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- Soviet medicine : a bibliography of bibliographiesPatterns of employment before and after childbirth : United StatesRegistry of toxic effects of chemical substancesNational Library of Medicine classification : a scheme for the shelf arrangement of books in the field of medicine and its related sciencesThe breast cancer digest : a guide to medical care, emotional support, educational programs, and resourcesThe supplemental security income program for the aged, blind, and disabled : selected characteristics of State supplementation programs as of October 1977Medical technology : the culprit behind health care costs? : Proceedings of the 1977 Sun Valley Forum on National HealthDiseases of the liver and biliary tract : standardization of nomenclature, diagnostic criteria, and diagnostic methodologyModern concepts in brain tumor therapy : laboratory and clinical investigations : [a conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, February 26-28, 1976Strategic criminal justice planningHealth status of minorities and low-income groupsClinical pharmacy services in a community hospitalDemographic and economic characteristics of the aged : 1968 social security surveyPreventive and community medicine in primary care : a conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the Association of the Teachers of Preventive Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandProceedings of the 15th annual conference of the U.S. Public Health Service Cooperative Study, November 1976, Miami Beach, FloridaSurveillance, epidemiology, and end results : incidence and mortality data, 1973-1977The contemporary woman and crimeRural-urban migration research in the United States : annotated bibliography and synthesisThe male sex role : a selected and annotated bibliographyThe Atmosphere : endangered and endangeringThe people's health : facts, figures, and the futureTaste and development : the genesis of sweet preferenceHealth resources statistics : health manpower and health facilitiesNew directions in mental health care : Cooperative apartmentsSubtest estimates of the WISC full scale IQ's for childrenSurvey of dental benefit plans, 1973Cumulated index medicusParents' guide to childhood immunizationPrenatal development of the human with special reference to craniofacial structures : an atlasAppendices to the national cancer program operational plan : individual program descriptionsMedical care in the USSR : report of the U.S. deligation on Health Care Services and Planning, May 16-June 3, 1970Prediction of successful nursing performance : part I and part IISelected readings on mother-infant bondingThe dental implications of epilepsyTuberculosis in the world : trends in tuberculosis incidence, prevalence, and mortality at the beginning of the 3rd decade of the chemotherapeutic eraUnderstanding neurotic disorderProceedings of the International Conference on drug and pharmaceutical services Reimbursement : held at the Dulles Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, Washington, D.C. 2-5 November, 1976International Conference on Ultraviolet Carcinogenesis : a conference held in Warrenton, Virginia, March 21-23, 1977Diabetes mellitus : the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1976Bond sales for public school purposesExpenditures for public elementary and secondary education 1971-72Health care in Yugoslavia and the United StatesThe foreign medical graduate : a bibliographyAn economic analysis of cooperative medical services in the People's Republic of ChinaSymposium on Ovarian Carcinoma [held at Reston, Virginia, November 15 and 16, 1974Determinants of expenditures for physicians' services in the United States, 1948-68General revenue financing of the Social Security system : proposals introduced in the U.S. Congress, January 1973 to December 1977Teaching of chronic illness and aging : a conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, and the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, December 6-7, 1973International Symposium on Pertussis : proceedings of a conferencePsychology and the handicapped childTelevision and adolescent aggressivenessPolicy analysis with Social Security research files : --proceedings of a workshop held March 1978 at Williamsburg, VirginiaRegistry of toxic effects of chemical substancesAtlas of cancer mortality among U.S. nonwhites, 1950-1969Perspective on chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans : papers presented at the Conference on Dibenzodioxins and Dibenzofurans, Research Triangle Park, N. C., 1973Current research on pre-clinical aspects of cancer therapyNational and regional health planning in SwedenDescription and documentation of the dental auxiliary school dental delivery systemRespiratory research in the People's Republic of ChinaThe rights & responsibilities of women : recommendations of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on the Rights and Responsibilities of Women, 1973, 1974Symposium on Biological Effects and Measurement of Radio Frequency/Micriwaves : proceedings of a conference held in Rockville, Maryland, February 16-18, 1977The national nursing home survey : 1977 summary for the United StatesNational analysis of official child abuse and neglect reporting, 1977Medicine and public health in the People's Republic of ChinaPublic assistance social services related to MedicaidAsbestos : an information resourceCitizen participation in community mental health centers : an annotated bibliography and theoretical modelsExposure and processing guide for dental radiographySymposium, "Dental biomaterials-research priorities," August 7-8, 1973, Des Plaines, Illinois : proceedingsNeonatal hepatitis and biliary atresia : an international workshopBibliography of medical reviews 1966-1970Graduation and withdrawal from RN programs : a report of the