
Garland reference library of social science


Garland reference library of social science

Garland : Falmer Press



Publisher varies: Routledge


America and World War I : a selected annotated bibliography of English-language sources外部サイトSoviet-Yugoslav relations, 1948-1972 : a bibliography of Soviet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis外部サイトTeacher education program evaluation : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトHoly ground : a study of the American camp meeting外部サイトCrimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality外部サイトWomen of color : a filmography of minority and Third World women外部サイトStepfamilies : a guide to the sources and resources外部サイトThe winds of injustice : American Indians and the U.S. Government外部サイトStudies in U.S. Supreme Court behavior外部サイトHospices : an annotated bibliography of journal articles, 1980-1988外部サイトDay care : a source book外部サイトMinority politics at the millennium外部サイトWestern Sahara, a comprehensive bibliography外部サイトWomen and technology : an annotated bibliography外部サイトGrief in cross-cultural perspective : a casebook外部サイトEffective early education : cross-cultural perspectives外部サイトEarly television : a bibliographic guide to 1940外部サイトInternational higher education : an encyclopedia外部サイトThe Unification Church in America : a bibliography and research guide外部サイトCareer advancement for women in the federal service : an annotated bibliography and resource book外部サイトCommunism and anti-communism in the United States : an annotated guide to historical writings外部サイトDoes government need to be involved in primary and secondary education : evaluating policy options using market role assessment外部サイトTeaching mathematics : toward a sound alternative外部サイトGoverning metropolitan areas : response to growth and change外部サイトTelecommunications : a handbook for educators外部サイトUnited States Air Force : a dictionary外部サイトSciences of the earth : an encyclopedia of events, people, and phenomena外部サイトResources for early childhood : a handbook外部サイトRural community decline and revitalization : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPornography, the conflict over sexually explicit materials in the United States : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublic administration in rural areas and small jurisdictions : a guide to the literature外部サイトEncyclopedia of adolescence外部サイトC. G. Jung and analytical psychology : a comprehensive bibliography外部サイトWomen and the British empire : an annotated guide to sources外部サイトEmployee assistance programs : an annotated bibliography外部サイトChanging public sector values外部サイトThe FBI most wanted : an encyclopedia外部サイトMedieval sexuality : a research guide外部サイトEarly intervention : cross-cultural experiences with a mediational approach外部サイトHousing and the aging population : options for the new century外部サイトControversial issues in librarianship : an annotated bibliography, 1960-1984外部サイトComputer simulations : a source book to learning in an electronic environment外部サイトA bibliography of California Indians : archaeology, ethnography, Indian history外部サイトJustification and excuse in the criminal law : a collection of essays外部サイトPsychohistorical inquiry : a comprehensive research bibliography外部サイトBlack children and American institutions : an ecological review and resource guide外部サイトPolitics of classroom life : classroom management in international perspective外部サイトBooks in English on the Soviet Union, 1917-73 : a bibliography外部サイトWages, race, skills and space : lessons from employers in Detroit's auto industry外部サイトSearch for the Northwest Passage : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPuerto Rican children on the mainland : interdisciplinary perspectives外部サイトProstitution : a guide to sources, 1960-1990外部サイトWomen speaking : an annotated bibliography of verbal and nonverbal communication, 1970-1980外部サイトThe life and death of a rural American high school : farewell, Little Kanawha外部サイトTraditional medicine : implications for ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology, maternal and child health, mental health, and public health : an annotated bibliography of Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean外部サイトInstructional design for libraries : an annotated bibliography外部サイトHistorical roots of the urban crisis : African Americans in the industrial city, 1900-1950外部サイトThe politics of educators' work and lives外部サイトPublic choice theory in public administration : an annotated bibliography外部サイトHomelessness : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLibrarianship and the Third World : an annotated bibliography of selected literature on developing nations, 1960-1975外部サイトBiographical dictionary of American cult and sect leaders外部サイトEncyclopedic handbook of cults in America外部サイトReincarnation : a bibliography外部サイトForms of desire : sexual orientation and the social constructionist controversy外部サイトEducation, modern development, and indigenous knowledge : an analysis of academic knowledge production外部サイトMonsters, a guide to information on unaccounted for creatures, including Bigfoot, many water monsters, and other irregular animals外部サイトPlays for children and young adults : an evaluative index and guide, Supplement 1, 1989-1994外部サイトMaking invisible Latino adolescents visible : a critical approach to Latino diversity外部サイトLearning to teach in two cultures : Japan and the United States外部サイトSociology of sciences : an annotated bibliography on invisible colleges, 1972-1981外部サイトHuman communication behavior and information processing : an interdisciplinary sourcebook外部サイトEncyclopedia of Eastern Europe : from the Congress of Vienna to the fall of communism外部サイトGender, equity, and schooling : policy and practice外部サイトEncyclopedic handbook of cults in America外部サイトField primatology : a guide to research外部サイトHispanic children and youth in the United States : a resource guide外部サイトBritish Malaya : a bibliographical and biographical compendium外部サイトThe higher education of women in England and America, 1865-1920外部サイトTeacher effectiveness : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトThe sociology of aging : an annotated bibliography and sourcebook外部サイトTeacher attitudes : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトTeaching English as a second language : a resource guide外部サイトGypsies : a multidisciplinary annotated bibliography外部サイトNATO, a bibliography and resource guide外部サイトPsychological testing and assessment of the mentally retarded : a handbook外部サイトEducation in East and West Germany : a bibliography外部サイトFrance and Germany at Maastricht : politics and negotiations to create the European Union外部サイトThe Supreme Court and the American Republic : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublic budgeting and financial management : an annotated bibliography外部サイトResources for educational equity : a guide for grades pre-kindergarten-12外部サイトThe anti-cult movement in America : a bibliography and historical survey外部サイトPostpartum depression : a research guide and international bibliography外部サイトA survey of spousal violence against women in Kentucky : conducted for Kentucky Commission on Women外部サイトOccupied reading : critical foundations for an ecological theory外部サイトStranger violence : a theoretical inquiry外部サイトRe-visioning educational leadership : a phenomenological approach外部サイトA research guide to human sexuality外部サイトAltered states of mind : critical observations of the drug war外部サイトSports and the law : major legal cases外部サイトWomen in agriculture : a guide to research外部サイトBritish East Africa, 1856-1963 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLiberation theologies : a research guide外部サイトAn annotated bibliography of homosexuality外部サイトInternational higher education : an encyclopedia外部サイトFriendship : a selected, annotated bibliography外部サイトThe black family in a changing black community外部サイトAnthropological resources : a guide to archival, library and museum collections外部サイトHealthy lifestyles外部サイトTeaching science to children : a resourcebook外部サイトJapanese military history : a guide to the literature外部サイトBeyond edge cities外部サイトThe War of 1812 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトGlobal countertrade : an annotated bibliography外部サイトIsraeli military history : a guide to the sources外部サイトThe Olympics : a bibliography外部サイトSkilled workers' solidarity : the American experience in comparative perspective外部サイトChurch-state relations : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe annual review of conflict knowledge and conflict resolution外部サイトLearning to read and write : the role of language acquisition and aesthetic development : a resourcebook外部サイトReading and learning disabilities : research and practice外部サイトChildren's literature : developing good readers外部サイトHuman sexuality : an encyclopedia外部サイトWomen's education in early modern Europe : a history, 1500-1800外部サイトCommunication and sex-role socialization外部サイトHigher education research at the turn of the new century : structures, issues, and trends外部サイトBilingual education and English as a second language : a research handbook外部サイトSchools in the Great Depression外部サイトWomen's movements and public policy in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean外部サイトComparative psychology of invertebrates : the field and laboratory study of insect behavior外部サイトThe contours of psychiatric justice : a postmodern critique of mental illness, criminal insanity, and the law外部サイトJohn Henry Newman : an annotated bibliography of his tract and pamphlet collection外部サイトSocial indicators : an annotated bibliography of current literature外部サイトPedagogy and the politics of the body : a critical praxis外部サイトSchool principals and change外部サイトReading and study skills in the secondary school : a sourcebook外部サイトBattleships and battle-cruisers, 1884-1984 : a bibliography and chronology外部サイトAdolescent pregnancy and parenthood : an annotated guide外部サイトThe presocratic philosophers : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublic opinion, the first ladyship, and Hillary Rodham Clinton外部サイトIslam in North America : a sourcebook外部サイトTwentieth-century evangelicalism : a guide to the sources外部サイトThe American Medical Association and organized medicine : a commentary and annotated bibliography外部サイトThe industrial belt : an annotated bibliography外部サイトMicrocomputers and the social studies : a resource guide for the middle and secondary grades外部サイトThe political behavior of older Americans外部サイトTeaching from understanding : teacher as interpretive inquirer外部サイトBehavioral development : concepts of approach/withdrawal and integrative levels外部サイトThe forge of the spirit : structure, motion, and meaning in the Japanese martial tradition外部サイトUnited States corporation histories : a bibliography, 1965-1990外部サイトTeachers and teaching in the developing world外部サイトThree Mile Island sourcebook : annotations of a disaster外部サイトRichard M. Nixon : a bibliographic exploration外部サイトChild abuse and neglect : an information and reference guide外部サイトThe female experience in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America : a guide to the history of American women外部サイトDistant alliances : promoting education for girls and women in Latin America外部サイトSouthern poor whites : a selected annotated bibliography of published sources外部サイトEducational testing : issues and applications外部サイトSouthwestern archaeology : a bibliography外部サイトDiscipline, moral regulation, and schooling : a social history外部サイトReal-world readings in art education : things your professor never told you外部サイトSchool play : a source book外部サイトFrom consumption to tuberculosis : a documentary history外部サイトIssues in nursing : an annotated bibliography外部サイトAnatomy of a collaboration : study of a college of education/public school partnership外部サイトEducation and social change in Korea外部サイトHistory of early childhood education外部サイトBalkan military history : a bibliography外部サイトFamily addiction : an analytical guide外部サイトDelivering government services : an annotated bibliography外部サイトFriendship : an exploration of structure and process外部サイトThe bureaucratic state : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublic sector productivity : a resource guide外部サイトModern economic classics--evaluations through time外部サイトSleep and dreams : a sourcebook外部サイトResources for early childhood : an annotated bibliography and guide for educators, librarians, health care professionals, and parents外部サイトCultural competency in health, social, and human services : directions for the twenty-first century外部サイトUrban America examined : a bibliography外部サイトExposing cults : when the skeptical mind confronts the mystical外部サイトThe remainder of their days : domestic policy and older families in the United States and Canada外部サイトPlay from birth to twelve and beyond : contexts, perspectives, and meanings外部サイトThe role of formal education in conflict resolution外部サイトControl of the media in the United States : an annotated bibliography外部サイトSexually transmitted diseases : an annotated selective bibliography外部サイトUnyielding spirits : Black women and slavery in early Canada and Jamaica外部サイトA class act : changing teachers' work, globalisation and the state外部サイトUnited States intelligence : an encyclopedia外部サイトBlack index : Afro-Americana in selected periodicals, 1907-1949外部サイトLabor conflict in the United States : an encyclopedia外部サイトThe post-formal reader : cognition and education外部サイトQualitative educational research in developing countries : current perspectives外部サイトEmployed mothers and their children外部サイトThe Korean War, an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe personal papers of Supreme Court justices : a descriptive guide外部サイトLatinas of the Americas : a source book外部サイトCurrent Books外部サイトEducational technology : a planning and resource guide supporting curriculum外部サイトJapan's