
Cambridge studies in international relations


Cambridge studies in international relations

Goh, Evelynほか
Cambridge University Press



On cover of v. 88: Cambridge studies in international relations, CsirOn added t.p. of v. 158: editors, Evelyn Goh, Christian Reus-Smit, Nicholas J. Wh...


Formal theories in international relations外部サイトSoviet policy towards Japan : an analysis of trends in the 1970s and 1980s外部サイトThe social construction of the ocean外部サイトGoverning global networks : international regimes for transportation and communications外部サイトSouth Africa's foreign policy : the search for status and security, 1945-1988外部サイトHow the weak win wars : a theory of asymmetric conflict外部サイトRationality and the analysis of international conflict外部サイトThe realist tradition and the limits of international relations外部サイトThe refugee in international society : between sovereigns外部サイトThe power of human rights : international norms and domestic change外部サイトStates, nations, and the great powers : the sources of regional war and peace外部サイトArms and the state : patterns of military production and trade外部サイトFormal theories in international relations外部サイトJustice and the genesis of war外部サイトEthics in international relations : a constitutive theory外部サイトScientific cosmology and international orders外部サイトPeace and war : armed conflicts and international order, 1648-1989外部サイトRival states, rival firms : competition for world market shares外部サイトRestraint in international politics外部サイトGramsci, historical materialism and international relations外部サイトRegions of war and peace外部サイトTrust in international cooperation : international security institutions, domestic politics and American multilateralism外部サイトJustice and fairness in international negotiation外部サイトCrisis diplomacy : the great powers since the mid-nineteenth century外部サイトThe status of law in world society : meditations on the role and rule of law外部サイトWar, religion and empire : the transformation of international orders外部サイトRediscoveries and reformulations : humanistic methodologies for international studies外部サイトThe domestic analogy and world order proposals外部サイトThe social in the global : social theory, governmentality and global politics外部サイトPolitical realism in international theory外部サイトThe return of geopolitics in Europe? : social mechanisms and foreign policy identity crises外部サイトState identities and the homogenisation of peoples外部サイトStates in the global economy : bringing domestic institutions back in外部サイトThe cartographic state : maps, territory, and the origins of sovereignty外部サイトThe international organization of credit : states and global finance in the world-economy外部サイトAmerican hegemony and the Trilateral Commission外部サイトIdeas, interests and foreign aid外部サイトStrategic studies and world order外部サイトNationalism and international society外部サイトJustice, community, and dialogue in international relations外部サイトMoral movements and foreign policy外部サイトPrivate power and global authority : transnational merchant law in the global political economy外部サイトRules, norms, and decisions on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning in international relations and domestic affairs外部サイトPolitical self-sacrifice : agency, body and emotion in international relations外部サイトPractice theory and international relations外部サイトJustice and reconciliation in world politics外部サイトArgument and change in world politics : ethics, decolonization, and humanitarian intervention外部サイトThe internationalization of environmental protection外部サイトThe democratic peace and territorial conflict in the twentieth century外部サイトRemapping global politics : history's revenge and future shock外部サイトClassical theory in international relations外部サイトIsolated states : a comparative analysis外部サイトThe power of power politics : from classical realism to neotraditionalism外部サイトFrom Polaris to Trident : the development of US Fleet ballistic missile technology外部サイトThe social in the global : social theory, governmentality and global politics外部サイトJustifying ballistic missile defence : technology, security and culture外部サイトBringing transnational relations back in : non-state actors, domestic structures and international institutions外部サイトAffective communities in world politics : collective emotions after trauma外部サイトJustice and the genesis of war外部サイトTraditions of international ethics外部サイトBritain's policy for West German rearmament, 1950-1955外部サイトThe dynamic of secession外部サイトQuasi-states : sovereignty, international relations, and the Third World外部サイトGovernance without government : order and change in world politics外部サイトInternational order in diversity : war, trade and rule in the Indian Ocean外部サイトMoral limit and possibility in world