Nurse Career-Pattern StudyA methodology for monitoring quality of nursing careFostering the growing need to learn : monographs and annotated bibliography on continuing education and health manpowerExpenditures and revenues for public elementary and secondary education 1970-71Interdisciplinary glossary on child abuse and neglect : legal, medical, social work termsSocial security programs in the United StatesState departments of education, state boards of education, and chief state school officers : including reference to legally created statewide coordinating agencies for higher educationOrgan doses in diagnostic radiologyReport of the national protective services project for older adultsA French approach to career education : an introductory interpretation of the French legislation of July 16, 1971, on vocational, technological, and continuing educationExposure tests for organic compounds in industrial toxicologyGenetic screening for inborn errors of metabolismAid to families with dependent children : a chartbookCigarette smoking as a dependence processNational health insurance proposals : provisions of bills introduced in the 93rd congress as of July 1974Perinatal carcinogenesisIssues in mental health and aging : proceedings of the Conference on Research in Mental Health and Aging, November 10-11, 1975, Bethesda, MdThe supply of health manpower : 1970 profiles and projections to 1990First followup survey design, instrument preparation, data collection, and file developmentBibliography of kuruThe 1967 national survey of institutionalized adults, residents of long-term medical care institutionsCurrent research on clinical cancer diagnosis, therapy, and patient careThe White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals : summary, final reportNational study of social services to children and their families : overview : prepared for National Center for Child Advocacy, United States Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Office of Human Development Services, United States Department of Health, Education, and WelfareThe educational system of SwitzerlandAn introduction to American medicine, 1975Child welfare in 25 states : an overviewThe need for teachers in our schools and collegesControl of occupational exposure to N20 in the dental operatoryRegulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells : a symposium sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandReport on Federal Government programs that relate to children, 1979Division of Special Mental Health Programs: Program statement 1980-1981Simulation model of women under social security : estimation of labor supply relationshipsProceedings of an Invitational Conference on Pharmacy ManpowerHandbook on the prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis : a translation of a Chinese publicationToward an educated health consumer : mass communication and quality in medical careIslamic Republic of PakistanMedicine in Chinese cultures : comparative studies of health care in Chinese and other societies : papers and discussions from a conference held in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., February 1974Personal health care expenditures by stateNutrition, growth, and development of North American Indian childrenNew views on older lives : a sampler of NIMH-sponsored research and service programsWomen and their health : research implications for a new eraForeign medical graduates and physician manpower in the United StatesForeign curriculum consultants in actionBibliography of ethnicity and ethnic groupsA Manual on State Mental Health PlanningPoly (ADP-ribose) : an international symposiumArt therapy : a bibliography, January 1940-June 1973Information and referral services : resource fileCurrent research on selected aspects of cancer-related biologyMedicine and public health in the People's Republic of ChinaTracing the patterns of disease : the role of epidemiology and biometryOccupational safety and health symposia, 1976Annotated bibliography of papers from the Addiction Research Center, 1935-75Handbook of psychiatric rating scalesExperimental evaluation of antitumor drugs in the USA and USSR and clinical correlationsSubsidized adoption in AmericaFrom student to RN : a report of the Nurse Career-Pattern StudyTelevision in day-to-day life : patterns of useFuture directions of doctoral education for nurses : report of conference January 20, 1971 Bethesda, MarylanaContrary to nature : being an illustrated commentary on some persons and events of historical importance in the development of knowledge concerning ... cancerDirectory of national information sources on handicapping conditions and related servicesCancer mortality in the United States, 1950-1977Mutual help groups : a guide for mental health workersCell surfaces and malignancy : a workshopSocial security in a changing worldResearch on smoking behaviorThe effects of disability on lifetime earningsLatino mental health : bibliography and abstractsFDA consumer nutrition knowledge survey : a nationwide study of food shopper's knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and reported behavior regarding food and nutritionHome delivered meals for older Americans : a demonstration : final report and guidelines, September 1971Chronic childhood illness : assessment of outcome : a conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1-2, 1974Epilepsy bibliography : with key-word and author indexesThe strategic planCriminal statisticsDrug information services : two operational modelsMental health planning : an annotated bibliographyAlternatives to gold alloys in dentistry : proceedings of a conferene held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, January 24-26, 1977A short title catalogue of eighteenth century printed books in the National Library of MedicineA selected annotated bibliography on Black familiesSpecialized