economic challenge : a bibliographic sourcebook外部サイトApartheid : a selective annotated bibliography, 1979-1987外部サイトStaff training : an annotated review of the literature外部サイトBilingual education : a sourcebook外部サイトHistory of astronomy : an encyclopedia外部サイトCriminal justice in America, 1959-1984 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe international financial statistics locator : a research and information guide外部サイトAmerican communes, 1860-1960 : a bibliography外部サイトThe International Monetary Fund, 1944-1992 : a research guide外部サイトPolitics of educational innovations in developing countries : an analysis of knowledge and power外部サイトManuscripts in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England : a catalogue外部サイトA Bibliography of psychohistory外部サイトChildren, culture, and ethnicity : evaluating and understanding the impact外部サイトIn pursuit of equality of educational opportunity : a selective bibliography and guide to the research literature外部サイトThe Cultural Revolution in China : an annotated bibliography外部サイトResearch tools for Latin American historians : a select, annotated bibliography外部サイトAmerican foreign policy during the French Revolution - Napoleonic period, 1789-1815 : a bibliography外部サイトReligion in the Soviet Union : a bibliography, 1980-1989外部サイトThe abortion debate in the United States and Canada : a source book外部サイトRace, gender, and class in criminology : the intersections外部サイトAmerican advertising : a reference guide外部サイトJewish heritage in America : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublic rights, public rules : constituting citizens in the world polity and national policy外部サイトAdolescent literacy : what works and why外部サイトSocial behavior of the mentally retarded : an annotated bibliography外部サイトCrime in America : historical patterns and contemporary realities : an annotated bibliography外部サイトUniversity-community collaborations for the twenty-first century : outreach scholarship for youth and families外部サイトWorld War II : the European and Mediterranean theaters : an annotated bibliography外部サイトSocial cartography : mapping ways of seeing social and educational change外部サイトThe war against Japan, 1941-1945 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトUnited States foreign relations under Washington and Adams : a guide to the literature and sources外部サイトPolitical corruption : scope and resources : an annotated bibliography外部サイトMission statements : a guide to the corporate and nonprofit sectors外部サイトChinese women traversing diaspora : memoirs, essays, and poetry外部サイトCapital punishment in America : an annotated bibliography外部サイトAntisemitic propaganda : an annotated bibliography and research guide外部サイトRape, incest, and child sexual abuse : consequences and recovery外部サイトEncyclopedia of early childhood education外部サイトUnited States foreign policy and the Middle East/North Africa : a bibliography of twentieth-century research外部サイトComparative public administration : an annotated bibliography外部サイトRadical heroes : Gramsci, Freire, and the politics of adult education外部サイトTechnical dictionary of library and information science : English/Spanish, Spanish/English = Diccionario técnico de bibliotecología y ciencias de la información外部サイトThe Children of God/Family of Love : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe United States Navy : a dictionary外部サイトDrug-free youth : a compendium for prevention specialists外部サイトGeneral essays外部サイトLaboratory techniques in archaeology : a guide to the literature, 1920-1980外部サイトWomen and work : a handbook外部サイトTextbooks in school and society : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトAfro-American genealogy sourcebook外部サイトSouth African history : a bibliographical guide with special reference to territorial expansion and colonization外部サイトCivil service reform : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe Department of State and American diplomacy : a bibliography外部サイトBecoming multicultural : personal and social construction through critical teaching外部サイトSocial rage : emotion and cultural conflict外部サイトAdolescent parenthood and education : exploring alternative programs外部サイトAntisemitism : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEducation in Sub-Saharan Africa : a source book外部サイトMass media and the Constitution : an encyclopedia of Supreme Court decisions外部サイトThe sociology of work : a critical annotated bibliography外部サイトEnergy guide : a directory of information resources外部サイトAmerican families : issues in race and ethnicity外部サイトGenocide in the twentieth century : critical essays and eyewitness accounts外部サイトMillenarian movements in historical context外部サイトRussian education : tradition and transition外部サイトEthnic studies in the United States : a guide to research外部サイトDorothy Day and the Catholic worker : a bibliography and index外部サイトGender, unpaid labor, and the promotion of literacy : a selected, annotated bibliography外部サイトGunnar Myrdal, a bibliography, 1919-1981外部サイトCatalogue of books and periodicals on Estonia in the British Library Reference Division外部サイトEducation in Japan : a source book外部サイトThe meaning of slavery in the North外部サイトU.S./Japan foreign trade : an annotated bibliography of socioeconomic perspectives外部サイトThe role of gender in practice knowledge : claiming half the human experience外部サイトEverybody belongs : changing negative attitudes toward classmates with disabilities外部サイトOceanic homosexualities外部サイトPrevention education : a guide to research外部サイトProblems of early childhood : an annotated bibliography and guide外部サイトThe FBI : an annotated bibliography and research guide外部サイトContinuing to care : older Americans and their families外部サイトTrade catalogues at Winterthur : a guide to the literature of merchandising, 1750 to 1980外部サイトHistoric U.S. court cases, 1690-1990 : an encyclopedia外部サイトGod pro and con : a bibliography of atheism外部サイトMagic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography : compiled from the files of the Institute for the Study of American Religion外部サイトAfrican Americans and the criminal justice system外部サイトVersailles and after : an annotated bibliography of American foreign relations, 1919-1933外部サイトComparative European party systems : an analysis of parliamentary elections since 1945外部サイトThe management of correctional institutions外部サイトExamining science teaching in elementary school from the perspective of a teacher and learner外部サイトCareer planning, development, and management : an annotated bibliography外部サイトRace, gender, and class in criminology : the intersection外部サイトChinese education : problems, policies, and prospects外部サイトHigher education in an international perspective : critical issues外部サイトReviving America's forgotten neighborhoods : an investigation of inner city revitalization efforts外部サイトBattered women in Korean immigrant families : the silent scream外部サイトLearning and work : an exploration in industrial ethnography外部サイトThe new American immigration : evolving patterns of legal and illegal emigration : a bibliography of selected references外部サイトThe Rehnquist court and criminal punishment外部サイトThe foreign language classroom : bridging theory and practice外部サイトThe road to Rome : an annotated bibliography外部サイトComparative delinquency : India and the United States外部サイトWhite supremacy in children's literature : characterizations of African Americans, 1830-1900外部サイトQuality education for all : community-oriented approaches外部サイトLatino immigrant youth : passages from adolescence to adulthood外部サイトEverybody belongs : changing negative attitudes toward classmates with disabilities外部サイトViolence in the family : an annotated bibliography外部サイトParents and schools : a source book外部サイトWomen and Judaism : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトFlorence Nightingale and her era : a collection of new scholarship外部サイトThe Funding of higher education : international perspectives外部サイトThe British Empire in the Victorian press, 1832-1867 : a bibliography外部サイトNews media and public policy : an annotated bibliography外部サイトStruggle for empire : a bibliography of the French and Indian War外部サイトMiddle American Indians : a guide to the manuscript collection at Tozzer Library, Harvard University外部サイトPolice science, 1964-1984 : a selected, annotated bibliography外部サイトThe U.S.S.R. in World War II, : an annotated bibliography of books published in the Soviet Union, 1945-1975 : with an addenda for the years 1975-1980外部サイトArab education in transition : a source book外部サイトLesbian voices from Latin America : breaking ground外部サイトClasses and elites in democracy and democratization : a collection of readings外部サイトUniversity-community collaborations for the twenty-first century : outreach scholarship for youth and families外部サイトImages of American Indians on film : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEncyclopedia of library history外部サイトJewish mysticism : an annotated bibliography on the Kabbalah in English外部サイトIdeologies of identity in adolescent fiction : the dialogic construction of subjectivity外部サイトWriting educational biography : explorations in qualitative research外部サイトThe New child protection team handbook外部サイトHigher education in the post-communist world : case studies of eight universities外部サイトWhat is indigenous knowledge? : voices from the academy外部サイトThomas Jefferson : a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of writings about him (1826-1980)外部サイトMulticultural Hawaiʿi : the fabric of a multiethnic society外部サイトBorder health : challenges for the United States and Mexico外部サイトAmerican philanthropy, 1731-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia外部サイトMedical obituaries : American physicians' biographical notices in selected medical journals before 1907外部サイトPolitics, race, and schools : racial integration, 1954-1994外部サイトFrontline feminisms : women, war, and resistance外部サイトTeaching in the 21st century : adapting writing pedagogies to the curriculum外部サイトAmerican society in the Buddhist mirror外部サイトImmigrants and their children in the United States : a bibliography of doctoral dissertations, 1885-1982外部サイトInternational and historical roots of American higher education外部サイトSex role stereotyping in the mass media : an annotated bibliography外部サイトFrom Harlem to Hollywood : the struggle for racial and cultural democracy, 1920-1943外部サイトQualitative educational research in developing countries : current perspectives外部サイトFrench military history, 1661-1799 : a guide to the literature外部サイトWomen and deviance : issues in social conflict and change : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe South Slav conflict : history, religion, ethnicity, and nationalism外部サイトNonviolent action : a research guide外部サイトVoluntary associations : an annotated bibliography外部サイトDemocracy, multiculturalism, and the community college : a critical perspective外部サイトA biographical index of British engineers in the 19th century外部サイトHistoriography in the Revolution : a bibliography of Cuban scholarship, 1959-1979外部サイトNeighborhoods, family, and political behavior in urban America外部サイトReforming metropolitan governments : a bibliography外部サイトEducational philosophy : a history from the ancient world to modern America外部サイトCatholic school education in the United States : development and current concerns外部サイトMelting pot : an annotated bibliography and guide to food and nutrition information for ethnic groups in America外部サイトAmerican education, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia外部サイトReligion and schooling in contemporary America : confronting our cultural pluralism外部サイトThe political economy of the social sciences外部サイトCreating connections : books, kits, and games for children : a sourcebook外部サイトBritain in the Middle East, 1921-1956 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトWomen and science : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEncyclopedia of romanticism : culture in Britain, 1780s-1830s外部サイトCurriculum : toward new identities外部サイトRoyalist officers in England and Wales, 1642-1660 : a biographical dictionary外部サイトThe United States Army : a dictionary外部サイトAfrican Americans and the politics of congressional redistricting外部サイトThe religious roots of American sociology外部サイトParent-child attachment : a guide to research外部サイトTeacher education in industrialized nations : issues in changing social contexts外部サイトThe meaning of slavery in the North外部サイトChild maltreatment and optimal caregiving in social contexts外部サイトTeaching social studies to the young child : a research and resource guide外部サイトRace, ethnicity, and gender in early twentieth-century American socialism外部サイトHigher education in Canada : different systems, different perspectives外部サイトComparative psychology : a handbook外部サイトPublic administration research guide外部サイトPolitical violence in the United States, 1875-1974 : a bibliography外部サイトKitsch : from education to public policy外部サイトCritical art pedagogy : foundations for postmodern art education外部サイトKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels : an analytical bibliography外部サイトPedagogy and the politics of the body : a critical praxis外部サイトInterdependencies of agriculture and rural communities : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEducating immigrant children : schools and language minorities in twelve nations外部サイトChildren's folklore : a source book外部サイトChildbirth : an annotated bibliography and guide外部サイトCrossing customs : international students write on U.S. college life and culture外部サイトMass media : a chronological encyclopedia of television, radio, motion pictures, magazines, newspapers, and books in the United States外部サイトRediscoveries in children's literature外部サイトRape and sexual assault : a research handbook外部サイトAmerican Indian women : a guide to research外部サイトContemporary approaches to moral education : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトAlcohol use