
A Garland series


A Garland series

Garland Publishing


The OKW war diary series外部サイトAn autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology外部サイトBookbindings old and new : notes of a book-lover外部サイトLatino employment, labor organizations and immigration外部サイトStudies in social and private accounting外部サイトRacial violence and law enforcement in the South外部サイトPastoral accounting in colonial Australia : a case study of unregulated accounting外部サイトVologeso, re de' Parti外部サイトAlaska native policy in the twentieth century外部サイトModern education, textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization and nationalism in Korean education, 1880-1910外部サイトThe Symphony in Sweden外部サイトEvolution, sacrifice, and narrative : Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner外部サイトThe transformation of commercial banking in the United States, 1956-1991外部サイトThe reivers外部サイトFather Abraham : holograph manuscript and typescripts; and, The wishing tree : ribbon and carbon typescripts外部サイトThe principle of Protestantism ; What is church history?外部サイトCongressional action外部サイトA treatise on the principal trades and manufactures of the United States外部サイトThe British Trades Union Congress : history and recollections外部サイトThe Dymaxion experiment, 1926-1943外部サイトRelief and rescue of Jews from Nazi oppression, 1943-1945外部サイトLike a plague of locusts : from an antebellum town to a New South city, Memphis, Tennessee, 1850-1880外部サイトEighteenth-century book-keeping : twelve encyclopedia articles外部サイトSeven symphonies from the court of Thurn und Taxis : introduction by Hugo Angerer, Thomas Emmerig, Robert Holzer外部サイトBanking geography of the United States : structure, conduct, and performance of commercial banks in the U. S. metropolitan system外部サイトGli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne外部サイトSacrificial lives : young martyrs and fundamentalist idealism外部サイトA relationship of reform : immigrants and progressives in the Far west外部サイトOssian, ou, Les bardes外部サイトExchange rate efficiency and the behavior of international asset markets外部サイトWords heard and overheard : the main text in contemporary drama外部サイトThe Negro woman's college education外部サイトPaul Gauguin in the context of symbolism外部サイトToward greater logic and utility in accounting : the collected writings of Philip W. Bell外部サイトDafni外部サイトMedea in Corinto外部サイトTwo symphonies, them. index D1, G5 . One symphony, them. index 159 . One symphony, them. index 1外部サイトPlanters and yeomen : selected articles on the southern colonies外部サイトLogical methods外部サイトFirst course-Bible doctrines : eight sections with questions外部サイトThe Symphony in Naples, 1800-1840外部サイトLa clemenza di Tito : Andrea Bernasconi ; introduction by Eric Weimer外部サイトThe educated woman and professionalization : the struggle for a new feminine identity, 1890-1920外部サイトThe Judicial system and the Jews in Nazi Germany外部サイトA critical edition of John Heywood's A play of love外部サイトDesegregation of public transportation, facilities, and programs外部サイトAccounting and auditing of small businesses外部サイト"My world and its value"外部サイトThe Buglhat motet anthologies ; The Gardane motet anthologies外部サイトThe symphony in Denmark外部サイトMoïse : opéra in four acts : a facsimile of the first edition of the orchestral score, published by Eugène Troupenas (1827)外部サイトThe macroeconomic effects of war finance in the United States : taxes, inflation, and deficit finance外部サイトLabor's power and industrial performance : automobile production regimes in the U.S., Germany, and Japan外部サイトCapital and its earnings外部サイトZenobia, regina de Palmireni外部サイトKnown to the police外部サイトCarl Thomas Devine : essays in accounting theory : a capstone外部サイトArsace外部サイトThree generations of Italian American women in Nassau County, 1925-1981外部サイトThe complete five and six-voice chansons外部サイトSemiramide riconosciuta外部サイトL'Adelaide外部サイトGuillaume Tell : opéra in four acts外部サイトLiber quintus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1553) . Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp, 1553)外部サイトAdelasia ed Aleramo ; and, Excerpts from eight other operas外部サイトAmerican culture, 1776-1815外部サイトMeaning外部サイトMasses外部サイトThe agricultural labourer外部サイトThe Later philosophy, views and reviews外部サイトThe mansion外部サイトThe builders' history外部サイトMarried and making a living : couples who own small franchise businesses外部サイトOur convict systems . Reports and observations on the discipline and management of convict prisons外部サイトValuation of corporate growth opportunities : a real options approach外部サイトDouble entry bookkeeping in British central government, 1822-1856外部サイトA forest history of Douglas County, Oregon, to 1900 : a microcosmic study of imperialism外部サイトGenealogie : Paris 1531外部サイトHenry Broadhurst, M.P., told by himself外部サイトThe works of Samuel Hopkins外部サイトPolitical Shakespeare外部サイトPatient children : conditions of poverty and the use of hospital-based ambulatory care外部サイトRandom reminiscences from fifty years of preaching外部サイトThe assimilation experience of five American white ethnic novelists of the twentieth century外部サイトSyntactic issues in the English imperative外部サイトGod hath spoken : twenty-five addresses delivered at the World Conference on Christian Fundamentals, May 25-June 1, 1919外部サイトThe burden of ethnicity : the German question in Chicago, 1914-1941外部サイトSaffo . And, Excerpts from Furio Camillo外部サイトNarrative authority and homeostasis in the novels of Doris Lessing and Carmen Martín Gaite外部サイトInstitutes of metaphysic外部サイトTheoretical foundations and biological bases of development in adolescence外部サイトLiterary criticism and myth外部サイトShaping the accountancy profession : the story of three Scottish pioneers外部サイトFundamental research in moral development外部サイトDe laudibus legum Anglie . De republica Anglorum外部サイトDismantling black manhood : an historical and literary analysis of the legacy of slavery外部サイトA good master well served : masters and servants in colonial Massachusetts, 1620-1750外部サイトGiuseppe riconosciuto外部サイトA critical old-spelling edition of The young admiral外部サイトRevelations of prison life外部サイトOne symphony . One symphony them. index WO 33外部サイトLexical phonology and morphology : the nominal classes in Fula外部サイトWomen and women's issues in post World War II Japan外部サイトWorkmen's earnings, strikes, and savings外部サイトThe works of Jonathan Edwards外部サイトMeasuring risks of deposit institutions外部サイトTelemaco外部サイトGl'inganni felici外部サイトA fable外部サイトCapital punishment jurisprudence外部サイトThe symphony in Portugal : two symphonies . The symphony in Spain : three symphonies外部サイトFrom bondage to citizenship : the Richmond black community, 1865-1867外部サイトSecuring the enactment of civil rights legislation, 1965-1968外部サイトThe New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants : foundation for a profession外部サイトThe Symphony at Mannheim外部サイトExcerpta from the early Italian operas (1817-1822)外部サイトBank failures and deregulation in the 1980's外部サイトOur new masters外部サイトAs I lay dying : holograph manuscript and carbon typescript外部サイトThe historical basis of socialism in England外部サイトIginia d'Asti外部サイトThe history of the German public accounting profession外部サイトPuritans and Yankees : selected articles on New England colonial history, 1974 to 1984外部サイトShrewsbury School Library bindings外部サイトOne symphony, them. index D6 . Two symphonies . Three symphonies . Two symphonies, them. index G1, E♭1 . One symphony外部サイトThe symphony in Croatia : three symphonies . The symphony in the New World : three symphonies外部サイトSigns of change : urban iconographies in San Francisco, 1880-1915外部サイトEssays designed to elucidate the science of political economy外部サイトThe Mediterranean theater外部サイトHistorical development of abortion law外部サイトClause union in Chamorro and in universal grammar外部サイトThe overture in France, 1790-1810 . One symphonie concertante, them. index 9 . One symphony, them. index 1外部サイトIl primo libro de' madrigali-- con due madrigali cromatici nel fine (Venice, 1567)外部サイトHas poverty diminished?外部サイトFrom Roe v. Wade to the present外部サイトThomas Legge's Richardus Tertius : a critical edition with a translation外部サイトRicciardo e Zoraide : dramma in two acts外部サイトRisk and bank expansion into nonbanking businesses外部サイトWhite slavery : myth, ideology, and American law外部サイトThe New Deal and anti-Semitism in America外部サイトThe Great industries of the United States外部サイトThe development of the hate speech debate : from group libel to campus speech codes外部サイトDesegregation of public education外部サイトThe assertive woman in Zora Neale Hurston's fiction, folklore, and drama外部サイトVoting rights外部サイトThe religion of ethnicity : belief and belonging in a Greek-American community外部サイトRoberto Devereux : tragedia lirica in three acts外部サイトMasses外部サイトThe phoenix外部サイトDrawings, poetry, and miscellaneous studies外部サイトLabor and property, privacy, discrimination, and international relations外部サイトDeportation of the Jews to the east : Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 1944外部サイトSociety for Pure English外部サイトForeign composers in France, 1750-1790 . Four symphonies ; Two overtures外部サイトThe decision-usefulness theory of accounting : a limited history外部サイトThe history of the financial control function of local government accounting in the United Kingdom外部サイトZur Phänomenologie der Täuschungen外部サイトOratorios外部サイトEqual employment opportunity外部サイトA situated theory of agreement外部サイトNoun phrase licensing外部サイトSocial structure and social mobility外部サイトConstraints on reflexivization in Mandarin Chinese外部サイトThe Tokyo war crimes trial外部サイトThe criminal and the community外部サイトWar in Asia and the Pacific, 1937-1949 : a fifteen volume collection外部サイトThe judgment, concept, and inference外部サイトVesper and compline music for one principal voice外部サイトÜber Ideenflucht外部サイトThese 13 : holograph manuscripts and typescripts外部サイトShakespeare and gender外部サイトAccounting theory外部サイトPolitics and government外部サイトL'amor contadino外部サイトVariations for the piano外部サイトCapital and coercion : the economic and military processes that have shaped the world economy 1800-1990外部サイトIrish and German families and the economic development of Midwestern cities, 1860-1895外部サイトLeander外部サイトUrbanization and the growth of cities外部サイトThe struggle for status : a history of accounting education外部サイトDon Chisciotte in Sierra Morena外部サイトAdriano in Siria外部サイトMid eighteenth-century cello sonatas : continuo sonatas for cello外部サイトMemoirs of the unemployed外部サイトThe Tokyo war crimes trial : index and guide外部サイトPuritan crisis : New England and the English Civil Wars, 1630-1670外部サイトSan Lorenzo外部サイトJohannes Brahms autographs : facsimiles of eight manuscripts in the Library of Congress外部サイトGraduate education in the United States外部サイトThe wild palms外部サイトAccounting principles through the years : the views of professional and academic leaders, 1938-1954外部サイトThe town : Miscellaneous Material外部サイトHomage to New England : selected articles on early New England history, 1937 to 1963外部サイトCrime : its amount, causes, and remedies外部サイトBetulia liberata外部サイトDer Kaufmann von Smyrna外部サイトL'Olimpiade外部サイトContents of the set and collected thematic indexes外部サイトPatterns of reduplication in Lushootseed外部サイトThe sister arts . Of booke binding ancient, and, Modourne . The laboratory, or, School of arts . The handmaid to the arts外部サイトAspects of the economic implications of accounting外部サイトLa caduta di Gierusalemme外部サイトMaometto II : dramma in two acts外部サイトA new world gentry : the making of a merchant and planter class in South Carolina, 1670-1770外部サイトLa Dori, ò vero, La schiava fedele外部サイトDer phänomenologische Idealismus Husserls外部サイトDymaxion deployment, 1927-1946外部サイトThe social basis of religion外部サイトMetamorphoseon : Antwerp 1618外部サイトIl palazzo incantato, overo, La guerriera amante外部サイトInternational control of raw materials外部サイトAmore e Psiche外部サイトSelected articles on accounting history外部サイトSocial interactions in adolescence and promoting positive social contributions of youth外部サイトThe economy of high wages外部サイトPsychology and conceptual relativity外部サイトThe history of protective tariff laws外部サイトWorld resources and industries外部サイトJapanese society since 1945外部サイトThoughts on the future civil policy of America . Memoir of John William Draper, 1811-1882外部サイトSeasonal movements of exchange rates and interest rates under the pre-World War I gold standard外部サイトFive years' penal servitude外部サイトThe changing academic marketplace and university reform in Japan外部サイトExhibitions of draftsmen and illustrators外部サイトReport on the problem of raw materials and foodstuffs . Raw materials and colonies外部サイトLatinos in ethnic enclaves : immigrant workers and the competition for jobs外部サイトSeven symphonies : 23, 26, 62, 64, 85, 86, 120 . Five symphonies : Em1, Cm2, B♭1, C11, Dm2外部サイトAsian and United States market reactions to trade restrictions外部サイトHypnerotomachia Poliphili : Venice, 1499外部サイトThe Premillennial Second Coming : two early champions外部サイトAriodante外部サイトUn'avventura di Scaramuccia外部サイトEconomic influences on the development of accounting in firms外部サイトCohesiveness and coherence : religion and the health of the elderly外部サイトThe ideology of apolitical politics : elite lawyers' response to the legitimation crisis of American capitalism, 1870-1920外部サイトPhilosophy of mathematics外部サイトFederal Reserve behavior, 1923-1931外部サイトThe tragedy of Nero外部サイトA healing art : regeneration through autobiography外部サイトBildarchiv Preussischer Kulterbesitz, Berlin外部サイトEnglish prisons to-day : being the report of the Prison System Enquiry Committee外部サイトThe auditors talk : an oral history of a profession from the 1920s to the present day外部サイトJapan's role in international politics since World War II外部サイトVesper and compline music for eight principal voices外部サイトThe origins of constitutional immigration law外部サイトOhio and the antislavery activities of attorney Salmon Portland Chase, 1830-1849外部サイトLife and early works外部サイトShorter compositions for piano外部サイトGuidelines for financial reporting standards外部サイトComplete chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトLa decollazione di san Giovanni Battista . La Passione di Gesù Christo Signor nostro外部サイトIl Xerse外部サイトRay Stannard Baker : the mind and thought of a progressive外部サイトThe American Accounting Association in its third quarter century, 1966-1991 : central governance and administration外部サイトRelief in Hungary and the failure of the Joel Brand mission外部サイトMadrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1583)外部サイトJapanese prewar growth : lessons for development theory?外部サイトSocialism : its growth and outcome外部サイトYoung gaol-birds外部サイト"A soldier is also a citizen" : the controversy over military justice, 1917-1920外部サイトThe constitutionality of labor laws and their relation to freedom of religion and speech外部サイトSemiramide riconosciuta外部サイトRecollections of a labour pioneer外部サイトThe progress of the marbling art外部サイトSpecial topics外部サイトThe Symphonie concertante外部サイトJoaz外部サイトThe economic position of the British labourer外部サイトThe changing face of money : will electronic money be adopted in the United States?外部サイトThe Australian Accounting Standards Review Board : the establishment of its participative review process外部サイトThe symphony and overture in Great Britain : twenty works外部サイトMiscellaneous manuscripts外部サイトIl Sedecia . Sant'Agnese外部サイトThe works of Nathanael Emmons外部サイトA legal solution to government gridlock : the enforcement strategy of the Securities and Exchange Commission外部サイトMosquitoes : the ribbon typescript and miscellaneous typescript pages外部サイトLe siège de Corinthe : tragédie-lyrique in three acts外部サイトThomas Heywood's The Iron Age外部サイトContagion of bank failures : the relation to deposit insurance and information外部サイトDer Töpfer . Lampedo . Fernando und Yariko外部サイトIl barone di Dolsheim外部サイトVertical man : the human being in the Catholic novels of Graham Greene, Sigrid Undset, and Georges Bernanos外部サイトThe Presbyterian conflict外部サイトSeven symphonies from the court of Oettingen-Wallerstein 1773-1795外部サイト"War with crime" : papers on crime, reformatories, etc.外部サイトLiber nonus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1554) . Liber decimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1555)外部サイトThe path to and from the Supreme Court外部サイトAlfred Stieglitz : scientist, photographer, and avatar of modernism, 1880-1913外部サイトInside history of First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, and Temple Baptist Church, Detroit : life story of Dr. J. Frank Norris外部サイトL'amazzone corsara, overo, l'Alvilda regina de Goti外部サイトThe Peopling of a world : selected articles on immigration and settlement patterns in British North America外部サイトLondon : some account of its growth, charitable agencies, and wants外部サイトThe Drive to desegregate places of public accommodation外部サイトThe Sistine Chapel外部サイトRescue to Switzerland : the Musy and Saly Mayer affairs外部サイトTransportation not necessary . What is to be done with our criminals?