
WIPO publication


WIPO publication

International Bureau of Intellectual Property


Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Portugal, Funchal(Madeira, Portugal), October 13 and 14, 1993外部サイトMadrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of April 14, 1891, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Nice on June 15, 1957, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979 : Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989 and as amended on October 3, 2006 regulations (as in force on January 1, 2008) and administrative instructions (as in force on January 1, 2008)外部サイトOfficial catchword index to the seventh edition (1999) of the international patent classification外部サイトLocarno Agreement establishing an International Classification for industrial designs signed at Locarno on October 8, 1968, as amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトBackground reading material on intellectual property外部サイトProtection against unfair competition : analysis of the present world situation外部サイトRecords of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Type Faces, 1973外部サイトNational experiences with the protection of expressions of folklore/traditional cultural expressions : India, Indonesia and Philippines外部サイトCopyright and neighboring rights laws and treaties外部サイトSymposium on the protection of geographical indications in the worldwide context外部サイトJoint recommendation concerning provisions on the protection of marks, and other industrial property rights in signs, on the internet(with explanatory notes)外部サイトPatent law treaty (PLT), done at Geneva on June 1, 2000 regulations under the patent law treaty (as in force from January 1, 2006) and explanatory notes on the patent law treaty and the regulations under the patent law treaty外部サイトRecords of the Nairobi Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, 1981外部サイトRevision concordance list Int.Cl.[6] ・ Int.Cl.[7] = Table de concordance Int.Cl.[6] ・ Int.Cl.[7]外部サイトSymposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Wiesbaden (Germany), October 17 and 18, 1991外部サイトGuide to the application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, as revised at Stockholm in 1967外部サイトConference on rules for institutional arbitration and mediation : jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) and the Swiss Arbitration Association(ASA) Geneva, January 20,1995外部サイトThe management of internet names and addresses : intellectual property issues外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of the patent law treaty Geneva, 2000外部サイトSuccessful technology licensing外部サイトPhysics外部サイトThe Importance of the patent system to developing countries : collection of lectures given at the World Symposium外部サイトGuide外部サイトJoint recommendation concerning provisions on the protection of well-known marks外部サイトWIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright and Neighboring Rights : Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, March 31 to April 2, 1993外部サイトModel law for developing countries on appellations of origin and indications of source外部サイトNational studies on assessing the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries外部サイトGuide to the international registration of marks under the Madrid agreement and the Madrid protocol (updated April 2007)外部サイトSuccessful technology licensing外部サイトIntellectual property : a power tool for economic growth外部サイトGuide to the international registration of marks under the Madrid agreement and the Madrid protocol : updated November 2000外部サイトVienna Agreement Establishing an international classification of the figurative elements of marks, done at Vienna on June 12, 1973 as amended on October l, 1985外部サイトThe Hague agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs of November 6, 1925外部サイトBerne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works : Paris act of July 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトRecords of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, Washington, 1989外部サイトSymposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of France, Santenay (France), November 9 and 10, 1989外部サイトConvention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite done at Brussels on May 21, 1974外部サイトTextiles ; paper外部サイトNairobi treaty on the protection of the olympic symbol adopted at Nairobi on September 26, 1981 = Traite de Nairobi concernant la protection du symbole olympique adopte a Nairobi le 26 septembre 19814 = Найробский договор об охране олимпийского символя принятый в Няйроби 26 сентября 1981 года = Tratado de Nairobi sobre la protectión del Símbolo Olímpico adopado en nairobi el 26 de septiembre de 1981外部サイトTrademark Law Treaty and regulations : done at Geneva on October 27, 1994外部サイトBudapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, and amended on September 26, 1980 and regulations外部サイトRecords of the Locarno Conference for the Purpose of Setting up an International Classification for Industrial Designs (October 2 to 8, 1968)外部サイトThe twenty-five years of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1970-1995外部サイトGuide to the Rome convention and to the Phonograms convention外部サイトPatent cooperation treaty (PCT), done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, modified on February 3, 1984, and October 3, 2001 (as in force from April 1, 2002) and regulations under the PCT (as in force from April 1, 2002)外部サイトIntellectual property needs and expectations of traditional knowledge holders : WIPO report on fact-finding missions on intellectual property and traditional knowledge (1998-1999)外部サイトWIPO performances and phonograms treaty(WPPT)(1996) with the agreed statements of the diplomatic conference that adopted the treaty and the provisions of the Berne convention(1971) and of the Rome convention(1961) referred to in the treaty外部サイトWIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Future of Copyright and Neighboring Rights : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie of France, le Louvre, Paris, France - June 1 to 3, 1994外部サイトLicensing guide for developing countries : a guide on the legal aspects of the negotiation and preparation of industrial property licenses and technology transfer agreements appropriate to the needs of developing countries外部サイトWorldwide forumon the arbitration of intellectual property disputes jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the American Arbitration Association(AAA) Geneva, March 3 and 4, 1994外部サイトSymposium on Appellations of Origin and Indications of Source : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) incooperation with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of France, Bordeaux, November 3-5, 1988外部サイトMadrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of April 14, 1891, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Nice on June 15, 1957, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979 : Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989 and regulations (as in force on January 1, 1998)外部サイトPatent cooperation treaty (PCT) done at Washington on June 19, 1970 amended on September 28, 1979 modified on February 3, 1984, and on October 3, 2001 and regulations under the PCT (as in force from April 1, 2007)外部サイトThe intellectual property-conscious nation : mapping the path from developing to developed外部サイトInternational classification for industrial designs (Locarno classification)外部サイトWIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Intellectual Property Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, Stanford (California), United States of America, March 25 to 27, 1991外部サイトInternational classification of the figurative elements of marks (Vienna classification)外部サイトCollective administration of copyright and neighboring rights : study on, and advice for, the establishment and operation of collective administration organizations外部サイトSymposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa, September 1 and 2, 1999外部サイトThe role of industrial property in the protection of consumers外部サイトChemistry ; metallurgy外部サイトImplications of the TRIPS agreement on treaties administered by WIPO外部サイトRecords of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks, 1973外部サイトCollective management of copyright and related rights外部サイトRecords of the Strasbourg Diplomatic Conference on the International Patent Classification : March 15 to 24, 1971外部サイトGuide to the copyright and related rights treaties administered by WIPO and glossary of copyright and related rights terms外部サイトInternational classification for industrial designs外部サイトParis convention for the protection of industrial property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトExchanging value : negotiating technology licensing agreements, A training manual外部サイトWIPO world symposium on broadcasting, new communication technologies and intellectual property, Manila, April 28 to 30, 1997 = Colloque mondial de l'OMPI sur la radiodiffusion, les nouvelles techniques de communication et la propriété intellectuelle, Manille, 28 - 30 avril 1997 = Simposio mundial de la OMPI sobre radiodifusión, nuevas technologías de la communicación y propiedad intelectual, Manila, 28 a 30 de abril de 1997外部サイトGuide on the industrial property activities of enterprises in developing countries外部サイトRecords of the Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, June 11 to July 14, 1967外部サイトWIPO world forum on the protection of intellectual creations in the information society外部サイトElectricity外部サイトNorwegian small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property rights system : exploration and analysis外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of a new act of the Hague agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs(Geneva act) June 16 to July 6, 1999外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a treaty supplementing the Paris convention as far as patents are concerned外部サイトGuide to the deposit of microorganisms under the Budapest Treaty外部サイトSuccessful technology licensing外部サイトRecords of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the Trademark Registration Treaty, 1973外部サイトIntellectual property audit tool外部サイトWIPO copyright treaty(WCT)(1996) with the agreed statements of the diplomatic conference that adopted the treaty and the provisions of the Berne convention(1971) referred to in the treaty外部サイトWIPO-UNEP study on the role of intellectual property rights in the sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge外部サイトStrasbourg agreement concerning the international patent classification of March 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトGuide on surveying the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries外部サイトIP asset development and management : a key strategy for economoc growth外部サイトSocio-economic benefits of Intellectual property protection in developing countries外部サイトMechanical engineeering ; lighting ; heating ; weapons ; blasting外部サイトConvention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization signed at Stockholm on July 14, 1967 and as amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトLisbon agreement for the protecion of appellations of origin and their international registration of October 31, 1958, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28,1979 and regulations (as in force on April 1, 2002)外部サイトThe Paris convention for the protection of industrial property from 1883 to 1983外部サイトRecords of the Diplomatic Conference for the Revision of the Berne Convention : Paris, July 5 to 24, 1971外部サイトHuman necessities外部サイトMadrid agreement for the repression of false or deceptive indications of source on goods, of April 14, 1891外部サイトConsolidated analysis of the legal protection of traditional cultural expressions/expressions of folklore外部サイトWIPO intellectual property handbook : policy, law and use外部サイトIntellectual property on the Internet : a