一般注記"大韓"--Original t.p. of v. 1-v. 3, pt. 1
"朝鮮"--Original t.p. of v. 4, pt. 1-v. 30
Reprint of the Transactions, v. 1-30. Originally published in Seoul, [1900]-1940
Reprint. Originally published: v. 1: Seoul : Hon. Librarian [distributor], [19--]-1913. v. 2: Seoul : Korean Religious Tract Society [distributor], 1914-1918, Seoul : Christian Literature Society of Korea [distributor], 1919 (reprinted in 1935). v. 3: Seoul : Christian Literature Society [distributor], 1920 (reprinted in 1936)-1922, Seoul : Christian Literature Society of Korea [distributor], 1923-[1924], Seoul : [s.n.], 1925, Seoul : Printed by Y.M.C.A. Press, 1927. v. 4: Seoul : [s.n.], 1929, Seoul : Printed by Y.M.C.A. Press, 1930-1933. v. 5: Seoul : [s.n.], 1934, Seoul : Printed by Y.M.C.A. Press, 1934-1936, Seoul : Christian Literature Building, 1936. v. 6: Seoul : Christian Literature Building, 1937, Seoul : Printed by Y.M.C.A. Press, 1938-1940
Vol. 1: v. 1-v. 4, pt. 3 -- v. 2: v. 5, pt. 1-v. 10 -- v. 3: v. 11-v.17 -- v. 4: v. 18-v. 22 -- v. 5: v. 23-v. 26 -- v. 6: v. 27-v. 30
Includes bibliographical introduction in Korean
Original vol. 25 (v. 5) includes: Index to titles and authors of papers published in the Transactions of the Korea Branch ... , volume 1 to 25 / compiled by H.H. Underwood
Includes indexes
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA71899132 : BA71899132