外部サイトThe quest for a science of accounting : an anthology of the research of Robert R. Sterling外部サイトAn old-spelling, critical edition of The history of the two maids of More-Clacke外部サイトFrench and Italian innovators : continuo sonatas for violin外部サイトJuvenile offenders外部サイトJoseph Cundall on bookbinding history外部サイトL'Oristeo外部サイトItalian wind bands : a surviving tradition in the milltowns of Pennsylvania外部サイトThe Tonal phonology of Chinese外部サイトToward logical form : an exploration of the role of syntax in semantics外部サイトMotetti del laberinto libro primo a cinque voci-- (Venice: Girolamo Scotto, 1554)外部サイトProgress of the working class, 1832-1867外部サイトOratorio per la nascita di Gesù Cristo外部サイトThe texts of the songs外部サイトLe parangon des chansons外部サイトEducation and marginality : a study of the Negro woman college graduate外部サイトIl governatore外部サイトLogic外部サイトFanny Jackson Coppin and the Institute for Colored Youth, 1865-1902外部サイトThe history of the modern taste in gardening ; Journals of visits to country seats外部サイトTwo reformers of fundamentalism : Harold John Ockenga and Carl F.H. Henry外部サイトThree symphonies 4, 6, 7外部サイトCritical corpus of the mosaic pavements on the Greek mainland, fourth/sixth centuries, with architectural surveys外部サイトEconomy and society in early colonial Maryland外部サイトThe Context of colonization : selected articles on Britain in the era of American colonization外部サイトDidone abbandonata外部サイトThe tragedye of Solyman and Perseda, edited from the original texts with introduction and notes外部サイトTopographical descriptions, regiments, and policies, Book VI, England and Wales, book VII, Scotland, book VIII, Ireland外部サイトShakespeare and the editorial tradition外部サイトEconomic analysis of contract law, antitrust law, and safety regulations外部サイトEdinburgh University Library manuscript : Ms. Dc.I.69 : (songs in the hand of Edward Lowe) : supplemented by Birmingham Central Library, Ms. 57316外部サイトConscience, expression, and privacy外部サイトDiplomacy, strategy, and military theory外部サイトThe social basis of ethnic enterprise : Greeks in the pizza business外部サイトAlessandro nell'Indie外部サイトSalomone amante . Agar外部サイトCriminal justice and Latino communities外部サイトLes martyrs : opéra in four acts外部サイトResults of the system of separate confinement as administered at the Pentonville Prison外部サイトThe early Billy Graham : sermon and revival accounts外部サイトProtection and prosperity外部サイトNew Jersey and the fiscal origins of modern American corporation law外部サイトThematic relations and relational grammar外部サイトVesper and compline music for two principal voices外部サイトRecruiting, drafting, and enlisting : two sides of the raising of military forces外部サイトAnd then end will come : early Latin Christian interpretations of the opening of the seven seals外部サイトThe principles of punishment, as applied in the administration of criminal law, by judges and magistrates外部サイトShakespeare and history外部サイトUtilizing self-managing teams : effective behavior of team leaders外部サイトNew England rediscovered : selected articles on New England colonial history, 1965 to 1973外部サイトPostmodern Shakespeare外部サイトIndustrial employment of women in the middle and lower ranks外部サイトTheoretical implications of some global phenomena in syntax外部サイトSocial and political morality外部サイトThe necessity of organization : Mary Kenney O'Sullivan and trade unionism for women, 1892-1919外部サイトIl trionfo di Camilla, regina de' Volsci外部サイトThe textile industry and the rise of the Japanese economy外部サイトTopics in Northern Pomo grammar外部サイトAnthropology, folklore, and myth外部サイトL'Ascanio外部サイトHenry James as a biographer : a self among others外部サイトLeonida in Tegea外部サイトCapricci, overo, Canzoni à quattro--libro terzo (Milan, 1594)外部サイトBritish cost accounting, 1887-1952 : contemporary essays from the accounting literature外部サイトVesper and compline music for three principal voices外部サイトIl ritorno di Pulcinella da Padova外部サイトWhat is past is prologue : cost accounting in the British Industrial Revolution, 1760-1850外部サイトWhat the workers want外部サイトThe turbulent spirit : Cleveland, Ohio, and its workers, 1877-1899外部サイトLiterature and film外部サイトReporting interest rate swaps : the association of disclosure quality with credit risk and ownership structure外部サイトIl giuramento外部サイトDie schöne Schusterinn, oder, Die pücefarbnen Schuhe外部サイトProceedings of the Conference, Accounting and Economics : in honour of the 500th anniversary of the publication of Luca Pacioli's Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalità, Siena, 18th-19th November 1992外部サイトAriodant外部サイトLa vestale外部サイトSix symphonies外部サイトPatriots, redcoats, and loyalists外部サイトPolish subjects外部サイトThe iron ore eaters : a portrait of the mining community of Moriah, New York外部サイトThe Northern Italian symphony 1800-1840外部サイトStructuralism in myth : Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, Dumézil, and Propp外部サイトThe pusher and the sufferer : an unsentimental reading of Moby Dick外部サイトThe dimensions of non-legal evidence in the American judicial process : the Supreme Court's use of extra-legal materials in the twentieth century外部サイトPerforming la mestiza : textual representations of lesbians of color and the negotiation of identities外部サイトShakespeare in the theater外部サイトThe sound and the fury外部サイトSeven symphonies : C1, F11, A8, C9, C14 minor, G1, B♭4外部サイトJudicial review and judicial power in the Supreme Court外部サイトVeracini and his contemporaries : continuo sonatas for violin外部サイトMinyans for a prairie city : the politics of Chicago Jewry, 1850-1940外部サイトMedical experiments on Jewish inmates of concentration camps外部サイトCase configuration and noun phrase interpretation外部サイトHusserl in Göttingen . Edmund Husserl zum Gedächtnis外部サイトSelf-help among the elderly : formal and informal support systems外部サイトThe tariff policy of England and of the United States contrasted外部サイトHigher education in Europe外部サイトThe military-state-society symbiosis外部サイトVesper and compline music for four principal voices外部サイトThe power that governs : the evolution of judicial activism in a midwestern state, 1840-1890外部サイトChild social well-being in the U.S. : unequal opportunities and the role of the state外部サイトThe constitutionality of executive agreements : an analysis of United States v. Belmont外部サイトAn edition of The late Lancashire witches外部サイトSant'Elena al Calvario外部サイトWilliam Loring Andrews on bookbinding history外部サイトNew thoughts about old things : cognitive policies as the ground of singular concepts外部サイトThe development of English thought外部サイトA critical edition of The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater外部サイトLate eighteenth-century sonatas for woodwinds : continuo sonatas for woodwinds外部サイトPolitics in the First Congress, 1789-1791外部サイトThree symphonies . Four symphonies, them. index D7, E♭1, D1, D2 . Three symphonies, them. index 23, 18, 25 . Salzburg part 1, three symphonies : New Grove F.1, D.1, D. 13外部サイトAmerican commercial banks in corporate finance, 1929-1941 : a study in banking concentration外部サイトForced to move : housing displacement in the United States外部サイトFederal/State aid to dependent children program and its benefits to black children in America, 1935-1985外部サイトFlags in the dust外部サイトThe training and socializing of military personnel外部サイトPhenomenological psychology外部サイトThe republican, or, A series of essays on the principles and policy of free states外部サイトPortuguese emigration to the United States, 1820-1930外部サイトInterstate fiscal disparities in America : a study of trends and causes外部サイトSixty years of an agitator's life外部サイトImmigrants and the 1930s : ethnicity and alienage in depression and on-coming war外部サイトStatistical records of the First Bank of the United States外部サイトThe symphony in Norway外部サイトLogical necessity and rules外部サイトMendelssohn's Concerto for violin and orchestra in E minor, op. 64 : a facsimile外部サイトThe Princeton defense of plenary verbal inspiration外部サイトImproving college education for women at Bennett College : a report of a type A project外部サイトExhibitions of classicizing art外部サイトAdolescents and their families : structure, function, and parent-youth relationships外部サイトA Rage for liberty : selected articles on the immediate causes of the American Revolution外部サイトReformation biblical drama in England : an old-spelling critical edition外部サイトThinking in moral terms外部サイトThe principles of political economy外部サイトOn the organization of the lexicon外部サイトIl templario . And excerpts from three Italian operas外部サイトShakespeare and the literary tradition外部サイトPhilosophy, religious studies, and myth外部サイトA lecture on bookbinding as a fine art外部サイトThe relevance of phenomenology to the philosophy of language and mind外部サイトGriselda外部サイトNew research in moral development外部サイトA critical edition of John Day's The parliament of bees外部サイトWorld's Fair of 1900 : Retrospective Exhibition of French Art 1800-1889外部サイトDie Jagd外部サイトThe public debate over busing and attempts to restrict its use外部サイトGo down, Moses外部サイトFour symphonies . One symphonie concertante, them. index 206外部サイトMilestones in the British accounting literature外部サイトAn empirical investigation of farmers' behavior under uncertainty : income, price, and yield variability for late-nineteenth century American agriculture外部サイトEuphrosine, ou, Le tyran corrigé外部サイトA semantics for the English existential construction外部サイトThe least dangerous branch : separation of powers and court-packing外部サイトLate eighteenth-century cello sonatas : continuo sonatas for cello外部サイトConservative call to arms外部サイトThe song contests of Turkish minstrels : improvised poetry sung to traditional music外部サイトSmall is democratic : an examination of state size and democratic development外部サイトPoverty and progress : a second social survey of York外部サイトThe geodesic revolution外部サイトLe nozze di Lammermoor外部サイトShakespeare's poems外部サイトCanzonas and capriccio from the seconda aggiunta alli concerti raccolti dal molto reverendo Don Francesco Lucino a due, trè, e quattro voci, di diversi eccellenti autori,--novamente raccolta, & data in luce da Filippo Lomazzo (Milan, 1617) . And, Il primo libro de canzoni francese a 4. & alcune suonate (Venice, 1624)外部サイトKnowing, naming, certainty and idealism外部サイトRisks and reporting of off-balance-sheet (OBS) activities in commercial banking外部サイトLibro primo de canzoni-- a quattro voci (Brescia, 1584)外部サイトDer verstandene Tod : eine Untersuchung zu Martin Heideggers Existenzialontologie外部サイトThe physical city : public space and the infrastructure外部サイトEsther外部サイトNew York Public Library manuscripts外部サイトPhilosophical remains外部サイトElisa e Claudio . And, Excerpts from L'apoteosi d'Ercole外部サイトThe Americanization of a rural immigrant church : the General Conference Mennonites in central Kansas, 1874-1939外部サイトUnited States trade relations with the newly industrializing countries in the Pacific basin外部サイトMythologie : Paris 1627外部サイトAsian American issues relating to labor, economics, and socioeconomic status外部サイトLiving rooms as symbols of status : a study in social judgement外部サイトClean surplus : a link between accounting and finance外部サイトLimitations on the business of banking : an analysis of expanded securities, insurance, and real estate activities外部サイトAn Empire takes shape : selected articles on the origins of the old English colonial system外部サイトCorelli and his contemporaries : continuo sonatas for violin外部サイトImmigrants in rural America : a study of the Italians of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana外部サイトJewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian conference of 1938外部サイトCommercial bank liquidity management, discretionary reserve behavior, and the allocation of credit, 1863-1913外部サイトCongress and the Confederation外部サイトA strategic analysis of the United States banking industry外部サイトSecuring the enactment of civil rights legislation, 1946-1960外部サイトGood books and the Good Book : reading lists外部サイトMen without work : a report made to the Pilgrim Trust外部サイトThe prefunctional stage of first language acquisition : a crosslinguistic study外部サイトVirtuous pagans : unreligious people in America外部サイトModern religious liberalism : the desructiveness [i.e. destructiveness] and irrationality of the new theology外部サイトJapan's economic ascent : international trade, growth, and postwar reconstruction外部サイトHomeless families : causes, effects, and recommendations外部サイトAccounting in France : historical essays = La comptabilité en France : études historiques外部サイトThe development of personality, self, and ego in adolescence外部サイトAn evaluation of Federal Reserve policy 1924-1930外部サイトChansons published by Tielman Susato外部サイトMasses外部サイトLa strage degl'innocenti . Il sacrifizio d'Isacco外部サイトWorks originally published in upright format外部サイトJephte ; Le cinque piaghe di Cristo . Oratorio di S. Pietro piangente外部サイトFantasie overo canzoni alla francese per suonare dell'organo et altri stromenti musicali, a quattro voci (Venice, 1603) . And, Primo libro di ricercari a tre voci (Naples, 1606)外部サイトPlain and ugly Janes : the rise of the ugly woman in contemporary American fiction外部サイトPhilosophy of religion外部サイトOtello : dramma in three acts外部サイトThe evolution of an educator : an anthology of published writings of Ada Louise Comstock外部サイトOver there : American banks abroad外部サイトA balance of payments for the thirteen colonies, 1768-1772外部サイトThe National Department and the Polish American community, 1916-1923外部サイトTwo symphonies, no. 1 in C and no. 2 in D . Two symphonies, opus 41 and opus 42外部サイトArthur T. Pierson : a spiritual warrior, mighty in the Scriptures; a leader in the modern missionary crusade外部サイトCaterina di Guisa外部サイトDidone abbandonata外部サイトAriadne auf Naxos . Ino外部サイトEducation and Greek immigrants in Chicago, 1892-1973 : a study in ethnic survival外部サイトOrganizational studies in higher education外部サイトExhibitions of sculpture外部サイトCapital mobilization and regional financial markets : the Pacific Coast states, 1850-1920外部サイトLa Juive外部サイトDoctor Martino and other stories : holograph manuscripts and typescripts外部サイトFormal phonology外部サイトAustrian cloister symphonists外部サイトSecuring the enactment of civil rights legislation : Civil Rights Act of 1964外部サイトPiano reductions of orchestral works外部サイトGlobal enterprises and the world economy : Ford, General Motors, and IBM, the emergence of the transnational enterprise外部サイトSpreading and locality domains in phonology外部サイトBank behavior, regulation, and economic development : California, 1860-1910外部サイトJoaz外部サイトDas Sonnenfest der Braminen外部サイトThe theory and measurement of business income外部サイトVoluntary annual report disclosure by listed Dutch companies, 1945-1983外部サイトKatharine Bement Davis, early twentieth-century American women, and the study of sex behavior外部サイトRequiem for a nun外部サイトSalzburg, part 2, three symphonies : G1, C4, D1 . Four symphonoies : 118, 121, 123, 124 . Five symphonies : 4, 17, 20, 22, 40外部サイトAn analysis of the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve System, 1914-1938外部サイトThe clubwomen's daughter's : collectivist impulses in progressive-era girl's fiction, 1890-1940外部サイトPoverty and population外部サイトThe Puritan apocalypse : New England eschatology in the seventeenth century外部サイトReform of the Federal Reserve System in the early 1930s : the politics of money and banking外部サイトReaction to the modern women's movement, 1963 to the present外部サイトProtective philosophy外部サイトThe Revolution in American thought外部サイトJoseph Arch, the story of his life, told by himself外部サイトDances for piano solo : music for piano four-hands and for two pianos外部サイトInstitutional ownership and multinational firms : relationship to social and environmental performance外部サイトSoldiers' pay外部サイトLa Betulia liberata外部サイトThe economics of unemployment外部サイトCriminals and crime : some facts and suggestions外部サイトThe revolution in the states外部サイトThe growth of intra-industry trade : new trade patterns in a changing global economy外部サイトDie Geisterinsel外部サイトNational guilds and the state外部サイトTotal quality management and just-in-time purchasing : their effects on performance of firms operating in the U.S.