survey of issues外部サイトNational studies on assessing the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries外部サイトNice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks of June 15, 1957, as revised at Stockholm on July 14 1967, and Geneva on May 13, 1977, and amended on September 28, 1979外部サイトModel provisions concerning the protection of the Olympic symbol = Dispositions types relatives à la protection du symbole olympique外部サイトAgreement between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization (1995) ; Agreement on trade-related aspects on intellectural property rights (TRIPS agreement)(1994) ; Provisions mentioned in the TRIPS agreement of the Paris convention (1967), the Berne convention (1971), the Rome convention (1961), the treaty on intellectual property in respect of integrated circuits (1989), the general agreements on tariffs and trade 1994 (GATT 1994) and the WTO dispute settlement understanding (1994)外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of the trademark law treaty外部サイトIndustrial Property glossary = Glossaire de propriété indusrielle = Glosario de propiedad industrial外部サイト21世紀の紛争処理外部サイトЕвразийская патентная конвенция : нодписанная в Москве 9 сентября 1994 г= Eurasian Patent Convention : done at Moscow on September 9, 1994 = Convention sur le brevet eurasien : faite à Moscou le 9 septembre 1994外部サイトHague agreement concerning the international registration of industrial designs of November 6, 1925 : common regulations (as in force on April 1, 2004) and administrative instructions (as in force on April 1, 2004)外部サイトJoint recommendation concerning trademark licenses外部サイトSuccessful technology licensing外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a protocol relating to the Madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks, Madrid, 1989外部サイトConvention for the protection of producers of phnograms against unauthorized duplication of their phonograms of October 29, 1971外部サイトRecords of the diplomatic conference on the revion of the nice agreement, 1977外部サイトGuide, survey of classes and summary of main groups外部サイトWIPO : general information外部サイトRecords of the Diplomatic Conference on certain copyright and neighboring rights questions, Geneva外部サイトThe first twenty-five years of the international patent classification, 1971-1996外部サイトThe new millennium, intellectual property and the least developed counties (LDCs) : compendium of the proceedings of the First High-Level Interregional Roundtable on Intellectual Property for the LDCs, Geneva, September 30, 1999外部サイトThe enforcement of Intellectual property rights : a case book -LTC Harms外部サイトWIPO intellectual property handbook : policy, law and use外部サイトInternational classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks : Nice classification外部サイトWIPO guide to intellectual property worldwide外部サイトFixed constructions外部サイトIntellectual property and human rights : a panel discussion to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva, November 9, 1998外部サイトConference on mediation Geneva, March 29,1996 organized by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center外部サイトPatent cooperation treaty (PCT), done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, and modified on February 3, 1984, and regulations under the PCT (as in force from January 1, 2000)外部サイトThe use of Intellectual Property as a tool for economic growth in the association of south east asian nations (asean) region外部サイトWIPO guide on the licensing of copyright and related rights外部サイトCase studies on intellectual property and traditional cultural expressions外部サイトPrinciples of copyright : cases and materials = Notions fondamentales du droit d'auteur : recueil de jurisprudence外部サイトWIPO worldwide symposium on copyright in the global information infrastructure = Simposio Mundial de la OMPI sobre los derechos de autor en la infraestructure global de la informacion外部サイトModel provisions on protection against unfair competition : articles and notes外部サイトRome convention, 1961, international convention for the protection of performers, producers of phnograms and broadcating organisations, done at Rome on October 26, 1961外部サイトInternational classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks : Nice classification外部サイトRecords of the Budapest diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a treaty on the international recognition of the deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent procedure, 1977外部サイトSingapore treaty on the law of trademarks regulations under the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks and resolution by the diplomatic conference supplementary to the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks and the regulations thereunder done at Singapore on March 27, 2006外部サイトIntellectual property in Asian countries : studies on infrastructure and economic impact外部サイトIntroduction to trademark law & practice : the basic concepts外部サイトBudapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, and amended on September 26, 1980 and regulations (as in force from October 2, 2002)外部サイトSymposium on the international protection of geographical indications organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Government of Australia and the Victorian Wine Industry Association (Melbourne)外部サイトWIPO glossary of terms of the law of copyright and neighboring rights = OMPI glossaire du droit d'auteur et des droits voisins = OMPI glosario de derecho de autor y derechos conexos外部サイトUNESCO-WIPO world forum on the protection of folklore = Forum mondial UNESCO-OMPI sur la protection du folklore = Fórum mundial UNESCO-OMPI sobre la protección del folclore外部サイトIntellectual property policies for the twenty-first century : the Japanese experience in wealth creation外部サイトRecords of the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970外部サイトWIPO technical study on patent disclosure requirements related to genetic resources and traditional knowledge外部サイトGuide to the international registration of industrial designs under the Hague agreement (April 2004)外部サイトPerforming operations ; transporting外部サイトKey questions on patent disclosure requirements for genetic resources and traditional knowledge外部サイト