training for dentists treating children with handicapsCumulated index medicusProceedings of the first National Symposium on Sickle Cell Disease, Washington, D.C., June 27-29, 1974Smoking and health : a report of the Surgeon GeneralPublic health planning in the USSRServices for alcoholic women : foundations for change : resource bookWorkshop on Genitourinary Cancer Immunology : held in Iowa City, Iowa, August 30-September 1, 1976Joint Conference on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismThird national cancer survey : incidence dataEducation in Thailand : some Thai perspectivesDigest of scientific recommendations for the national cancer program planIdiopathic urinary bladder stone diseaseHealth in America, 1776-1976Acupuncture anesthesia in the People's Republic of China, 1973A profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948Directory, Federal, State, county, and city government consumer officesThe underwriting significance of hypertension for the life insurance industry : prepared for the National High Blood Pressure Education ProgramProceedings of the International Conference on Women in Health, June 16-18, 1975, Washington, D.C. : sex roles in the health sector, June 16-18, 1975, Washington, D.C.Drug interactions; an annotated bibliography with selected excerptsSocial change and human behavior : mental health challenges of the seventiesA nationwide survey of mental health and correctional institutions for adult mentally disordered offendersSIF cells : structure and function of the small, intensely fluorescent sympathetic cellsAlcohol and nutrition : proceedings of a workshop, September 26-27, 1977, Indianapolis, IndianaIdentification and management of selected developmental disabilities : a guide for nursesDefining disability : a cross-country studyMinority ownership of small businesses : thirty case studiesReduction of radiation dose in diagnostic x-ray procedures : proceedings of a symposium held in Houston, Texas, July 8, 19714 serving school age childrenEnergy issues in healthTreatment for abused and neglected childrenThe British National Health Service : conversations with Sir George E. GodberLatino mental health : a review of literatureThe cranium of the newborn infant : an atlas of tomography and anatomical sectionsRegistry of toxic effects of chemical substancesResearch involving those institutionalized as mentally infirmThe Lipid research clinics population studies data bookDecayed, missing, and filled teeth among children, United StatesNutrition, development and social behavior : proceedings of the Conference on the Assessment of Tests of Behavior from Studies of Nutrition in the Western HemisphereInsurance regulations affecting prepaid dental care plans : a state-by-state analysisAnalysis of structured-response tests for professional educationMinorities & women in the health fields : applicants, students, and workersFundamentals of stroke careChinese herbal medicineScience and cancerMinimum requirements of construction & equipment for hospital & medical facilitiesProjections of educational statistics to 1980-81Radiation safety in x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy : proceedings of a conference held on January 6-7, 1970 at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaThe doctor-patient relationship in the changing health scene : proceedings of an international conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A., April 26-28, 1976Physics of diagnostic radiology : proceedings of a summer school held at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, July 12-17, 1971Community medicine in England and Scotland : an evolving specialty and its relationship to the reorganization of the National Health ServiceComparative immunology of the oral cavityThe education of adolescents : the final report and recommendations of the National Panel on High School and Adolescent EducationCancer of the cervix : proceedings of a conference of the Working Party on Radionuclides and Afterloading Techniques in the Treatment of Cancer of the Uterus in Developing Areas ; second meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 30 - June 1, 1973Foreign trained physicians and American medicineProblems of drug dependence, 1979 : proceedings of the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting, the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.Third special report to the U.S. Congress on alcohol and health from the Secretary of Health, Education, and WelfareCrisis intervention programs for disaster victims : a source book and manual for smaller communitiesPermanent planning for children in foster care : a handbook for social workersThird Decennial Review Conference : cell, tissue, and organ culture ; gene expression and regulation in cultured cellsReview of inhalants : euphoria to dysfunctionViolence at home : an annotated bibliographyBangladeshFeeding the child with a handicapTelevision's effects : further explorations : a technical report to the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social BehaviorCurrent research on cancer-related immunologyAn index to clinical research in the Federal Health Programs Service : a bibliography of published papers, presentations, current studiesEpidemiology and cancer registries in the Pacific BasinThe Consumer's guide to mental health and related federal programsOvercoming barriers to planning for children in foster careEvaluative research on social programs for the elderly : report of a seminar on evaluative research, Portland, Oregon, June, 1973, Miami, Florida, November, 1973The challenge of cancer nursingThe Doctorally prepared nurse : report of two conferences on the demand for and education of nurses with doctoral degreesLibraries and the Right To Read : a summary of USOE-funded programs and projects illustrative of the library's concern for the national Right