
KEK report


KEK report

National Laboratory for High Energy Physics



1997年4月以降の出版者: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization


Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Superstrings : KEK; Tsukuba, Japan, August 29-September 3, 1988外部サイトExperimental data of deep-penetration neutrons through a concrete and iron shield at the ISIS spallation neutron source facility using an 800-MeV proton beam外部サイトDesign and measurements of a pulsed beam transformer as a chopper外部サイトLongitudinal impedance in ATF damping ring外部サイト統合計画中性子分光器検討班報告書外部サイトProceedings of the 4th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, August 14-18, 1989, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan外部サイトILC conventional facility外部サイトPhysics achievements from the Belle experiment外部サイトIntroduction to the polymorphic tracking code : Fibre bundles, polymorphic taylor types and "Exact tracking"外部サイトKEK-PS EP1ビーム取出しライン付近の盛土上の中性子線量の計算外部サイトMARS14 shielding calculations for the J-PARC 3 GeV RCS外部サイトProceedings of the KEK International Workshop on "Nuclear Physics in GeV Region" : KEK, November 13-15, 1984外部サイトKISS: KEK isotope separation system for β-decay spectroscopy : toward the full understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis (R&D program for upgrade of the TRIAC research capabilities)外部サイトProceedings of the 11th Meeting on Linear Accelerators : 1-3 September,1986, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan外部サイトPhysics at Super B factory外部サイトStainless-steel X-band high power RF load with low surface field外部サイトp+[238]U核分裂反応で生成される残留核からの放射線強度評価 : 東海原研タンデム施設での実験に向けて外部サイト加速器用真空機器類の透磁率が磁場分布に与える影響 = Influence of the magnetic permeability of vacuum components on accelerator magnetic fields外部サイトInternational study group progress report on linear collider development外部サイトStudy of Σ-nucleus potential by the (π[-],K[+]) reaction外部サイトEffects of wake forces on ERL外部サイトOn the limit of acceptable beam loss for a high intensity proton ring外部サイトElectron field emission : the past 20 years外部サイトDevelopment of program to survey lattice functions for electrostatic storage ring外部サイト大強度パルス中性子源における中性子スピンエコー分光器外部サイト中性子散乱実験用位置敏感検出器、PSD2Kシステムの開発外部サイトA generator for study of background due to beam-gas interaction at KEK B-factory外部サイトJ-PARC中性子実験装置プロジェクトチーム提案装置外部サイトA comment on the average foil-hit number for a high-intensity proton ring外部サイトReal time monitor on the internet for super conducting magnet "BENKEI" and the liquid hydrogen target (in Japanese)外部サイトBeam-based measurement of the strength deviation of quadrupole fields in the TRISTAN main ring外部サイトFeasibility study of the reference JHF LINAC and a proposal for the upgrade of the LINAC : Moscow-Tsukuba 1997外部サイトSimulation study of photoelectron motion in solenoid field外部サイトThe JHF-Kamioka neutrino project外部サイト脊振地点および江刺地点における常時微動測定外部サイトsBelle design study report : year 2008 supplemental update to the detector LoI外部サイトStorage Ringによる原子衝突の研究外部サイトJHF 50GeV陽子加速器における素粒子・原子核研究の進め方外部サイト加速器の基本概念外部サイト高電界加速のためのリニアック加速管に関する研究外部サイトProposal for Japan Hadron Facility外部サイトCalculation for the design of a 2 GeV/c kaon beam at the Japanese Hadron Facility外部サイトDevelopment of a multi-pixel photon sensor with single-photon sensitivity外部サイト田無分室(旧核研)「大型計算」第14回実施結果報告集外部サイトConceptual Design Report for Experimental Search for Lepton Flavor Violating μ[-] - e[-] Conversion at Sensitivity of 10[-16] with a Slow-Extracted Bunched Proton Beam (COMET) : J-PARC P21外部サイトProceedings of the Symposium on Networking : KEK, February 6-7,1989外部サイト原子核研究所「大型計算」実施結果報告集外部サイト中規模高性能シンクロトロン放射光源の概念設計外部サイトInfluence of shape of a charged bunch on it's interaction with the cavity : the engineering approach外部サイトコンパクトERLの設計研究外部サイト高エネルギー加速器の放射線安全対策における短半減期核種の排水中濃度限度の評価について外部サイトChromaticity dependence of a coupled-bunch instability in BEPC外部サイトTen years operational experience of the SKS cryogenic system外部サイトAccelerator technical design report for J-PARC外部サイトPF懇談会グループ「医学利用」, SPring-8利用者懇談会サブグループ「医学利用」合同研究会 : 報告集 : 2004外部サイトp+[238]U核分裂反応で生成される残留核からの放射線強度と線量当量評価外部サイトp+[238]U核分裂反応生成核からの放射線強度、線量当量と平均γ線エネルギーの評価外部サイト電子回路講義案外部サイトA