外部サイトThe Symphony in Poland外部サイトLo schiavo di sua moglie外部サイトMarkets and merchants : economic diversification in colonial Virginia, 1700-1775外部サイトA critical edition of Thomas Middleton's The witch外部サイトAn edition of Anthony Munday's John a Kent and John a Cumber外部サイトGenerative grammatical studies in the Japanese language外部サイトAn edition of the Rare triumphs of love and fortune外部サイトThe justices, judging, and judicial reputation外部サイトThe head start mother : low-income mothers' empowerment through participation外部サイトAirs mis en musique a quatre parties : premier livre (1578) . Second livre d'airs, chansons, villanelles napolitaines & espanolles mis en musique à quatre parties : (1578)外部サイトNotes on fallacies of American protectionists . Lectures on the history of protection in the United States外部サイトMaking homes in the West/Indies : constructions of subjectivity in the writings of Michelle Cliff and Jamaica Kincaid外部サイトDomestic violence : intimate partner abuse外部サイトL'Olimpiade外部サイトJournal of the proceedings of the Friends of Domestic Industry ; and British opinions on the protecting system外部サイトJoseph外部サイトTwo early nineteenth-century bookbinding manuals外部サイトHonor conflicts and the role of the imagination in selected plays by John Fletcher and Lope de Vega外部サイトThree symphonies : no. 3 in C, no. 4 in E, and no. 5 in A外部サイトEstablishing the new regime : the Washington administration外部サイトThe symphony in Hungary . The symphony in Bohemia外部サイトTimothy Walker, antebellum lawyer外部サイトDefining perspectives in moral development外部サイトHistory of contemporary Japan, 1945-1998外部サイトThe unemployed, old policies and new外部サイトThe murals of Tepantitla, Teotihuacan外部サイトLa favorite : opéra in four acts外部サイトThe religious renewal of Jewry外部サイトAbolitionism in the United States and Brazil : a comparative perspective外部サイトThe Pace of change : selected articles on politics and society in pre-revolutionary America外部サイトRaw-material problems and policies外部サイトNull operator constructions外部サイトIl primo libro di madrigali a quattro voci (Venice, 1554)外部サイトGustave, ou, Le bal masqué外部サイトIl talamo preservato dalla fedeltà d'Eudossa外部サイトAmerica and the world : diplomacy, politics, and war外部サイトTactics for the times : as regards the conditions and treatment of the dangerous classes外部サイトRichard Edwards' Damon and Pithias : a critical old-spelling edition外部サイトA landmark in accounting theory : the work of Gabriel A.D. Preinreich外部サイトThe Japanese economy and economic issues since 1945外部サイトThe rights of the accused : the justices and criminal justice外部サイトDoped up, knocked up, and--locked up? : the criminal prosecution of women who use drugs during pregnancy外部サイトStudies on the behavior of equity markets外部サイトPassion "Kommt her und schaut" . Mass外部サイトIl ventaglio . And, Excerpts from L'orfana russa . And, Isabella degli Abenanti外部サイトModern writings on abortion外部サイトThe civil justice system's response to domestic violence外部サイトThe bookbinding craft and industry外部サイトVespasiano外部サイトThe pictorial sources of mythological and scientific illustrations in Hrabanus Maurus' De rerum naturis外部サイトLa Passione外部サイトGiulietta e Romeo . And, Excerpts from Zadig ed Astartea外部サイトChild, parent, or both? : who should be the focus of an effective parenting program外部サイトThree symphonies, 2, 3, 5 . Three symphonic works外部サイトAttitudes, goals, and priorities外部サイトIl trionfo di Clelia外部サイトKohlberg's original study of moral development外部サイトPredicting turning points in the interest rate cycle外部サイトFive symphonies, them. index E♭:131511, C:531531, B♭:551533, E:115153, D:123455 . Three symphonic works, Mennicke 96, 97, 106 . Two overtures, Mennicke 21, 28 . Three symphonies, them. index F2, D2, D9外部サイトAsian Americans and the mass media : a content analysis of twenty United States newspapers and a survey of Asian American journalists外部サイトAmerican tariff controversies in the nineteenth century外部サイトThe Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services外部サイトFernand Cortez, ou, La conquête du Mexique外部サイトAccounting for steam and cotton : two eighteenth century case studies外部サイトDictionnaire géneŕal des artistes de l'école française depuis l'origine des arts du dessin jusqu'à nos jours外部サイトPremier livre de chansons en forme de vau de ville : Paris, 1573 . Chansons de P. de Ronsard, Ph. Desportes, et autres : Paris, 1580 . Premier livre de chansons à deux parties : Paris, 1578外部サイトMetamorphosis : seu Fabulae poeticae, Frankfurt 1589外部サイトAlessandro Severo外部サイトChapters on prisons and prisoners, and the prevention of crime外部サイトCatone外部サイトChansons published by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトJewish emigration : the S.S. St. Louis affair and other cases外部サイトHalf a century : the autobiography of a servant外部サイトThe complete chansons . Chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトEducation and schooling in Japan since 1945外部サイトL'Idalma, overo, Chi la dura la vince外部サイトDegas et son œuvre外部サイトKnight's gambit : typescripts and miscellaneous typescript pages外部サイトNutrition status of Mexican American children in the United States : determinants and policy implications外部サイトThe seven curses of London外部サイトAfricans become Afro-Americans : selected articles on slavery in the American colonies外部サイトTomb of Julius II and other works in Rome外部サイトLa lotta d'Hercole con Acheloo . Miscellaneous manuscript sources外部サイトOne symphony, them. index 1 . One symphony, them. index E♭1 . Two symphonies外部サイトThe Symphony in Dresden : ten symphonies外部サイトIntegration of the armed forces外部サイトThe efficiency of new issue markets外部サイトJustice Department briefs in crucial civil rights cases, 1948-1968外部サイトThe conflicts of capital and labour外部サイトThe Overture in England, 1800-1840外部サイトLa Rosaura外部サイトLes Huguenots外部サイトThe punishment and prevention of crime外部サイトOne symphony 5 . Two symphonies concertantes 1, 3 . Two symphonies concertantes . One symphonie concertante I:31 (Giazotto 77)外部サイトLogic and ontology外部サイトLe pardon de Ploërmel外部サイトCatone in Utica外部サイトSubjects in Japanese and English外部サイトEssays in economic theory外部サイトMoney and consumer durable spending外部サイトExpectations and the greenback rate, 1862-1878外部サイトThe Prophecy conference movement外部サイトA critical, modern-spelling edition of James Shirley's The opportunity外部サイトOn unique and non-unique reference and asymmetric quantification外部サイトThe troublesome raigne of John, King of England外部サイトErcole in Tebe外部サイトAccounting history from the Renaissance to the present : a remembrance of Luca Pacioli外部サイトPenological and preventive principles外部サイトLa Griselda外部サイトMoral self-regard : duties to oneself in Kant's moral theory外部サイトProblems of compositionality外部サイトRetrospective exhibitions of Ernest Meissonier外部サイトEighteenth-century capitalism : the formation of American marine insurance companies外部サイトRich man, poor man外部サイトDavid pœnitens外部サイトThe early philosophy : language as picture外部サイトCommerce and community : selected articles on the Middle Atlantic colonies外部サイトHigher education for Catholic women : an historical anthology外部サイトVesper music for multiple choirs外部サイトLayers of predication : the non-lexical syntax of clauses外部サイトThe labor argument in the American protective tariff discussion . Daniel Raymond外部サイトThe Hamlet外部サイトPordage's Mundorum explicatio外部サイトMasses外部サイトThe Japanese economy in the Tokugawa era, 1600-1868外部サイトExecutive initiatives外部サイトBlind panels of English binders外部サイトThe first generation of American women graduates外部サイトSanta Dimna, figlia del re d'Irlanda . Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi外部サイトSecond livre d'airs des plus excelants musiciens de nostre tems : (Paris, 1579) . Airs de court : mis en musique à 4. & 5. parties (Paris, 1597)外部サイトFour symphonies, Nagel no. 64, 24, 48, 111 . Three symphonies, them. index PC 18, JC 8, C 11 . Three symphonies, them. index D 6, E♭ 4, D 14 . One quartetto, them. index 4外部サイトAgricultural growth and Japanese economic development外部サイトIl Pompeo外部サイトThree symphonies, 1, 3, 8外部サイトLa Passione di Gesù Cristo外部サイトMental health among elderly native Americans外部サイトSpartaco外部サイトNational fine arts exhibitions外部サイトLa finta cameriera外部サイトCriteria外部サイトIda della Torre外部サイトArtful itineraries : European art and American careers in high culture, 1865-1920外部サイトL'eroe cinese外部サイトIl primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci (Milan, 1555)外部サイトEpistemology外部サイトTotila外部サイトMotivating soldiers : morale or mutiny外部サイトOne symphony them. index 2 . Two symphonies . One symphony op. 33外部サイトElective affinities外部サイトCollege student development and academic life : psychological, intellectual, social, and moral issues外部サイトOratorium pro defunctis : (1723) ; Oratorium pro defunctis : (date unknown)外部サイトSalon of the 'Nationale'外部サイトStock exchange automation外部サイトFrom zadruga to oil refinery : Croatian immigrants and Croatian-Americans in Whiting, Indiana, 1890-1950外部サイトThere's a lot of month left at the end of the money : how welfare recipients make ends meet in Chicago外部サイトShakespeare and the arts外部サイトThe history and immigration of Asian Americans外部サイトThe story of the dockers' strike外部サイトChansons published by Hubert Waelrant and Jean Laet外部サイトSecrets of the prison-house, or, Gaol studies and sketches外部サイトConscience and belief : the Supreme Court and religion外部サイトA Nation in the womb of time : selected articles on the long-term causes of the American Revolution外部サイトRobert Applegarth, trade unionist, educationist, reformer外部サイトAccounting history 1976-1986 : an anthology外部サイトThe use of physicians' services by low-income children外部サイトAsian American family life and community外部サイトFive symphonies them. index 65, 36, 26, 73, 11 . One symphony, Reissinger 18 . Two symphonies, Peters 7, 52 . One symphony op. 22 . One symphony op. 23外部サイトStarting over : the task of the protagonist in the contemporary Bildungsroman外部サイトIl primo libro delle musiche (Venice, 1618)外部サイトDie Dorfdeputierten外部サイトCentral bank autonomy : the Federal Reserve System in American politics外部サイトThe Fundamentals : a testimony to truth外部サイトChansons published by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトThe wayward nun of Amherst : Emily Dickinson and medieval mystical women外部サイトTebaldo e Isolina外部サイトLocal authority accounting methods : problems and solutions, 1909-1934外部サイトLectures on Greek philosophy外部サイトComplete unpublished chansons外部サイトI Puritani : melodramma serio in three acts外部サイトThe Supreme Court in and of the stream of power外部サイトAnonymous oratorios in the Barberini collection of the Vatican Library外部サイトThe American laborer外部サイトThe positive influence of bonding in female-headed African American families外部サイトBetulia liberata外部サイトLa conscience malheureuse外部サイトPunishing the perpetrators of the Holocaust : the Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf cases外部サイトOpera : Venice, 1544外部サイトLi matti per amore外部サイトLa forza della virtu︡外部サイトSalzburg, part 2, three symphonies : G1, C4, D1 . Four symphonoies : 118, 121, 123, 124 . Five symphonies : 4, 17, 20, 22, 40外部サイトEconomic analysis of tort and products liability law外部サイトPoverty and single parent families : a study of minimal subsistance household budgets外部サイトFantasie a tre voci, per cantar et sonar con ogni sorte d'istrumenti (Venice, 1585) . Ricercars from Madrigali et ricercari--a quattro voci (Venice, 1589) . And, Tercetti from Il secondo libro delle canzonette a tre voci con l'aggionta di dodeci tercetti a note (Venice, 1592)外部サイトThe London prisons : with an account of the more distinguished persons who have been confined in them外部サイトCatholic education at the turn of the new century外部サイトCommand structure外部サイトThe bastard hero in the novel外部サイトPragmatics of conditional marking : implicature, scalarity, and exclusivity外部サイトRetrospective exhibition of Gustave Doré外部サイトState and local politics in the new nation外部サイトAmerica, or, A general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the Western continent外部サイトThe record of an adventurous life外部サイトEight symphonic works : them. index 27, 32, 44, 49, 58, 88/92, 90, 91外部サイトWill the world break your heart? : dimensions and consequences of Irish-American assimilation外部サイトEliza, ou, Le voyage aux glaciers du Mont St. Bernard外部サイトThe theory and practice of the international trade of the United States and England, and of the trade of the United States and Canada外部サイトIntruder in the dust : typescript draft, typescript setting copy, and miscellaneous material外部サイトOne symphony, them. index 107 . Three symphonic works, them. index 2, 5, 10 . One symphonie concertante, them. index 1外部サイトPompeo Magno in Cilicia外部サイトCrime, its causes and remedy外部サイトThe economy外部サイトEvangelism old and new : God's search for man in all ages外部サイトTwo ways of life and death : Alcestis and The cocktail party外部サイトThe grammar of quantification外部サイトEinführung in die Phänomenologie外部サイトIndians and Europeans : selected articles on Indian-white relations in colonial North America外部サイトForeign currency translation by United States multinational corporations : toward a theory of accounting standard selection外部サイトInternal accounting control evaluation and auditor judgment : an anthology外部サイトJewish emigration 1938-1940, Rublee negotiations, and Intergovernmental Committee外部サイトMarried widows : wives of men in long-term care外部サイトDeterminants of United States - Japanese foreign direct investment : a comparison across countries and industries外部サイトMethod and essence外部サイトIl marito giocatore, e la moglie bachettona (Serpilla e Bacocco)外部サイトThe deserving poor外部サイトLe Comte Ory外部サイトTheir day in court : a history of the Indian Claims Commission外部サイトSemiramide : melodramma tragico in two acts外部サイトEster外部サイトLa Straniera : melodramma in two acts外部サイトInnovations in the retail banking industry : the impact of organizational structure and environment on the adoption process外部サイトThree symphonic works . Two symphonies . Three symphonic works外部サイトWomen entrepreneurs : developing leadership for success外部サイトSidewalks talk : a naturalistic study of street kids外部サイトLenardo und Blandine . Electra外部サイトSelected articles on accounting theory外部サイトFifteenth symphonies : D1, D9, C8, C3, C4, G1, E♭2, C7, F1, B♭ 2, D2, G2, G3, E3, B♭4外部サイトReading on the Statute of uses外部サイトIsacco figura del Redentore外部サイトIl mercato di Malmantile外部サイトEuridice外部サイトSesostri外部サイトIl sacrificio di Abramo外部サイトLexical passives in modern Greek外部サイトDefenders and defense of big business in the United States, 1880-1900外部サイトFabularum liber : Basel, 1535外部サイトL'Africaine外部サイトL'Olimpiade外部サイトOn clitics and cliticization : the interaction of morphology, phonology, and syntax外部サイトThe clubwomen's daughters : collectivist impulses in progressive-era girls' fiction外部サイトRatifying, amending, and interpreting the Constitution外部サイトThe United States Strategic Bombing Survey外部サイトAn American enlightenment : selected articles on Colonial intellectual history外部サイトFederalists and republicans外部サイトA history of labour representation外部サイトReadings in true and fair外部サイトCyclical productivity in U.S. manufacturing外部サイトSiroe, re di Persia外部サイトThe Stresses of empire : selected articles on the British Empire in the eighteenth century外部サイトLiber undecimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1555) . Liber duodecimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1557) . Liber XIII ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1557)外部サイトExchange rates and prices : the case of United States imports外部サイトThomas Shadwell's The Lancashire-witches, and Tegue o Divelly the Irish-priest : a critical old-spelling edition外部サイトLegalizing the Holocaust : the early phase, 1933-1939外部サイトSocial security外部サイトAntecedents of the symphony外部サイトContestable markets theory, competition, and the United States commercial banking industry外部サイトFrom Chartism to Labourism外部サイトThe Fundamentalist-modernist conflict : opposing views on three major issues外部サイトPolice!