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- 18. congress, Joint IABS/WHO Symposium on Standardization and Control of Biologicals Produced by Recombinant DNA Technology : proceedings of a symposiumSecond WHO/IABS Symposium on Viral Hepatitis : standardization in immunoprophylaxis of infections by hepatitis viruses : proceedings of a symposiumCells products safety : background papers from the WHO Study Group on Biologicals : Geneva, 18-19 Nov. 1986International WHO-IABS Symposium on Standardization and Control of Allergens Administered to Man : proceedings of the 35th Symposium organized jointly by the World Health Organization and the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the WHO Auditorium, Geneva, Switzerland 17-19 July, 1974International symposium on standardization of the immunopharmacology of natural and synthetic immunomodulators : proceedings of a symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization held at the Palais des Congrès, Annecy, France 15-17 May 1991Vaccinations in the developing countries : proceedings of a symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Hotel Novotel, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe 16-20 April 1978Genetic stability and recombinant product consistency : Annecy, France July 8-9, 1993Replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experiments in the development and control of biological products, Langen, Germany, November 2-4, 1994Pertussis vaccine trials : Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy, October 30-November 1, 1995International Symposium on Brucellosis : proceedings of the 49th symposium, organized by International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Hilton Hotel, Rabat, Morocco, 2-4 June 1975Genetics of streptococci, enterococci and lactococci, Santa Fee, NM, USA, May 15-18, 1994IABS/WHO/UCSF Symposium on use and standardization of chemically defined antigens : proceedings of a symposiumAlternatives to animals in the development and control of biological products for human and veterinary use : London Zoo, London, U.K. September 24-26, 1998Preclinical and clinical development of new vaccines : Institut Pasteur, Paris, France 27-28 May 1997A celebration of 50 years of progress in biological standardization and control at WHO : WHO Headquarters, Geneva, 25-27 October 1998Proceedings of the Joint ESACT-IABS Meeting on the Use of Heteroploid and Other Cell Substrates for the Production of Biologicals, held in Heidelberg (F.R. Germany) 18-22 May 198121st congress of the IABS on progress in animal retroviruses : proceedings of a symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization held at the Centre Bonlieu, Annecy, France, 4-6 October, 1989, cosponsored by the World Health OrganizationInternational Symposium on Monoclonal Antibodies, Standardization of their Characterization and Use : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Standardization of Albumin, Plasma Substitutes, and Plasmapheresis : proceedings of a symposiumThe standardization of animals to improve biomedical research, production, and controlProceedings of the Joint ESACT/IABS Meeting on the Diagnostics and Vaccines for Parasitic Diseases : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Requirements for Poultry Virus Vaccines : proceedings of the 42th [sic] symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the École supérieure de commerce of Lyon (France)Proceedings of the 7th General Meeting on advances in animal cell technology : cell engineering, evaluation, and exploitation : held at the Grand Hotel Sauerhof zu Rauhenstein in Baden near Vienna, Austria, on September 30th to October 4th, 1985Non-Target effects of live vaccines : Langen, Germany November 3-5, 1993Proceeding[s] of the third general meeting of European Society of Animal Cell Technology, held at Keble College, Oxford, U.K., 2-5 October 1979International Symposium on Reassessment of Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine : proceedings of a symposiumSafety of biological products prepared from mammalian cell culture : conference Centre of the Marcel-Mérieux Foundation, Les Pensières, Veyrier-du-Lac, Annecy, France, September 29-October 1, 1996International Symposium on Continuous Cell Lines : an international workshop on current issues : proceedings of a workshop held at Masur Auditorium NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD, USA, March 20-22, 199120th IABS Congress on Cytokines Laboratory and Clinical Evaluation : proceedings of a symposium19th IABS Congress on Use and Standardization of Combined Vaccines : proceedings of a symposiumModulation of the immune response to vaccine antigens : University of Bergen, Norway, June 18-21, 1996International Symposium on Purity of Human Plasma Proteins : proceedings of Parts A and C of the 13th international congress organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Roosevelt tér 9, Budapest, Hungary, 11-14 September, 1973International Symposium on BCG Vaccines and Tuberculins : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Pyrogenicity, Innocuity, and Toxicity Test Systems for Biological Products : proceedings of the 57th symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 9 Roosevelt tér, Budapest V (Hungary) 8-10 September 1976Simian virus 40(SV40) : a possible human polyomavirus : Natcher Auditorium,NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA January 27 and 28, 1997Symposium on Monoclonal Antibodies for Therapy, Prevention, and in Vivo Diagnosis of Human Disease : proceedings of a symposiumIABS Symposium on Reduction of Animal Usage in the Development and Control of Biological Products : proceedings of a symposiumProceedings of the Fifth General Meeting of European Society of Animal Cell Technology, held at Falkoner Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 Sept. 1982Fish vaccinology : Soria Moria Hotel, Oslo, Norway, June 5-7, 1996Third International Symposium on Brucellosis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Institut scientifique et technique des sports, Algiers, Algeria, April 18-20, 1983Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Pertussis : a joint meeting of the International Association of Biological Standardization and the World Health Organization held at the Executive Board room of the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland 25.-27. Sept. 1984International Symposium on freeze-drying of biological products : proceedings of the 50th symposium organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the Shoreham Americana Hotel, Washington D.C., USA, 10-13 October 1976Biological characterization and assay of cytokines and growth factors : National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Potters Bar, Herts., U.K. September 10-12, 1997New approaches to stabilisation of vaccines potency : WHO Headquarters, Geneva, May 29-31, 1995Proceedings of the Joint ESACT/IABS Meeting on the Production and Exploitation of Existing and New Animal Cell Substrates, held at Villa Alba, Gardone Riviera, Italy, 21-25 May, 1984International Meeting on Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies : impact on Animal and Human Health : proceedings of a meeting held at the Kongresshaus, Stadthalle, Heidelberg(Germany) June 23-24, 1992XVIIth International Congress on Herpes Virus of Man and Animal: Standardization of Immunological Procedures : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Enteric Infections in Man and Animals: Standarization of Immunological Procedures : proceedings of a symposiumJoint OIE-IABS Symposium on Clostridial Products in Veterinary Medicine : proceedings of the 48th symposium organized by the International Office of Epizootics, OIE, and the International Association of Biological Standardization and held at the head office of the OIE ... Paris, France, 15-19 September 1975Development of specifications for biotechnology pharmaceutical products : Hyatt Regency, San Francisco CA, USA, May 2-3, 1996Symposium on Continuous Cell Lines as Substrates for Biologicals : proceedings of a symposiumm organized by the Cell Culture Committee of the International Association of Biological Standardization held at the National Clarion Hotel Arlington, Virginia, USA(Washington, D.C.), May 26-29, 1988, co-sponserd by the World Health Organization and the European Society of Anila Cell TechnologyCharacterization of biotechnology pharmaceutical products : Washington D.C., USA December 11-13, 1995Inactivated influenza vaccines prepared in cell culture : National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Potters Bar, Herts., U.K. September 26-27, 1997Joint WHO/IABS Symposium on the Standardization of Rabies Vaccines for Human Use Produced in Tissue Culture (Rabies III) : proceedings of the 52nd symposiumAnimal sera, animal sera derivatives and substitutes used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals : viral safety and regulatory aspects Strasbourg, France May 5-6, 1998Viral safety and evaluation of viral clearance from biopharmaceutical products : Natcher Conference Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, June 14-16, 1995International Symposium on Immunization of Adult Birds with Inactivated Oil Adjuvant Vaccines : proceedings of a symposiumVirological safety aspects of plasma derivatives : cannes(France) November 3-6, 1992International Symposium on the First Steps Towards an International Harmonization of Veterinary Biologicals : 1993 and free circulation of vaccines within the E.E.C. : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Fish Biologics, Serodiagnostics and Vaccines : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Biological Product Freeze-Drying and Formulation : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on virological aspects of the safety of biological productsJoint IABS/CSL Symposium on Standardization in Blood Fractionation Including Coagulation Factors : proceedings of a symposiumInternational Symposium on Pertussis: Evaluation and Research on Acellular Pertussis VaccinesRecombinant vectors in vaccine development : Albany NY, USA, May 23-26, 1993International Workshop on Poliovirus Attenuation : molecular mechanisms and practical aspects : proceedings of a workshop held at Holiday Inn, Bethesda, MD, USA, December 9-10, 1991
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