feasibility study of a Neutrino Factory in Japan外部サイトElectromagnetic design of half wave resonator with β=0.13, f=325 MHz for future high power and high intensity proton driver at KEK外部サイトGLC project : linear collider for TeV physics外部サイト東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故以降の5年間における環境放射能研究のとりまとめ : 「環境放射能」研究会における発表を中心に外部サイトDesign and performance of a multi-element SSD for fluorescent XAFS外部サイトCharacterization and measurement of frequency stability外部サイト大強度パルス中性子源における全散乱装置外部サイトUser's guide for ABCI version 9.4 (azimuthal beam cavity interaction) and introducing the ABCI Windows application package外部サイトStudy of charged-current e[±]p deep inelastic scattering at [√s]=318 GeV外部サイトAnalysis of RF magnetic properties of plane magnetic sheet : basis for applications of magnetic alloys to RF accelerating cavities外部サイトParticle physics experiments at JLC外部サイトハイパワー核破砕中性子源用固体ターゲットへの展望 = Prospects for realizing solid-target for high power spallation neutron source外部サイトSimulation study of feedback systems based on a Two-Tap FIR filter, under beam-beam collisions外部サイトA unified classical field theory of optical elements for use in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions外部サイトCrossing geometry and beam-beam tune-shift in a superbunch hadron collider外部サイトJHF accelerator design study report外部サイトA new working point for the KEKB外部サイトPF-AR高度化計画研究計画書外部サイトOn the acceleration in a high-β structure外部サイトSummary report of the preliminary FII experiment in PLS外部サイトSCRFQの周波数変更外部サイトReport of the JLC Globalization Committee外部サイトMeasurement of jet cross section in D[*±] photoproduction at HERA外部サイト[39]Ar as a probe of the fast-neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb外部サイトProceedings of the 1984 ICFA Seminar on "Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics," May 14-20, 1984, KEK外部サイトCompensattion for the stem effects of the end cells for the J-PARC SDTL structure外部サイトBeam-induced energy deposition in a LHC quadrupole magnet外部サイトLHCビーム衝突点用・超伝導四極電磁石の基礎開発外部サイトInstrument workshop外部サイト高エネルギー加速器研究機構における2008年度以降の素粒子・原子核研究の進め方 = Recommendations on experiments for particle and nuclear studies at KEK after 2008外部サイトLetter of intent for KEK Super B Factory外部サイトElectronics for particle measurement外部サイト大強度パルス中性子源におけるチョッパー型分光器外部サイトThe coupled cell structures parameters for the large bore hole diameter外部サイトFeasibility of laser stripping via a broad Stark state for charge-exchange injection into a high-intensity proton ring外部サイトγγcollider as an option of JLC外部サイトDesign of a kicker with a movable electrode for the FEATHER project外部サイトTransverse instability in the ATF damping ring外部サイトProduction of multiply-charged Al ion beams with SF-ECR外部サイトJLC design study外部サイトTwo-dimensional modeling of a klystron traveling-wave-type output structure and its empirical justification外部サイト超伝導導体自動熱処理システムの開発外部サイトPF低速陽電子源建設報告外部サイトKEKおよびSPring-8における常時微動測定外部サイトDeep-penetration calculation for the ISIS target station shielding using the MARS Monte Carlo code外部サイト共通データ解析システムの設計と導入 : KEK data analysis system : its concept and design外部サイトExact linear chromativity formulae and application to the AURORA-2 electron storage ring外部サイト高周波加速の基礎外部サイトPlenary session, accelerator workshop, target station workshop外部サイトDCEによる分散ファイル・アクセスの研究外部サイトProceedings of the KEK Topical Conference on e「上+上」e「上-上」Collision Physics, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 17-19 May, 1989外部サイトProceedings of the Second Meeting on Physics at TeV Energy Scale : KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, May 23-25, 1988外部サイトATF2 proposal外部サイトAn experimental study of the rare decay K[+]→π[+]ν[ν]外部サイトA unified classical field theory of optical elements for use in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions外部サイトTRIAC用IHリニアックの性能シミュレーション外部サイトMeasurement of exclusive J/ψ electroproduction in high-energy ep collisions at HERA外部サイト重イオン融合反応と複合核の崩壊 : (超)重核領域を中心に外部サイト新低速陽電子源建設報告外部サイトDevelopment of the Belle DAQ system外部サイトDesign of a short-period superconducting undulator at KEK-PF外部サイトThe annular coupled structure optimization for JAERI/KEK joint project for high intensity proton accelerators外部サイトS1-global report外部サイトTRIACからタンデム超伝導リニアックへのビーム輸送ラインの光学設計外部サイトCoherence time of the laser beam and saturation energy density for laser stripping via a broad stark state外部サイトImprovement of the laser-based alignment system for the J-PARC proton linac外部サイトAbsolute calibration of the antiproton detection efficiency for BESS below 1 GeV外部サイトBelle II technical design report外部サイトEnergy Recovery Linac conceptual design report外部サイトサイトスタディーグループ報告書外部サイト