外部サイトEstimation of economies of scale in nineteenth century United States manufacturing外部サイトA nation of states : federalism at the bar of the Supreme court外部サイトEmbodying beauty : twentieth-century American women writers' aesthetics外部サイトTrade associations and uniform costing in the British printing industry, 1900-1963外部サイトThree symphonies . One symphony . Two symphonies . Six symphonies外部サイトThe roots of Japan's international environmental policies外部サイトA critical old-spelling edition of Thomas Goffe's The courageous Turk外部サイトModern bookbinding practically considered外部サイトMoro per amore外部サイトExport dependence versus the new protectionism : constraints on trade policy in the industrial world外部サイトVowel/glide alternation in a theory of constraint interaction外部サイトModern Primitives : race and language in Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and Zora Neale Hurston外部サイトElements of political economy with special reference to the industrial history of nations外部サイトThe collapse of federally insured depositories : the savings and loans as precursor外部サイトThe "Final solution" in the extermination camps and the aftermath外部サイトAlceste外部サイトFreedom and equality : discrimination and the Supreme Court外部サイトSantería in New York City : a study in cultural resistance外部サイトFederal influences on biomedical technology innovation外部サイトL'Olimpiade外部サイトD.L. Moody外部サイトSocial welfare and the feminization of poverty外部サイトPatriotism, protection, and prosperity : James Moore Swank, the American Iron and Steel Association, and the tariff, 1873-1913外部サイトFour sinfonie, them. index 1, 5, 17, 24 . Five sinfonie, them. index D1, D2, D3, D6, D7 /Giovanni Battista Lampugnani ; edited by Carlo Vitali with the assistance of Michele Girardi . Two sinfonie, them. index D36, B♭5 . One sinfonia . One sinfonia, them. index 232外部サイトShakespeare and the interpretive tradition外部サイトL'Egisto, overo, Chi soffre speri外部サイトAbsolute Stellungnahmen : eine ontologische Untersuchung über das Wesen der Religion外部サイトIl Bajazet外部サイトManuscripts at Oxford外部サイトRomeo und Julie . and, Der Alchymist外部サイトSchmalenbach's dynamic accounting and price-level adjustments : an economic consequences explanation外部サイトLatino language and education : communication and the dream deferred外部サイトThe art of bookbinding外部サイトThe Crystal Night Pogrom外部サイトEmployment of Blacks by the federal government外部サイトTheory of value外部サイトCivil-military relations外部サイトThree French short-verse satirists : Marot, Magny, and Du Bellay外部サイトFighting fundamentalism : polemical thrusts of the 1930s and 1940s外部サイトEducation literature, 1907-1932外部サイトThe plays of John Hoole外部サイトAsian American interethnic relations and politics外部サイトIl convito di Baldassarro . La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo外部サイトA manual of political economy外部サイトMusic of Southslavic epics from the Bihać region of Bosnia外部サイトPostcolonial masquerades : culture and politics in literature, film, video, and photography外部サイトLogic and philosophy of language外部サイトThe Western theater外部サイトThirty years' experience of a medical officer in the English convict service外部サイトColonial women and domesticity : selected articles on gender in early America外部サイトRisks and problem behaviors in adolescence外部サイトMetaphysics外部サイトThe Book-finishers' friendly circular外部サイトThe birth of industrial accounting in France and Britain外部サイトExhibitions of realist art外部サイトAdamo ed Eva外部サイトGerman military government外部サイトStudies in cash flow accounting and analysis : aspects of the interface between managerial planning, reporting and control and external performance measurement外部サイトDie Geisterinsel外部サイトAlcide al bivio外部サイトThe medallion style : a study in the origins of Byzantine taste外部サイトAllegoriae poeticae, Paris, 1520 . Theologia mythologica, Antwerp, 1532 . Apotheoseos --, Basel, 1558外部サイトHomosexual conduct and state regulation外部サイトLi zite 'ngalera外部サイトAdaptation, acculturation, and transnational ties among Asian Americans外部サイトThe ETHINT series外部サイトI Capuleti e i Montecchi : tragedia lirica in two acts外部サイトThe county courts and the Provincial Court in Maryland, 1733-1763外部サイトIl corsaro外部サイトThe crimes of domestic violence外部サイトTopics in French syntax外部サイトLeonard M. Savoie : words from the past, thoughts for today外部サイトAsian American women and gender外部サイトTamerlano外部サイトConsonant strength : phonological patterns and phonetic manifestations外部サイトIl bravo外部サイトVesper and compline music for six and seven principal voices外部サイトRobert le diable外部サイトWorld's fair of 1878外部サイトChansons issued by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトChild support and welfare reform外部サイトThe discourse function of inversion in English外部サイトUthal外部サイトThe origins and economic impact of the first bank of the United States, 1791-1797外部サイトPresidential committees and White House conferences外部サイトInstitutional shareholder activism : the changing face of corporate ownership外部サイト"A free ballot and a fair count" : the Department of Justice and the enforcement of voting rights in the South, 1877-1893外部サイトThe empty cross : medieval hopes, modern futility in the theater of Maurice Maeterlinck, Paul Claudel, August Strindberg, and Georg Kaiser外部サイトPersons外部サイトAdonis ; and, Janus外部サイトIconologia : Padua, 1611外部サイトThe Old Fashioned Revival Hour and the broadcasters外部サイトFundamentalist versus modernist : the debates between John Roach Straton and Charles Francis Potter外部サイトLatina issues : fragments of historia (ella) (herstory)外部サイトL'Argia外部サイトMasses外部サイトCrime and criminals, 1876-1910外部サイトThe phonetics and phonology of Korean prosody : intonational phonology and prosodic structure外部サイトThree symphonies, them. index 2, 5, 13 . Four overtures, them. index 5, 8, 10, 11 . Two symphonic works . One symphony, them. index 1外部サイトThe morphosyntax of the Algonquian conjunct verb : a minimalist approach外部サイトFrom creditor to debtor : the U.S. pursuit of foreign capital--the case of the repeal of the withholding tax外部サイトThe American system : speeches on the tariff question and on internal improvements外部サイトThe home : courtship, marriage, and children外部サイトA critical edition of Robert Davenport's The city-night-cap外部サイトInstitutional life : family, schools, race, and religion外部サイトPostmodern tales of slavery in the Americas : from Alejo Carpentier to Charles Johnson外部サイトThe contemporary debate : reconciling freedom of expression and equality of citizenship外部サイトIntuitions as evidence外部サイトA.C. Dixon, a romance of preaching外部サイトThe private language argument外部サイトThe rhetoric of anti-Catholicism : the American Protective Association, 1887-1911外部サイトL'Olimpiade外部サイトHow the poor live ; and, Horrible London外部サイトThe metaphysic of experience外部サイトThe Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit外部サイトAddresses of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry . Essay on the expediency and practicability of improving or creating home markets外部サイトA coincidence of wants : the novel and neoclassical economics外部サイトMissionary innovation and expansion外部サイトEmpirical definition of money外部サイトCombatting housing discrimination外部サイトThe academic profession : the professoriate in crisis外部サイトThe Youth for Christ movement and its pioneers外部サイトOrigins and species : a study of the historical sources of Darwinism and the contexts of some other accounts of organic diversity from Plato and Aristotle on外部サイトParisina : melodramma in three acts外部サイトDismal England外部サイトAmerican Society, 1776-1815外部サイトComplete chansons . Complete chansons . Chanson published by Le Roy and Ballard . Complete chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard外部サイトThe Accounting postulates and principles controversy of the 1960s外部サイトFamily homelessness : more than simply a lack of housing外部サイトThe impact of immigration on the growth and development of the U.S. economy, 1890-1920外部サイトLibrettos外部サイトElisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra : dramma per musica in two acts外部サイトDissenting fictions : identity and resistance in the contemporary American novel外部サイトThe philosophical, moral, and penological debate over capital punishment外部サイトLes deux journées外部サイトA critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern Rebellion外部サイトFive symphonies them. index 65, 36, 26, 73, 11 . One symphony, Reissinger 18 . Two symphonies, Peters 7, 52 . One symphony op. 22 . One symphony op. 23外部サイトEdmond Ironside ; and Anthony Brewer's The love-sick king外部サイトThe linguistic description of opaque contexts外部サイトDiscrimination and equality in contemporary immigration law外部サイトDemofoonte外部サイトThe Federal Constitution外部サイトEarly eighteenth-century French and German masters : continuo sonatas for violin外部サイトAbsalom, Absalom! : typescript setting copy and miscellaneous material外部サイトThe social reality of a group of rural, low-status, Appalachian women : a grounded theory study外部サイトPricing options with futures-style margining : a genetic adaptive neural network approach外部サイトBernardo Martorell, fifteenth-century Catalan artist外部サイトThe Einsatzgruppen or murder commandos外部サイトElena da Feltre外部サイトHomosexuality and the family外部サイトLa vestale外部サイトMisogonus外部サイトJustice Department civil rights policies prior to 1960 : crucial documents from the files of Arthur Brann Caldwell外部サイトBanking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905外部サイトLight in August外部サイトRecherches sur les conditions de la connaissance : essai d'une théorétique pure外部サイトThe Bible in faith and life as taught by James M. Gray外部サイトReminiscence and nursing home life外部サイトZelmira : dramma in two acts外部サイトL'ultimo giorno di Pompei ; And, Excerpts from Niobe外部サイトPsychology and myth外部サイトAndromaca外部サイトIsamu Noguchi : a study of the sculpture外部サイトFamily caregiving in a changing society : the effects of employment on caregiver stress外部サイトVirginia and the English commercial system, 1689-1733 : studies in the development and fluctuations of a colonial economy under imperial control外部サイトThomas Burt, M.P., D.C.L., pitman & privy councillor : an autobiography外部サイトClitics and constituents in phrase structure grammar外部サイトClaudius ; and, Nebucadnezar外部サイトThe symphony in France, 1730-1790 . Four symphonies外部サイトLo spirito di contradizione外部サイトBeyond the barricades : women, civil society, and participation after democratization in Latin America外部サイトTwo symphonies, them. index F1, D9 . One symphony, them. index G1 . Two symphonies, them. index C4, E♭1 . One symphony op. 11 . One symphony外部サイトThe serial verb construction parameter外部サイトAlessandro nell'Indie外部サイトDom Sébastien : opéra in five acts外部サイトRitual and myth : Robertson Smith, Frazer, Hooke, and Harrison外部サイトChiara di Rosembergh . And excerpts from two early operas外部サイトPrevention in child welfare : states' response to federal mandate外部サイトEdmund Husserl and his Logical investigations外部サイトShorter compositions for piano外部サイトRedefining the new woman, 1920-1963外部サイトReduced constructions in Spanish外部サイトHyphenism in St. Louis, 1900-1921 : the view from the outside外部サイトCarattaco外部サイトBetulia liberata ; and, La Passione di nostro signore Giesù Cristo外部サイトThe stage immigrant : the Irish, Italians, and Jews in American drama, 1920-1960外部サイトThe life and death of Mrs. Mary Frith, commonly called Moll Cutpurse, 1662 : with a facsimile of the original edition外部サイトShort stories : holograph manuscripts and typescripts外部サイトThe Victorious life : messages from the summer conferences外部サイトIl sacrificio di Abel . Il viaggio di Tobia外部サイトFilm and the nuclear age : representing cultural anxiety外部サイトSolimano外部サイトAmerican patterns of life : selected articles on the provincial period in American history外部サイトDer Spiegel von Arkadien外部サイトLa Cecchina, ossia, La buona figliuola外部サイトLa morte d'Abel外部サイトPublic enterprise : developments in social ownership and control in Great Britain外部サイトEssays, lectures, etc., upon select topics in revealed theology外部サイトNational system of political economy外部サイトL'étoile du nord外部サイトPunishing the perpetrators of the Holocaust : the Ohlendorf and von Weizsaecker cases外部サイトThe Whole art of bookbinding : 1811 English and 1824 American editions外部サイトThe evolution of publishers' binding styles, 1700-1900外部サイトAn undergrowth of folly : public order, race anxiety, and the 1903 Evansville, Indiana riot外部サイトLaryngeal features and laryngeal neutralization外部サイトTen symphonies外部サイトAccounting from the outside : the collected papers of Anthony G. Hopwood外部サイトCorporate cash management, excess cash and acquisitions外部サイトMasses外部サイトBritish Library manuscripts外部サイトThe complete sonatas for solo piano外部サイトThe theory of prosperity外部サイトThe misfortunes of Arthur : a critical, old-spelling edition外部サイトThe finality of the higher criticism, or, The theory of evolution and false theology外部サイトManagement control in a voluntary organization : accounting and accountants in organizational context外部サイトAdministrative history of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice during the Johnson Administration外部サイトThe origins of the bilateral Okinawa problem : Okinawa in postwar U.S.-Japan relations, 1945-1952外部サイトLitigating capital cases外部サイトLe imagini - degli dei : Venice 1571外部サイトEnterprising fundamentalism : two second-generation leaders外部サイトThe metaphysics of the moral law : Kant's deduction of freedom外部サイトMasses外部サイトGl'amanti generosi外部サイトNorma : tragedia lirica in two acts外部サイトTranscultural customization of international training programs外部サイトLiber septimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1553) . Liber octavus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susatao, 1553)外部サイトAccountics : April 1897 to August 1900外部サイトAn examination of the monetary hypothesis of the depression外部サイトFrom good ma to welfare queen : a genealogy of the poor woman in American literature, photography, and culture外部サイトOlimpie外部サイトArmida abbandonata外部サイトCapital flows, saving, and investment in the world economy外部サイトA New Evangelical coalition : early documents of the National Association of Evangelicals外部サイトHomosexuality, politics, and speech外部サイトIl crociato in Egitto : melodramma eroico in two acts外部サイトThe tragoedy of Cleopatra, Queene of Aegypt外部サイトPrinciples of the economic philosophy of society, government, and industry外部サイトThe poetical histories : London 1671 . Appendix de Diis et heroibus poeticis : Rouen 1705外部サイトLa Passione di Gesù Cristo : (1767, 1787)外部サイトGlobal executive information systems : key issues and trends外部サイトThe interwar economy of Japan : colonialism, depression, and recovery, 1910-1940外部サイトIntroduction & guide外部サイトTreasury auction results as interest rate predictors外部サイトIfigenia in Tauride外部サイトJudicial nominations外部サイトPropaganda and aryanization, 1938-1944外部サイトThe marginal man as novelist : the Norwegian-American writers, H.H. Boyesen and O.E. Rølvaag, as critics of American institutions外部サイトThe Eastern theater外部サイトLegalizing the Holocaust, the later phase, 1939-1943外部サイトBiblical prophecy in an apocalyptic age : selected writings of Louis S. Bauman外部サイトFrancis Quarles' Divine fancies : a critical edition外部サイトHistorical themes and identity : mestizaje and labels外部サイトLe rivali concordi外部サイトIl pirata : melodramma in two acts外部サイトThe representation of features in non-linear phonology : the articulator node hierarchy外部サイトProphecy's light on today外部サイトThe rise of Pennsylvania protectionism外部サイトThe Junius tracts, and The rights of labor外部サイトSacrifice in the surrealist novel : the impact of early theories of primitive religion on the depiction of violence in modern fiction外部サイトThe working class and its culture外部サイトAn historical sketch of bookbinding外部サイトLa muette de Portici外部サイトVesper and compline music for five principal voices外部サイトIppolito ed Aricia外部サイトModal subordination, anaphora, and distributivity外部サイトFive symphonies, 1, 11a, 13, 14, 23 . Seven symphonies, 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 52, 69外部サイトFinancial liberalization and the reconstruction of state-market relations外部サイトBeatrice di Tenda : tragedia lirica in two acts外部サイトWelfare reform : a response to unemployed two-parent families外部サイトExhibition of caricature and genre pictures外部サイトAccounting history newsletter 1980-1989 and Accounting history 1989-1994 : a tribute to Robert William Gibson外部サイトMiscellaneous group exhibitions外部サイトSonority constraints on prosodic structure外部サイトRoman group portraiture : the funerary reliefs of the late republic and early empire外部サイトWorld's Fair of 1889 : retrospective exhibition of fine arts, 1789-1889外部サイトDie Liebe im Narrenhaus外部サイトWilliam Jennings Bryan on orthodoxy, modernism, and evolution外部サイトThe development of school busing as a desegregation remedy外部サイトFinancial innovation in the banking industry : the case of asset securitization外部サイトThe Ninth Amendment : preservation of the constitutional mind外部サイトTechnical change, human capital, and spillovers in United States agriculture, 1949-1985外部サイトLa pazza per amore . And, Excerpts from Il postiglione di Longjumeau外部サイトOrigins of academic economics in the United States外部サイトThe Widow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia : a tragi-comedy外部サイトFive symphonic works : them. index 2, 3, 14, 8, 10 . Three symphonic works : them. index 7, 1, 6外部サイトA life's reminiscences of Scotland Yard外部サイトCognitive and moral development and academic achievement in adolescence外部サイトSocial integration, age groups, and attitudes towards euthanasia外部サイトConversations on the principal subjects of political economy外部サイトPylon : typescript setting copy and miscellaneous holograph pages外部サイトThe villas of the ancients illustrated外部サイトSanctuary外部サイトNine symphonies, 9, 16, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36外部サイトThe effects of real exchange rate volatility on sectoral investment : empirical evidence from fixed and flexible exchange rate systems外部サイトErcole in Tebe外部サイトShark infested waters : procedural due process in consitutional immigration law外部サイトLodoïska外部サイトNeither urban jungle nor urban village : women, families, and community development外部サイトThe gaol cradle : who rocks it?