
The language of science


The language of science

Plenum Press


Programmed cell death外部サイトNonlinear parabolic and elliptic equations外部サイトPolymers and other advanced materials : emerging technologies and business opportunities外部サイトAlcohol, cell membranes, and signal transduction in brain外部サイトEndocrinology of embryo-endometrium interactions外部サイトTherapeutic change : an object relations perspective外部サイトElectron tomography : three-dimensional imaging with the transmission electron microscope外部サイトNegro business and business education : their present and prospective development外部サイトEnzymes of the cholinesterase family外部サイトPhoton and electron collisions with atoms and molecules外部サイトMicelles : theoretical and applied aspects外部サイトNeurolinguistics : historical and theoretical perspectives外部サイトConsultation-liaison psychiatry : 1990 and beyond外部サイトDisruptive behavior disorders in childhood外部サイトGeologic modeling and mapping外部サイトMolecular interactions in bioseparations外部サイトEvaluating managed mental health services : the Fort Bragg experiment外部サイトChiral reactions in heterogeneous catalysis外部サイトFrom high-temperature superconductivity to microminiature refrigeration外部サイトNeuroendocrinology of gastrointestinal ulceration外部サイトBiochemistry of nickel外部サイトCritical issues in systems theory and practice外部サイトMetal-containing polymeric materials外部サイトDie Kunst of phonons : lectures from the Winter School of Theoretical Physics外部サイトFractals in petroleum geology and earth processes外部サイトStatistics for archaeologists : a commonsense approach外部サイトMolecular biology of membrane transport disorders外部サイトFrom lab to market : commercialization of public sector technology外部サイトConceptual foundations of quantum physics : an overview from modern perspectives外部サイトNondestructive characterization of materials IV外部サイトIdentification of transcribed sequences外部サイトDirections for the next generation of MMIC devices and systems外部サイトElectron collisions with molecules, clusters, and surfaces外部サイトComputational methods for electron-molecule collisions外部サイトProperties of complex inorganic solids外部サイトCoherent optical interactions in semiconductors外部サイトParent-child interaction therapy外部サイトPotentiating health and the crisis of the immune system : integrative approaches to the prevention and treatment of modern diseases外部サイトBiotechnology and environmental science : molecular approaches外部サイトUterine and embryonic factors in early pregnancy外部サイトLegal and ethical aspects of HIV-related research外部サイトEmpirical methods of evaluation of man-machine interfaces外部サイトAdvances in coal spectroscopy外部サイトFrom neural networks and biomolecular engineering to bioelectronics外部サイトVaccine design : the subunit and adjuvant approach外部サイトMultimedia communications and video coding外部サイトSociologies of food and nutrition外部サイトBiological and environmental chemistry of DMSP and related sulfonium compounds外部サイトDealing with complexity : an introduction to the theory and application of systems science外部サイトEnvironmental UV photobiology外部サイトAdvances in the applications of membrane-mimetic chemistry外部サイトLegacy of injustice : exploring the cross-generational impact of the Japanese American internment外部サイトElectrochemical engineering and energy外部サイトPlace attachment外部サイトMathematical models for handling partial knowledge in artificial intelligence外部サイトQuantum communication, computing, and measurement外部サイトInheritance and wealth in America外部サイトBiochemistry of zinc外部サイトPreschool issues in autism外部サイトNeural control of movement外部サイトDealing with medical knowledge : computers in clinical decision making外部サイトEntitlement and the affectional bond : justice in close relationships外部サイトComputational neuroscience : trends in research, 1997外部サイトCritical issues in surgery外部サイトSymmetries in science IX外部サイトNeural representation of temporal patterns外部サイトFrom memories to mental illness : a conceptual journey外部サイトSocial referencing and the social construction of reality in infancy外部サイトNonequilibrium effects in ion and electron transport外部サイトInterfacial aspects of multicomponent polymer materials外部サイトEpidemiology and the delivery of health care services : methods and applications外部サイトMacromolecular engineering : recent advances外部サイトThe cell cycle : regulators, targets, and clinical applications外部サイトFetal islet transplantation外部サイトKimberlites, orangeites, and related rocks外部サイトHigh-technology applications of organic colorants外部サイトRickettsial infection and immunity外部サイトImmunology of human papillomaviruses外部サイトEpithelial tumors of the thymus : pathology, biology, treatment外部サイトImprovement of cereal quality by genetic engineering外部サイトSexuality : a developmental approach to problems外部サイトThe freedom of the self : the bio-existential treatment of character problems外部サイトBiomagnetic stimulation外部サイトThe hidden curriculum : faculty-made tests in science外部サイトIntroduction to microscopy by means of light, electrons, X rays, or acoustics外部サイトIntercellular signalling in the mammary gland外部サイトInteractive computer systems : videotex and multimedia外部サイトSystems science : addressing global issues外部サイトAsphaltene particles in fossil fuel exploration, recovery, refining, and production processes外部サイトInpatient behavior therapy for children and adolescents外部サイトThe steric factor in medicinal chemistry : dissymmetric probes of pharmacological receptors外部サイトThe dilemmas of brief psychotherapy外部サイトHuman and machine vision : analogies and divergencies外部サイトCardiovascular reactivity and stress : patterns of physiological response外部サイトReliability assessment of electric power systems using Monte Carlo methods外部サイトSociopolitical ecology : human systems and ecological fields外部サイトLocal area network interconnection外部サイトNew advances in polyolefins外部サイトPuerto Rican women and children : issues in health, growth, and development外部サイトIntroduction to brain topography外部サイトDrug policy and human nature : psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drug abuse外部サイトSingular spectrum analysis : a new tool in time series analysis外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Language of science