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Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Portugal, Funchal(Madeira, Portugal), October 13 and 14, 1993
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of April 14, 1891, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Nice on June 15, 1957, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979 : Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989 and as amended on October 3, 2006 regulations (as in force on January 1, 2008) and administrative instructions (as in force on January 1, 2008)
Official catchword index to the seventh edition (1999) of the international patent classification
Locarno Agreement establishing an International Classification for industrial designs signed at Locarno on October 8, 1968, as amended on September 28, 1979
Background reading material on intellectual property
Protection against unfair competition : analysis of the present world situation
Records of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Type Faces, 1973
National experiences with the protection of expressions of folklore/traditional cultural expressions : India, Indonesia and Philippines
Copyright and neighboring rights laws and treaties
Symposium on the protection of geographical indications in the worldwide context
Joint recommendation concerning provisions on the protection of marks, and other industrial property rights in signs, on the internet(with explanatory notes)
Patent law treaty (PLT), done at Geneva on June 1, 2000 regulations under the patent law treaty (as in force from January 1, 2006) and explanatory notes on the patent law treaty and the regulations under the patent law treaty
Records of the Nairobi Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, 1981
Revision concordance list Int.Cl.[6] ・ Int.Cl.[7] = Table de concordance Int.Cl.[6] ・ Int.Cl.[7]
Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Wiesbaden (Germany), October 17 and 18, 1991
Guide to the application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, as revised at Stockholm in 1967
Conference on rules for institutional arbitration and mediation : jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) and the Swiss Arbitration Association(ASA) Geneva, January 20,1995
The management of internet names and addresses : intellectual property issues
Records of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of the patent law treaty Geneva, 2000
Successful technology licensing
The Importance of the patent system to developing countries : collection of lectures given at the World Symposium
Joint recommendation concerning provisions on the protection of well-known marks
WIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright and Neighboring Rights : Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, March 31 to April 2, 1993
Model law for developing countries on appellations of origin and indications of source
National studies on assessing the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries
Guide to the international registration of marks under the Madrid agreement and the Madrid protocol (updated April 2007)
Successful technology licensing
Intellectual property : a power tool for economic growth
Guide to the international registration of marks under the Madrid agreement and the Madrid protocol : updated November 2000
Vienna Agreement Establishing an international classification of the figurative elements of marks, done at Vienna on June 12, 1973 as amended on October l, 1985
The Hague agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs of November 6, 1925
Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works : Paris act of July 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979
Records of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, Washington, 1989
Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of France, Santenay (France), November 9 and 10, 1989
Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite done at Brussels on May 21, 1974
Textiles ; paper
Nairobi treaty on the protection of the olympic symbol adopted at Nairobi on September 26, 1981 = Traite de Nairobi concernant la protection du symbole olympique adopte a Nairobi le 26 septembre 19814 = Найробский договор об охране олимпийского символя принятый в Няйроби 26 сентября 1981 года = Tratado de Nairobi sobre la protectión del Símbolo Olímpico adopado en nairobi el 26 de septiembre de 1981
Trademark Law Treaty and regulations : done at Geneva on October 27, 1994
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, and amended on September 26, 1980 and regulations
Records of the Locarno Conference for the Purpose of Setting up an International Classification for Industrial Designs (October 2 to 8, 1968)
The twenty-five years of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1970-1995
Guide to the Rome convention and to the Phonograms convention
Patent cooperation treaty (PCT), done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, modified on February 3, 1984, and October 3, 2001 (as in force from April 1, 2002) and regulations under the PCT (as in force from April 1, 2002)
Intellectual property needs and expectations of traditional knowledge holders : WIPO report on fact-finding missions on intellectual property and traditional knowledge (1998-1999)
WIPO performances and phonograms treaty(WPPT)(1996) with the agreed statements of the diplomatic conference that adopted the treaty and the provisions of the Berne convention(1971) and of the Rome convention(1961) referred to in the treaty
WIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Future of Copyright and Neighboring Rights : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie of France, le Louvre, Paris, France - June 1 to 3, 1994