and alcoholism : a guide to the literature外部サイトContemporary perspectives in comparative education外部サイトSchool prayer and other religious issues in American public education : a bibliography外部サイトAdoption : an annotated bibliography and guide外部サイトRural education : issues and practice外部サイトAmerican public administration : a bibliographical guide to the literature外部サイトEthical issues in scientific research : an anthology外部サイトHistory of science in the United States : a chronology and research guide外部サイトChildren and divorce : an annotated bibliography and guide外部サイトPsychiatry and the cults : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPresidents as candidates : inside the White House for the presidential campaign外部サイトHigher education in crisis : New York in national perspective外部サイトIdeologies of identity in adolescent fiction : the dialogic construction of subjectivity外部サイトSoviet Jewish history, 1917-1991 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトRussian and Soviet education, 1731-1989 : a multilingual annotated bibliography外部サイトEnvironmental crime and criminality : theoretical and practical issues外部サイトGay rights, military wrongs : political perspectives on lesbians and gays in the military外部サイトThe works of Patrick Branwell Brontë : an edition外部サイトThe unification of German education外部サイトLiteracy today : standards across the curriculum外部サイトLocal economic development policy : the United States and Canada外部サイトMassachusetts temperance societies' publications : a bibliography of nineteenth-century materials held in the Boston Public Library, the American Antiquarian Society, and the Massachusetts Historical Society外部サイトTeachers and mentors : profiles of distinguished twentieth-century professors of education外部サイトLabor market segmentation and its implications : inequality, deprivation, and entitlement外部サイトEducation and development in East Asia外部サイトThe War of the American Revolution : a selected annotated bibliography of published sources外部サイトVictims of crime : a research report of experiencing victimization外部サイトWomen of color in the United States : a guide to the literature外部サイトServices to the aging and aged : public policies and programs外部サイトJapanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage外部サイトBlack business and economics : a selected bibliography外部サイトOccupational safety and health : a sourcebook外部サイトLatin American Marxism : a bibliography外部サイトWomen and work, paid and unpaid : a selected, annotated bibliography外部サイトTeacher job satisfaction : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトFeminism and women's issues : an annotated bibliography and research guide外部サイトEducation in England and Wales : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLawful order : a case study of correctional crisis and reform外部サイトAnti-cult movements in cross-cultural perspective外部サイトReforming teacher education : issues and new directions外部サイトThe American nuclear power industry : a handbook外部サイトVictorian Britain : an encyclopedia外部サイトReligious schools in the United States, K-12 : a source book外部サイトGuide to the manuscript collection of the Tamiment Library外部サイトJewish genealogy : a sourcebook of family histories and genealogies外部サイトThe petroleum industry in Western Europe : a guide to information sources外部サイトIntervention and counterinsurgency : an annotated bibliography of the small wars of the United States, 1898-1984外部サイトEnvironmental profiles : a global guide to projects and people外部サイトCritical issues in foreign language instruction外部サイトPolicing change, changing police : international perspectives外部サイトSocial work and the courts : a casebook外部サイトSchool and society in Victorian Britain : Joseph Payne and the new world of education外部サイトAfrican-American community studies from North America : a classified, annotated bibliography外部サイトHistory of physical anthropology外部サイトRetirement and income : a national research report of behavior and opinion concerning retirement, pensions, and Social Security外部サイトOral history of contemporary Jewry : an annotated catalogue外部サイトUnderstanding educational reform in global context : economy, ideology, and the state外部サイトRegion and regionalism in the United States : a source book for the humanities and social sciences外部サイトMunicipal bonding and taxation外部サイトFaculty productivity : facts, fictions, and issues外部サイトChinese cookbooks : an annotated English-language compendium/bibliography外部サイトOrganizational and interorganizational dynamics : an annotated bibliography外部サイトGubernatorial and presidential transitions : an annotated bibliography and resource guide外部サイトMedical sociology : an annotated bibliography, 1972-1982外部サイトSports and the law : major legal cases外部サイトChurch polity and American politics : issues in contemporary American Catholicism外部サイトThe progressive education movement : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEncyclopedia of social history外部サイトHigher education in Korea : tradition and adaptation外部サイトChicanos and film : essays on Chicano representation and resistance外部サイトThe Black underclass : critical essays on race and unwantedness外部サイトIssues in the sociology of religion : a bibliography外部サイトJoint practice : a selected, annotated bibliography外部サイトCross-cultural literacy : ethnographies of communication in multiethnic classrooms外部サイトJewish-American history and culture : an encyclopedia外部サイトFamilies of employed mothers : an international perspective外部サイトGuide to the Archives of the Archdiocese of Boston外部サイトJehovah's Witnesses and kindred groups : a historical compendium and bibliography外部サイトTwo-year colleges for women and minorities : enabling access to the baccalaureate外部サイトGerman naval history : a guide to the literature外部サイトBibliography of society : ethics and the life sciences 1976-1977外部サイトThe South Slav conflict : history, religion, ethnicity, and nationalism外部サイトExporting America : essays on American studies abroad外部サイトThe U.S. securities and exchange commission : a research and information guide外部サイトLabor management relations in the public sector : an annotated bibliography外部サイトNative America in the twentieth century : an encyclopedia外部サイトThe social role of higher education : comparative perspectives外部サイトMaterials and strategies for the education of trainable mentally retarded learners外部サイトSexual harassment in higher education : reflections and new perspectives外部サイトThe martial arts : an annotated bibliography外部サイトProsocial development in children : caring, helping, and cooperating : a resource guide外部サイトSocial stratification : an annotated bibliography外部サイトAnthropological fieldwork : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe Funding of higher education : international perspectives外部サイトAutobiographical writings外部サイトAfro-American nationalism : an annotated bibliography of militant separatist and nationalist literature外部サイトSelf-actualization : an annotated bibliography of theory and research外部サイトSchooling, jobs, and cultural identity : minority education in Quebec外部サイトNavajo tribal demography, 1983-1986 : a comparative and historical perspective外部サイトGroup psychotherapy for students and teachers : a selected bibliography外部サイトArchaeology, a bibliographical guide to the basic literature外部サイトGender issues in international education : beyond policy and practice外部サイトNonviolent action : a research guide外部サイトMelting pot : an annotated bibliography and guide to food and nutrition information for ethnic groups in America外部サイトUnited States corporation histories : a bibliography, 1965-1985外部サイトInternational trade sources : a research guide外部サイトChronological history of United States foreign relations外部サイトThe sociology of contemporary Quebec nationalism : an annotated bibliography and review外部サイトThe big powers and the German question, 1941-1990 : a selected bibliographic guide外部サイトEssays in twentieth-century southern education : exceptionalism and its limits外部サイトThe era of the French Revolution : a bibliography of the history of western civilization, 1789-1799外部サイトListen to the stories : gay and lesbian Catholics talk about their lives and the church外部サイトThe American family : a compendium of data and sources外部サイトMothers and mothering : an annotated feminist bibliography外部サイトReligious seminaries in America : a selected bibliography外部サイトNative American women : a biographical dictionary外部サイトInternational feminist perspectives on educational reform : the work of Gail Paradise Kelly外部サイトEnergy II : a bibliography of 1975-1976 social science and related literature外部サイトAdolescent literacy : what works and why外部サイトProgram evaluation : an annotated bibliography外部サイトSociology of sport : an annotated bibliography外部サイトJapanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage外部サイトAmerican popular psychology : an interdisciplinary research guide外部サイトPostmodern criminology外部サイトThe clinical sociology handbook外部サイトThe song index of the Enoch Pratt Free Library外部サイトThe New York Stock Exchange : a guide to information sources外部サイトEnergy, a bibliography of social science and related literature外部サイトSex differences and learning : an annotated bibliography of educational research, 1979-1989外部サイトChina's universities, 1895-1995 : a century of cultural conflict外部サイトDimensions of communities : a research handbook外部サイトProfessional dissent : an annotated bibliography and resource guide外部サイトOne-parent children, the growing minority : a research guide外部サイトThe American Civil Liberties Union : an annotated bibliography外部サイトSexuality and the law : an encyclopedia of major legal cases外部サイトDictionary of herbs, spices, seasonings, and natural flavorings外部サイトThe rhetoric of struggle : public address by African American women外部サイトAmerican third parties since the Civil War : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLives of women public schoolteachers : scenes from American educational history外部サイトAn international list of articles on the history of education published in non-educational serials, 1965-1974外部サイトReligious schools in America : a selected bibliography外部サイトA biographical index of British engineers in the 19th century外部サイトNapoleonic military history : a bibliography外部サイトGerman military history, 1648-1982 : a critical bibliography外部サイトReasonable disagreement : two U.S. Senators and the choices they make外部サイトComputers in the classroom--what shall I do? : a guide外部サイトSubstance abuse among ethnic minorities in America : a critical annotated bibliography外部サイトThe art of revitalization : improving conditions in distressed inner-city neighborhoods外部サイトChildren of alcoholics : a sourcebook外部サイトHistory of early childhood education外部サイトEducation, cultures, and economics : dilemmas for development外部サイトSex guides : books and films about sexuality for young adults外部サイトTowards aboriginal self-government : relations between status Indian peoples and the government of Canada, 1969-1984外部サイトAdult literacy : a source book and guide外部サイトAmerican education and corporations : the free market goes to school外部サイトIssues in-- reproductive technology I : an anthology外部サイトExperiencing adolescents : a sourcebook for parents, teachers, and teens外部サイトGay histories and cultures : an encyclopedia外部サイトImagining criminology : an alternative paradigm外部サイトWhose education for all? : the recolonization of the African mind外部サイトThe parent-centered early school : Highland Community School of Milwaukee外部サイトThe Jews in Spain and Portugal : a bibliography外部サイトFitness in America--the Perrier study : a national research report of behavior, knowledge, and opinions concerning the taking up of sports and exercise外部サイトPopular culture and critical pedagogy : reading, constructing, connecting外部サイトThe influence of the family : a review and annotated bibliography of socialization, ethnicity, and delinquency, 1975-1986外部サイトThe Radhasoami tradition : a critical history of guru successorship外部サイトPolitical parties & elections in the United States : an encyclopedia外部サイトSocial support and health : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe Civil War in the north : a selective annotated bibliography外部サイトTransforming schools外部サイトThe challenge of illiteracy : from reflection to action外部サイトApplied policy research : concepts and cases外部サイトConflict and conflict resolution : a historical bibliography外部サイトAmerican engineers of the nineteenth century : a biographical index外部サイトDictionary of development : Third World economy, environment, society外部サイトThe Latter Day Saint churches : an annotated bibliography外部サイトTaking charge : nursing, suffrage, and feminism in America, 1873-1920外部サイトGerman nationalisms : a bibliographic approach外部サイトCurriculum development in the postmodern era外部サイトWetland economics and assessment : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEncyclopedia of African American religions外部サイトImages of mainstreaming : educating students with disabilities外部サイトEthics and public policy : an annotated bibliography外部サイトChild trauma : issues & research外部サイトAn annotated bibliography of the British Army, 1660-1914外部サイトDrugs, morality, and the law外部サイトBusiness cycles and depressions : an encyclopedia外部サイトThe exploration of South America : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe family in past time : a guide to the literature外部サイトInternational business bibliography外部サイトThe collaborative city : opportunities and struggles for Blacks and Latinos in U.S. cities外部サイトAdolescents and their music : if it's too loud, you're too old外部サイトTeaching thinking skills : theory and practice外部サイトReligion and the U.S. presidency : a bibliography外部サイトLesbian sources : a bibliography of periodical articles, 1970-1990外部サイトInner-city schools, multiculturalism, and teacher education : a professional journey外部サイトPublic interest law : an annotated bibliography and research guide外部サイトHigher education finance : an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトSpecial needs adoptions : practice issues外部サイトPracticing what we preach : preparing middle level educators外部サイトEducational reform : a Deweyan perspective外部サイトThe American stock exchange : a guide to information resources外部サイトSpirit possession and spirit mediumship in Africa and Afro-America : an annotated bibliography外部サイトStaff, parents, and politics in Head Start : a case study in unequal power, knowledge, and material sources外部サイトWomen in English social history, 1800-1914 : a guide to research外部サイトThe military in imperial history : the French connection外部サイトPublic opinion polls and survey research : a selective annotated bibliography of U.S. guides and studies from the 1980s外部サイトSocial science and the cults : an annotated bibliography外部サイトA new labor movement for the new century外部サイトGifted, talented, and creative young people : a guide to theory, teaching, and research外部サイトParaguay : a bibliography外部サイトSexuality, religion, and magic : a comprehensive guide to sources外部サイトGurdjieff : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEthnic and racial images in American film and television : historical essays and bibliography外部サイトRacial & religious violence in America : a chronology外部サイトScience and technology in Central and Eastern Europe : the reform of higher education外部サイトEncyclopedia of homosexuality外部サイトPublic personnel administration : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLanguage and the brain : a bibliography and guide外部サイトThe education of women in the United States : a guide to theory, teaching, and research外部サイトWeapons under fire外部サイトThe Blackfeet : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe academic corporation : a history of college and university governing boards外部サイトThe American farm crisis : an annotated bibliography外部サイトStorytelling : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトComputers in education : a research bibliography外部サイトNationalism in East Asia : an annotated bibliography of selected works外部サイトThe liberal arts college adapting to change : the survival of small schools外部サイトBrazil since 1930 : an annotated bibliography for social historians外部サイトUniversity teaching : international perspectives外部サイトTransportation costs and costing, 1917-1973 : a select annotated chronological bibliography外部サイトThe writing of history in Britain : a bibliography of post-1945 writings about British historians and biographers外部サイトThe Ku Klux Klan : an encyclopedia外部サイトMathematical book review index, 1800-1940外部サイトMovies and politics : the dynamic relationship外部サイトAmerican communes to 1860 : a bibliography外部サイトHistory of physical anthropology外部サイトThe ethnographic eye : interpretive studies of education in China外部サイトKits, games, and manipulatives for the elementary school classroom : a source book外部サイトChicanos and film : essays on Chicano representation and resistance外部サイトUnderstanding corporate criminality外部サイトThe history of anthropology : a research bibliography外部サイトThe Third Reich, 1933-1945 : a bibliographical guide to German national socialism外部サイトSocial justice and Third World education外部サイトThe Old Catholic sourcebook外部サイトOlder women in 20th-century America : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトSocial work constructivist research外部サイトAfrican-American women : an ecological perspective外部サイトThe General Accounting Office : an annotated bibliography外部サイトReligious conflict in America : a bibliography外部サイトPolitics of classroom life : classroom management in international perspective外部サイトCurrent concepts in transgender identity外部サイトBlack mayors and school politics : the failure of reform in Detroit, Gary, and Newark外部サイトAfrican-American organized crime : a social history外部サイトAt-risk youth : theory, practice, reform外部サイトRape and rape-related issues : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEducational planning : the international dimension外部サイトPolitical crime in contemporary America : a critical approach外部サイトEducation and cultural differences : new perspectives外部サイトCollective behavior : a bibliography外部サイトProject Head Start : past, present, and future trends in the context of family needs外部サイトFemale criminality : the state of the art外部サイトThe sociology of aging : an annotated bibliography and sourcebook外部サイトInfancy : a guide to research and resources外部サイトReform and change in higher education : international perspectives外部サイトTextbooks in the Third World : policy, content, and context外部サイトAdolescents, cultures, and conflicts : growing up in contemporary Europe外部サイトVampires unearthed : the complete multi-media vampire and dracula bibliography外部サイトThird World education : quality and equality外部サイトEuropean immigrant women in the United States : a biographical dictionary外部サイトMalcolm X : a comprehensive annotated bibliography外部サイトTransforming schools外部サイトAging in the twenty-first century : a developmental perspective外部サイトSoviet publications on Judaism, Zionism, and the State of Israel, 1984-1988 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトBilingual education and English as a second language : a research handbook, 1988-1990外部サイトPolitics and religion in the United States外部サイトTeaching English as a second language 2 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトSecondary schools and cooperative learning : theories, models, and strategies外部サイトThe sociology of religion : an organizational bibliography外部サイトThe informal economy : underground economy, moonlighting, subcontracting, household economy, unorganized sector, barter, ghetto economy, second economy : a research guide外部サイトSexuality education : a resource book外部サイトCreativity in the later years : an annotated bibliography外部サイトA bibliography of prostitution外部サイトEqual employment opportunity and affirmative action : a sourcebook外部サイトMillennialism : an international bibliography外部サイトPart-time employment for the low-income elderly : experiences from the field外部サイトAcademic professionalism in law enforcement外部サイトAmerican attitudes toward health maintenance organizations : a survey of the public, HMO members, and potential members nationwide外部サイトBecoming a student of teaching : methodologies for exploring self and school context外部サイトRace, ethnicity, and multiculturalism : policy and practice外部サイトHigher education in Korea : tradition and adaptation外部サイトEthics and the arts : an anthology外部サイトAmerican nursing : a biographical dictionary外部サイトThe sociology of mental illness : an annotated bibliography外部サイトMagic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography外部サイトEducation and the Scandinavian welfare state in the year 2000 : equality, policy, and reform外部サイトThe sociology of emotions : an annotated bibliography外部サイトWomen, education, and development in Asia : cross-national perspectives外部サイトEducation in South Asia : a select annotated bibliography外部サイトEducation in the Arab Gulf states and the Arab world : an annotated bibliographic guide外部サイトLesbian histories and cultures : an encyclopedia外部サイトThe social correlates of infant and reproductive mortality in the United States : a reference guide外部サイトDiscipline, moral regulation, and schooling : a social history外部サイトCooperative learning : a guide to research外部サイトNative America in the twentieth century : an encyclopedia外部サイトEarly Black bibliographies, 1863-1918外部サイトAdministration and development in the Arab world : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEducating young adolescents : life in the middle外部サイトWomen in the Third World : an encyclopedia of contemporary issues外部サイトLegislative learning : the 104th republican freshmen in the house外部サイトJewish Christians in the United States : a bibliography外部サイトPublic policy analysis : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPay inequity : a guide to research on social influences外部サイトCompetitor or ally? : Japan's role in american educational debates外部サイトChildren of poverty : research, health, and policy issues外部サイトInternational dictionary of anthropologists外部サイトJewish family issues : a resource guide外部サイトCentury of genocide : eyewitness accounts and critical views外部サイトInnovative trends and specialized strategies in community-based corrections外部サイトThe ethics of suicide外部サイトThe heartbeat of indigenous Africa : a study of the Chagga educational system外部サイトAnti-intervention : a bibliographical introduction to isolationism and pacifism from World War I to the early cold war外部サイトTeaching science to children外部サイトKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels : an analytical bibliography外部サイトFrom the Knights of Labor to the new world order : essays on labor and culture外部サイトNonprofit public policy research organizations : a sourcebook on think tanks in government外部サイトThe shaping of the French colonial empire : a bio-bibliography of the careers of Richelieu, Fouquet, and Colbert外部サイトRedefining European security外部サイトThe Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-1971 : a bibliography外部サイトHomosexuality : a research guide外部サイトNursing, a historical bibliography外部サイトMass murder : an annotated bibliography外部サイトTeacher education in the Asia-Pacific region : a comparative study外部サイトSpecial education : a source book外部サイトThe Anschluss movement, 1918-1938 : background and aftermath : an annotated bibliography of German and Austrian nationalism外部サイトAdvanced weapons systems : an annotated bibliography of the cruise missile, MX missile, laser and space weapons, and stealth technology外部サイトTheosophy in the nineteenth century : an annotated bibliography外部サイトAmerican medical ethnobotany : a reference dictionary外部サイトDr. David Livingstone and Sir Henry Morton Stanley : an annotated bibliography外部サイトNationalism in the Balkans : an annotated bibliography外部サイトChildren's right to freedom, care and enlightenment外部サイトConservation and environmentalism : an encyclopedia外部サイトFeminist legal literature : a selective annotated bibliography外部サイトGirls' schooling during the Progressive Era : from female scholar to domesticated citizen外部サイトThree decades of peace education around the world : an anthology外部サイトAmerican women and politics : a selected bibliography and resource guide外部サイトReligious broadcasting, 1920-1983 : a selectively annotated bibliography外部サイトCurrent books on China, 1983-1988 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトBritain's elusive empire in the Middle East, 1900-1921 : an annotated bibliography外部サイトInstruments of science : an historical encyclopedia外部サイトDimensions of the community college : international, intercultural, and multicultural perspectives外部サイトThe gay novel in America外部サイトEducational qualitative research in Latin America : the struggle for a new paradigm外部サイトEarly childhood education in Asia and the Pacific : a source book外部サイトLiteracy in multimedia America : integrating media education across the curriculum外部サイトFreirean pedagogy, praxis, and possibilities : projects for the new millenium外部サイトReligious higher education in the United States : a source book外部サイトResources for middle childhood : a source book外部サイトTwins and homosexuality : a casebook外部サイトWork, recreation, and culture : essays in American labor history外部サイトEncyclopedia of time外部サイトThe United States in the Vietnam War, 1954-1975 : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトRace and ethnic relations : an annotated bibliography外部サイトHaiti : a research handbook外部サイトChanneling : a bibliographic exploration外部サイトEconomic arithmetic : a guide to the statistical sources of English commerce, industry, and finance, 1700-1850外部サイトEssay collections in international relations : a classified bibliography外部サイトEducation in the People's Republic of China, past and present : an annotated bibliography外部サイトNorthern Ireland 1921-1974 : a select bibliography外部サイトInfancy and culture : an international review and source book外部サイトJapanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage外部サイトSocial issues in contemporary sport : a resource guide外部サイトReligious colleges and universities in America : a selected bibliography外部サイトDoctoral research on Russia and the Soviet Union, 1960-1975 : a classified list of 3,150 American, Canadian, and British dissertations, with some critical and statistical analysis外部サイトBrazil, 1822-1930 : an annotated bibliography for social historians外部サイトSchooling in sub-Saharan Africa : contemporary issues and future concerns外部サイトThe Encyclopedia of police science外部サイトThe physically handicapped : an annotated bibliography of empirical research studies, 1970-1979外部サイトSocial impact assessment and management : an annotated bibliography外部サイトEnhancing primary care of elderly people外部サイトMinority status and schooling : a comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities外部サイトMulticultural education : a source book外部サイトMedicare : a handbook on the history and issues of health care services for the elderly外部サイトThe World Bank Group : a guide to information sources外部サイトAgitators and promoters in the age of Gladstone and Disraeli : a biographical dictionary of the leaders of British pressure groups founded between 1865 and 1886外部サイトGerman military aviation : a guide to the literature外部サイトJesuit education and social change in El Salvador外部サイトEducation and anthropology : an annotated bibliography外部サイトIssues in adult basic education and other adult education an annotated bibliography and guide to research外部サイトWomen's education in the Third World : an annotated bibliography外部サイトInternational handbook of early childhood education外部サイトThe Records of Baltimore's private organizations : a guide to archival resources外部サイトThe victimology handbook : research findings, treatment, and public policy外部サイトDemocratic social education : social studies for social change外部サイトFranchising in business : a guide to information sources外部サイトProtest and crime in China : a bibliography of secret associations, popular uprisings, peasant rebellions外部サイトInstrumentation in education : an anthology外部サイトControlling state crime : an introduction外部サイトGuinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands : a comprehensive bibliography外部サイトThe antipolygamy controversy in U.S. women's movements, 1880-1925 : a debate on the American home外部サイトGender issues in international education : beyond policy and practice外部サイトAnthropology in the New Guinea highlands : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe Dimensions of privacy : a national opinion research survey of attitudes toward privacy外部サイトOrganization behavior in American public administration : an annotated bibliography外部サイトLanguage and communication in old age : multidisciplinary perspectives外部サイトAfrican American women : a biographical dictionary外部サイトMulticulturalism in academe : a source book外部サイトEducation and disability in cross-cultural perspective外部サイトArab periodicals and serials : a subject bibliography外部サイトEncyclopedia of the American left外部サイトProject Head Start : models and strategies for the twenty-first century外部サイトChina's national minority education : culture, schooling, and development外部サイトReviving America's forgotten neighborhoods : an investigation of inner city revitalization efforts外部サイトRegendering the school story : sassy sissies and tattling tomboys外部サイトMathematics education in secondary schools and two-year colleges : a source book外部サイトConscience in politics : an empirical investigation of Swiss decision cases外部サイトThe Russian consular records index and catalog外部サイトReal-world readings in art education : things your professor never told you外部サイトMen giving care : reflections of husbands and sons外部サイトEthics and the arts : an anthology外部サイト