外部サイトTopics in diachronic English syntax外部サイトScenes from a silent world外部サイトUrban race riots外部サイトHigher education in Latin America外部サイトLe prophète外部サイトThe informational component外部サイトElmer ; and, "A portrait of Elmer" : the typescripts, manuscripts, and miscellaneous pages外部サイトAmerican commercial policy外部サイトHomosexuals and the military外部サイトCatone in Utica外部サイトSix symphonies, opus 1外部サイトTransportation and communication外部サイトThe interaction of modality and negation : a typological study外部サイトThe English poor外部サイトThe life and struggles of William Lovett外部サイトThe English prison system外部サイト"Unpublished" stories, typescripts, and manuscripts外部サイトTwentieth century reformation外部サイトAmbleto . Numitore外部サイトL'opera seria外部サイトEnglish blind-stamped bindings外部サイトThe Inspired word : a series of papers外部サイトSeven symphonies from the court of Oettingen-Wallerstein 1773-1795外部サイトPeaceful warrior : a biography of Horace Porter (1837-1921)外部サイトThe insignia of the Notitia dignitatum外部サイトThe Marrow of American divinity : selected articles on colonial religion外部サイトBrookline : the evolution of an American Jewish suburb外部サイトAn analysis of credit and equilibrium credit rationing外部サイトIldegonda外部サイトDémophoön外部サイトBibliopegia外部サイトBanks and politics during the Progressive Era : the origins of the Federal Reserve System, 1897-1913外部サイトArtaserse外部サイトIl primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci (Venice, 1542)外部サイトLa diavolessa外部サイトLand grants, housing and political power外部サイトRelevant accounting concepts and applications : the writings and contributions of C. Rufus Rorem外部サイトScipione Africano外部サイトA conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting : vision, tool, or threat?外部サイトThe symphony in Madrid : seven symphonies外部サイトOpposition to the women's movement in the United States, 1848-1929外部サイトThe laws respecting masters and work people外部サイトFour symphonies ; One symphonie concertante外部サイトPaul Gauguin : the paintings of the first voyage to Tahiti外部サイトAesthetics, ethics and religion外部サイトReport of a committee of citizens of Boston . An examination of the report . Review of the report外部サイトAndromaca外部サイトFaith and philosophy外部サイトThree symphonies, 3, 4, 5外部サイトA study of the Securities and Exchange Commission governance and the public interest, 1969-1972外部サイトOrfeo ed Euridice外部サイトHomosexuality : discrimination, criminology, and the law外部サイトAn empirical analysis of international trade policy外部サイトThe business of bookbinding外部サイトThe effects of money, inflation and interest rates on residential investment外部サイトHistorical demography and labor markets in prewar Japan外部サイトChurch and city in transition : the social composition of religious groups in Detroit, 1880-1940外部サイトModernism and foreign missions : two fundamentalist protests外部サイトThe function of humor in the Spanish romances of chivalry外部サイトThe politics of ethnic pressure : the American Jewish Committee fight against immigration restriction, 1906-1917外部サイトDer Rauchfangkehrer外部サイトThe interaction of modality and negation : a typological study外部サイト






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Garland series
The OKW war diary series
An autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology
Bookbindings old and new : notes of a book-lover
Latino employment, labor organizations and immigration
Studies in social and private accounting
Racial violence and law enforcement in the South
Pastoral accounting in colonial Australia : a case study of unregulated accounting
Vologeso, re de' Parti
Alaska native policy in the twentieth century
Modern education, textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization and nationalism in Korean education, 1880-1910
The Symphony in Sweden
Evolution, sacrifice, and narrative : Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner
The transformation of commercial banking in the United States, 1956-1991
The reivers
Father Abraham : holograph manuscript and typescripts; and, The wishing tree : ribbon and carbon typescripts
The principle of Protestantism ; What is church history?
Congressional action
A treatise on the principal trades and manufactures of the United States
The British Trades Union Congress : history and recollections
The Dymaxion experiment, 1926-1943
Relief and rescue of Jews from Nazi oppression, 1943-1945
Like a plague of locusts : from an antebellum town to a New South city, Memphis, Tennessee, 1850-1880
Eighteenth-century book-keeping : twelve encyclopedia articles
Seven symphonies from the court of Thurn und Taxis : introduction by Hugo Angerer, Thomas Emmerig, Robert Holzer
Banking geography of the United States : structure, conduct, and performance of commercial banks in the U. S. metropolitan system
Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne
Sacrificial lives : young martyrs and fundamentalist idealism
A relationship of reform : immigrants and progressives in the Far west
Ossian, ou, Les bardes
Exchange rate efficiency and the behavior of international asset markets
Words heard and overheard : the main text in contemporary drama
The Negro woman's college education
Paul Gauguin in the context of symbolism
Toward greater logic and utility in accounting : the collected writings of Philip W. Bell
Medea in Corinto
Two symphonies, them. index D1, G5 . One symphony, them. index 159 . One symphony, them. index 1
Planters and yeomen : selected articles on the southern colonies
Logical methods
First course-Bible doctrines : eight sections with questions
The Symphony in Naples, 1800-1840
La clemenza di Tito : Andrea Bernasconi ; introduction by Eric Weimer
The educated woman and professionalization : the struggle for a new feminine identity, 1890-1920
The Judicial system and the Jews in Nazi Germany
A critical edition of John Heywood's A play of love
Desegregation of public transportation, facilities, and programs
Accounting and auditing of small businesses
"My world and its value"
The Buglhat motet anthologies ; The Gardane motet anthologies
The symphony in Denmark
Moïse : opéra in four acts : a facsimile of the first edition of the orchestral score, published by Eugène Troupenas (1827)
The macroeconomic effects of war finance in the United States : taxes, inflation, and deficit finance
Labor's power and industrial performance : automobile production regimes in the U.S., Germany, and Japan
Capital and its earnings
Zenobia, regina de Palmireni
Known to the police
Carl Thomas Devine : essays in accounting theory : a capstone
Three generations of Italian American women in Nassau County, 1925-1981
The complete five and six-voice chansons
Semiramide riconosciuta
Guillaume Tell : opéra in four acts
Liber quintus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1553) . Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp, 1553)
Adelasia ed Aleramo ; and, Excerpts from eight other operas
American culture, 1776-1815
The agricultural labourer
The Later philosophy, views and reviews
The mansion
The builders' history
Married and making a living : couples who own small franchise businesses
Our convict systems . Reports and observations on the discipline and management of convict prisons
Valuation of corporate growth opportunities : a real options approach
Double entry bookkeeping in British central government, 1822-1856
A forest history of Douglas County, Oregon, to 1900 : a microcosmic study of imperialism
Genealogie : Paris 1531
Henry Broadhurst, M.P., told by himself
The works of Samuel Hopkins
Political Shakespeare
Patient children : conditions of poverty and the use of hospital-based ambulatory care
Random reminiscences from fifty years of preaching
The assimilation experience of five American white ethnic novelists of the twentieth century
Syntactic issues in the English imperative
God hath spoken : twenty-five addresses delivered at the World Conference on Christian Fundamentals, May 25-June 1, 1919
The burden of ethnicity : the German question in Chicago, 1914-1941
Saffo . And, Excerpts from Furio Camillo
Narrative authority and homeostasis in the novels of Doris Lessing and Carmen Martín Gaite
Institutes of metaphysic
Theoretical foundations and biological bases of development in adolescence
Literary criticism and myth
Shaping the accountancy profession : the story of three Scottish pioneers
Fundamental research in moral development
De laudibus legum Anglie . De republica Anglorum
Dismantling black manhood : an historical and literary analysis of the legacy of slavery
A good master well served : masters and servants in colonial Massachusetts, 1620-1750
Giuseppe riconosciuto
A critical old-spelling edition of The young admiral
Revelations of prison life
One symphony . One symphony them. index WO 33
Lexical phonology and morphology : the nominal classes in Fula
Women and women's issues in post World War II Japan
Workmen's earnings, strikes, and savings
The works of Jonathan Edwards
Measuring risks of deposit institutions
Gl'inganni felici
A fable
Capital punishment jurisprudence
The symphony in Portugal : two symphonies . The symphony in Spain : three symphonies
From bondage to citizenship : the Richmond black community, 1865-1867
Securing the enactment of civil rights legislation, 1965-1968
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants : foundation for a profession
The Symphony at Mannheim
Excerpta from the early Italian operas (1817-1822)
Bank failures and deregulation in the 1980's
Our new masters
As I lay dying : holograph manuscript and carbon typescript
The historical basis of socialism in England
Iginia d'Asti
The history of the German public accounting profession
Puritans and Yankees : selected articles on New England colonial history, 1974 to 1984
Shrewsbury School Library bindings
One symphony, them. index D6 . Two symphonies . Three symphonies . Two symphonies, them. index G1, E♭1 . One symphony
The symphony in Croatia : three symphonies . The symphony in the New World : three symphonies
Signs of change : urban iconographies in San Francisco, 1880-1915
Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy
The Mediterranean theater
Historical development of abortion law
Clause union in Chamorro and in universal grammar
The overture in France, 1790-1810 . One symphonie concertante, them. index 9 . One symphony, them. index 1
Il primo libro de' madrigali-- con due madrigali cromatici nel fine (Venice, 1567)
Has poverty diminished?
From Roe v. Wade to the present
Thomas Legge's Richardus Tertius : a critical edition with a translation
Ricciardo e Zoraide : dramma in two acts
Risk and bank expansion into nonbanking businesses
White slavery : myth, ideology, and American law
The New Deal and anti-Semitism in America
The Great industries of the United States
The development of the hate speech debate : from group libel to campus speech codes
Desegregation of public education
The assertive woman in Zora Neale Hurston's fiction, folklore, and drama
Voting rights
The religion of ethnicity : belief and belonging in a Greek-American community
Roberto Devereux : tragedia lirica in three acts
The phoenix
Drawings, poetry, and miscellaneous studies
Labor and property, privacy, discrimination, and international relations
Deportation of the Jews to the east : Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 1944
Society for Pure English
Foreign composers in France, 1750-1790 . Four symphonies ; Two overtures
The decision-usefulness theory of accounting : a limited history
The history of the financial control function of local government accounting in the United Kingdom
Zur Phänomenologie der Täuschungen
Equal employment opportunity
A situated theory of agreement
Noun phrase licensing
Social structure and social mobility
Constraints on reflexivization in Mandarin Chinese
The Tokyo war crimes trial
The criminal and the community
War in Asia and the Pacific, 1937-1949 : a fifteen volume collection
The judgment, concept, and inference
Vesper and compline music for one principal voice
Über Ideenflucht
These 13 : holograph manuscripts and typescripts
Shakespeare and gender
Accounting theory
Politics and government
L'amor contadino
Variations for the piano
Capital and coercion : the economic and military processes that have shaped the world economy 1800-1990
Irish and German families and the economic development of Midwestern cities, 1860-1895
Urbanization and the growth of cities
The struggle for status : a history of accounting education
Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena
Adriano in Siria
Mid eighteenth-century cello sonatas : continuo sonatas for cello
Memoirs of the unemployed
The Tokyo war crimes trial : index and guide
Puritan crisis : New England and the English Civil Wars, 1630-1670
San Lorenzo
Johannes Brahms autographs : facsimiles of eight manuscripts in the Library of Congress
Graduate education in the United States
The wild palms
Accounting principles through the years : the views of professional and academic leaders, 1938-1954
The town : Miscellaneous Material
Homage to New England : selected articles on early New England history, 1937 to 1963
Crime : its amount, causes, and remedies
Betulia liberata
Der Kaufmann von Smyrna
Contents of the set and collected thematic indexes
Patterns of reduplication in Lushootseed
The sister arts . Of booke binding ancient, and, Modourne . The laboratory, or, School of arts . The handmaid to the arts
Aspects of the economic implications of accounting
La caduta di Gierusalemme
Maometto II : dramma in two acts
A new world gentry : the making of a merchant and planter class in South Carolina, 1670-1770
La Dori, ò vero, La schiava fedele
Der phänomenologische Idealismus Husserls
Dymaxion deployment, 1927-1946
The social basis of religion
Metamorphoseon : Antwerp 1618
Il palazzo incantato, overo, La guerriera amante
International control of raw materials
Amore e Psiche
Selected articles on accounting history
Social interactions in adolescence and promoting positive social contributions of youth
The economy of high wages
Psychology and conceptual relativity
The history of protective tariff laws
World resources and industries
Japanese society since 1945
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America . Memoir of John William Draper, 1811-1882
Seasonal movements of exchange rates and interest rates under the pre-World War I gold standard
Five years' penal servitude
The changing academic marketplace and university reform in Japan
Exhibitions of draftsmen and illustrators
Report on the problem of raw materials and foodstuffs . Raw materials and colonies
Latinos in ethnic enclaves : immigrant workers and the competition for jobs
Seven symphonies : 23, 26, 62, 64, 85, 86, 120 . Five symphonies : Em1, Cm2, B♭1, C11, Dm2
Asian and United States market reactions to trade restrictions
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili : Venice, 1499
The Premillennial Second Coming : two early champions
Un'avventura di Scaramuccia
Economic influences on the development of accounting in firms
Cohesiveness and coherence : religion and the health of the elderly
The ideology of apolitical politics : elite lawyers' response to the legitimation crisis of American capitalism, 1870-1920
Philosophy of mathematics
Federal Reserve behavior, 1923-1931
The tragedy of Nero
A healing art : regeneration through autobiography
Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulterbesitz, Berlin
English prisons to-day : being the report of the Prison System Enquiry Committee
The auditors talk : an oral history of a profession from the 1920s to the present day
Japan's role in international politics since World War II
Vesper and compline music for eight principal voices
The origins of constitutional immigration law
Ohio and the antislavery activities of attorney Salmon Portland Chase, 1830-1849
Life and early works
Shorter compositions for piano
Guidelines for financial reporting standards
Complete chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard
La decollazione di san Giovanni Battista . La Passione di Gesù Christo Signor nostro
Il Xerse
Ray Stannard Baker : the mind and thought of a progressive
The American Accounting Association in its third quarter century, 1966-1991 : central governance and administration
Relief in Hungary and the failure of the Joel Brand mission
Madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1583)
Japanese prewar growth : lessons for development theory?