Licensing guide for developing countries : a guide on the legal aspects of the negotiation and preparation of industrial property licenses and technology transfer agreements appropriate to the needs of developing countries
Worldwide forumon the arbitration of intellectual property disputes jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the American Arbitration Association(AAA) Geneva, March 3 and 4, 1994
Symposium on Appellations of Origin and Indications of Source : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) incooperation with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of France, Bordeaux, November 3-5, 1988
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of April 14, 1891, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Nice on June 15, 1957, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979 : Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989 and regulations (as in force on January 1, 1998)
Patent cooperation treaty (PCT) done at Washington on June 19, 1970 amended on September 28, 1979 modified on February 3, 1984, and on October 3, 2001 and regulations under the PCT (as in force from April 1, 2007)
The intellectual property-conscious nation : mapping the path from developing to developed
International classification for industrial designs (Locarno classification)
WIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Intellectual Property Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, Stanford (California), United States of America, March 25 to 27, 1991
International classification of the figurative elements of marks (Vienna classification)
Collective administration of copyright and neighboring rights : study on, and advice for, the establishment and operation of collective administration organizations
Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications : Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa, September 1 and 2, 1999
The role of industrial property in the protection of consumers
Chemistry ; metallurgy
Implications of the TRIPS agreement on treaties administered by WIPO
Records of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks, 1973
Collective management of copyright and related rights
Records of the Strasbourg Diplomatic Conference on the International Patent Classification : March 15 to 24, 1971
Guide to the copyright and related rights treaties administered by WIPO and glossary of copyright and related rights terms
International classification for industrial designs
Paris convention for the protection of industrial property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979
Exchanging value : negotiating technology licensing agreements, A training manual
WIPO world symposium on broadcasting, new communication technologies and intellectual property, Manila, April 28 to 30, 1997 = Colloque mondial de l'OMPI sur la radiodiffusion, les nouvelles techniques de communication et la propriété intellectuelle, Manille, 28 - 30 avril 1997 = Simposio mundial de la OMPI sobre radiodifusión, nuevas technologías de la communicación y propiedad intelectual, Manila, 28 a 30 de abril de 1997
Guide on the industrial property activities of enterprises in developing countries
Records of the Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, June 11 to July 14, 1967
WIPO world forum on the protection of intellectual creations in the information society
Norwegian small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property rights system : exploration and analysis
Records of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of a new act of the Hague agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs(Geneva act) June 16 to July 6, 1999
Records of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a treaty supplementing the Paris convention as far as patents are concerned
Guide to the deposit of microorganisms under the Budapest Treaty
Successful technology licensing
Records of the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on the Trademark Registration Treaty, 1973
Intellectual property audit tool
WIPO copyright treaty(WCT)(1996) with the agreed statements of the diplomatic conference that adopted the treaty and the provisions of the Berne convention(1971) referred to in the treaty
WIPO-UNEP study on the role of intellectual property rights in the sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge
Strasbourg agreement concerning the international patent classification of March 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979
Guide on surveying the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries
IP asset development and management : a key strategy for economoc growth
Socio-economic benefits of Intellectual property protection in developing countries
Mechanical engineeering ; lighting ; heating ; weapons ; blasting
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization signed at Stockholm on July 14, 1967 and as amended on September 28, 1979
Lisbon agreement for the protecion of appellations of origin and their international registration of October 31, 1958, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28,1979 and regulations (as in force on April 1, 2002)
The Paris convention for the protection of industrial property from 1883 to 1983
Records of the Diplomatic Conference for the Revision of the Berne Convention : Paris, July 5 to 24, 1971
Human necessities
Madrid agreement for the repression of false or deceptive indications of source on goods, of April 14, 1891
Consolidated analysis of the legal protection of traditional cultural expressions/expressions of folklore
WIPO intellectual property handbook : policy, law and use
Intellectual property on the Internet : a survey of issues
National studies on assessing the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries
Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks of June 15, 1957, as revised at Stockholm on July 14 1967, and Geneva on May 13, 1977, and amended on September 28, 1979
Model provisions concerning the protection of the Olympic symbol = Dispositions types relatives à la protection du symbole olympique
Agreement between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization (1995) ; Agreement on trade-related aspects on intellectural property rights (TRIPS agreement)(1994) ; Provisions mentioned in the TRIPS agreement of the Paris convention (1967), the Berne convention (1971), the Rome convention (1961), the treaty on intellectual property in respect of integrated circuits (1989), the general agreements on tariffs and trade 1994 (GATT 1994) and the WTO dispute settlement understanding (1994)
Records of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of the trademark law treaty
Industrial Property glossary = Glossaire de propriété indusrielle = Glosario de propiedad industrial
Евразийская патентная конвенция : нодписанная в Москве 9 сентября 1994 г= Eurasian Patent Convention : done at Moscow on September 9, 1994 = Convention sur le brevet eurasien : faite à Moscou le 9 septembre 1994
Hague agreement concerning the international registration of industrial designs of November 6, 1925 : common regulations (as in force on April 1, 2004) and administrative instructions (as in force on April 1, 2004)
Joint recommendation concerning trademark licenses
Successful technology licensing
Records of the diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a protocol relating to the Madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks, Madrid, 1989
Convention for the protection of producers of phnograms against unauthorized duplication of their phonograms of October 29, 1971
Records of the diplomatic conference on the revion of the nice agreement, 1977
Guide, survey of classes and summary of main groups
WIPO : general information
Records of the Diplomatic Conference on certain copyright and neighboring rights questions, Geneva
The first twenty-five years of the international patent classification, 1971-1996
The new millennium, intellectual property and the least developed counties (LDCs) : compendium of the proceedings of the First High-Level Interregional Roundtable on Intellectual Property for the LDCs, Geneva, September 30, 1999
The enforcement of Intellectual property rights : a case book -LTC Harms
WIPO intellectual property handbook : policy, law and use
International classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks : Nice classification
WIPO guide to intellectual property worldwide
Fixed constructions
Intellectual property and human rights : a panel discussion to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva, November 9, 1998
Conference on mediation Geneva, March 29,1996 organized by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
Patent cooperation treaty (PCT), done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, and modified on February 3, 1984, and regulations under the PCT (as in force from January 1, 2000)
The use of Intellectual Property as a tool for economic growth in the association of south east asian nations (asean) region
WIPO guide on the licensing of copyright and related rights
Case studies on intellectual property and traditional cultural expressions
Principles of copyright : cases and materials = Notions fondamentales du droit d'auteur : recueil de jurisprudence
WIPO worldwide symposium on copyright in the global information infrastructure = Simposio Mundial de la OMPI sobre los derechos de autor en la infraestructure global de la informacion
Model provisions on protection against unfair competition : articles and notes
Rome convention, 1961, international convention for the protection of performers, producers of phnograms and broadcating organisations, done at Rome on October 26, 1961
International classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks : Nice classification
Records of the Budapest diplomatic conference for the conclusion of a treaty on the international recognition of the deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent procedure, 1977
Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks regulations under the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks and resolution by the diplomatic conference supplementary to the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks and the regulations thereunder done at Singapore on March 27, 2006
Intellectual property in Asian countries : studies on infrastructure and economic impact
Introduction to trademark law & practice : the basic concepts
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, and amended on September 26, 1980 and regulations (as in force from October 2, 2002)
Symposium on the international protection of geographical indications organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Government of Australia and the Victorian Wine Industry Association (Melbourne)
WIPO glossary of terms of the law of copyright and neighboring rights = OMPI glossaire du droit d'auteur et des droits voisins = OMPI glosario de derecho de autor y derechos conexos
UNESCO-WIPO world forum on the protection of folklore = Forum mondial UNESCO-OMPI sur la protection du folklore = Fórum mundial UNESCO-OMPI sobre la protección del folclore
Intellectual property policies for the twenty-first century : the Japanese experience in wealth creation
Records of the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970
WIPO technical study on patent disclosure requirements related to genetic resources and traditional knowledge
Guide to the international registration of industrial designs under the Hague agreement (April 2004)
Performing operations ; transporting
Key questions on patent disclosure requirements for genetic resources and traditional knowledge
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA07325018 : BA07325018