著者・編者पधानसंसोधको, भिक्खु जगदीस्कस्सपो ; संसोधको, श्रीधर वासुदेव सोहोनी
並列タイトル等The mahāvaṃsaṭika : the commentary on the Mahāvaṃsa
一般注記Added t.p. in English: The mahāvaṃsaṭika : the commentary on the Mahāvaṃsa / general editor, Bhikkhu J. Kashyap ; editor, Shridhar Vasudev Sohoni
In Pali; introduction in English and Hindi
Authorship uncertain. Has been attributed to a thera, known as Mahānāma, different from the author of the Mahāvaṃsa
Summary: Commentary on Mahanama's Mahāvaṃsa, 5th century Buddhist epic in Pali on the history of Ceylon; with a few variant readings
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA72439229 : BA72439229