in colonial New York city外部サイトMany identities, one nation : the Revolution and its legacy in the Mid-Atlantic外部サイトA democracy of facts : natural history in the early republic外部サイトThe poor Indians : British missionaries, native Americans, and colonial sensibility外部サイトA new nation of goods : the material culture of early America外部サイトBeyond the farm : national ambitions in rural New England外部サイトDangerous neighbors : making the Haitian Revolution in early America外部サイトSlavery's borderland : freedom and bondage along the Ohio River外部サイトZamumo's gifts : Indian-European exchange in the colonial Southeast外部サイトFirst lady of letters : Judith Sargent Murray and the struggle for female independence外部サイトSlavery and the democratic conscience : political life in Jeffersonian America外部サイトLiquid landscape : geography and settlement at the edge of early America外部サイトThe threshold of Manifest Destiny : gender and national expansion in Florida外部サイトSpeaking with the dead in early America外部サイトThe native ground : Indians and colonists in the heart of the continent外部サイトHistoric real estate : market morality and the politics of preservation in the early United States外部サイトWicked flesh : black women, intimacy, and freedom in the Atlantic world外部サイトSeasons of misery : catastrophe and colonial settlement in Early America外部サイトLaid waste! : the culture of exploitation in early America外部サイトThe settlers' empire : colonialism and state formation in America's Old Northwest外部サイトDispossessed lives : enslaved women, violence, and the archive外部サイトThe disaffected : Britain's occupation of Philadelphia during the American Revolution外部サイトCultivating empire : capitalism, philanthropy, and the negotiation of American imperialism in Indian country外部サイトAn age of infidels : the politics of religious controversy in the early United States外部サイト1812 : war and the passions of patriotism外部サイトChristian slavery : conversion and race in the Protestant Atlantic world外部サイトCaptives of liberty : prisoners of war and the politics of vengeance in the American Revolution外部サイトUnder the skin : tattoos, scalps, and the contested language of bodies in early America外部サイトOccupied America : British military rule and the experience of revolution外部サイトContested bodies : pregnancy, childrearing, and slavery in Jamaica外部サイトNew Netherland and the Dutch origins of American religious liberty外部サイトThe world colonization made : the racial geography of early American empire外部サイトA constitutional culture : New England and the struggle against arbitrary rule in the Restoration empire外部サイトUndoing slavery : bodies, race, and rights in the age of abolition外部サイトParades and the politics of the street : festive culture in the early American republic外部サイトThe world that fear made : slave revolts and conspiracy scares in early America外部サイト






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Director: Richard S. Dunn
Series editor: The McNeil Center for Early American Studies
Seasons of misery : catastrophe and colonial settlement in Early America
The Empire reformed : English America in the age of the Glorious Revolution
The varieties of political experience in eighteenth-century America
Louisiana : crossroads of the Atlantic world
Stuyvesant bound : an essay on loss across time
Parades and the politics of the street : festive culture in the early American republic
Subjects unto the same king : Indians, English, and the contest for authority in colonial New England
Warner Mifflin : unflinching Quaker abolitionist
Hopeful journeys : German immigration, settlement, and political culture in colonial America, 1717-1775
Dangerous economies : status and commerce in imperial New York
Religion and profit : Moravians in early America
An unsettled conquest : the British campaign against the peoples of Acadia
Art in a season of revolution : painters, artisans, and patrons in early America
Anglicizing America : empire, revolution, republic
Sealed with blood : war, sacrifice, and memory in Revolutionary America
Death in the New World : cross-cultural encounters, 1492-1800
An infinity of nations : how the native New World shaped early North America
Liberty on the waterfront : American maritime culture in the Age of Revolution
John Woolman's path to the peaceable kingdom : a Quaker in the British Empire
Christian slavery : conversion and race in the protestant Atlantic world
New Netherland and the Dutch origins of American religious liberty
An age of infidels : the politics of religious controversy in the early United States
1812 : war and the passions of patriotism
Town born : the political economy of New England from its founding to the Revolution
The way of improvement leads home : Philip Vickers Fithian and the rural Enlightenment in early America
Revolutionary backlash : women and politics in the early American Republic
An empire divided : the American Revolution and the British Caribbean
Sacred violence in early America
The weaver's craft : cloth, commerce, and industry in early Pennsylvania
New World orders : violence, sanction, and authority in the colonial Americas
The shame and the sorrow : Dutch-Amerindian encounters in New Netherland
Doomsayers : Anglo-American prophecy in the age of Revolution
A nation of women : gender and colonial encounters among the Delaware Indians
Printers and men of capital : Philadelphia book publishers in the new republic
The Catholic calumet : colonial conversions in French and Indian North America
Capitalism by gaslight : illuminating the economy of nineteenth-century America
Rebellion and savagery : the Jacobite rising of 1745 and the British Empire
Making houses, crafting capitalism : builders in Philadelphia, 1790-1850
Embodied history : the lives of the poor in early Philadelphia
Seduced, abandoned, and reborn : visions of youth in middle-class America, 1780-1850
Laboring women : reproduction and gender in New World slavery
The poor Indians : British missionaries, native Americans, and colonial sensibility
The varieties of political experience in eighteenth-century America
Envisioning an English empire : Jamestown and the making of the North Atlantic world
Peoples of the river valleys : the odyssey of the Delaware Indians
First City : Philadelphia and the forging of historical memory