  • America and World War I : a selected annotated bibliography of English-language sources

  • Soviet-Yugoslav relations, 1948-1972 : a bibliography of Soviet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis

  • Teacher education program evaluation : an annotated bibliography and guide to research

  • Holy ground : a study of the American camp meeting

  • Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality





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Garland reference library of the social sciences
Garland reference library of social sciences
Routledge reference library of social science
Publisher varies: Routledge
America and World War I : a selected annotated bibliography of English-language sources
Soviet-Yugoslav relations, 1948-1972 : a bibliography of Soviet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis
Teacher education program evaluation : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Holy ground : a study of the American camp meeting
Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality
Women of color : a filmography of minority and Third World women
Stepfamilies : a guide to the sources and resources
The winds of injustice : American Indians and the U.S. Government
Studies in U.S. Supreme Court behavior
Hospices : an annotated bibliography of journal articles, 1980-1988
Day care : a source book
Minority politics at the millennium
Western Sahara, a comprehensive bibliography
Women and technology : an annotated bibliography
Grief in cross-cultural perspective : a casebook
Effective early education : cross-cultural perspectives
Early television : a bibliographic guide to 1940
International higher education : an encyclopedia
The Unification Church in America : a bibliography and research guide
Career advancement for women in the federal service : an annotated bibliography and resource book
Communism and anti-communism in the United States : an annotated guide to historical writings
Does government need to be involved in primary and secondary education : evaluating policy options using market role assessment
Teaching mathematics : toward a sound alternative
Governing metropolitan areas : response to growth and change
Telecommunications : a handbook for educators
United States Air Force : a dictionary
Sciences of the earth : an encyclopedia of events, people, and phenomena
Resources for early childhood : a handbook
Rural community decline and revitalization : an annotated bibliography
Pornography, the conflict over sexually explicit materials in the United States : an annotated bibliography
Public administration in rural areas and small jurisdictions : a guide to the literature
Encyclopedia of adolescence
C. G. Jung and analytical psychology : a comprehensive bibliography
Women and the British empire : an annotated guide to sources
Employee assistance programs : an annotated bibliography
Changing public sector values
The FBI most wanted : an encyclopedia
Medieval sexuality : a research guide
Early intervention : cross-cultural experiences with a mediational approach
Housing and the aging population : options for the new century
Controversial issues in librarianship : an annotated bibliography, 1960-1984
Computer simulations : a source book to learning in an electronic environment
A bibliography of California Indians : archaeology, ethnography, Indian history
Justification and excuse in the criminal law : a collection of essays
Psychohistorical inquiry : a comprehensive research bibliography
Black children and American institutions : an ecological review and resource guide
Politics of classroom life : classroom management in international perspective
Books in English on the Soviet Union, 1917-73 : a bibliography
Wages, race, skills and space : lessons from employers in Detroit's auto industry
Search for the Northwest Passage : an annotated bibliography
Puerto Rican children on the mainland : interdisciplinary perspectives
Prostitution : a guide to sources, 1960-1990
Women speaking : an annotated bibliography of verbal and nonverbal communication, 1970-1980
The life and death of a rural American high school : farewell, Little Kanawha
Traditional medicine : implications for ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology, maternal and child health, mental health, and public health : an annotated bibliography of Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Instructional design for libraries : an annotated bibliography
Historical roots of the urban crisis : African Americans in the industrial city, 1900-1950
The politics of educators' work and lives
Public choice theory in public administration : an annotated bibliography
Homelessness : an annotated bibliography
Librarianship and the Third World : an annotated bibliography of selected literature on developing nations, 1960-1975
Biographical dictionary of American cult and sect leaders
Encyclopedic handbook of cults in America
Reincarnation : a bibliography
Forms of desire : sexual orientation and the social constructionist controversy
Education, modern development, and indigenous knowledge : an analysis of academic knowledge production
Monsters, a guide to information on unaccounted for creatures, including Bigfoot, many water monsters, and other irregular animals
Plays for children and young adults : an evaluative index and guide, Supplement 1, 1989-1994
Making invisible Latino adolescents visible : a critical approach to Latino diversity
Learning to teach in two cultures : Japan and the United States
Sociology of sciences : an annotated bibliography on invisible colleges, 1972-1981
Human communication behavior and information processing : an interdisciplinary sourcebook
Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe : from the Congress of Vienna to the fall of communism
Gender, equity, and schooling : policy and practice
Encyclopedic handbook of cults in America
Field primatology : a guide to research
Hispanic children and youth in the United States : a resource guide
British Malaya : a bibliographical and biographical compendium
The higher education of women in England and America, 1865-1920
Teacher effectiveness : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
The sociology of aging : an annotated bibliography and sourcebook
Teacher attitudes : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Teaching English as a second language : a resource guide
Gypsies : a multidisciplinary annotated bibliography
NATO, a bibliography and resource guide
Psychological testing and assessment of the mentally retarded : a handbook
Education in East and West Germany : a bibliography
France and Germany at Maastricht : politics and negotiations to create the European Union
The Supreme Court and the American Republic : an annotated bibliography
Public budgeting and financial management : an annotated bibliography
Resources for educational equity : a guide for grades pre-kindergarten-12
The anti-cult movement in America : a bibliography and historical survey
Postpartum depression : a research guide and international bibliography
A survey of spousal violence against women in Kentucky : conducted for Kentucky Commission on Women
Occupied reading : critical foundations for an ecological theory
Stranger violence : a theoretical inquiry
Re-visioning educational leadership : a phenomenological approach
A research guide to human sexuality
Altered states of mind : critical observations of the drug war
Sports and the law : major legal cases
Women in agriculture : a guide to research
British East Africa, 1856-1963 : an annotated bibliography
Liberation theologies : a research guide
An annotated bibliography of homosexuality
International higher education : an encyclopedia
Friendship : a selected, annotated bibliography
The black family in a changing black community
Anthropological resources : a guide to archival, library and museum collections
Healthy lifestyles
Teaching science to children : a resourcebook
Japanese military history : a guide to the literature
Beyond edge cities
The War of 1812 : an annotated bibliography
Global countertrade : an annotated bibliography
Israeli military history : a guide to the sources
The Olympics : a bibliography
Skilled workers' solidarity : the American experience in comparative perspective
Church-state relations : an annotated bibliography
The annual review of conflict knowledge and conflict resolution
Learning to read and write : the role of language acquisition and aesthetic development : a resourcebook
Reading and learning disabilities : research and practice
Children's literature : developing good readers
Human sexuality : an encyclopedia
Women's education in early modern Europe : a history, 1500-1800
Communication and sex-role socialization
Higher education research at the turn of the new century : structures, issues, and trends
Bilingual education and English as a second language : a research handbook
Schools in the Great Depression
Women's movements and public policy in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Comparative psychology of invertebrates : the field and laboratory study of insect behavior
The contours of psychiatric justice : a postmodern critique of mental illness, criminal insanity, and the law
John Henry Newman : an annotated bibliography of his tract and pamphlet collection
Social indicators : an annotated bibliography of current literature
Pedagogy and the politics of the body : a critical praxis
School principals and change
Reading and study skills in the secondary school : a sourcebook
Battleships and battle-cruisers, 1884-1984 : a bibliography and chronology
Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood : an annotated guide
The presocratic philosophers : an annotated bibliography
Public opinion, the first ladyship, and Hillary Rodham Clinton
Islam in North America : a sourcebook
Twentieth-century evangelicalism : a guide to the sources
The American Medical Association and organized medicine : a commentary and annotated bibliography
The industrial belt : an annotated bibliography
Microcomputers and the social studies : a resource guide for the middle and secondary grades
The political behavior of older Americans
Teaching from understanding : teacher as interpretive inquirer
Behavioral development : concepts of approach/withdrawal and integrative levels
The forge of the spirit : structure, motion, and meaning in the Japanese martial tradition
United States corporation histories : a bibliography, 1965-1990
Teachers and teaching in the developing world
Three Mile Island sourcebook : annotations of a disaster
Richard M. Nixon : a bibliographic exploration
Child abuse and neglect : an information and reference guide
The female experience in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America : a guide to the history of American women
Distant alliances : promoting education for girls and women in Latin America
Southern poor whites : a selected annotated bibliography of published sources
Educational testing : issues and applications
Southwestern archaeology : a bibliography
Discipline, moral regulation, and schooling : a social history
Real-world readings in art education : things your professor never told you
School play : a source book
From consumption to tuberculosis : a documentary history
Issues in nursing : an annotated bibliography
Anatomy of a collaboration : study of a college of education/public school partnership
Education and social change in Korea
History of early childhood education
Balkan military history : a bibliography
Family addiction : an analytical guide
Delivering government services : an annotated bibliography
Friendship : an exploration of structure and process
The bureaucratic state : an annotated bibliography
Public sector productivity : a resource guide
Modern economic classics--evaluations through time
Sleep and dreams : a sourcebook
Resources for early childhood : an annotated bibliography and guide for educators, librarians, health care professionals, and parents