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高エネルギー加速器研究機構 コウ エネルギー カソクキ ケンキュウ キコウ
1997年4月以降の出版者: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Superstrings : KEK; Tsukuba, Japan, August 29-September 3, 1988
Experimental data of deep-penetration neutrons through a concrete and iron shield at the ISIS spallation neutron source facility using an 800-MeV proton beam
Design and measurements of a pulsed beam transformer as a chopper
Longitudinal impedance in ATF damping ring
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, August 14-18, 1989, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
ILC conventional facility
Physics achievements from the Belle experiment
Introduction to the polymorphic tracking code : Fibre bundles, polymorphic taylor types and "Exact tracking"
KEK-PS EP1ビーム取出しライン付近の盛土上の中性子線量の計算
MARS14 shielding calculations for the J-PARC 3 GeV RCS
Proceedings of the KEK International Workshop on "Nuclear Physics in GeV Region" : KEK, November 13-15, 1984
KISS: KEK isotope separation system for β-decay spectroscopy : toward the full understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis (R&D program for upgrade of the TRIAC research capabilities)
Proceedings of the 11th Meeting on Linear Accelerators : 1-3 September,1986, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Physics at Super B factory
Stainless-steel X-band high power RF load with low surface field
p+[238]U核分裂反応で生成される残留核からの放射線強度評価 : 東海原研タンデム施設での実験に向けて
加速器用真空機器類の透磁率が磁場分布に与える影響 = Influence of the magnetic permeability of vacuum components on accelerator magnetic fields
International study group progress report on linear collider development
Study of Σ-nucleus potential by the (π[-],K[+]) reaction
Effects of wake forces on ERL
On the limit of acceptable beam loss for a high intensity proton ring
Electron field emission : the past 20 years
Development of program to survey lattice functions for electrostatic storage ring
A generator for study of background due to beam-gas interaction at KEK B-factory
A comment on the average foil-hit number for a high-intensity proton ring
Real time monitor on the internet for super conducting magnet "BENKEI" and the liquid hydrogen target (in Japanese)
Beam-based measurement of the strength deviation of quadrupole fields in the TRISTAN main ring
Feasibility study of the reference JHF LINAC and a proposal for the upgrade of the LINAC : Moscow-Tsukuba 1997
Simulation study of photoelectron motion in solenoid field
The JHF-Kamioka neutrino project
sBelle design study report : year 2008 supplemental update to the detector LoI
Storage Ringによる原子衝突の研究
JHF 50GeV陽子加速器における素粒子・原子核研究の進め方
Proposal for Japan Hadron Facility
Calculation for the design of a 2 GeV/c kaon beam at the Japanese Hadron Facility
Development of a multi-pixel photon sensor with single-photon sensitivity
Conceptual Design Report for Experimental Search for Lepton Flavor Violating μ[-] - e[-] Conversion at Sensitivity of 10[-16] with a Slow-Extracted Bunched Proton Beam (COMET) : J-PARC P21
Proceedings of the Symposium on Networking : KEK, February 6-7,1989
Influence of shape of a charged bunch on it's interaction with the cavity : the engineering approach
Chromaticity dependence of a coupled-bunch instability in BEPC
Ten years operational experience of the SKS cryogenic system
Accelerator technical design report for J-PARC
PF懇談会グループ「医学利用」, SPring-8利用者懇談会サブグループ「医学利用」合同研究会 : 報告集 : 2004
A feasibility study of a Neutrino Factory in Japan