Socialism : its growth and outcome
Young gaol-birds
"A soldier is also a citizen" : the controversy over military justice, 1917-1920
The constitutionality of labor laws and their relation to freedom of religion and speech
Semiramide riconosciuta
Recollections of a labour pioneer
The progress of the marbling art
Special topics
The Symphonie concertante
The economic position of the British labourer
The changing face of money : will electronic money be adopted in the United States?
The Australian Accounting Standards Review Board : the establishment of its participative review process
The symphony and overture in Great Britain : twenty works
Miscellaneous manuscripts
Il Sedecia . Sant'Agnese
The works of Nathanael Emmons
A legal solution to government gridlock : the enforcement strategy of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Mosquitoes : the ribbon typescript and miscellaneous typescript pages
Le siège de Corinthe : tragédie-lyrique in three acts
Thomas Heywood's The Iron Age
Contagion of bank failures : the relation to deposit insurance and information
Der Töpfer . Lampedo . Fernando und Yariko
Il barone di Dolsheim
Vertical man : the human being in the Catholic novels of Graham Greene, Sigrid Undset, and Georges Bernanos
The Presbyterian conflict
Seven symphonies from the court of Oettingen-Wallerstein 1773-1795
"War with crime" : papers on crime, reformatories, etc.
Liber nonus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1554) . Liber decimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1555)
The path to and from the Supreme Court
Alfred Stieglitz : scientist, photographer, and avatar of modernism, 1880-1913
Inside history of First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, and Temple Baptist Church, Detroit : life story of Dr. J. Frank Norris
L'amazzone corsara, overo, l'Alvilda regina de Goti
The Peopling of a world : selected articles on immigration and settlement patterns in British North America
London : some account of its growth, charitable agencies, and wants
The Drive to desegregate places of public accommodation
The Sistine Chapel
Rescue to Switzerland : the Musy and Saly Mayer affairs
Transportation not necessary . What is to be done with our criminals?
The quest for a science of accounting : an anthology of the research of Robert R. Sterling
An old-spelling, critical edition of The history of the two maids of More-Clacke
French and Italian innovators : continuo sonatas for violin
Juvenile offenders
Joseph Cundall on bookbinding history
Italian wind bands : a surviving tradition in the milltowns of Pennsylvania
The Tonal phonology of Chinese
Toward logical form : an exploration of the role of syntax in semantics
Motetti del laberinto libro primo a cinque voci-- (Venice: Girolamo Scotto, 1554)
Progress of the working class, 1832-1867
Oratorio per la nascita di Gesù Cristo
The texts of the songs
Le parangon des chansons
Education and marginality : a study of the Negro woman college graduate
Il governatore
Fanny Jackson Coppin and the Institute for Colored Youth, 1865-1902
The history of the modern taste in gardening ; Journals of visits to country seats
Two reformers of fundamentalism : Harold John Ockenga and Carl F.H. Henry
Three symphonies 4, 6, 7
Critical corpus of the mosaic pavements on the Greek mainland, fourth/sixth centuries, with architectural surveys
Economy and society in early colonial Maryland
The Context of colonization : selected articles on Britain in the era of American colonization
Didone abbandonata
The tragedye of Solyman and Perseda, edited from the original texts with introduction and notes
Topographical descriptions, regiments, and policies, Book VI, England and Wales, book VII, Scotland, book VIII, Ireland
Shakespeare and the editorial tradition
Economic analysis of contract law, antitrust law, and safety regulations
Edinburgh University Library manuscript : Ms. Dc.I.69 : (songs in the hand of Edward Lowe) : supplemented by Birmingham Central Library, Ms. 57316
Conscience, expression, and privacy
Diplomacy, strategy, and military theory
The social basis of ethnic enterprise : Greeks in the pizza business
Alessandro nell'Indie
Salomone amante . Agar
Criminal justice and Latino communities
Les martyrs : opéra in four acts
Results of the system of separate confinement as administered at the Pentonville Prison
The early Billy Graham : sermon and revival accounts
Protection and prosperity
New Jersey and the fiscal origins of modern American corporation law
Thematic relations and relational grammar
Vesper and compline music for two principal voices
Recruiting, drafting, and enlisting : two sides of the raising of military forces
And then end will come : early Latin Christian interpretations of the opening of the seven seals
The principles of punishment, as applied in the administration of criminal law, by judges and magistrates
Shakespeare and history
Utilizing self-managing teams : effective behavior of team leaders
New England rediscovered : selected articles on New England colonial history, 1965 to 1973
Postmodern Shakespeare
Industrial employment of women in the middle and lower ranks
Theoretical implications of some global phenomena in syntax
Social and political morality
The necessity of organization : Mary Kenney O'Sullivan and trade unionism for women, 1892-1919
Il trionfo di Camilla, regina de' Volsci
The textile industry and the rise of the Japanese economy
Topics in Northern Pomo grammar
Anthropology, folklore, and myth
Henry James as a biographer : a self among others
Leonida in Tegea
Capricci, overo, Canzoni à quattro--libro terzo (Milan, 1594)
British cost accounting, 1887-1952 : contemporary essays from the accounting literature
Vesper and compline music for three principal voices
Il ritorno di Pulcinella da Padova
What is past is prologue : cost accounting in the British Industrial Revolution, 1760-1850
What the workers want
The turbulent spirit : Cleveland, Ohio, and its workers, 1877-1899
Literature and film
Reporting interest rate swaps : the association of disclosure quality with credit risk and ownership structure
Il giuramento
Die schöne Schusterinn, oder, Die pücefarbnen Schuhe
Proceedings of the Conference, Accounting and Economics : in honour of the 500th anniversary of the publication of Luca Pacioli's Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalità, Siena, 18th-19th November 1992
La vestale
Six symphonies
Patriots, redcoats, and loyalists
Polish subjects
The iron ore eaters : a portrait of the mining community of Moriah, New York
The Northern Italian symphony 1800-1840
Structuralism in myth : Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, Dumézil, and Propp
The pusher and the sufferer : an unsentimental reading of Moby Dick
The dimensions of non-legal evidence in the American judicial process : the Supreme Court's use of extra-legal materials in the twentieth century
Performing la mestiza : textual representations of lesbians of color and the negotiation of identities
Shakespeare in the theater
The sound and the fury
Seven symphonies : C1, F11, A8, C9, C14 minor, G1, B♭4
Judicial review and judicial power in the Supreme Court
Veracini and his contemporaries : continuo sonatas for violin
Minyans for a prairie city : the politics of Chicago Jewry, 1850-1940
Medical experiments on Jewish inmates of concentration camps
Case configuration and noun phrase interpretation
Husserl in Göttingen . Edmund Husserl zum Gedächtnis
Self-help among the elderly : formal and informal support systems
The tariff policy of England and of the United States contrasted
Higher education in Europe
The military-state-society symbiosis
Vesper and compline music for four principal voices
The power that governs : the evolution of judicial activism in a midwestern state, 1840-1890
Child social well-being in the U.S. : unequal opportunities and the role of the state
The constitutionality of executive agreements : an analysis of United States v. Belmont
An edition of The late Lancashire witches
Sant'Elena al Calvario
William Loring Andrews on bookbinding history
New thoughts about old things : cognitive policies as the ground of singular concepts
The development of English thought
A critical edition of The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater
Late eighteenth-century sonatas for woodwinds : continuo sonatas for woodwinds
Politics in the First Congress, 1789-1791
Three symphonies . Four symphonies, them. index D7, E♭1, D1, D2 . Three symphonies, them. index 23, 18, 25 . Salzburg part 1, three symphonies : New Grove F.1, D.1, D. 13
American commercial banks in corporate finance, 1929-1941 : a study in banking concentration
Forced to move : housing displacement in the United States
Federal/State aid to dependent children program and its benefits to black children in America, 1935-1985
Flags in the dust
The training and socializing of military personnel
Phenomenological psychology
The republican, or, A series of essays on the principles and policy of free states
Portuguese emigration to the United States, 1820-1930
Interstate fiscal disparities in America : a study of trends and causes
Sixty years of an agitator's life
Immigrants and the 1930s : ethnicity and alienage in depression and on-coming war
Statistical records of the First Bank of the United States
The symphony in Norway
Logical necessity and rules
Mendelssohn's Concerto for violin and orchestra in E minor, op. 64 : a facsimile
The Princeton defense of plenary verbal inspiration
Improving college education for women at Bennett College : a report of a type A project
Exhibitions of classicizing art
Adolescents and their families : structure, function, and parent-youth relationships
A Rage for liberty : selected articles on the immediate causes of the American Revolution
Reformation biblical drama in England : an old-spelling critical edition
Thinking in moral terms
The principles of political economy
On the organization of the lexicon
Il templario . And excerpts from three Italian operas
Shakespeare and the literary tradition
Philosophy, religious studies, and myth
A lecture on bookbinding as a fine art
The relevance of phenomenology to the philosophy of language and mind
New research in moral development
A critical edition of John Day's The parliament of bees
World's Fair of 1900 : Retrospective Exhibition of French Art 1800-1889
Die Jagd
The public debate over busing and attempts to restrict its use
Go down, Moses
Four symphonies . One symphonie concertante, them. index 206
Milestones in the British accounting literature
An empirical investigation of farmers' behavior under uncertainty : income, price, and yield variability for late-nineteenth century American agriculture
Euphrosine, ou, Le tyran corrigé
A semantics for the English existential construction
The least dangerous branch : separation of powers and court-packing
Late eighteenth-century cello sonatas : continuo sonatas for cello
Conservative call to arms
The song contests of Turkish minstrels : improvised poetry sung to traditional music
Small is democratic : an examination of state size and democratic development
Poverty and progress : a second social survey of York
The geodesic revolution
Le nozze di Lammermoor
Shakespeare's poems
Canzonas and capriccio from the seconda aggiunta alli concerti raccolti dal molto reverendo Don Francesco Lucino a due, trè, e quattro voci, di diversi eccellenti autori,--novamente raccolta, & data in luce da Filippo Lomazzo (Milan, 1617) . And, Il primo libro de canzoni francese a 4. & alcune suonate (Venice, 1624)
Knowing, naming, certainty and idealism
Risks and reporting of off-balance-sheet (OBS) activities in commercial banking
Libro primo de canzoni-- a quattro voci (Brescia, 1584)
Der verstandene Tod : eine Untersuchung zu Martin Heideggers Existenzialontologie
The physical city : public space and the infrastructure
New York Public Library manuscripts
Philosophical remains
Elisa e Claudio . And, Excerpts from L'apoteosi d'Ercole
The Americanization of a rural immigrant church : the General Conference Mennonites in central Kansas, 1874-1939
United States trade relations with the newly industrializing countries in the Pacific basin
Mythologie : Paris 1627
Asian American issues relating to labor, economics, and socioeconomic status
Living rooms as symbols of status : a study in social judgement
Clean surplus : a link between accounting and finance
Limitations on the business of banking : an analysis of expanded securities, insurance, and real estate activities
An Empire takes shape : selected articles on the origins of the old English colonial system
Corelli and his contemporaries : continuo sonatas for violin
Immigrants in rural America : a study of the Italians of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana
Jewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian conference of 1938
Commercial bank liquidity management, discretionary reserve behavior, and the allocation of credit, 1863-1913
Congress and the Confederation
A strategic analysis of the United States banking industry
Securing the enactment of civil rights legislation, 1946-1960
Good books and the Good Book : reading lists
Men without work : a report made to the Pilgrim Trust
The prefunctional stage of first language acquisition : a crosslinguistic study
Virtuous pagans : unreligious people in America
Modern religious liberalism : the desructiveness [i.e. destructiveness] and irrationality of the new theology
Japan's economic ascent : international trade, growth, and postwar reconstruction
Homeless families : causes, effects, and recommendations
Accounting in France : historical essays = La comptabilité en France : études historiques
The development of personality, self, and ego in adolescence
An evaluation of Federal Reserve policy 1924-1930
Chansons published by Tielman Susato
La strage degl'innocenti . Il sacrifizio d'Isacco
Works originally published in upright format
Jephte ; Le cinque piaghe di Cristo . Oratorio di S. Pietro piangente
Fantasie overo canzoni alla francese per suonare dell'organo et altri stromenti musicali, a quattro voci (Venice, 1603) . And, Primo libro di ricercari a tre voci (Naples, 1606)
Plain and ugly Janes : the rise of the ugly woman in contemporary American fiction
Philosophy of religion
Otello : dramma in three acts
The evolution of an educator : an anthology of published writings of Ada Louise Comstock
Over there : American banks abroad
A balance of payments for the thirteen colonies, 1768-1772
The National Department and the Polish American community, 1916-1923
Two symphonies, no. 1 in C and no. 2 in D . Two symphonies, opus 41 and opus 42
Arthur T. Pierson : a spiritual warrior, mighty in the Scriptures; a leader in the modern missionary crusade
Caterina di Guisa
Didone abbandonata
Ariadne auf Naxos . Ino
Education and Greek immigrants in Chicago, 1892-1973 : a study in ethnic survival
Organizational studies in higher education
Exhibitions of sculpture
Capital mobilization and regional financial markets : the Pacific Coast states, 1850-1920
La Juive
Doctor Martino and other stories : holograph manuscripts and typescripts
Formal phonology
Austrian cloister symphonists
Securing the enactment of civil rights legislation : Civil Rights Act of 1964
Piano reductions of orchestral works
Global enterprises and the world economy : Ford, General Motors, and IBM, the emergence of the transnational enterprise
Spreading and locality domains in phonology
Bank behavior, regulation, and economic development : California, 1860-1910
Das Sonnenfest der Braminen
The theory and measurement of business income
Voluntary annual report disclosure by listed Dutch companies, 1945-1983
Katharine Bement Davis, early twentieth-century American women, and the study of sex behavior
Requiem for a nun
Salzburg, part 2, three symphonies : G1, C4, D1 . Four symphonoies : 118, 121, 123, 124 . Five symphonies : 4, 17, 20, 22, 40
An analysis of the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve System, 1914-1938
The clubwomen's daughter's : collectivist impulses in progressive-era girl's fiction, 1890-1940
Poverty and population
The Puritan apocalypse : New England eschatology in the seventeenth century
Reform of the Federal Reserve System in the early 1930s : the politics of money and banking
Reaction to the modern women's movement, 1963 to the present
Protective philosophy
The Revolution in American thought
Joseph Arch, the story of his life, told by himself
Dances for piano solo : music for piano four-hands and for two pianos
Institutional ownership and multinational firms : relationship to social and environmental performance
Soldiers' pay
La Betulia liberata
The economics of unemployment
Criminals and crime : some facts and suggestions
The revolution in the states
The growth of intra-industry trade : new trade patterns in a changing global economy
Die Geisterinsel
National guilds and the state
Total quality management and just-in-time purchasing : their effects on performance of firms operating in the U.S.