Cultural competency in health, social, and human services : directions for the twenty-first century
Urban America examined : a bibliography
Exposing cults : when the skeptical mind confronts the mystical
The remainder of their days : domestic policy and older families in the United States and Canada
Play from birth to twelve and beyond : contexts, perspectives, and meanings
The role of formal education in conflict resolution
Control of the media in the United States : an annotated bibliography
Sexually transmitted diseases : an annotated selective bibliography
Unyielding spirits : Black women and slavery in early Canada and Jamaica
A class act : changing teachers' work, globalisation and the state
United States intelligence : an encyclopedia
Black index : Afro-Americana in selected periodicals, 1907-1949
Labor conflict in the United States : an encyclopedia
The post-formal reader : cognition and education
Qualitative educational research in developing countries : current perspectives
Employed mothers and their children
The Korean War, an annotated bibliography
The personal papers of Supreme Court justices : a descriptive guide
Latinas of the Americas : a source book
Current Books
Educational technology : a planning and resource guide supporting curriculum
Japan's economic challenge : a bibliographic sourcebook
Apartheid : a selective annotated bibliography, 1979-1987
Staff training : an annotated review of the literature
Bilingual education : a sourcebook
History of astronomy : an encyclopedia
Criminal justice in America, 1959-1984 : an annotated bibliography
The international financial statistics locator : a research and information guide
American communes, 1860-1960 : a bibliography
The International Monetary Fund, 1944-1992 : a research guide
Politics of educational innovations in developing countries : an analysis of knowledge and power
Manuscripts in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England : a catalogue
A Bibliography of psychohistory
Children, culture, and ethnicity : evaluating and understanding the impact
In pursuit of equality of educational opportunity : a selective bibliography and guide to the research literature
The Cultural Revolution in China : an annotated bibliography
Research tools for Latin American historians : a select, annotated bibliography
American foreign policy during the French Revolution - Napoleonic period, 1789-1815 : a bibliography
Religion in the Soviet Union : a bibliography, 1980-1989
The abortion debate in the United States and Canada : a source book
Race, gender, and class in criminology : the intersections
American advertising : a reference guide
Jewish heritage in America : an annotated bibliography
Public rights, public rules : constituting citizens in the world polity and national policy
Adolescent literacy : what works and why
Social behavior of the mentally retarded : an annotated bibliography
Crime in America : historical patterns and contemporary realities : an annotated bibliography
University-community collaborations for the twenty-first century : outreach scholarship for youth and families
World War II : the European and Mediterranean theaters : an annotated bibliography
Social cartography : mapping ways of seeing social and educational change
The war against Japan, 1941-1945 : an annotated bibliography
United States foreign relations under Washington and Adams : a guide to the literature and sources
Political corruption : scope and resources : an annotated bibliography
Mission statements : a guide to the corporate and nonprofit sectors
Chinese women traversing diaspora : memoirs, essays, and poetry
Capital punishment in America : an annotated bibliography
Antisemitic propaganda : an annotated bibliography and research guide
Rape, incest, and child sexual abuse : consequences and recovery
Encyclopedia of early childhood education
United States foreign policy and the Middle East/North Africa : a bibliography of twentieth-century research
Comparative public administration : an annotated bibliography
Radical heroes : Gramsci, Freire, and the politics of adult education
Technical dictionary of library and information science : English/Spanish, Spanish/English = Diccionario técnico de bibliotecología y ciencias de la información
The Children of God/Family of Love : an annotated bibliography
The United States Navy : a dictionary
Drug-free youth : a compendium for prevention specialists
General essays
Laboratory techniques in archaeology : a guide to the literature, 1920-1980
Women and work : a handbook
Textbooks in school and society : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Afro-American genealogy sourcebook
South African history : a bibliographical guide with special reference to territorial expansion and colonization
Civil service reform : an annotated bibliography
The Department of State and American diplomacy : a bibliography
Becoming multicultural : personal and social construction through critical teaching
Social rage : emotion and cultural conflict
Adolescent parenthood and education : exploring alternative programs
Antisemitism : an annotated bibliography
Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : a source book
Mass media and the Constitution : an encyclopedia of Supreme Court decisions
The sociology of work : a critical annotated bibliography
Energy guide : a directory of information resources
American families : issues in race and ethnicity
Genocide in the twentieth century : critical essays and eyewitness accounts
Millenarian movements in historical context
Russian education : tradition and transition
Ethnic studies in the United States : a guide to research
Dorothy Day and the Catholic worker : a bibliography and index
Gender, unpaid labor, and the promotion of literacy : a selected, annotated bibliography
Gunnar Myrdal, a bibliography, 1919-1981
Catalogue of books and periodicals on Estonia in the British Library Reference Division
Education in Japan : a source book
The meaning of slavery in the North
U.S./Japan foreign trade : an annotated bibliography of socioeconomic perspectives
The role of gender in practice knowledge : claiming half the human experience
Everybody belongs : changing negative attitudes toward classmates with disabilities
Oceanic homosexualities
Prevention education : a guide to research
Problems of early childhood : an annotated bibliography and guide
The FBI : an annotated bibliography and research guide
Continuing to care : older Americans and their families
Trade catalogues at Winterthur : a guide to the literature of merchandising, 1750 to 1980
Historic U.S. court cases, 1690-1990 : an encyclopedia
God pro and con : a bibliography of atheism
Magic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography : compiled from the files of the Institute for the Study of American Religion
African Americans and the criminal justice system
Versailles and after : an annotated bibliography of American foreign relations, 1919-1933
Comparative European party systems : an analysis of parliamentary elections since 1945
The management of correctional institutions
Examining science teaching in elementary school from the perspective of a teacher and learner
Career planning, development, and management : an annotated bibliography
Race, gender, and class in criminology : the intersection
Chinese education : problems, policies, and prospects
Higher education in an international perspective : critical issues
Reviving America's forgotten neighborhoods : an investigation of inner city revitalization efforts
Battered women in Korean immigrant families : the silent scream
Learning and work : an exploration in industrial ethnography
The new American immigration : evolving patterns of legal and illegal emigration : a bibliography of selected references
The Rehnquist court and criminal punishment
The foreign language classroom : bridging theory and practice
The road to Rome : an annotated bibliography
Comparative delinquency : India and the United States
White supremacy in children's literature : characterizations of African Americans, 1830-1900
Quality education for all : community-oriented approaches
Latino immigrant youth : passages from adolescence to adulthood
Everybody belongs : changing negative attitudes toward classmates with disabilities
Violence in the family : an annotated bibliography
Parents and schools : a source book
Women and Judaism : a selected annotated bibliography
Florence Nightingale and her era : a collection of new scholarship
The Funding of higher education : international perspectives
The British Empire in the Victorian press, 1832-1867 : a bibliography
News media and public policy : an annotated bibliography
Struggle for empire : a bibliography of the French and Indian War
Middle American Indians : a guide to the manuscript collection at Tozzer Library, Harvard University
Police science, 1964-1984 : a selected, annotated bibliography
The U.S.S.R. in World War II, : an annotated bibliography of books published in the Soviet Union, 1945-1975 : with an addenda for the years 1975-1980
Arab education in transition : a source book
Lesbian voices from Latin America : breaking ground
Classes and elites in democracy and democratization : a collection of readings
University-community collaborations for the twenty-first century : outreach scholarship for youth and families
Images of American Indians on film : an annotated bibliography
Encyclopedia of library history
Jewish mysticism : an annotated bibliography on the Kabbalah in English
Ideologies of identity in adolescent fiction : the dialogic construction of subjectivity
Writing educational biography : explorations in qualitative research
The New child protection team handbook
Higher education in the post-communist world : case studies of eight universities
What is indigenous knowledge? : voices from the academy
Thomas Jefferson : a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of writings about him (1826-1980)
Multicultural Hawaiʿi : the fabric of a multiethnic society
Border health : challenges for the United States and Mexico
American philanthropy, 1731-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia
Medical obituaries : American physicians' biographical notices in selected medical journals before 1907
Politics, race, and schools : racial integration, 1954-1994
Frontline feminisms : women, war, and resistance
Teaching in the 21st century : adapting writing pedagogies to the curriculum
American society in the Buddhist mirror
Immigrants and their children in the United States : a bibliography of doctoral dissertations, 1885-1982
International and historical roots of American higher education
Sex role stereotyping in the mass media : an annotated bibliography
From Harlem to Hollywood : the struggle for racial and cultural democracy, 1920-1943
Qualitative educational research in developing countries : current perspectives
French military history, 1661-1799 : a guide to the literature
Women and deviance : issues in social conflict and change : an annotated bibliography
The South Slav conflict : history, religion, ethnicity, and nationalism
Nonviolent action : a research guide
Voluntary associations : an annotated bibliography
Democracy, multiculturalism, and the community college : a critical perspective
A biographical index of British engineers in the 19th century
Historiography in the Revolution : a bibliography of Cuban scholarship, 1959-1979
Neighborhoods, family, and political behavior in urban America
Reforming metropolitan governments : a bibliography
Educational philosophy : a history from the ancient world to modern America
Catholic school education in the United States : development and current concerns
Melting pot : an annotated bibliography and guide to food and nutrition information for ethnic groups in America
American education, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia
Religion and schooling in contemporary America : confronting our cultural pluralism
The political economy of the social sciences
Creating connections : books, kits, and games for children : a sourcebook
Britain in the Middle East, 1921-1956 : an annotated bibliography
Women and science : an annotated bibliography
Encyclopedia of romanticism : culture in Britain, 1780s-1830s
Curriculum : toward new identities
Royalist officers in England and Wales, 1642-1660 : a biographical dictionary
The United States Army : a dictionary
African Americans and the politics of congressional redistricting
The religious roots of American sociology
Parent-child attachment : a guide to research
Teacher education in industrialized nations : issues in changing social contexts
The meaning of slavery in the North
Child maltreatment and optimal caregiving in social contexts
Teaching social studies to the young child : a research and resource guide
Race, ethnicity, and gender in early twentieth-century American socialism
Higher education in Canada : different systems, different perspectives
Comparative psychology : a handbook
Public administration research guide
Political violence in the United States, 1875-1974 : a bibliography
Kitsch : from education to public policy
Critical art pedagogy : foundations for postmodern art education
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels : an analytical bibliography
Pedagogy and the politics of the body : a critical praxis
Interdependencies of agriculture and rural communities : an annotated bibliography
Educating immigrant children : schools and language minorities in twelve nations
Children's folklore : a source book
Childbirth : an annotated bibliography and guide
Crossing customs : international students write on U.S. college life and culture
Mass media : a chronological encyclopedia of television, radio, motion pictures, magazines, newspapers, and books in the United States