politics外部サイトLegitimate targets? : social construction, international law and US bombing外部サイトInternational practices外部サイトFeminist theory and international relations in a postmodern era外部サイトGlobal norms with a local face : rule-of-law promotion and norm-translation外部サイトGlobal shell games : experiments in transnational relations, crime, and terrorism外部サイトInside/outside : international relations as political theory外部サイトDomestic society and international cooperation : the impact of protest on US arms control policy外部サイトAfter defeat : how the East learned to live with the West外部サイトEuropean conquest and the rights of indigenous peoples : the moral backwardness of international society外部サイトAlong the domestic-foreign frontier : exploring governance in a turbulent world外部サイトTheory of the global state : globality as unfinished revolution外部サイトArms and the state : patterns of military production and trade外部サイトSystems in crisis : new imperatives of high politics at century's end外部サイトRules, norms, and decisions : on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning in international relations and domestic affairs外部サイトThe emergence of private authority in global governance外部サイトThe sanctions paradox : economic statecraft and international relations外部サイトWrestling with God : ethical precarity in Christianity and international relations外部サイトSecrets in global governance : disclosure dilemmas and the challenge of international cooperation外部サイトThe closure of the international system : how institutions create political equalities and hierarchies外部サイトRight and wronged in international relations : evolutionary ethics, moral revolutions, and the nature of power politics外部サイトRight and wronged in international relations : evolutionary ethics, moral revolutions, and the nature of power politics外部サイトThe republican legacy in international thought外部サイトThe hierarchy of states : reform and resistance in the international order外部サイトThe nuclear taboo : the United States and the non-use of nuclear weapons since 1945外部サイトTaming the sovereigns : institutional change in international politics外部サイトUS-Japan alliance diplomacy, 1945-1990外部サイトRules, norms, and decisions : on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning in international relations and domestic affairs外部サイトPersonal identity, national identity, and international relations外部サイトWorld ordering : a social theory of cognitive evolution外部サイトResponsibility for human rights : transnational corporations in imperfect states外部サイトThe trouble with the Congo : local violence and the failure of international peacebuilding外部サイトA theory of world politics外部サイトPersonal identity, national identity, and international relations外部サイトApproaches to world order外部サイトAmerican hegemony and the Trilateral Commission外部サイトRegions and powers : the structure of international security外部サイトDiplomacy and the making of world politics外部サイトContesting global governance : multilateral economic institutions and global social movements外部サイトThe great powers and the international system : systemic theory in empirical perspective外部サイトSecurity communities外部サイトThe global transformation : history, modernity and the making of international relations外部サイトHierarchies in world politics外部サイトState strategies in international bargaining : play by the rules or change them?外部サイトThe cartographic state : maps, territory and the origins of sovereignty外部サイトSecurity, identity and interests : a sociology of international relations外部サイトDeterrence now外部サイトDiplomatic theory of international relations外部サイトWho governs the globe?外部サイトFeminist international relations : an unfinished journey外部サイトThe politics of international law外部サイトTheory of unipolar politics外部サイトThe war puzzle revisited外部サイトProtean power : exploring the uncertain and unexpected in world politics外部サイトNations at war : a scientific study of international conflict外部サイトNational choices and international processes外部サイトInstitutions for the common good : international protection regimes in international society外部サイトNormative theory in international relations : a pragmatic approach外部サイトInterstate crisis behavior, 1816-1980 : realism versus reciprocity外部サイトSocial theory of international politics外部サイトE.H. Carr and international relations : a duty to lie外部サイトTheories of international regimes外部サイトThe strategic defense initiative外部サイトState sovereignty as social construct外部サイトThe restructuring of international relations theory外部サイトCausation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis外部サイトContexts of international politics外部サイトNarrative and the making of US national security外部サイトPromoting polyarchy : globalization, US intervention, and hegemony外部サイトReasoning of state : realists, romantics and rationality in international relations外部サイトAsymmetric conflicts : war initiation by weaker powers外部サイトThe persistent power of human rights : from commitment to compliance外部サイトThe wealth of states : a comparative sociology of international economic and political change外部サイトState strategies in international bargaining : play by the rules or change them?