The Symphony in Poland
Lo schiavo di sua moglie
Markets and merchants : economic diversification in colonial Virginia, 1700-1775
A critical edition of Thomas Middleton's The witch
An edition of Anthony Munday's John a Kent and John a Cumber
Generative grammatical studies in the Japanese language
An edition of the Rare triumphs of love and fortune
The justices, judging, and judicial reputation
The head start mother : low-income mothers' empowerment through participation
Airs mis en musique a quatre parties : premier livre (1578) . Second livre d'airs, chansons, villanelles napolitaines & espanolles mis en musique à quatre parties : (1578)
Notes on fallacies of American protectionists . Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Making homes in the West/Indies : constructions of subjectivity in the writings of Michelle Cliff and Jamaica Kincaid
Domestic violence : intimate partner abuse
Journal of the proceedings of the Friends of Domestic Industry ; and British opinions on the protecting system
Two early nineteenth-century bookbinding manuals
Honor conflicts and the role of the imagination in selected plays by John Fletcher and Lope de Vega
Three symphonies : no. 3 in C, no. 4 in E, and no. 5 in A
Establishing the new regime : the Washington administration
The symphony in Hungary . The symphony in Bohemia
Timothy Walker, antebellum lawyer
Defining perspectives in moral development
History of contemporary Japan, 1945-1998
The unemployed, old policies and new
The murals of Tepantitla, Teotihuacan
La favorite : opéra in four acts
The religious renewal of Jewry
Abolitionism in the United States and Brazil : a comparative perspective
The Pace of change : selected articles on politics and society in pre-revolutionary America
Raw-material problems and policies
Null operator constructions
Il primo libro di madrigali a quattro voci (Venice, 1554)
Gustave, ou, Le bal masqué
Il talamo preservato dalla fedeltà d'Eudossa
America and the world : diplomacy, politics, and war
Tactics for the times : as regards the conditions and treatment of the dangerous classes
Richard Edwards' Damon and Pithias : a critical old-spelling edition
A landmark in accounting theory : the work of Gabriel A.D. Preinreich
The Japanese economy and economic issues since 1945
The rights of the accused : the justices and criminal justice
Doped up, knocked up, and--locked up? : the criminal prosecution of women who use drugs during pregnancy
Studies on the behavior of equity markets
Passion "Kommt her und schaut" . Mass
Il ventaglio . And, Excerpts from L'orfana russa . And, Isabella degli Abenanti
Modern writings on abortion
The civil justice system's response to domestic violence
The bookbinding craft and industry
The pictorial sources of mythological and scientific illustrations in Hrabanus Maurus' De rerum naturis
La Passione
Giulietta e Romeo . And, Excerpts from Zadig ed Astartea
Child, parent, or both? : who should be the focus of an effective parenting program
Three symphonies, 2, 3, 5 . Three symphonic works
Attitudes, goals, and priorities
Il trionfo di Clelia
Kohlberg's original study of moral development
Predicting turning points in the interest rate cycle
Five symphonies, them. index E♭:131511, C:531531, B♭:551533, E:115153, D:123455 . Three symphonic works, Mennicke 96, 97, 106 . Two overtures, Mennicke 21, 28 . Three symphonies, them. index F2, D2, D9
Asian Americans and the mass media : a content analysis of twenty United States newspapers and a survey of Asian American journalists
American tariff controversies in the nineteenth century
The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services
Fernand Cortez, ou, La conquête du Mexique
Accounting for steam and cotton : two eighteenth century case studies
Dictionnaire géneŕal des artistes de l'école française depuis l'origine des arts du dessin jusqu'à nos jours
Premier livre de chansons en forme de vau de ville : Paris, 1573 . Chansons de P. de Ronsard, Ph. Desportes, et autres : Paris, 1580 . Premier livre de chansons à deux parties : Paris, 1578
Metamorphosis : seu Fabulae poeticae, Frankfurt 1589
Alessandro Severo
Chapters on prisons and prisoners, and the prevention of crime
Chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard
Jewish emigration : the S.S. St. Louis affair and other cases
Half a century : the autobiography of a servant
The complete chansons . Chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard
Education and schooling in Japan since 1945
L'Idalma, overo, Chi la dura la vince
Degas et son œuvre
Knight's gambit : typescripts and miscellaneous typescript pages
Nutrition status of Mexican American children in the United States : determinants and policy implications
The seven curses of London
Africans become Afro-Americans : selected articles on slavery in the American colonies
Tomb of Julius II and other works in Rome
La lotta d'Hercole con Acheloo . Miscellaneous manuscript sources
One symphony, them. index 1 . One symphony, them. index E♭1 . Two symphonies
The Symphony in Dresden : ten symphonies
Integration of the armed forces
The efficiency of new issue markets
Justice Department briefs in crucial civil rights cases, 1948-1968
The conflicts of capital and labour
The Overture in England, 1800-1840
La Rosaura
Les Huguenots
The punishment and prevention of crime
One symphony 5 . Two symphonies concertantes 1, 3 . Two symphonies concertantes . One symphonie concertante I:31 (Giazotto 77)
Logic and ontology
Le pardon de Ploërmel
Catone in Utica
Subjects in Japanese and English
Essays in economic theory
Money and consumer durable spending
Expectations and the greenback rate, 1862-1878
The Prophecy conference movement
A critical, modern-spelling edition of James Shirley's The opportunity
On unique and non-unique reference and asymmetric quantification
The troublesome raigne of John, King of England
Ercole in Tebe
Accounting history from the Renaissance to the present : a remembrance of Luca Pacioli
Penological and preventive principles
La Griselda
Moral self-regard : duties to oneself in Kant's moral theory
Problems of compositionality
Retrospective exhibitions of Ernest Meissonier
Eighteenth-century capitalism : the formation of American marine insurance companies
Rich man, poor man
David pœnitens
The early philosophy : language as picture
Commerce and community : selected articles on the Middle Atlantic colonies
Higher education for Catholic women : an historical anthology
Vesper music for multiple choirs
Layers of predication : the non-lexical syntax of clauses
The labor argument in the American protective tariff discussion . Daniel Raymond
The Hamlet
Pordage's Mundorum explicatio
The Japanese economy in the Tokugawa era, 1600-1868
Executive initiatives
Blind panels of English binders
The first generation of American women graduates
Santa Dimna, figlia del re d'Irlanda . Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi
Second livre d'airs des plus excelants musiciens de nostre tems : (Paris, 1579) . Airs de court : mis en musique à 4. & 5. parties (Paris, 1597)
Four symphonies, Nagel no. 64, 24, 48, 111 . Three symphonies, them. index PC 18, JC 8, C 11 . Three symphonies, them. index D 6, E♭ 4, D 14 . One quartetto, them. index 4
Agricultural growth and Japanese economic development
Il Pompeo
Three symphonies, 1, 3, 8
La Passione di Gesù Cristo
Mental health among elderly native Americans
National fine arts exhibitions
La finta cameriera
Ida della Torre
Artful itineraries : European art and American careers in high culture, 1865-1920
L'eroe cinese
Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci (Milan, 1555)
Motivating soldiers : morale or mutiny
One symphony them. index 2 . Two symphonies . One symphony op. 33
Elective affinities
College student development and academic life : psychological, intellectual, social, and moral issues
Oratorium pro defunctis : (1723) ; Oratorium pro defunctis : (date unknown)
Salon of the 'Nationale'
Stock exchange automation
From zadruga to oil refinery : Croatian immigrants and Croatian-Americans in Whiting, Indiana, 1890-1950
There's a lot of month left at the end of the money : how welfare recipients make ends meet in Chicago
Shakespeare and the arts
The history and immigration of Asian Americans
The story of the dockers' strike
Chansons published by Hubert Waelrant and Jean Laet
Secrets of the prison-house, or, Gaol studies and sketches
Conscience and belief : the Supreme Court and religion
A Nation in the womb of time : selected articles on the long-term causes of the American Revolution
Robert Applegarth, trade unionist, educationist, reformer
Accounting history 1976-1986 : an anthology
The use of physicians' services by low-income children
Asian American family life and community
Five symphonies them. index 65, 36, 26, 73, 11 . One symphony, Reissinger 18 . Two symphonies, Peters 7, 52 . One symphony op. 22 . One symphony op. 23
Starting over : the task of the protagonist in the contemporary Bildungsroman
Il primo libro delle musiche (Venice, 1618)
Die Dorfdeputierten
Central bank autonomy : the Federal Reserve System in American politics
The Fundamentals : a testimony to truth
Chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard
The wayward nun of Amherst : Emily Dickinson and medieval mystical women
Tebaldo e Isolina
Local authority accounting methods : problems and solutions, 1909-1934
Lectures on Greek philosophy
Complete unpublished chansons
I Puritani : melodramma serio in three acts
The Supreme Court in and of the stream of power
Anonymous oratorios in the Barberini collection of the Vatican Library
The American laborer
The positive influence of bonding in female-headed African American families
Betulia liberata
La conscience malheureuse
Punishing the perpetrators of the Holocaust : the Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf cases
Opera : Venice, 1544
Li matti per amore
La forza della virtu︡
Salzburg, part 2, three symphonies : G1, C4, D1 . Four symphonoies : 118, 121, 123, 124 . Five symphonies : 4, 17, 20, 22, 40
Economic analysis of tort and products liability law
Poverty and single parent families : a study of minimal subsistance household budgets
Fantasie a tre voci, per cantar et sonar con ogni sorte d'istrumenti (Venice, 1585) . Ricercars from Madrigali et ricercari--a quattro voci (Venice, 1589) . And, Tercetti from Il secondo libro delle canzonette a tre voci con l'aggionta di dodeci tercetti a note (Venice, 1592)
The London prisons : with an account of the more distinguished persons who have been confined in them
Catholic education at the turn of the new century
Command structure
The bastard hero in the novel
Pragmatics of conditional marking : implicature, scalarity, and exclusivity
Retrospective exhibition of Gustave Doré
State and local politics in the new nation
America, or, A general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the Western continent
The record of an adventurous life
Eight symphonic works : them. index 27, 32, 44, 49, 58, 88/92, 90, 91
Will the world break your heart? : dimensions and consequences of Irish-American assimilation
Eliza, ou, Le voyage aux glaciers du Mont St. Bernard
The theory and practice of the international trade of the United States and England, and of the trade of the United States and Canada
Intruder in the dust : typescript draft, typescript setting copy, and miscellaneous material
One symphony, them. index 107 . Three symphonic works, them. index 2, 5, 10 . One symphonie concertante, them. index 1
Pompeo Magno in Cilicia
Crime, its causes and remedy
The economy
Evangelism old and new : God's search for man in all ages
Two ways of life and death : Alcestis and The cocktail party
The grammar of quantification
Einführung in die Phänomenologie
Indians and Europeans : selected articles on Indian-white relations in colonial North America
Foreign currency translation by United States multinational corporations : toward a theory of accounting standard selection
Internal accounting control evaluation and auditor judgment : an anthology
Jewish emigration 1938-1940, Rublee negotiations, and Intergovernmental Committee
Married widows : wives of men in long-term care
Determinants of United States - Japanese foreign direct investment : a comparison across countries and industries
Method and essence
Il marito giocatore, e la moglie bachettona (Serpilla e Bacocco)
The deserving poor
Le Comte Ory
Their day in court : a history of the Indian Claims Commission
Semiramide : melodramma tragico in two acts
La Straniera : melodramma in two acts
Innovations in the retail banking industry : the impact of organizational structure and environment on the adoption process
Three symphonic works . Two symphonies . Three symphonic works
Women entrepreneurs : developing leadership for success
Sidewalks talk : a naturalistic study of street kids
Lenardo und Blandine . Electra
Selected articles on accounting theory
Fifteenth symphonies : D1, D9, C8, C3, C4, G1, E♭2, C7, F1, B♭ 2, D2, G2, G3, E3, B♭4
Reading on the Statute of uses
Isacco figura del Redentore
Il mercato di Malmantile
Il sacrificio di Abramo
Lexical passives in modern Greek
Defenders and defense of big business in the United States, 1880-1900
Fabularum liber : Basel, 1535
On clitics and cliticization : the interaction of morphology, phonology, and syntax
The clubwomen's daughters : collectivist impulses in progressive-era girls' fiction
Ratifying, amending, and interpreting the Constitution
The United States Strategic Bombing Survey
An American enlightenment : selected articles on Colonial intellectual history
Federalists and republicans
A history of labour representation
Readings in true and fair
Cyclical productivity in U.S. manufacturing
Siroe, re di Persia
The Stresses of empire : selected articles on the British Empire in the eighteenth century
Liber undecimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1555) . Liber duodecimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1557) . Liber XIII ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1557)
Exchange rates and prices : the case of United States imports
Thomas Shadwell's The Lancashire-witches, and Tegue o Divelly the Irish-priest : a critical old-spelling edition
Legalizing the Holocaust : the early phase, 1933-1939
Social security
Antecedents of the symphony
Contestable markets theory, competition, and the United States commercial banking industry
From Chartism to Labourism
The Fundamentalist-modernist conflict : opposing views on three major issues
Estimation of economies of scale in nineteenth century United States manufacturing
A nation of states : federalism at the bar of the Supreme court
Embodying beauty : twentieth-century American women writers' aesthetics
Trade associations and uniform costing in the British printing industry, 1900-1963
Three symphonies . One symphony . Two symphonies . Six symphonies
The roots of Japan's international environmental policies
A critical old-spelling edition of Thomas Goffe's The courageous Turk
Modern bookbinding practically considered
Moro per amore
Export dependence versus the new protectionism : constraints on trade policy in the industrial world
Vowel/glide alternation in a theory of constraint interaction
Modern Primitives : race and language in Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and Zora Neale Hurston
Elements of political economy with special reference to the industrial history of nations
The collapse of federally insured depositories : the savings and loans as precursor
The "Final solution" in the extermination camps and the aftermath
Freedom and equality : discrimination and the Supreme Court
Santería in New York City : a study in cultural resistance
Federal influences on biomedical technology innovation
D.L. Moody
Social welfare and the feminization of poverty
Patriotism, protection, and prosperity : James Moore Swank, the American Iron and Steel Association, and the tariff, 1873-1913
Four sinfonie, them. index 1, 5, 17, 24 . Five sinfonie, them. index D1, D2, D3, D6, D7 /Giovanni Battista Lampugnani ; edited by Carlo Vitali with the assistance of Michele Girardi . Two sinfonie, them. index D36, B♭5 . One sinfonia . One sinfonia, them. index 232
Shakespeare and the interpretive tradition
L'Egisto, overo, Chi soffre speri
Absolute Stellungnahmen : eine ontologische Untersuchung über das Wesen der Religion
Il Bajazet
Manuscripts at Oxford
Romeo und Julie . and, Der Alchymist
Schmalenbach's dynamic accounting and price-level adjustments : an economic consequences explanation
Latino language and education : communication and the dream deferred
The art of bookbinding
The Crystal Night Pogrom
Employment of Blacks by the federal government
Theory of value
Civil-military relations
Three French short-verse satirists : Marot, Magny, and Du Bellay
Fighting fundamentalism : polemical thrusts of the 1930s and 1940s