To Right effortNIH almanacCitizen Roles in Community Mental Health Center EvaluationHealthy people : the Surgeon General's report on health promotion and disease preventionProceedings : USA-USSR First Joint Symposium on Sudden Death, Yalta, USSR, October 3-5, 1977The Behavioral sciences and preventive medicine : opportunities and dilemmas : a conference sponsord by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, Association of Teachers of Preventive MedicineMedical education and the state : the changing pattern in ten countriesInternational education resources; a summary of OE-funded research projects and reports available through the Educational Research Information Center, 1956-71A Bibliography of Chinese sources on medicine and public health in the People's Republic of China : 1960-1970Try it, you'll like it! : a student's introduction to nonsexist vocational educationConsequences of alcohol & marijuana use : survey items for perceived assessmentMental health and law : a system in transitionChemistry and biology of the kallikreinkinin system in health and disease : a conferenceThe national health system in Denmark : a descriptive analysisPublic accountability and peer review in health care delivery in the United States and the United KingdomDescription and documentation of the dental school dental delivery systemFacts of life and deathDental research in the United States and Canada fiscal year 1970 : a catalog of dental research projects sponsored during FY 1970 by federal and non-federal organizationsDrug utilization and drug utilization review and controlPollution: its impact on mental health : a literature survey and review of researchAccomplishments of the NIGMS Pharmacology : Toxicology Program, 1965-1975Dental manpower fact bookProceedings of the 13th annual conference of the U.S. Public Health Service Cooperative Study, May 1974, San Francisco, CaliforniaDental research in the United States and Canada fiscal year 1971 : a catalog of dental research projects sponsored during FY 1971 by federal and non-federal organizationsObservational measurement of clinical performanceTelevision and social learningRecent advances in studies of alcoholism : an interdisciplinary symposium Washington, D.C. June 25-27, 1970A decision-making approach to sex education : a curriculum guide and implementation manual for a model program with adolescents and parentsNormative approaches to the prevention of alcohol abuse and alcoholism : proceedings of a symposium, April 26-28, 1977, San Diego, CaliforniaHealthy people : the Surgeon General's report on health promotion and disease prevention : background papers, 1979 : report to the Surgeon General on health promotion and disease preventionInternational social security agreements : totalization, equality of treatment, and other measures to protect international migrant workersThe evaluation of chemical mutagenicity data in relation to population riskChild abuse/neglect : a guide for detection, prevention, and treatment in BCHS programs and projectsChina medicine as we saw itDirectory of halfway houses for the mentally ill and alcoholicsDirectory of state, county, and city government consumer officesSecond special report to the U.S. Congress on alcohol and health : new knowledgeAlmost 65 : baseline data from the retirement history studyTrudeau mycobacterial culture collectionPrevention and oral health : a conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the National Institute of Dental Research, 1973Older Americans act of 1965, as amended : history and related actsResearch in the Service of Mental Health : summary report of the Research Task Force of the National Intitute of Mental HealthNutrition research in the USSR, 1961-1970Readings in psychotherapy with older peopleStreptococcus mutans and dental caries : proceedings of a round table discussion, May 10, 1973, 73rd annual meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FloridaLegal provisions on expanded functions for dental hygienists and assistants : summarized by state, 1973Status of immunization in tuberculosis in 1971 : report of a conference on progress to date, future trends, and research needsEarnings distributions in the United StatesProceedings of the 13th annual conference of the U.S. Public Health Service Cooperative Study, April 1975, San Francisco, CaliforniaRape and older women : a guide to prevention and protectionMental health : principles and training techniques in nursing home careThe Nation's use of health resources, 1979Digest of educational statisticsDrug users and the criminal justice systemQuaSAR : quantitative structure activity relationships of analgesics, narcotic antagonists, and hallucinogensResearch Frontiers in Aging and Cancer : international symposium for the 1980's : proceedings of an International Symposium held in Washington, D.C. September 21-26, 1980Let's end isolation"Doing it" : a collection of articles on issues, problems and viable solutions concerned with the provision of effective human services in programs serving runaway youthCoordination : Health Planning and Community Mental HealthThe development of Peoples' Friendship University in MoscowMedia content and controlMaintenance of family ties of long-term care patients : theory and guide to practiceDetailed diagnoses and surgical procedures for patients discharged from short-stay hospitals : United States, 1977Some French initiatives in educating the socially and culturally disadvantagedInternational Symposium on Hodgkin's Disease : held by the Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, March 20-24, 1972Mandating private pensions : a study of European experienceFluorine in stomatology and hygiene = Ftor v stomoatologii i gigieneSenegalProceedings of the 12th annual conference of the U.S. Public Health Service Cooperative Study, April 1973, Chicago, IllinoisMental health and