
Midway reprint


Midway reprint

University of Chicago Press


Utopia and revolution : on the origins of a metaphor : or, Some illustrations of the problem of political temperament and intellectual climate and how ideas, ideals, and ideologies have been historically related外部サイトElements of general linguistics外部サイトPatients' views of medical practice : a study of subscribers to a prepaid medical plan in the Bronx外部サイトA chronicle of jeopardy, 1945-55外部サイトTaxation and welfare外部サイトPreliminary studies for part II of Philosophical investigations外部サイトStudies in the economics of overhead costs外部サイトMyths and symbols : studies in honor of Mircea Eliade外部サイトField work : an introduction to the social sciences外部サイトThe fund theory of accounting and its implications for financial reports外部サイトHuman capital : a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education外部サイトAmerican railroads外部サイトThe logic of liberty : reflections and rejoinders外部サイトThe Linguistic turn : recent essays in philosophical method外部サイトThe development of marriage and kinship外部サイトPhilosophical essays : from ancient creed to technological man外部サイトThe city外部サイトSymbolism and American literature外部サイトThe ethics of competition and other essays外部サイトLincoln's manager, David Davis外部サイトPersonality and social encounter : selected essays外部サイトClarendon : politics, history and religion 1640-1660外部サイトA survey of classical Roman literature外部サイトThe languages of criticism and the structure of poetry外部サイトThe sociology of literary taste外部サイトPerón's Argentina外部サイトAmerican philanthropy外部サイトThe Greek dialects : grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary外部サイトThe intellectuals and the powers, and other essays外部サイトLiterary criticism : a short history外部サイトThe study of behavior : Q-technique and its methodology外部サイトMoscow journal : the end of Stalin外部サイトGermany and the future of Europe外部サイトThe French political system外部サイトEmpire and sovereignty : a history of the public law literature in the Holy Roman Empire, 1599-1804外部サイトStendhal : fiction and the themes of freedom外部サイトCreated equal? : the complete Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858外部サイトZalmoxis, the vanishing God : comparative studies in the religions and folklore of Dacia and Eastern Europe外部サイトVarieties of human value外部サイトBrain and intelligence : a quantitative study of the frontal Lobes外部サイトTwo Japanese novelists : Sōseki and Tōson外部サイトThe nature of culture外部サイトLectures on the calculus of variations外部サイトClio and the doctors : psycho-history, quanto-history, & history外部サイトAmerican religious thought : a history外部サイトEssays in applied price theory外部サイトJudaism and Christianity外部サイトPhilosophical correspondence, 1759-99外部サイトThe Buddhist nirvāṇa and its Western interpreters外部サイトThe natural history of a delinquent career外部サイトThe nature of culture外部サイトWe the people : the economic origins of the Constitution外部サイトInnocence and experience : an introduction to Blake外部サイトSome American pioneers in social welfare : select documents with editorial notes外部サイトThe little community ; and, Peasant society and culture外部サイトThe desert people : a study of the Papago Indians外部サイトSoutheast Asia : crossroad of religions外部サイトRanade and the roots of Indian nationalism外部サイトThe child's concept of story : ages two to seventeen外部サイトReligion and the law of church and state and the Supreme Court外部サイトLove, knowledge, and discourse in Plato : dialogue and dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenides外部サイトRediscovering Illinois : archaeological explorations in and around Fulton County外部サイトPolitical tolerance and American democracy外部サイトThe political philosophy of Hobbes : its basis and its genesis外部サイトConditions of knowledge : an introduction to epistemology and education外部サイトVillage India : studies in the little community外部サイトModern archives : principles and techniques外部サイトBeyond ideology : the revival of political theory外部サイトPrinciples of the theory of probability外部サイトChildren of the Great Depression : social change in life experience外部サイトResearch in archives : the use of unpublished primary sources外部サイトCultural relations on the Kansu-Tibetan border外部サイトA reading of George Herbert外部サイトThe Japanese language外部サイトFiction and the unconscious外部サイトA commentary on Kant's Critique of practical reason外部サイトThe political community : a study of anomie外部サイトApostles of the self-made man外部サイトThe ethics of competition and other essays外部サイトWarriors without weapons : a study of the society and personality development of the Pine Ridge Sioux外部サイトMelville's Billy Budd : The Genetic Text.