Education literature, 1907-1932
The plays of John Hoole
Asian American interethnic relations and politics
Il convito di Baldassarro . La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo
A manual of political economy
Music of Southslavic epics from the Bihać region of Bosnia
Postcolonial masquerades : culture and politics in literature, film, video, and photography
Logic and philosophy of language
The Western theater
Thirty years' experience of a medical officer in the English convict service
Colonial women and domesticity : selected articles on gender in early America
Risks and problem behaviors in adolescence
The Book-finishers' friendly circular
The birth of industrial accounting in France and Britain
Exhibitions of realist art
Adamo ed Eva
German military government
Studies in cash flow accounting and analysis : aspects of the interface between managerial planning, reporting and control and external performance measurement
Die Geisterinsel
Alcide al bivio
The medallion style : a study in the origins of Byzantine taste
Allegoriae poeticae, Paris, 1520 . Theologia mythologica, Antwerp, 1532 . Apotheoseos --, Basel, 1558
Homosexual conduct and state regulation
Li zite 'ngalera
Adaptation, acculturation, and transnational ties among Asian Americans
The ETHINT series
I Capuleti e i Montecchi : tragedia lirica in two acts
The county courts and the Provincial Court in Maryland, 1733-1763
Il corsaro
The crimes of domestic violence
Topics in French syntax
Leonard M. Savoie : words from the past, thoughts for today
Asian American women and gender
Consonant strength : phonological patterns and phonetic manifestations
Il bravo
Vesper and compline music for six and seven principal voices
Robert le diable
World's fair of 1878
Chansons issued by Le Roy and Ballard
Child support and welfare reform
The discourse function of inversion in English
The origins and economic impact of the first bank of the United States, 1791-1797
Presidential committees and White House conferences
Institutional shareholder activism : the changing face of corporate ownership
"A free ballot and a fair count" : the Department of Justice and the enforcement of voting rights in the South, 1877-1893
The empty cross : medieval hopes, modern futility in the theater of Maurice Maeterlinck, Paul Claudel, August Strindberg, and Georg Kaiser
Adonis ; and, Janus
Iconologia : Padua, 1611
The Old Fashioned Revival Hour and the broadcasters
Fundamentalist versus modernist : the debates between John Roach Straton and Charles Francis Potter
Latina issues : fragments of historia (ella) (herstory)
Crime and criminals, 1876-1910
The phonetics and phonology of Korean prosody : intonational phonology and prosodic structure
Three symphonies, them. index 2, 5, 13 . Four overtures, them. index 5, 8, 10, 11 . Two symphonic works . One symphony, them. index 1
The morphosyntax of the Algonquian conjunct verb : a minimalist approach
From creditor to debtor : the U.S. pursuit of foreign capital--the case of the repeal of the withholding tax
The American system : speeches on the tariff question and on internal improvements
The home : courtship, marriage, and children
A critical edition of Robert Davenport's The city-night-cap
Institutional life : family, schools, race, and religion
Postmodern tales of slavery in the Americas : from Alejo Carpentier to Charles Johnson
The contemporary debate : reconciling freedom of expression and equality of citizenship
Intuitions as evidence
A.C. Dixon, a romance of preaching
The private language argument
The rhetoric of anti-Catholicism : the American Protective Association, 1887-1911
How the poor live ; and, Horrible London
The metaphysic of experience
The Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit
Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry . Essay on the expediency and practicability of improving or creating home markets
A coincidence of wants : the novel and neoclassical economics
Missionary innovation and expansion
Empirical definition of money
Combatting housing discrimination
The academic profession : the professoriate in crisis
The Youth for Christ movement and its pioneers
Origins and species : a study of the historical sources of Darwinism and the contexts of some other accounts of organic diversity from Plato and Aristotle on
Parisina : melodramma in three acts
Dismal England
American Society, 1776-1815
Complete chansons . Complete chansons . Chanson published by Le Roy and Ballard . Complete chansons published by Le Roy and Ballard
The Accounting postulates and principles controversy of the 1960s
Family homelessness : more than simply a lack of housing
The impact of immigration on the growth and development of the U.S. economy, 1890-1920
Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra : dramma per musica in two acts
Dissenting fictions : identity and resistance in the contemporary American novel
The philosophical, moral, and penological debate over capital punishment
Les deux journées
A critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern Rebellion
Five symphonies them. index 65, 36, 26, 73, 11 . One symphony, Reissinger 18 . Two symphonies, Peters 7, 52 . One symphony op. 22 . One symphony op. 23
Edmond Ironside ; and Anthony Brewer's The love-sick king
The linguistic description of opaque contexts
Discrimination and equality in contemporary immigration law
The Federal Constitution
Early eighteenth-century French and German masters : continuo sonatas for violin
Absalom, Absalom! : typescript setting copy and miscellaneous material
The social reality of a group of rural, low-status, Appalachian women : a grounded theory study
Pricing options with futures-style margining : a genetic adaptive neural network approach
Bernardo Martorell, fifteenth-century Catalan artist
The Einsatzgruppen or murder commandos
Elena da Feltre
Homosexuality and the family
La vestale
Justice Department civil rights policies prior to 1960 : crucial documents from the files of Arthur Brann Caldwell
Banking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905
Light in August
Recherches sur les conditions de la connaissance : essai d'une théorétique pure
The Bible in faith and life as taught by James M. Gray
Reminiscence and nursing home life
Zelmira : dramma in two acts
L'ultimo giorno di Pompei ; And, Excerpts from Niobe
Psychology and myth
Isamu Noguchi : a study of the sculpture
Family caregiving in a changing society : the effects of employment on caregiver stress
Virginia and the English commercial system, 1689-1733 : studies in the development and fluctuations of a colonial economy under imperial control
Thomas Burt, M.P., D.C.L., pitman & privy councillor : an autobiography
Clitics and constituents in phrase structure grammar
Claudius ; and, Nebucadnezar
The symphony in France, 1730-1790 . Four symphonies
Lo spirito di contradizione
Beyond the barricades : women, civil society, and participation after democratization in Latin America
Two symphonies, them. index F1, D9 . One symphony, them. index G1 . Two symphonies, them. index C4, E♭1 . One symphony op. 11 . One symphony
The serial verb construction parameter
Alessandro nell'Indie
Dom Sébastien : opéra in five acts
Ritual and myth : Robertson Smith, Frazer, Hooke, and Harrison
Chiara di Rosembergh . And excerpts from two early operas
Prevention in child welfare : states' response to federal mandate
Edmund Husserl and his Logical investigations
Shorter compositions for piano
Redefining the new woman, 1920-1963
Reduced constructions in Spanish
Hyphenism in St. Louis, 1900-1921 : the view from the outside
Betulia liberata ; and, La Passione di nostro signore Giesù Cristo
The stage immigrant : the Irish, Italians, and Jews in American drama, 1920-1960
The life and death of Mrs. Mary Frith, commonly called Moll Cutpurse, 1662 : with a facsimile of the original edition
Short stories : holograph manuscripts and typescripts
The Victorious life : messages from the summer conferences
Il sacrificio di Abel . Il viaggio di Tobia
Film and the nuclear age : representing cultural anxiety
American patterns of life : selected articles on the provincial period in American history
Der Spiegel von Arkadien
La Cecchina, ossia, La buona figliuola
La morte d'Abel
Public enterprise : developments in social ownership and control in Great Britain
Essays, lectures, etc., upon select topics in revealed theology
National system of political economy
L'étoile du nord
Punishing the perpetrators of the Holocaust : the Ohlendorf and von Weizsaecker cases
The Whole art of bookbinding : 1811 English and 1824 American editions
The evolution of publishers' binding styles, 1700-1900
An undergrowth of folly : public order, race anxiety, and the 1903 Evansville, Indiana riot
Laryngeal features and laryngeal neutralization
Ten symphonies
Accounting from the outside : the collected papers of Anthony G. Hopwood
Corporate cash management, excess cash and acquisitions
British Library manuscripts
The complete sonatas for solo piano
The theory of prosperity
The misfortunes of Arthur : a critical, old-spelling edition
The finality of the higher criticism, or, The theory of evolution and false theology
Management control in a voluntary organization : accounting and accountants in organizational context
Administrative history of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice during the Johnson Administration
The origins of the bilateral Okinawa problem : Okinawa in postwar U.S.-Japan relations, 1945-1952
Litigating capital cases
Le imagini - degli dei : Venice 1571
Enterprising fundamentalism : two second-generation leaders
The metaphysics of the moral law : Kant's deduction of freedom
Gl'amanti generosi
Norma : tragedia lirica in two acts
Transcultural customization of international training programs
Liber septimus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susato, 1553) . Liber octavus ecclesiasticarum cantionum quinque vocum-- (Antwerp: Susatao, 1553)
Accountics : April 1897 to August 1900
An examination of the monetary hypothesis of the depression
From good ma to welfare queen : a genealogy of the poor woman in American literature, photography, and culture
Armida abbandonata
Capital flows, saving, and investment in the world economy
A New Evangelical coalition : early documents of the National Association of Evangelicals
Homosexuality, politics, and speech
Il crociato in Egitto : melodramma eroico in two acts
The tragoedy of Cleopatra, Queene of Aegypt
Principles of the economic philosophy of society, government, and industry
The poetical histories : London 1671 . Appendix de Diis et heroibus poeticis : Rouen 1705
La Passione di Gesù Cristo : (1767, 1787)
Global executive information systems : key issues and trends
The interwar economy of Japan : colonialism, depression, and recovery, 1910-1940
Introduction & guide
Treasury auction results as interest rate predictors
Ifigenia in Tauride
Judicial nominations
Propaganda and aryanization, 1938-1944
The marginal man as novelist : the Norwegian-American writers, H.H. Boyesen and O.E. Rølvaag, as critics of American institutions
The Eastern theater
Legalizing the Holocaust, the later phase, 1939-1943
Biblical prophecy in an apocalyptic age : selected writings of Louis S. Bauman
Francis Quarles' Divine fancies : a critical edition
Historical themes and identity : mestizaje and labels
Le rivali concordi
Il pirata : melodramma in two acts
The representation of features in non-linear phonology : the articulator node hierarchy
Prophecy's light on today
The rise of Pennsylvania protectionism
The Junius tracts, and The rights of labor
Sacrifice in the surrealist novel : the impact of early theories of primitive religion on the depiction of violence in modern fiction
The working class and its culture
An historical sketch of bookbinding
La muette de Portici
Vesper and compline music for five principal voices
Ippolito ed Aricia
Modal subordination, anaphora, and distributivity
Five symphonies, 1, 11a, 13, 14, 23 . Seven symphonies, 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 52, 69
Financial liberalization and the reconstruction of state-market relations
Beatrice di Tenda : tragedia lirica in two acts
Welfare reform : a response to unemployed two-parent families
Exhibition of caricature and genre pictures
Accounting history newsletter 1980-1989 and Accounting history 1989-1994 : a tribute to Robert William Gibson
Miscellaneous group exhibitions
Sonority constraints on prosodic structure
Roman group portraiture : the funerary reliefs of the late republic and early empire
World's Fair of 1889 : retrospective exhibition of fine arts, 1789-1889
Die Liebe im Narrenhaus
William Jennings Bryan on orthodoxy, modernism, and evolution
The development of school busing as a desegregation remedy
Financial innovation in the banking industry : the case of asset securitization
The Ninth Amendment : preservation of the constitutional mind
Technical change, human capital, and spillovers in United States agriculture, 1949-1985
La pazza per amore . And, Excerpts from Il postiglione di Longjumeau
Origins of academic economics in the United States
The Widow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia : a tragi-comedy
Five symphonic works : them. index 2, 3, 14, 8, 10 . Three symphonic works : them. index 7, 1, 6
A life's reminiscences of Scotland Yard
Cognitive and moral development and academic achievement in adolescence
Social integration, age groups, and attitudes towards euthanasia
Conversations on the principal subjects of political economy
Pylon : typescript setting copy and miscellaneous holograph pages
The villas of the ancients illustrated
Nine symphonies, 9, 16, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36
The effects of real exchange rate volatility on sectoral investment : empirical evidence from fixed and flexible exchange rate systems
Ercole in Tebe
Shark infested waters : procedural due process in consitutional immigration law
Neither urban jungle nor urban village : women, families, and community development
The gaol cradle : who rocks it?
Topics in diachronic English syntax
Scenes from a silent world
Urban race riots
Higher education in Latin America
Le prophète
The informational component
Elmer ; and, "A portrait of Elmer" : the typescripts, manuscripts, and miscellaneous pages
American commercial policy
Homosexuals and the military
Catone in Utica
Six symphonies, opus 1
Transportation and communication
The interaction of modality and negation : a typological study
The English poor
The life and struggles of William Lovett
The English prison system
"Unpublished" stories, typescripts, and manuscripts
Twentieth century reformation
Ambleto . Numitore
L'opera seria
English blind-stamped bindings
The Inspired word : a series of papers
Seven symphonies from the court of Oettingen-Wallerstein 1773-1795
Peaceful warrior : a biography of Horace Porter (1837-1921)
The insignia of the Notitia dignitatum
The Marrow of American divinity : selected articles on colonial religion
Brookline : the evolution of an American Jewish suburb
An analysis of credit and equilibrium credit rationing
Banks and politics during the Progressive Era : the origins of the Federal Reserve System, 1897-1913
Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci (Venice, 1542)
La diavolessa
Land grants, housing and political power
Relevant accounting concepts and applications : the writings and contributions of C. Rufus Rorem
Scipione Africano
A conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting : vision, tool, or threat?
The symphony in Madrid : seven symphonies
Opposition to the women's movement in the United States, 1848-1929
The laws respecting masters and work people
Four symphonies ; One symphonie concertante
Paul Gauguin : the paintings of the first voyage to Tahiti
Aesthetics, ethics and religion
Report of a committee of citizens of Boston . An examination of the report . Review of the report
Faith and philosophy
Three symphonies, 3, 4, 5
A study of the Securities and Exchange Commission governance and the public interest, 1969-1972
Orfeo ed Euridice
Homosexuality : discrimination, criminology, and the law
An empirical analysis of international trade policy
The business of bookbinding
The effects of money, inflation and interest rates on residential investment
Historical demography and labor markets in prewar Japan
Church and city in transition : the social composition of religious groups in Detroit, 1880-1940
Modernism and foreign missions : two fundamentalist protests
The function of humor in the Spanish romances of chivalry
The politics of ethnic pressure : the American Jewish Committee fight against immigration restriction, 1906-1917
Der Rauchfangkehrer
The interaction of modality and negation : a typological study
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