Rediscoveries in children's literature
Rape and sexual assault : a research handbook
American Indian women : a guide to research
Contemporary approaches to moral education : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Alcohol use and alcoholism : a guide to the literature
Contemporary perspectives in comparative education
School prayer and other religious issues in American public education : a bibliography
Adoption : an annotated bibliography and guide
Rural education : issues and practice
American public administration : a bibliographical guide to the literature
Ethical issues in scientific research : an anthology
History of science in the United States : a chronology and research guide
Children and divorce : an annotated bibliography and guide
Psychiatry and the cults : an annotated bibliography
Presidents as candidates : inside the White House for the presidential campaign
Higher education in crisis : New York in national perspective
Ideologies of identity in adolescent fiction : the dialogic construction of subjectivity
Soviet Jewish history, 1917-1991 : an annotated bibliography
Russian and Soviet education, 1731-1989 : a multilingual annotated bibliography
Environmental crime and criminality : theoretical and practical issues
Gay rights, military wrongs : political perspectives on lesbians and gays in the military
The works of Patrick Branwell Brontë : an edition
The unification of German education
Literacy today : standards across the curriculum
Local economic development policy : the United States and Canada
Massachusetts temperance societies' publications : a bibliography of nineteenth-century materials held in the Boston Public Library, the American Antiquarian Society, and the Massachusetts Historical Society
Teachers and mentors : profiles of distinguished twentieth-century professors of education
Labor market segmentation and its implications : inequality, deprivation, and entitlement
Education and development in East Asia
The War of the American Revolution : a selected annotated bibliography of published sources
Victims of crime : a research report of experiencing victimization
Women of color in the United States : a guide to the literature
Services to the aging and aged : public policies and programs
Japanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage
Black business and economics : a selected bibliography
Occupational safety and health : a sourcebook
Latin American Marxism : a bibliography
Women and work, paid and unpaid : a selected, annotated bibliography
Teacher job satisfaction : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Feminism and women's issues : an annotated bibliography and research guide
Education in England and Wales : an annotated bibliography
Lawful order : a case study of correctional crisis and reform
Anti-cult movements in cross-cultural perspective
Reforming teacher education : issues and new directions
The American nuclear power industry : a handbook
Victorian Britain : an encyclopedia
Religious schools in the United States, K-12 : a source book
Guide to the manuscript collection of the Tamiment Library
Jewish genealogy : a sourcebook of family histories and genealogies
The petroleum industry in Western Europe : a guide to information sources
Intervention and counterinsurgency : an annotated bibliography of the small wars of the United States, 1898-1984
Environmental profiles : a global guide to projects and people
Critical issues in foreign language instruction
Policing change, changing police : international perspectives
Social work and the courts : a casebook
School and society in Victorian Britain : Joseph Payne and the new world of education
African-American community studies from North America : a classified, annotated bibliography
History of physical anthropology
Retirement and income : a national research report of behavior and opinion concerning retirement, pensions, and Social Security
Oral history of contemporary Jewry : an annotated catalogue
Understanding educational reform in global context : economy, ideology, and the state
Region and regionalism in the United States : a source book for the humanities and social sciences
Municipal bonding and taxation
Faculty productivity : facts, fictions, and issues
Chinese cookbooks : an annotated English-language compendium/bibliography
Organizational and interorganizational dynamics : an annotated bibliography
Gubernatorial and presidential transitions : an annotated bibliography and resource guide
Medical sociology : an annotated bibliography, 1972-1982
Sports and the law : major legal cases
Church polity and American politics : issues in contemporary American Catholicism
The progressive education movement : an annotated bibliography
Encyclopedia of social history
Higher education in Korea : tradition and adaptation
Chicanos and film : essays on Chicano representation and resistance
The Black underclass : critical essays on race and unwantedness
Issues in the sociology of religion : a bibliography
Joint practice : a selected, annotated bibliography
Cross-cultural literacy : ethnographies of communication in multiethnic classrooms
Jewish-American history and culture : an encyclopedia
Families of employed mothers : an international perspective
Guide to the Archives of the Archdiocese of Boston
Jehovah's Witnesses and kindred groups : a historical compendium and bibliography
Two-year colleges for women and minorities : enabling access to the baccalaureate
German naval history : a guide to the literature
Bibliography of society : ethics and the life sciences 1976-1977
The South Slav conflict : history, religion, ethnicity, and nationalism
Exporting America : essays on American studies abroad
The U.S. securities and exchange commission : a research and information guide
Labor management relations in the public sector : an annotated bibliography
Native America in the twentieth century : an encyclopedia
The social role of higher education : comparative perspectives
Materials and strategies for the education of trainable mentally retarded learners
Sexual harassment in higher education : reflections and new perspectives
The martial arts : an annotated bibliography
Prosocial development in children : caring, helping, and cooperating : a resource guide
Social stratification : an annotated bibliography
Anthropological fieldwork : an annotated bibliography
The Funding of higher education : international perspectives
Autobiographical writings
Afro-American nationalism : an annotated bibliography of militant separatist and nationalist literature
Self-actualization : an annotated bibliography of theory and research
Schooling, jobs, and cultural identity : minority education in Quebec
Navajo tribal demography, 1983-1986 : a comparative and historical perspective
Group psychotherapy for students and teachers : a selected bibliography
Archaeology, a bibliographical guide to the basic literature
Gender issues in international education : beyond policy and practice
Nonviolent action : a research guide
Melting pot : an annotated bibliography and guide to food and nutrition information for ethnic groups in America
United States corporation histories : a bibliography, 1965-1985
International trade sources : a research guide
Chronological history of United States foreign relations
The sociology of contemporary Quebec nationalism : an annotated bibliography and review
The big powers and the German question, 1941-1990 : a selected bibliographic guide
Essays in twentieth-century southern education : exceptionalism and its limits
The era of the French Revolution : a bibliography of the history of western civilization, 1789-1799
Listen to the stories : gay and lesbian Catholics talk about their lives and the church
The American family : a compendium of data and sources
Mothers and mothering : an annotated feminist bibliography
Religious seminaries in America : a selected bibliography
Native American women : a biographical dictionary
International feminist perspectives on educational reform : the work of Gail Paradise Kelly
Energy II : a bibliography of 1975-1976 social science and related literature
Adolescent literacy : what works and why
Program evaluation : an annotated bibliography
Sociology of sport : an annotated bibliography
Japanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage
American popular psychology : an interdisciplinary research guide
Postmodern criminology
The clinical sociology handbook
The song index of the Enoch Pratt Free Library
The New York Stock Exchange : a guide to information sources
Energy, a bibliography of social science and related literature
Sex differences and learning : an annotated bibliography of educational research, 1979-1989
China's universities, 1895-1995 : a century of cultural conflict
Dimensions of communities : a research handbook
Professional dissent : an annotated bibliography and resource guide
One-parent children, the growing minority : a research guide
The American Civil Liberties Union : an annotated bibliography
Sexuality and the law : an encyclopedia of major legal cases
Dictionary of herbs, spices, seasonings, and natural flavorings
The rhetoric of struggle : public address by African American women
American third parties since the Civil War : an annotated bibliography
Lives of women public schoolteachers : scenes from American educational history
An international list of articles on the history of education published in non-educational serials, 1965-1974
Religious schools in America : a selected bibliography
A biographical index of British engineers in the 19th century
Napoleonic military history : a bibliography
German military history, 1648-1982 : a critical bibliography
Reasonable disagreement : two U.S. Senators and the choices they make
Computers in the classroom--what shall I do? : a guide
Substance abuse among ethnic minorities in America : a critical annotated bibliography
The art of revitalization : improving conditions in distressed inner-city neighborhoods
Children of alcoholics : a sourcebook
History of early childhood education
Education, cultures, and economics : dilemmas for development
Sex guides : books and films about sexuality for young adults
Towards aboriginal self-government : relations between status Indian peoples and the government of Canada, 1969-1984
Adult literacy : a source book and guide
American education and corporations : the free market goes to school
Issues in-- reproductive technology I : an anthology
Experiencing adolescents : a sourcebook for parents, teachers, and teens
Gay histories and cultures : an encyclopedia
Imagining criminology : an alternative paradigm
Whose education for all? : the recolonization of the African mind
The parent-centered early school : Highland Community School of Milwaukee
The Jews in Spain and Portugal : a bibliography
Fitness in America--the Perrier study : a national research report of behavior, knowledge, and opinions concerning the taking up of sports and exercise
Popular culture and critical pedagogy : reading, constructing, connecting
The influence of the family : a review and annotated bibliography of socialization, ethnicity, and delinquency, 1975-1986
The Radhasoami tradition : a critical history of guru successorship
Political parties & elections in the United States : an encyclopedia
Social support and health : an annotated bibliography
The Civil War in the north : a selective annotated bibliography
Transforming schools
The challenge of illiteracy : from reflection to action
Applied policy research : concepts and cases
Conflict and conflict resolution : a historical bibliography
American engineers of the nineteenth century : a biographical index
Dictionary of development : Third World economy, environment, society
The Latter Day Saint churches : an annotated bibliography
Taking charge : nursing, suffrage, and feminism in America, 1873-1920
German nationalisms : a bibliographic approach
Curriculum development in the postmodern era
Wetland economics and assessment : an annotated bibliography
Encyclopedia of African American religions
Images of mainstreaming : educating students with disabilities
Ethics and public policy : an annotated bibliography
Child trauma : issues & research
An annotated bibliography of the British Army, 1660-1914
Drugs, morality, and the law
Business cycles and depressions : an encyclopedia
The exploration of South America : an annotated bibliography
The family in past time : a guide to the literature
International business bibliography
The collaborative city : opportunities and struggles for Blacks and Latinos in U.S. cities
Adolescents and their music : if it's too loud, you're too old
Teaching thinking skills : theory and practice
Religion and the U.S. presidency : a bibliography
Lesbian sources : a bibliography of periodical articles, 1970-1990
Inner-city schools, multiculturalism, and teacher education : a professional journey
Public interest law : an annotated bibliography and research guide
Higher education finance : an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Special needs adoptions : practice issues
Practicing what we preach : preparing middle level educators
Educational reform : a Deweyan perspective
The American stock exchange : a guide to information resources
Spirit possession and spirit mediumship in Africa and Afro-America : an annotated bibliography
Staff, parents, and politics in Head Start : a case study in unequal power, knowledge, and material sources
Women in English social history, 1800-1914 : a guide to research
The military in imperial history : the French connection
Public opinion polls and survey research : a selective annotated bibliography of U.S. guides and studies from the 1980s