外部サイトThe economic history of the Middle East, 1800-1914 : a book of readings外部サイトPersonal income taxation : the definition of income as a problem of fiscal policy外部サイトThe limits to capital外部サイトA study of war外部サイトThe sister arts : the tradition of literary pictorialism and English poetry from Dryden to Gray外部サイトClass and conformity : a study in values, with a reassessment, 1977外部サイトStudies in philosophy, politics and economics外部サイトThe American voter外部サイトThe CIO and the democratic party外部サイトCritics and criticism : ancient and modern外部サイトThe American mail : enlarger of the common life外部サイトWittgenstein's lectures, Cambridge, 1930-1932 : from the notes of John King and Desmond Lee外部サイトStudies in Chinese thought外部サイトBattleship building and party politics in Germany, 1894-1901 : a cross-section of the political, social and ideological preconditions of German imperialism外部サイトInteraction process analysis : a method for the study of small groups外部サイトThe fate of reading and other essays外部サイトThe urban threshold : growth and change in a nineteenth-century American community外部サイトPopular religion : inspirational books in America外部サイトThe Russian language today : system and anomaly外部サイトFrom Mandeville to Marx : the genesis and triumph of economic ideology外部サイトMachine politics : Chicago model外部サイトCity and state外部サイトTo deny our nothingness : contemporary images of man外部サイトChina's gentry : essays in rural-urban relations外部サイトThe nature of human nature : and other essays in social psychology外部サイトA mathematician explains外部サイトIdeas have consequences外部サイトA history of literary criticism in the Italian Renaissance外部サイトThe American short story in the Twenties外部サイトDecision making : an experimental approach外部サイトProphecy in Islam : philosophy and orthodoxy外部サイトOn social evolution : selected writings外部サイトThe ghetto外部サイトPreliminaries to linguistic phonetics外部サイトThe measurement of values外部サイトConversations in Japan : modernization, politics and culture外部サイトLaw and attitude change外部サイトDurkheim's suicide : a classic analyzed外部サイトStatistical inference for Markov processes外部サイトJapan's American interlude外部サイトWittgenstein's lectures, Cambridge, 1932-1935 : from the notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret Macdonald外部サイトRacketville, Slumtown, Haulburg : an exploratory study of delinquent subcultures外部サイトThe primitive family in its origin and development外部サイトNuclear physics : a course given by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago外部サイトA short commentary on Kant's Critique of pure reason外部サイトSocial communication among primates外部サイトThe dynamics of business cycles : a study in economic fluctuations外部サイトNation and countryside外部サイトOrganized crime in Chicago : part III of the Illinois crime survey 1929外部サイトShakespeare's politics外部サイトSacrifice : its nature and function外部サイトReaching the peasant farmer : organization theory and practice in Kenya外部サイトGeneralization in the writing of history : a report of the Committee on Historical Analysis of the Social Science Research Council外部サイトTruth and denotation : a study in semantical theory外部サイトMost ancient Egypt外部サイトEurope's steppe frontier, 1500-1800外部サイトHistory of early Iran外部サイトThe social teaching of the Christian churches外部サイトThe Hsiao ching外部サイトThe beginnings of American English : essays and comments外部サイトChildren in the political system : origins of political legitimacy外部サイトIntroduction to existentialism外部サイトTreasure in earthen vessels : the church as a human community外部サイトSwift and the satirist's art外部サイトA reading of Proust外部サイトWittgenstein's Tractatus : an introduction外部サイトProfessional diplomacy in the United States, 1779-1939 : a study in administrative history外部サイトA tenth-century document of Arabic literary theory and criticism : the sections on poetry of al-Bâqillânî's Iʻjâz al-Qurʼân外部サイトChicago sociology, 1920-1932外部サイトShadow of the plantation外部サイトStructural linguistics外部サイトCost and choice : an inquiry in economic theory外部サイトThe history of nature外部サイトThe