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- The philosophy of Thomas JeffersonThe idea of national interest : an analytical study in American foreign policyA manual for direct actionRebellion in a high schoolEconomic policy and democratic thought : Pennsylvania, 1776-1860Workers and utopia : a study of ideological conflict in the American labor movement, 1865-1900Everyman his own historian : essays on history and politicsThe lords of creationThe industrial revolution in Europe : Germany, France, Russia, 1815-1914Phenomenology in America : studies in the philosophy of experienceThe end of American innocence : a study of the first years of our own time, 1912-1917The rise of the common man, 1830-1850The antifederalists : critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788Black protest in the sixtiesPhiladelphia gentlemen : the making of a national upper classThe industrial worker, 1840-1860 : the reaction of American industrial society to the advance of the Industrial RevolutionIdeologies and Utopias : the impact of the new deal on American thoughtThe Puerto Ricans : strangers--then neighborsThe quest for the dream : the development of civil rights and human relations in modern AmericaAmerican fiscal and monetary policyThe legacy of Sacco and VanzettiThe contours of American historyMain Street on the middle borderThe commerce clause : under Marshall, Taney and WaiteExpansionists of 1898 : the acquisition of Hawaii and the Spanish islandsEvery man a king : the autobiography of Huey P. LongEveryone was brave : a history of feminism in AmericaHooded Americanism : the history of the Ku Klux KlanThe great crusade and after, 1914-1928Political ecologyAnd the poor get children : sex, contraception, and family planning in the working classThe American gospel of success : individualism and beyondThe World War and American isolation 1914-1917They gathered at the river : the story of the great revivalists and their impact upon religion in AmericaThe emergence of liberal Catholicism in AmericaThe age of the Great Depression, 1929-1941The beginnings of Russian philosophy ; The Slavophiles ; The WesternizersChina market : America's quest for informal empire, 1893-1901FunctionariesThe Spanish Civil WarAltgeld's America : the Lincoln ideal versus changing realitiesThe triumph of conservatism : a reinterpretation of American history, 1900-1916The rising American empireIndustry comes of age : business, labor, and public policy 1860-1897Objectivity : an essay in phenomenological ontologyJohn C. Calhoun-opportunist : a reappraisalThe woman movement : feminism in the United States and EnglandPermanent poverty : an American syndromeUnderstanding Negro historyKant : disputed questionsLincoln's plan of reconstructionThe great tradition : an interpretation of American literature since the Civil WarBusinessmen and reform : a study of the progressive movementWilson the diplomatist : a look at his major foreign policiesThe Nuremberg mind : the psychology of the Nazi leadersUp from the pedestal : selected writings in the history of American feminismGerman social democracy, 1918-1933The Great Awakening in New EnglandThe Protestant Crusade, 1800-1860 : a study of the origins of American nativismPlain folk of the Old SouthTechnology and social changeThe Socialist Party of America : a historyThe Nihilist ; The Populists ; Critics of religion and cultureCriminal justiceViolence in the streetsPopulation and peopleSeeds of repression : Harry S. Truman and the origins of McCarthyismThe Roosevelt Court : a study in judicial politics and values, 1937-19471877 : year of violenceThe organizational revolution : a study in the ethics of economic organizationAmerican radicalism, 1865-1901TVA : democracy on the marchEquality and beyond : housing segregation and the goals of the Great SocietyPrejudice and race relationsThe contemporary American familyFarewell to the bloody shirt : northern Republicans & the southern Negro, 1877-1893Dream and thought in the business community, 1860-1900The Negro in depression and war : prelude to revolution, 1930-1945Causes and consequences of the American RevolutionThe confessions of a reformerThe urban guerrillaSword and swastika : generals and nazis in the thidr reichThe rise of the city, 1878-1898Manifest destiny : a study of nationalist expansionism in American historyWoodrow Wilson and the lost peaceThe California progressivesPre-revolutionary philosophy and theology ; Philosophers in exile ; Marxists and CommunistsWoodrow Wilson and the great betrayalThe woman aloneHeidegger and the quest for truthRebels and democrats : the struggle for equal political rights and majority rule during the American RevolutionIn the name of scienceThe Black man and the American dream : Negro aspirations in America, 1900-1930The nationalizing of business, 1878-1898The autobiography of a curmudgeon
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- CiNii Books