the elderly : recommendations for actionPerspective on PAEs : papers presented at the September 1972 conference on PAEs sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst, North CarolinaThe Federal government's relationship to the nationally recognized accrediting agencies : proceedings of an invitational conferenceSymposium on Pneumocystis Carinii Infection : [proceedings], Bethesda, Maryland, December 13-14, 1973The Relevance of biomedical engineering to dentistry : proceedings of the workshop held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, February 2-4, 1976New health practitioners : a conferenceOperational plan, FY 1976-1980Teacher turnover in public schools fall 1968 to fall 1969Symposium on Development of the BasicraniumA Study of our Nation's schoolsUrban emergency medical service of the city of LeningradModulation of host immune resistance in the prevention or treatment of induced neoplasias : a conference sponsored by the Virus Cancer Program, National Cancer Institute and John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, December 9-11, 1974, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandSex roles : a research bibliographyMethods of development of new anticancer drugs : U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. monographA literature reviewMeasurement of judgmental and decision processesOccupational diseases : a guide to their recognitionA review of Head Start Research since 1969 and an annotated bibliographyAuxiliaries per dentist in relation to certain dental practice characteristicsBibliography on racism, 1972-1975Fall 1973 statistics of public schools : advance reportAppointment control in a team dental practiceResearch in the service of mental health : report of the Research Task Force of the National Institute of Mental HealthMental health program reportsVictims of rapeTest items from the computer bank for dentistryThe cranium of the newborn infant : an atlas of tomography and anatomical sectionsStatistics on education of the handicapped in local public schools, spring 1970Long-term care in six countries : implications for the United StatesWoman and mental health : selected annotated references, 1970-73Medical technology : Urban Institute Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida December 10-12, 1978Conference on Spontaneous Regression of Cancer, held at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland, May 9 and 10, 1974The Effect of the man-made environment on health and behavior : a report of the inter-university board of collaboratorsThe educational system of Arab Republic of EgyptDrug information : literature review of needs, resources, and servicesAn assessment of the occlusion of the teeth of children 6-11 years, United States : estimates of the distribution of selected major components of occlusion among children; the prevalence of degrees of malocclusion; the average treatment priority index per child by age, sex, race, family income, parent's education, and region of residence; and a brief analysis of the relationship of occlusal status with thumbsucking and a reported need for orthodontic careShift work and health : a symposiumPrimary prevention, an idea whose time has come : proceedings of the Pilot Conference on Primary Prevention, April 2-4, 1976The formula grant program : Federal assistance for State and local programsBenign prostatic hyperplasia : a workshopAlcoholism treatment & rehabilitation : selected abstractsFactors which affect the utilization of dental services : a review and analysis of the literatureRecords, computers, and the rights of citizens : reportNational cancer program, 1976 : submitted to The President of the United States for transmittal to the CongressRegistry of toxic effects of chemical substancesAbstracts [of] The Psychoanalytic study of the child, volumes I-XXVLow and very low dose influences of ionizing radiations on cells and organisms, including man : a bibliographyThe ship's medicine chest and medical aid at seaInternational directory of investigators in psychopharmacologyExamination and diagnosis of periodontal diseaseGuide for the care and use of laboratory animalsBritish National Health Service complaints proceduresObesity in perspective : a conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, October 1-3, 1973Spontaneous hypertension, its pathogenesis and complications : proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, April 16-18, 1976, Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach, CaliforniaRegionalization & health policySocial security programs in the United StatesAtlas of cancer mortality for U.S. counties, 1950-1969Pupil mobility in public elementary and secondary schools during the 1968-70 school yearCurrent research on cancer etiology and epidemiology : non-viral aspectsPrevention of embryonic, fetal, and perinatal disease : the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandEducation in Japan : a century of modern developmentLegal sanctioning and social controlPolicies for the containment of health care costs and expenditures : proceedings of a conference. sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, April 26-28, 1976Prevention of embryonic, fetal, and perinatal disease : the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandCurrent research on cancer virologyChild-care programs in nine countries : a report prepared for the OECD Working Party on the Role of Women in the EconomyWorking with abusive parents : from a psychiatric point of viewThe nation's health resources, 1979Topics of study interest in medicine and public health in the People's Republic of China : report of a planning meetingJob stress and the police officer : identifying stress reduction techniques : proceedings of symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 8-9, 1975
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