poems of St. John of the Cross外部サイトSocrates and Aristophanes外部サイトWhat Plato said外部サイトThe sounds of English and Italian外部サイトThe modernity of tradition : political development in India外部サイトFrench Canada in transition外部サイトThe economics of taxation外部サイトShakespeare, the tragedies : a collection of critical essays外部サイトMeaning and necessity : a study in semantics and modal logic外部サイトField theory in social science : selected theoretical papers外部サイトToward understanding Germany外部サイトModern political parties : approaches to comparative politics外部サイトPueblo Indian religion外部サイトA portrait of Aristotle外部サイトThe family in the American economy外部サイトThe city and man外部サイトExecutive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939外部サイトThe novel and the modern world外部サイトPhilosophers speak of God外部サイトVenice : the hinge of Europe, 1081-1797外部サイトSociologists, economists and democracy外部サイトThe argument and the action of Plato's Laws外部サイトThe dynamics of business cycles : a study in economic fluctuations外部サイトIn clear and present danger : the crucial state of our freedoms外部サイトThought and Change外部サイトFolk religion in Japan : continuity and change外部サイトAn appraisal of anthropology today外部サイトThe conceptual framework of psychology外部サイトTwins and twin relations外部サイトVoting : a study of opinion formation in a presidential campaign外部サイトThe intellectual hero : studies in the French novel, 1880-1955外部サイトDoing fieldwork : warnings and advice外部サイトThe making of Walden : with the text of the first version外部サイトUnity and variety in Muslim civilization外部サイトNational monetary policies and the international financial system外部サイトOn the prehistory of marriage : totemism, group marriage, mother right外部サイトThe American jury外部サイトThe study of the Bible外部サイトStars and relativity外部サイトGrace and reason : a study in the theology of Luther外部サイトTepoztlán, a Mexican village : a study of folk life外部サイトYankee reformers in the Urban age : social reform in Boston, 1880-1900外部サイトPsychopathology and politics外部サイトNavajo kinship and marriage外部サイトRevelation in Jewish Wisdom literature外部サイトHistory of Assyria外部サイトStructure and sentiment : a test case in social anthropology外部サイトPerspectives in American Indian culture change外部サイトThe later philosophy of R. G. Collingwood外部サイトMethod in social anthropology : selected essays外部サイトSimplicial objects in algebraic topology外部サイトHonour and shame : the values of Mediterranean society外部サイトWhat is Taoism? : and other studies in Chinese cultural history外部サイトWax & gold : tradition and innovation in Ethiopian culture外部サイトProject evaluation : collected papers外部サイトDelinquency in a birth cohort外部サイトSymbolic domination : cultural form and historical change in Morocco外部サイトCreating political order : the party-states of West Africa外部サイトLewis Henry Morgan, American scholar外部サイトThe sentence and its parts : a grammar of contemporary English外部サイトThe sensory order : an inquiry into the foundations of theoretical psychology外部サイトThe hobo : the sociology of the homeless man外部サイトThoughts on Machiavelli外部サイトThe evolution of society : selections from Herbert Spencer's Principles of sociology外部サイトA history of early Christian literature外部サイトIndividualism and economic order外部サイトFossils in the making : vertebrate taphonomy and paleoecology外部サイトA free and responsible press : a general report on mass communication : newspapers, radio, motion pictures, magazines, and books外部サイトMeaning and truth in religion外部サイトPlasma physics : a course given by S. Chandrasekhar at the University of Chicago外部サイトNature, man, and society in the twelfth century : essays on new theological perspectives in the Latin West外部サイトAmerican labor from defense to reconversion外部サイトThe symbolic process and its integration in children : a study in social psychology外部サイトMerit and responsibility : a study in Greek values外部サイトA reverse index of Greek nouns and adjectives : arranged by terminations with brief historical introductions外部サイトThe Gold Coast and the slum : a sociological study of Chicago's near north side外部サイトThe Linguistic turn : recent essays in philosophical method外部サイトNotes on thermodynamics and statistics外部サイトThe community press in an urban setting : the social elements of urbanism外部サイトThe political novels of Joseph Conrad : a critical study with a new preface外部サイト



