
Artibus Asiae : supplementum


Artibus Asiae : supplementum

Artibus Asiae Publishers



"Curat editionem New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York"Imprint varies


Masters of Indian painting外部サイトTime and eternity外部サイトMarriage of the lord of the river : a lost landscape by Tung Yüan外部サイトTibetische Nationalgrammatik : das Sum-cu-pa und Rtags-kyi-ʾajug-pa des Grosslamas von Peking外部サイトDrāvida and Kerala in the art of Travancore外部サイトAizen-myōō : the esoteric king of lust : an iconological study外部サイトThe decoration of mirrors of the Han period : a chronology外部サイトWen Cheng-Ming : the Ming artist and antiquity外部サイトHindu gods of peninsular Siam外部サイトThe god of Adam's Peak外部サイトThe phur-pa, Tibetan ritual daggers外部サイトLa course de pirogues au Laos : un complexe culturel外部サイトTrends in modern Chinese painting : (the C. A. Drenowatz Collection)外部サイトThe Maitraka and the Saindhava temples of Gujarat外部サイトDie chinesische Novelle des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts : eine soziologische Untersuchung外部サイトChinese bronzes, from the Collection of Chester Dale and Dolly Carter外部サイトThe temple of Devi-Kothi : wall paintings and wooden reliefs in a Himalayan shrine of the great goddess in the Churah Region of the Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India外部サイトCourt painting at Udaipur : art under the patronage of the Maharanas of Mewar外部サイトA thousand peaks and myriad ravines : Chinese paintings in the Charles A. Drenowatz Collection外部サイトBefore and beyond the image : aniconic symbolism in Buddhist art外部サイトStreams and mountains without end : A Northern Sung handscroll and its significance in the history of early Chinese painting外部サイトStreams and mountains without end : A Northern Sung handscroll and its significance in the history of early Chinese painting外部サイトTemple tents for goddesses in Gujarat, India外部サイトWorkshop and patron in Mughal India : the Freer Rāmāyaṇa and other illustrated manuscripts of ʿAbd al-Raḥīm外部サイトZen : masters of meditation in images and writings外部サイトPapers on Asian art and archaeology外部サイトPahari masters : court painters of northern India外部サイトBird-deities in China外部サイトAntler and tongue : an essay on ancient Chinese symbolism and its implications外部サイトThe Jomon pottery of Japan外部サイトDrāvida and Kerala in the art of Travancore外部サイトTextual evidence for the secular arts of China in the period from Liu Sung through Sui (A.D. 420-618) : excluding treatises on painting外部サイトPapers on Asian history, religion, languages, literature, music folklore, and anthropology外部サイトTibetan folksongs from the district of Gyantse外部サイトThe autumn colors on the Ch'Iao and Hua mountains : a landscape by Chao Meng-fu外部サイトRajput painting at Bundi and Kota外部サイトLiterary evidence for early Buddhist art in China外部サイトDer Gott auf der Blume : eine ägyptische Kosmogonie und ihre weltweite Bildwirkung外部サイトDie Geschichte der Bukeherrschaft in Japan : Beiträge zum Verständnis des japanischen Lehnswesens外部サイトOld Burma, early Pagán外部サイトTibetan folk songs from Gyantse and Western Tibet外部サイトMésopotamie : de la période préhistorique d'Ourouk jusqu'à la 1re Dynastie de Babylone外部サイトDated Buddha images of northern Siam外部サイトTibetische Nationalgrammatik : das Sum-cu-pa und Rtags-kyi-'ajug-pa des Grosslamas von Peking外部サイトDie Geschichte der Bukeherrschaft in Japan : Beiträge zum Verständnis des japanischen Lehnswesens外部サイトChing Hao's Pi-fa-chi : a note on the art of brush外部サイトTeng-hsien : an important Six Dynasties tomb外部サイトArt for tribal rituals in South Gujarat, India : a visual anthropological survey of 1969外部サイトOrigins of Orchha painting外部サイトOrchha, Datia, Panna : miniatures from the royal courts of Bundelkhand (1590-1850)外部サイト






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"Curat editionem New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York"
Imprint varies
Masters of Indian painting
Time and eternity
Marriage of the lord of the river : a lost landscape by Tung Yüan
Tibetische Nationalgrammatik : das Sum-cu-pa und Rtags-kyi-ʾajug-pa des Grosslamas von Peking
Drāvida and Kerala in the art of Travancore
Aizen-myōō : the esoteric king of lust : an iconological study
The decoration of mirrors of the Han period : a chronology
Wen Cheng-Ming : the Ming artist and antiquity
Hindu gods of peninsular Siam
The god of Adam's Peak
The phur-pa, Tibetan ritual daggers
La course de pirogues au Laos : un complexe culturel
Trends in modern Chinese painting : (the C. A. Drenowatz Collection)
The Maitraka and the Saindhava temples of Gujarat
Die chinesische Novelle des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts : eine soziologische Untersuchung
Chinese bronzes, from the Collection of Chester Dale and Dolly Carter
The temple of Devi-Kothi : wall paintings and wooden reliefs in a Himalayan shrine of the great goddess in the Churah Region of the Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India
Court painting at Udaipur : art under the patronage of the Maharanas of Mewar
A thousand peaks and myriad ravines : Chinese paintings in the Charles A. Drenowatz Collection
Before and beyond the image : aniconic symbolism in Buddhist art
Streams and mountains without end : A Northern Sung handscroll and its significance in the history of early Chinese painting
Streams and mountains without end : A Northern Sung handscroll and its significance in the history of early Chinese painting
Temple tents for goddesses in Gujarat, India
Workshop and patron in Mughal India : the Freer Rāmāyaṇa and other illustrated manuscripts of ʿAbd al-Raḥīm
Zen : masters of meditation in images and writings
Papers on Asian art and archaeology
Pahari masters : court painters of northern India
Bird-deities in China
Antler and tongue : an essay on ancient Chinese symbolism and its implications
The Jomon pottery of Japan
Drāvida and Kerala in the art of Travancore
Textual evidence for the secular arts of China in the period from Liu Sung through Sui (A.D. 420-618) : excluding treatises on painting
Papers on Asian history, religion, languages, literature, music folklore, and anthropology
Tibetan folksongs from the district of Gyantse
The autumn colors on the Ch'Iao and Hua mountains : a landscape by Chao Meng-fu
Rajput painting at Bundi and Kota
Literary evidence for early Buddhist art in China
Der Gott auf der Blume : eine ägyptische Kosmogonie und ihre weltweite Bildwirkung
Die Geschichte der Bukeherrschaft in Japan : Beiträge zum Verständnis des japanischen Lehnswesens
Old Burma, early Pagán
Tibetan folk songs from Gyantse and Western Tibet
Mésopotamie : de la période préhistorique d'Ourouk jusqu'à la 1re Dynastie de Babylone
Dated Buddha images of northern Siam
Tibetische Nationalgrammatik : das Sum-cu-pa und Rtags-kyi-'ajug-pa des Grosslamas von Peking
Die Geschichte der Bukeherrschaft in Japan : Beiträge zum Verständnis des japanischen Lehnswesens
Ching Hao's Pi-fa-chi : a note on the art of brush
Teng-hsien : an important Six Dynasties tomb
Art for tribal rituals in South Gujarat, India : a visual anthropological survey of 1969
Origins of Orchha painting
Orchha, Datia, Panna : miniatures from the royal courts of Bundelkhand (1590-1850)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books