Electromagnetic design of half wave resonator with β=0.13, f=325 MHz for future high power and high intensity proton driver at KEK
GLC project : linear collider for TeV physics
東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故以降の5年間における環境放射能研究のとりまとめ : 「環境放射能」研究会における発表を中心に
Design and performance of a multi-element SSD for fluorescent XAFS
Characterization and measurement of frequency stability
User's guide for ABCI version 9.4 (azimuthal beam cavity interaction) and introducing the ABCI Windows application package
Study of charged-current e[±]p deep inelastic scattering at [√s]=318 GeV
Analysis of RF magnetic properties of plane magnetic sheet : basis for applications of magnetic alloys to RF accelerating cavities
Particle physics experiments at JLC
ハイパワー核破砕中性子源用固体ターゲットへの展望 = Prospects for realizing solid-target for high power spallation neutron source
Simulation study of feedback systems based on a Two-Tap FIR filter, under beam-beam collisions
A unified classical field theory of optical elements for use in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions
Crossing geometry and beam-beam tune-shift in a superbunch hadron collider
JHF accelerator design study report
A new working point for the KEKB
On the acceleration in a high-β structure
Summary report of the preliminary FII experiment in PLS
Report of the JLC Globalization Committee
Measurement of jet cross section in D[*±] photoproduction at HERA
[39]Ar as a probe of the fast-neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb
Proceedings of the 1984 ICFA Seminar on "Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics," May 14-20, 1984, KEK
Compensattion for the stem effects of the end cells for the J-PARC SDTL structure
Beam-induced energy deposition in a LHC quadrupole magnet
Instrument workshop
高エネルギー加速器研究機構における2008年度以降の素粒子・原子核研究の進め方 = Recommendations on experiments for particle and nuclear studies at KEK after 2008
Letter of intent for KEK Super B Factory
Electronics for particle measurement
The coupled cell structures parameters for the large bore hole diameter
Feasibility of laser stripping via a broad Stark state for charge-exchange injection into a high-intensity proton ring
γγcollider as an option of JLC
Design of a kicker with a movable electrode for the FEATHER project
Transverse instability in the ATF damping ring
Production of multiply-charged Al ion beams with SF-ECR
JLC design study
Two-dimensional modeling of a klystron traveling-wave-type output structure and its empirical justification
Deep-penetration calculation for the ISIS target station shielding using the MARS Monte Carlo code
共通データ解析システムの設計と導入 : KEK data analysis system : its concept and design
Exact linear chromativity formulae and application to the AURORA-2 electron storage ring
Plenary session, accelerator workshop, target station workshop
Proceedings of the KEK Topical Conference on e「上+上」e「上-上」Collision Physics, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 17-19 May, 1989
Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Physics at TeV Energy Scale : KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, May 23-25, 1988
ATF2 proposal
An experimental study of the rare decay K[+]→π[+]ν[ν]
A unified classical field theory of optical elements for use in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions
Measurement of exclusive J/ψ electroproduction in high-energy ep collisions at HERA
重イオン融合反応と複合核の崩壊 : (超)重核領域を中心に
Development of the Belle DAQ system
Design of a short-period superconducting undulator at KEK-PF
The annular coupled structure optimization for JAERI/KEK joint project for high intensity proton accelerators
S1-global report
Coherence time of the laser beam and saturation energy density for laser stripping via a broad stark state
Improvement of the laser-based alignment system for the J-PARC proton linac
Absolute calibration of the antiproton detection efficiency for BESS below 1 GeV
Belle II technical design report
Energy Recovery Linac conceptual design report
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research