
Irish Texts Society = Cumann na Scríbheann Gaedhilge


Irish Texts Society = Cumann na Scríbheann Gaedhilge

Irish Texts Society
Published for the Irish Texts Society, by David Nutt



Not published in orderPublisher varies: "Irish Texts Society", " Dublin Institue for Advanced Studies"Previous volumes reprinted in Ireland at the Elo...


The Bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Óhuiginn外部サイトEachtra an mhadra mhaoil . Eachtra Mhasaoimh-an-iolair = The story of the crop-eared dog. The story of Eagle-boy . Two Irish Arthurian romances外部サイトBeatha Bharra : Saint Finbarr of Cork : the complete life外部サイトTóruigheacht Gruaidhe Griansholus = The pursuit of Gruaidh Ghriansholus外部サイトA bhfuil aguinn dár chum Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn (1550-1591) : idir mholadh agus marbhnadh, aoir agus ábhacht, iomarbháigh agus iomchasaoid外部サイトInstructio pie vivendi et superna meditandi外部サイトDánta Aodhagáin Uí Rathaille = The poems of Egan O'Rahilly, with introduction, translation, notes and indexes, together with original illustrative documents外部サイトThe poems of Blathmac, son of Cú Brettan : together with the Irish Gospel of Thomas and a poem on the Virgin Mary外部サイトBetha Adamnáin = The Irish life of Adamnán外部サイトSgéalta Thomás uí Chathasaigh = Mayo stories told by Thomas Casey /collected, edited and translated with notes, etc. by Douglas Hyde外部サイトCath Maige Tuired = The second battle of Mag Tuired外部サイトThe poems of Giolla Brighde Mac Con Midhe外部サイトCaithréim Conghail Cláiringhnigh = Martial career of Conghal Cláiringhneach外部サイトCinnlae Amhlaoibh ui shúileabháin = The diary of Humphrey O'Sullivan外部サイトLife of St. Declan of Ardmore, (ed. from MS. in Bibliotheque royale, Brussels), and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore, (ed. from MS. in Library of Royal Irish Academy),外部サイトDánta Aodhagáin Uí Rathaille = The poems of Egan O'Rahilly, to which are added miscellaneous pieces illustrating their subjects and language外部サイトThe poems of Blathmac, son of Cú Brettan : together with the Irish Gospel of Thomas and a poem on the Virgin Mary外部サイトLebor na Cert = The book of rights外部サイトSgéalta Thomáis uí Chathasaigh = Mayo stories told by Thomas Casey /collected, edited and translated with notes, etc. by Douglas Hyde外部サイトAithdioghluim dána : a miscellany of Irish bardic poetry, historical and religious, including the historical poems of the duanaire in the yellow book of Lecan外部サイトAithdioghluim dána : a miscellany of Irish bardic poetry, historical and religious, including the historical poems of the duanaire in the yellow book ofLecan外部サイトStair Nicoméid = The Irish Gospel of Nicodemus外部サイトGiolla an fhiugha, or, The lad of the ferule. Eachtra cloinne rígh nah-ioruaidhe, or, Adventures of the children of the king of Norway外部サイトTóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne = The pursuit of Diarmaid and Gráinne外部サイトThe history of Ireland外部サイトCaithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh外部サイトTáin bó Cúalnge : from the Book of Leinster外部サイトDánta Aodhagáin Uí Rathaille = The poems of Egan O'Rahilly, with introduction, translation, notes and indexes, together with original illustrative documents外部サイトDuanaire Dháibhidh Uí Bhruadair = The poems of David Ó Bruadair外部サイトAn Irish astronomical tract : based in part on a mediæval Latin version of a work by Messahalah外部サイトDáibhí Ó Bruadair : his historical and literary context外部サイトCath Maige Mucrama = The battle of Mag Mucrama外部サイトFled Bricrend : the feast of Bricriu : an early Gaelic saga transcribed from older mss. into The book of the dun cow外部サイトTáin bó Cúalnge : from the Book of Leinster外部サイトRosa anglica sev Rosa medicinæ Johannis Anglici : an early modern Irish translation of a section at the mediaeval medical text-book of John of Gaddesden ; edited with introduction, glossary and English version by Winifred Wulff外部サイトGiolla an fhiugha, or, The lad of the ferule ; Eachtra cloinne ríghnah-ioruaidhe, or, Adventures of the children of the king of Norway外部サイトFled Bricrend : the feast of Bricriu外部サイトCinnlae Amhlaoibh ui shúileabháin = The diary of Humphrey O'Sullivan外部サイトCaithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh外部サイトImtheachta Æniasa = The Irish Æneid, being a translation, made before A. D. 1400, of the XII books of Vergil's Æneid into Gaelic. The Irish text, with translation into English, introduction, vocabulary, and notes外部サイトDuanaire finn : The book of the lays of fionn外部サイトLife of St. Declan of Ardmore, (edited from MS. in Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels), and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore, (edited from MS. in Library of Royal Irish Academy)外部サイトAmhráin Cearbhalláin = The poems of Carolan, together with other N.Connacht and S.Ulster lyrics外部サイトPoems on marcher lords : from a sixteenth-century Tipperary manuscript外部サイトStair Ercuil ocus a bás = The life and death of Hercules外部サイトBuile Suibhne (The frenzy of Suibhne) : being the adventures of Suibhne Geilt : a middle-Irish romance外部サイトImtheachta Æniasa = The Irish Æneid, being a translation, made before A. D. 1400, of the XII books of Vergil's Æneid into Gaelic. The Irish text, with translation into English, introduction, vocabulary, and notes外部サイトLebor Gabála Érenn = The book of the taking of Ireland外部サイトLebor na Cert = The book of rights外部サイトBeatha Aodha Ruaidh uí Dhomhnaill : as leabhar Lughaidh uí Chlérigh = The life of Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill : transcribed from the book of Lughaidh Ó Clérigh外部サイトThe conquests of Charlemagne外部サイトThe contention of the bards外部サイトEachtra an mhadra mhaoil ; Eachtra Mhasaoimh-an-iolair = The story of the crop-eared dog ; The story of Eagle-boy : two Irish Arthurian romances外部サイトBeatha Aodha Ruaidh uí Dhomhnaill : as leabhar Lughaidh uí Chlérigh = The life of Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill : transcribed from the book of Lughaidh Ó Clérigh外部サイトOidheadh chloinne hUisneach = The violent death of the children of Uisneach外部サイトDuanaire finn = The book of the lays of fionn外部サイトAmhráin Cearbhalláin = The poems of Carolan, together with other N. Connacht and S. Ulster lyrics外部サイトDuanaire Dháibhidh Uí Bhruadair = The poems of David Ó Bruadair外部サイトAn Irish astronomical tract外部サイトCaithréim Conghail Cláiringhnigh = Martial career of Conghal Cláiringhneach外部サイトThe history of Ireland外部サイトBuile Suibhne (The Frenzy of Suibhne) Being the adventures of Suibhne Geilt. A middle-Irish romance外部サイトLebor Garála Érenn = The book of the taking of Ireland外部サイト






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Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge
Cumann na Sgríḃeann nGaeḋilge
Not published in order
Publisher varies: "Irish Texts Society", " Dublin Institue for Advanced Studies"
Previous volumes reprinted in Ireland at the Elo Press
Gaelic title varies: Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge
Gaelic title in Irish characters: Cumann na Sgríḃeann nGaeḋilge