Programmed cell death
Nonlinear parabolic and elliptic equations
Polymers and other advanced materials : emerging technologies and business opportunities
Alcohol, cell membranes, and signal transduction in brain
Endocrinology of embryo-endometrium interactions
Therapeutic change : an object relations perspective
Electron tomography : three-dimensional imaging with the transmission electron microscope
Negro business and business education : their present and prospective development
Enzymes of the cholinesterase family
Photon and electron collisions with atoms and molecules
Micelles : theoretical and applied aspects
Neurolinguistics : historical and theoretical perspectives
Consultation-liaison psychiatry : 1990 and beyond
Disruptive behavior disorders in childhood
Geologic modeling and mapping
Molecular interactions in bioseparations
Evaluating managed mental health services : the Fort Bragg experiment
Chiral reactions in heterogeneous catalysis
From high-temperature superconductivity to microminiature refrigeration
Neuroendocrinology of gastrointestinal ulceration
Biochemistry of nickel
Critical issues in systems theory and practice
Metal-containing polymeric materials
Die Kunst of phonons : lectures from the Winter School of Theoretical Physics
Fractals in petroleum geology and earth processes
Statistics for archaeologists : a commonsense approach
Molecular biology of membrane transport disorders
From lab to market : commercialization of public sector technology
Conceptual foundations of quantum physics : an overview from modern perspectives
Nondestructive characterization of materials IV
Identification of transcribed sequences
Directions for the next generation of MMIC devices and systems
Electron collisions with molecules, clusters, and surfaces
Computational methods for electron-molecule collisions
Properties of complex inorganic solids
Coherent optical interactions in semiconductors
Parent-child interaction therapy
Potentiating health and the crisis of the immune system : integrative approaches to the prevention and treatment of modern diseases
Biotechnology and environmental science : molecular approaches
Uterine and embryonic factors in early pregnancy
Legal and ethical aspects of HIV-related research
Empirical methods of evaluation of man-machine interfaces
Advances in coal spectroscopy
From neural networks and biomolecular engineering to bioelectronics
Vaccine design : the subunit and adjuvant approach
Multimedia communications and video coding
Sociologies of food and nutrition
Biological and environmental chemistry of DMSP and related sulfonium compounds
Dealing with complexity : an introduction to the theory and application of systems science
Environmental UV photobiology
Advances in the applications of membrane-mimetic chemistry
Legacy of injustice : exploring the cross-generational impact of the Japanese American internment
Electrochemical engineering and energy
Place attachment
Mathematical models for handling partial knowledge in artificial intelligence
Quantum communication, computing, and measurement
Inheritance and wealth in America
Biochemistry of zinc
Preschool issues in autism
Neural control of movement
Dealing with medical knowledge : computers in clinical decision making
Entitlement and the affectional bond : justice in close relationships
Computational neuroscience : trends in research, 1997
Critical issues in surgery
Symmetries in science IX
Neural representation of temporal patterns
From memories to mental illness : a conceptual journey
Social referencing and the social construction of reality in infancy
Nonequilibrium effects in ion and electron transport
Interfacial aspects of multicomponent polymer materials
Epidemiology and the delivery of health care services : methods and applications
Macromolecular engineering : recent advances
The cell cycle : regulators, targets, and clinical applications
Fetal islet transplantation
Kimberlites, orangeites, and related rocks
High-technology applications of organic colorants
Rickettsial infection and immunity
Immunology of human papillomaviruses
Epithelial tumors of the thymus : pathology, biology, treatment
Improvement of cereal quality by genetic engineering
Sexuality : a developmental approach to problems
The freedom of the self : the bio-existential treatment of character problems
Biomagnetic stimulation
The hidden curriculum : faculty-made tests in science
Introduction to microscopy by means of light, electrons, X rays, or acoustics
Intercellular signalling in the mammary gland
Interactive computer systems : videotex and multimedia
Systems science : addressing global issues
Asphaltene particles in fossil fuel exploration, recovery, refining, and production processes
Inpatient behavior therapy for children and adolescents
The steric factor in medicinal chemistry : dissymmetric probes of pharmacological receptors
The dilemmas of brief psychotherapy
Human and machine vision : analogies and divergencies
Cardiovascular reactivity and stress : patterns of physiological response
Reliability assessment of electric power systems using Monte Carlo methods
Sociopolitical ecology : human systems and ecological fields
Local area network interconnection
New advances in polyolefins
Puerto Rican women and children : issues in health, growth, and development
Introduction to brain topography
Drug policy and human nature : psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drug abuse
Singular spectrum analysis : a new tool in time series analysis
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books