外部サイトDealing with Britain : the six and the first UK application to the EEC外部サイトConstructivism in international relations : the politics of reality外部サイトA theory of world politics外部サイトQuasi-states : sovereignty, international relations, and the Third World外部サイトPower in global governance外部サイトThe domestic analogy and world order proposals外部サイトCentral banking as global governance : constructing financial credibility外部サイトThe ANZUS crisis, nuclear visiting and deterrence外部サイトDemocracy and coercive diplomacy外部サイトDemocratic militarism : voting, wealth, and war外部サイトThe war puzzle外部サイトThe retreat of the state : the diffusion of power in the world economy外部サイトThe English school of international relations : a contemporary reassessment外部サイトTheory of world security外部サイトUS foreign policy and the Iran hostage crisis外部サイトProducing hegemony : the politics of mass production and American global power外部サイトResponsibility for human rights : transnational corporations in imperfect states外部サイトNuclear politics : the strategic causes of proliferation外部サイトSimulating sovereignty : intervention, the state, and symbolic exchange外部サイトThe state, war, and the state of war外部サイトPrivate power, public law : the globalization of intellectual property rights外部サイトPerfect deterrence外部サイトInternational security in practice : the politics of NATO-Russia diplomacy外部サイトFrom international to world society? : English school theory and the social structure of globalisation外部サイトAgents, structures and international relations : politics as ontology外部サイトTraditions of international ethics外部サイトA genealogy of sovereignty外部サイトEconomy of force : counterinsurgency and the historical rise of the social外部サイトPopular dissent, human agency and global politics外部サイトUnited States foreign policy toward Africa : incrementalism, crisis, and change外部サイトAfrica and the international system : the politics of state survival外部サイトFrom Cold War to collapse : theory and world politics in the 1980s外部サイトEconomy of force : counterinsurgency and the historical rise of the social外部サイトLaw and sentiment in international politics : ethics, emotions, and the evolution of the laws of war外部サイトEnvironmentalism and global international society外部サイトGlobal corpse politics : the obscenity taboo外部サイトAscending order : rising powers and the politics of status in international institutions外部サイトUncertainty and its discontents : worldviews in world politics外部サイトMaking global society : a study of humankind across three eras外部サイトThe persistent power of human rights : from commitment to compliance外部サイトInternational order in diversity : war, trade and rule in the Indian Ocean外部サイトWar, states, and international order : Alberico Gentili and the foundational myth of the laws of war外部サイトUncertainty and its discontents : worldviews in world politics外部サイトMaking global society : a study of humankind across three eras外部サイトOn global learning : pragmatic constructivism, international practice and the challenge of global governance外部サイトGlobal policymaking : the patchwork of global governance外部サイトEnvironmentalism and global international society外部サイトAfter defeat : how the East learned to live with the West外部サイトBureaucracies at war : the institutional origins of miscalculation外部サイトSecrets in global governance : disclosure dilemmas and the challenge of international cooperation外部サイトWrestling with God : ethical precarity in Christianity and international relations外部サイトThe power of human rights : international norms and domestic change外部サイトDemocracy and coercive diplomacy外部サイトHybrid sovereignty in world politics外部サイトGlobal policymaking : the patchwork of global governance外部サイトScientific cosmology and international orders外部サイトSystems, relations, and the structures of international societies外部サイトThe closure of the international system : how institutions create political equalities and hierarchies外部サイトJustice and reconciliation in world politics外部サイトStates, nations, and the great powers : the sources of regional war and peace外部サイトPractice theory and international relations外部サイト






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Cambridge studies in international relations : Csir
On cover of v. 88: Cambridge studies in international relations, Csir
On added t.p. of v. 158: editors, Evelyn Goh, Christian Reus-Smit, Nicholas J. Wheeler