Social science and the cults : an annotated bibliography
A new labor movement for the new century
Gifted, talented, and creative young people : a guide to theory, teaching, and research
Paraguay : a bibliography
Sexuality, religion, and magic : a comprehensive guide to sources
Gurdjieff : an annotated bibliography
Ethnic and racial images in American film and television : historical essays and bibliography
Racial & religious violence in America : a chronology
Science and technology in Central and Eastern Europe : the reform of higher education
Encyclopedia of homosexuality
Public personnel administration : an annotated bibliography
Language and the brain : a bibliography and guide
The education of women in the United States : a guide to theory, teaching, and research
Weapons under fire
The Blackfeet : an annotated bibliography
The academic corporation : a history of college and university governing boards
The American farm crisis : an annotated bibliography
Storytelling : a selected annotated bibliography
Computers in education : a research bibliography
Nationalism in East Asia : an annotated bibliography of selected works
The liberal arts college adapting to change : the survival of small schools
Brazil since 1930 : an annotated bibliography for social historians
University teaching : international perspectives
Transportation costs and costing, 1917-1973 : a select annotated chronological bibliography
The writing of history in Britain : a bibliography of post-1945 writings about British historians and biographers
The Ku Klux Klan : an encyclopedia
Mathematical book review index, 1800-1940
Movies and politics : the dynamic relationship
American communes to 1860 : a bibliography
History of physical anthropology
The ethnographic eye : interpretive studies of education in China
Kits, games, and manipulatives for the elementary school classroom : a source book
Chicanos and film : essays on Chicano representation and resistance
Understanding corporate criminality
The history of anthropology : a research bibliography
The Third Reich, 1933-1945 : a bibliographical guide to German national socialism
Social justice and Third World education
The Old Catholic sourcebook
Older women in 20th-century America : a selected annotated bibliography
Social work constructivist research
African-American women : an ecological perspective
The General Accounting Office : an annotated bibliography
Religious conflict in America : a bibliography
Politics of classroom life : classroom management in international perspective
Current concepts in transgender identity
Black mayors and school politics : the failure of reform in Detroit, Gary, and Newark
African-American organized crime : a social history
At-risk youth : theory, practice, reform
Rape and rape-related issues : an annotated bibliography
Educational planning : the international dimension
Political crime in contemporary America : a critical approach
Education and cultural differences : new perspectives
Collective behavior : a bibliography
Project Head Start : past, present, and future trends in the context of family needs
Female criminality : the state of the art
The sociology of aging : an annotated bibliography and sourcebook
Infancy : a guide to research and resources
Reform and change in higher education : international perspectives
Textbooks in the Third World : policy, content, and context
Adolescents, cultures, and conflicts : growing up in contemporary Europe
Vampires unearthed : the complete multi-media vampire and dracula bibliography
Third World education : quality and equality
European immigrant women in the United States : a biographical dictionary
Malcolm X : a comprehensive annotated bibliography
Transforming schools
Aging in the twenty-first century : a developmental perspective
Soviet publications on Judaism, Zionism, and the State of Israel, 1984-1988 : an annotated bibliography
Bilingual education and English as a second language : a research handbook, 1988-1990
Politics and religion in the United States
Teaching English as a second language 2 : an annotated bibliography
Secondary schools and cooperative learning : theories, models, and strategies
The sociology of religion : an organizational bibliography
The informal economy : underground economy, moonlighting, subcontracting, household economy, unorganized sector, barter, ghetto economy, second economy : a research guide
Sexuality education : a resource book
Creativity in the later years : an annotated bibliography
A bibliography of prostitution
Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action : a sourcebook
Millennialism : an international bibliography
Part-time employment for the low-income elderly : experiences from the field
Academic professionalism in law enforcement
American attitudes toward health maintenance organizations : a survey of the public, HMO members, and potential members nationwide
Becoming a student of teaching : methodologies for exploring self and school context
Race, ethnicity, and multiculturalism : policy and practice
Higher education in Korea : tradition and adaptation
Ethics and the arts : an anthology
American nursing : a biographical dictionary
The sociology of mental illness : an annotated bibliography
Magic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography
Education and the Scandinavian welfare state in the year 2000 : equality, policy, and reform
The sociology of emotions : an annotated bibliography
Women, education, and development in Asia : cross-national perspectives
Education in South Asia : a select annotated bibliography
Education in the Arab Gulf states and the Arab world : an annotated bibliographic guide
Lesbian histories and cultures : an encyclopedia
The social correlates of infant and reproductive mortality in the United States : a reference guide
Discipline, moral regulation, and schooling : a social history
Cooperative learning : a guide to research
Native America in the twentieth century : an encyclopedia
Early Black bibliographies, 1863-1918
Administration and development in the Arab world : an annotated bibliography
Educating young adolescents : life in the middle
Women in the Third World : an encyclopedia of contemporary issues
Legislative learning : the 104th republican freshmen in the house
Jewish Christians in the United States : a bibliography
Public policy analysis : an annotated bibliography
Pay inequity : a guide to research on social influences
Competitor or ally? : Japan's role in american educational debates
Children of poverty : research, health, and policy issues
International dictionary of anthropologists
Jewish family issues : a resource guide
Century of genocide : eyewitness accounts and critical views
Innovative trends and specialized strategies in community-based corrections
The ethics of suicide
The heartbeat of indigenous Africa : a study of the Chagga educational system
Anti-intervention : a bibliographical introduction to isolationism and pacifism from World War I to the early cold war
Teaching science to children
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels : an analytical bibliography
From the Knights of Labor to the new world order : essays on labor and culture
Nonprofit public policy research organizations : a sourcebook on think tanks in government
The shaping of the French colonial empire : a bio-bibliography of the careers of Richelieu, Fouquet, and Colbert
Redefining European security
The Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-1971 : a bibliography
Homosexuality : a research guide
Nursing, a historical bibliography
Mass murder : an annotated bibliography
Teacher education in the Asia-Pacific region : a comparative study
Special education : a source book
The Anschluss movement, 1918-1938 : background and aftermath : an annotated bibliography of German and Austrian nationalism
Advanced weapons systems : an annotated bibliography of the cruise missile, MX missile, laser and space weapons, and stealth technology
Theosophy in the nineteenth century : an annotated bibliography
American medical ethnobotany : a reference dictionary
Dr. David Livingstone and Sir Henry Morton Stanley : an annotated bibliography
Nationalism in the Balkans : an annotated bibliography
Children's right to freedom, care and enlightenment
Conservation and environmentalism : an encyclopedia
Feminist legal literature : a selective annotated bibliography
Girls' schooling during the Progressive Era : from female scholar to domesticated citizen
Three decades of peace education around the world : an anthology
American women and politics : a selected bibliography and resource guide
Religious broadcasting, 1920-1983 : a selectively annotated bibliography
Current books on China, 1983-1988 : an annotated bibliography
Britain's elusive empire in the Middle East, 1900-1921 : an annotated bibliography
Instruments of science : an historical encyclopedia
Dimensions of the community college : international, intercultural, and multicultural perspectives
The gay novel in America
Educational qualitative research in Latin America : the struggle for a new paradigm
Early childhood education in Asia and the Pacific : a source book
Literacy in multimedia America : integrating media education across the curriculum
Freirean pedagogy, praxis, and possibilities : projects for the new millenium
Religious higher education in the United States : a source book
Resources for middle childhood : a source book
Twins and homosexuality : a casebook
Work, recreation, and culture : essays in American labor history
Encyclopedia of time
The United States in the Vietnam War, 1954-1975 : a selected annotated bibliography
Race and ethnic relations : an annotated bibliography
Haiti : a research handbook
Channeling : a bibliographic exploration
Economic arithmetic : a guide to the statistical sources of English commerce, industry, and finance, 1700-1850
Essay collections in international relations : a classified bibliography
Education in the People's Republic of China, past and present : an annotated bibliography
Northern Ireland 1921-1974 : a select bibliography
Infancy and culture : an international review and source book
Japanese Americans and cultural continuity : maintaining language and heritage
Social issues in contemporary sport : a resource guide
Religious colleges and universities in America : a selected bibliography
Doctoral research on Russia and the Soviet Union, 1960-1975 : a classified list of 3,150 American, Canadian, and British dissertations, with some critical and statistical analysis
Brazil, 1822-1930 : an annotated bibliography for social historians
Schooling in sub-Saharan Africa : contemporary issues and future concerns
The Encyclopedia of police science
The physically handicapped : an annotated bibliography of empirical research studies, 1970-1979
Social impact assessment and management : an annotated bibliography
Enhancing primary care of elderly people
Minority status and schooling : a comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities
Multicultural education : a source book
Medicare : a handbook on the history and issues of health care services for the elderly
The World Bank Group : a guide to information sources
Agitators and promoters in the age of Gladstone and Disraeli : a biographical dictionary of the leaders of British pressure groups founded between 1865 and 1886
German military aviation : a guide to the literature
Jesuit education and social change in El Salvador
Education and anthropology : an annotated bibliography
Issues in adult basic education and other adult education an annotated bibliography and guide to research
Women's education in the Third World : an annotated bibliography
International handbook of early childhood education
The Records of Baltimore's private organizations : a guide to archival resources
The victimology handbook : research findings, treatment, and public policy
Democratic social education : social studies for social change
Franchising in business : a guide to information sources
Protest and crime in China : a bibliography of secret associations, popular uprisings, peasant rebellions
Instrumentation in education : an anthology
Controlling state crime : an introduction
Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands : a comprehensive bibliography
The antipolygamy controversy in U.S. women's movements, 1880-1925 : a debate on the American home
Gender issues in international education : beyond policy and practice
Anthropology in the New Guinea highlands : an annotated bibliography
The Dimensions of privacy : a national opinion research survey of attitudes toward privacy
Organization behavior in American public administration : an annotated bibliography
Language and communication in old age : multidisciplinary perspectives
African American women : a biographical dictionary
Multiculturalism in academe : a source book
Education and disability in cross-cultural perspective
Arab periodicals and serials : a subject bibliography
Encyclopedia of the American left
Project Head Start : models and strategies for the twenty-first century
China's national minority education : culture, schooling, and development
Reviving America's forgotten neighborhoods : an investigation of inner city revitalization efforts
Regendering the school story : sassy sissies and tattling tomboys
Mathematics education in secondary schools and two-year colleges : a source book
Conscience in politics : an empirical investigation of Swiss decision cases
The Russian consular records index and catalog
Real-world readings in art education : things your professor never told you
Men giving care : reflections of husbands and sons
Ethics and the arts : an anthology
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