タイトルよみस्मृति सन्दर्भः : श्रीमत् महर्षि प्रणीत धर्म शास्त्र संग्रहः
著者・編者[संचालक, राजगुरु पण्डित हरिदत्त शास्त्री]
並列タイトル等The Smriti sandarbha : collection of the ten dharmashastric texts by Maharshies
स्मृति सन्दर्भः : श्रीमत् महर्षि प्रणीत धर्म शास्त्र संग्रहः
一般注記In Sanskrit; prefatory matter in English, Hindi and Sanskit
Added t.p. in English
Statemant of responsibility from back cover
PUB: Kalakattā : Gurumaṇḍala Prakāśana
Contents: 1. भागः. मन्वादिदशस्मृत्यात्मकः = v. 1. Collection of the ten Dharmashastric texts by Maharshies -- 2. भागः. पराशरादिचतुष्टयस्मृत्यात्मकः = v. 2. Collection of the four Dharmashastric texts by Maharshies -- 3. भागः. याज्ञवल्क्यादिसप्तदशस्मृत्यात्मकः = v. 3. Collection of the seventeeen Dharmashastric texts by Maharshies -- 4. भागः. गौतमादित्रयोदशस्मृत्यात्मकः = v. 4. Collection of thirteen Dharmashastric texts by Maharshis -- 5. भागः. कपिलादिदशस्मृत्यात्मकः = v. 5. Collection of ten Dharmashastric texts by Maharshis -- 6. भागः. मार्कण्डेयलौगाक्षिस्मृतिद्वयात्मकः = v. 6. Collection of two major Dharmashastric texts called Markandaiya & Laugakshi smritis by Maharshis Markandaiya & Laugakshi
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA49923526 : BA49923526