Captives of liberty : prisoners of war and the politics of vengeance in the American Revolution
Philadelphia stories : people and their places in early America
Taming lust : crimes against nature in the early Republic
The Creole Archipelago : race and borders in the colonial Caribbean
Revolutions and reconstructions : black politics in the long nineteenth century
The early imperial republic : from the American Revolution to the U.S.-Mexican War
Speculation nation : land mania in the revolutionary American republic
Republic of taste : art, politics, and everyday life in early America
Seneca possessed : Indians, witchcraft, and power in the early American republic
Sweet liberty : the final days of slavery in Martinique
Rum punch & revolution : taverngoing & public life in eighteenth-century Philadelphia
Empire by collaboration : Indians, colonists, and governments in colonial Illinois country
Doomsayers : Anglo-American prophecy in the age of Revolution
Taming lust : crimes against nature in the early Republic
Tea sets and tyranny : the politics of politeness in early America
Robert Love's warnings : searching for strangers in colonial Boston
Slavery's capitalism : a new history of American economic development
Friends and strangers : the making of a Creole culture in colonial Pennsylvania
Slavery's capitalism : a new history of American economic development
Unsettling the West : violence and state building in the Ohio Valley
The Haitian Revolution and the early United States : histories, textualities, geographies
Contested spaces of early America
Liberty's prisoners : carceral culture in early America
Generous enemies : patriots and loyalists in Revolutionary New York
Discerning characters : the culture of appearance in early America
Political gastronomy : food and authority in the English Atlantic world
Unwelcome Americans : living on the margin in early New England
The first prejudice : religious tolerance and intolerance in early America
Bodies of belief : Baptist community in early America
Troubled experiment : crime and justice in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800
The native ground : Indians and colonists in the heart of the continent
Lenape country : Delaware Valley society before William Penn
Performing patriotism : national identity in the colonial and revolutionary American theater
Imperial entanglements : Iroquois change and persistence on the frontiers of empire
A town in-between : Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the early Mid-Atlantic interior
The settlers' empire : colonialism and state formation in America's Old Northwest
Professional Indian : the American odyssey of Eleazer Williams
These fiery frenchified dames : women and political culture in early national Philadelphia
In my power : letter writing and communications in early America
Colonial complexions : race and bodies in eighteenth-century America
One family under God : love, belonging, and authority in early transatlantic Methodism
Frontier country : the politics of war in early Pennsylvania
Jesus is female : Moravians and the challenge of radical religion in early America
Dispossessed lives : enslaved women, violence, and the archive
The ties that buy : women and commerce in revolutionary America
The shame and the sorrow : Dutch-Amerindian encounters in New Netherland
Wild Frenchmen and Frenchified Indians : material culture and race in colonial Louisiana
A not-so-new world : empire and environment in French colonial North America
From privileges to rights : work and politics in colonial New York city
Many identities, one nation : the Revolution and its legacy in the Mid-Atlantic
A democracy of facts : natural history in the early republic
The poor Indians : British missionaries, native Americans, and colonial sensibility
A new nation of goods : the material culture of early America
Beyond the farm : national ambitions in rural New England
Dangerous neighbors : making the Haitian Revolution in early America
Slavery's borderland : freedom and bondage along the Ohio River
Zamumo's gifts : Indian-European exchange in the colonial Southeast
First lady of letters : Judith Sargent Murray and the struggle for female independence
Slavery and the democratic conscience : political life in Jeffersonian America
Liquid landscape : geography and settlement at the edge of early America
The threshold of Manifest Destiny : gender and national expansion in Florida
Speaking with the dead in early America
The native ground : Indians and colonists in the heart of the continent
Historic real estate : market morality and the politics of preservation in the early United States
Wicked flesh : black women, intimacy, and freedom in the Atlantic world
Seasons of misery : catastrophe and colonial settlement in Early America
Laid waste! : the culture of exploitation in early America
The settlers' empire : colonialism and state formation in America's Old Northwest
Dispossessed lives : enslaved women, violence, and the archive
The disaffected : Britain's occupation of Philadelphia during the American Revolution
Cultivating empire : capitalism, philanthropy, and the negotiation of American imperialism in Indian country
An age of infidels : the politics of religious controversy in the early United States
1812 : war and the passions of patriotism
Christian slavery : conversion and race in the Protestant Atlantic world
Captives of liberty : prisoners of war and the politics of vengeance in the American Revolution
Under the skin : tattoos, scalps, and the contested language of bodies in early America
Occupied America : British military rule and the experience of revolution
Contested bodies : pregnancy, childrearing, and slavery in Jamaica
New Netherland and the Dutch origins of American religious liberty
The world colonization made : the racial geography of early American empire
A constitutional culture : New England and the struggle against arbitrary rule in the Restoration empire
Undoing slavery : bodies, race, and rights in the age of abolition
Parades and the politics of the street : festive culture in the early American republic
The world that fear made : slave revolts and conspiracy scares in early America
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research