- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者標目
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ii
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Publisher varies: Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal
- 関連情報
- CatuḥśatikāThe boats of the Ganges ; The fishing methods of the GangesPersian saws and proverbsThe language of the mahā-naya-prakāśa : an examination of Kāshmīrī as written in the fifteenth centuryThe origins and ethnological significance of Indian boat designsSome current Pushtu folk storiesA monograph of the sea snakesReligion and customs of the UraonsNotes on certain hill tribes of the Indo-Tibetan borderPersonal narrative of a visit to Pemakoichen[Srid̲-pa-ho] : [a Tibeto-Chinese tortoise chart of divination]A cup-mark inscription in the Chumbi ValleyDiaries of two tours in the unadministered area east of the Naga HillsPlant and animal designs in the mural decoration of an Uriya village : a working model of the origin of the Ganges in a temple in GanjamThe coinage of TibetZoological Results of a Tour in the Far EastIntroduction to the study of the fauna of an island in the Chilka LakeMaritime meteorology in Indian seasMundari poetry, music and dancesLisu (Yawyin) tribes of the Burma-China frontierChemistry in 'Irāq and Persia in the tenth century A.D.A study of the nature of the sea-bed and of the deep-sea deposits of the Andaman Sea and Bay of BengalSanskrit-Tibetan-English vocabulary : being an edition and translation of the MahāvyutpattiThe Ōrmurī, or, Bargistā language : an account of a little-known eranian dialectSome current Persian talesThe geography of the Andaman Sea BasinVocabulary of peculiar vernacular Bengali wordsThe prakrit dhātv-ādēśas : according to the Western and the Eastern schools of Prakrit grammariansZoological Results of a Tour in the Far EastIsmailiticaStudies in Santal medicine and connected folklore