- 資料種別
- 図書
- 大きさ
- 30 cm
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ja
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- 一般
- 関連情報
- Singapore and ASEAN in competitive regionalism in Southeast Asia and beyondInstitutionalization of regional metagovernance framework to enhance human security in East AsiaIntegration or estrangement? : the influence of globalization on the work values of students at elite Japanese, Chinese, and Korean UniversitiesThe US as a bilateral player : the impetus for Asymmetric Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)News about China in the US media since the cold war's end : analysis of economic structural determinantsJapan, China and the case for East Asian regional cooperationCapacity development and institutional change in international development cooperationJapan and management of the transatlantic crisis : international responses and domestic strugglesContextual determinants of international third-party mediation : cases of internal armed conflicts in the Asia-Pacific regionCapacity development and Social Capacity Assessment (SCA)ASEAN and human security : crisis-driven explanationThe making of a world-class research university and renewal of Asian values of higher learning in Korea : the case of Seoul National University東アジア地域主義と日本 : 地域概念の形成と定着におけるイニシアチブJapan's competitive FTA strategy : commercial opportunities versus political rivalryCompetitive regionalism explaining the diffusion and implications of FTAs in Asia Pacific「アジア地域統合」に対する意見形成決定要因の分析 : 日本人学生を中心にChile : a pioneer in trade policy日本における外国人留学生のキャリア形成 : 早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究科院生を対象とする予備調査よりPossibilities and challenges in constructing a new regional collaborative educational framework in AsiaCompetitive regionalism and Mexico's FTA strategyHigher education strategies and international student flows in Asian countriesJapan and the evolution of Asian regionalism : responsible for three normative transformationsGender-wage difference in Japanese subsidiaries in China, a statistical analysis using intra-firm personnel dataRegional environmental cooperation in East Asia : from track 1 ODA to track 1.5 business arrangementRegional cooperation over infectious disease : with a focus on HIV/AIDSCompetitive regionalism in East Asia : legal contextA theory of trade evolution : applying the flying geese and investment frontier models of industry development to international higher [i.e. education]Comparing European and East Asian experiences in higher education regionalismGlobalization, education and development: a comparison between successes and failures in the Asia-PacificPopular culture and regional identity in East Asia : evidence from the Asia student survey 2008Regional integration to address poverty and human insecurity in South Asia: problems and prospects for mainstreaming Asian integrationA tradable permit system in an intertemporal economyASEAN+3 : becoming more like a normal regionalism?地域制度としてのAPEC--米国の影響力と機能・規範の変遷東アジアにおける「国際共同学位プログラム」と域内交流の進展China's competitive FTA strategy : realism in a liberal slideCompetitive regionalism in East Asia : an economic analysisR&D spillovers and foreign market entry : acquisition vs. greenfield investment東アジア共同体成立の心理的基盤を探る : アジア人意識への社会学的アプローチ日本は韓国、台湾と中国市場で競合しているのか : 貿易の側面からの分析Japan's new trade policy : from GATT and the WTO to FTAsProliferation of FTAs and the WTO中国人大学生に見られるナショナリズム意識と歴史認識問題に対する態度 : 2007年復旦大学調査の分析結果からTrends in international higher education and regionalism : issues and challenges for MalaysiaPolitical-security competition and the FTA movement : motivations and consequencesThe origins of ASEAN+6 : Japan's initiatives and the agent-structure frameworkWhere in East Asia is Russia? : implications for regional integration「円の国際化」か「元の国際化」か : 「アジア通貨協力」の国内政策立案過程比較South Korea's FTAs : moving from an emulative to a competitive strategy世界の地域統合研究機関とGIARI : GIARIと他研究機関との比較研究Russia's security policy towards East AsiaThe impact of nationalization and insecure property rights on oil and gas developments in Russia's Asia Pacific日本とロシア極東の経済関係の過去と新展開Modeling a scenario of Asian integration : an economic approachAn economic analysis of competitive regionalism in East Asiaグローバル化、アジア地域統合、そして中台問題The internationalization of higher education in Vietnam : national policies and institutional implementation at Vietnam National University, HanoiImaginings, identity, integration: Asia in the Minds of Singapore studentsSoft power and applicant attraction to prospective employersBureaucratic behaviour and policy change : a case of Japan's financial market reform in the 1990s as an implication for the study of Asian finacial integrationInstitutionalization of regional economic integration in East Asia日本の首相官邸主導体制下の政策立案過程と東アジア協力政策の転換The United States and East Asian regionalism : inclusion-exclusion logic and the role of JapanMultidimensional poverty in Indonesia : trends, interventions and lesson learnedAsian higher education and the challenges of globalizationThe idea of new international order China is seeking and East Asia community'Experiences of Asian higher education frameworks and their implications for the future'Natural disaster and humanitarian assistance in Asia : the case of Myanmar
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books