  • Utopia and revolution : on the origins of a metaphor : or, Some illustrations of the problem of political temperament and intellectual climate and how ideas, ideals, and ideologies have been historically related

  • Elements of general linguistics

  • Patients' views of medical practice : a study of subscribers to a prepaid medical plan in the Bronx

  • A chronicle of jeopardy, 1945-55

  • Taxation and welfare





  • CiNii Research

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Midway reprints
Utopia and revolution : on the origins of a metaphor : or, Some illustrations of the problem of political temperament and intellectual climate and how ideas, ideals, and ideologies have been historically related
Elements of general linguistics
Patients' views of medical practice : a study of subscribers to a prepaid medical plan in the Bronx
A chronicle of jeopardy, 1945-55
Taxation and welfare
Preliminary studies for part II of Philosophical investigations
Studies in the economics of overhead costs
Myths and symbols : studies in honor of Mircea Eliade
Field work : an introduction to the social sciences
The fund theory of accounting and its implications for financial reports
Human capital : a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education
American railroads
The logic of liberty : reflections and rejoinders
The Linguistic turn : recent essays in philosophical method
The development of marriage and kinship
Philosophical essays : from ancient creed to technological man
The city
Symbolism and American literature
The ethics of competition and other essays
Lincoln's manager, David Davis
Personality and social encounter : selected essays
Clarendon : politics, history and religion 1640-1660
A survey of classical Roman literature
The languages of criticism and the structure of poetry
The sociology of literary taste
Perón's Argentina
American philanthropy
The Greek dialects : grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary
The intellectuals and the powers, and other essays
Literary criticism : a short history
The study of behavior : Q-technique and its methodology
Moscow journal : the end of Stalin
Germany and the future of Europe
The French political system
Empire and sovereignty : a history of the public law literature in the Holy Roman Empire, 1599-1804
Stendhal : fiction and the themes of freedom
Created equal? : the complete Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858
Zalmoxis, the vanishing God : comparative studies in the religions and folklore of Dacia and Eastern Europe
Varieties of human value
Brain and intelligence : a quantitative study of the frontal Lobes
Two Japanese novelists : Sōseki and Tōson
The nature of culture
Lectures on the calculus of variations
Clio and the doctors : psycho-history, quanto-history, & history
American religious thought : a history
Essays in applied price theory
Judaism and Christianity
Philosophical correspondence, 1759-99
The Buddhist nirvāṇa and its Western interpreters
The natural history of a delinquent career
The nature of culture
We the people : the economic origins of the Constitution
Innocence and experience : an introduction to Blake
Some American pioneers in social welfare : select documents with editorial notes
The little community ; and, Peasant society and culture
The desert people : a study of the Papago Indians
Southeast Asia : crossroad of religions
Ranade and the roots of Indian nationalism
The child's concept of story : ages two to seventeen
Religion and the law of church and state and the Supreme Court
Love, knowledge, and discourse in Plato : dialogue and dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenides
Rediscovering Illinois : archaeological explorations in and around Fulton County
Political tolerance and American democracy
The political philosophy of Hobbes : its basis and its genesis
Conditions of knowledge : an introduction to epistemology and education
Village India : studies in the little community
Modern archives : principles and techniques
Beyond ideology : the revival of political theory
Principles of the theory of probability
Children of the Great Depression : social change in life experience
Research in archives : the use of unpublished primary sources
Cultural relations on the Kansu-Tibetan border
A reading of George Herbert
The Japanese language
Fiction and the unconscious
A commentary on Kant's Critique of practical reason
The political community : a study of anomie
Apostles of the self-made man
The ethics of competition and other essays
Warriors without weapons : a study of the society and personality development of the Pine Ridge Sioux
Melville's Billy Budd : The Genetic Text.
The economic history of the Middle East, 1800-1914 : a book of readings
Personal income taxation : the definition of income as a problem of fiscal policy
The limits to capital
A study of war
The sister arts : the tradition of literary pictorialism and English poetry from Dryden to Gray
Class and conformity : a study in values, with a reassessment, 1977
Studies in philosophy, politics and economics
The American voter
The CIO and the democratic party
Critics and criticism : ancient and modern
The American mail : enlarger of the common life
Wittgenstein's lectures, Cambridge, 1930-1932 : from the notes of John King and Desmond Lee
Studies in Chinese thought
Battleship building and party politics in Germany, 1894-1901 : a cross-section of the political, social and ideological preconditions of German imperialism
Interaction process analysis : a method for the study of small groups
The fate of reading and other essays
The urban threshold : growth and change in a nineteenth-century American community
Popular religion : inspirational books in America
The Russian language today : system and anomaly
From Mandeville to Marx : the genesis and triumph of economic ideology
Machine politics : Chicago model
City and state
To deny our nothingness : contemporary images of man
China's gentry : essays in rural-urban relations
The nature of human nature : and other essays in social psychology
A mathematician explains
Ideas have consequences
A history of literary criticism in the Italian Renaissance
The American short story in the Twenties
Decision making : an experimental approach
Prophecy in Islam : philosophy and orthodoxy
On social evolution : selected writings
The ghetto
Preliminaries to linguistic phonetics
The measurement of values
Conversations in Japan : modernization, politics and culture
Law and attitude change
Durkheim's suicide : a classic analyzed
Statistical inference for Markov processes
Japan's American interlude
Wittgenstein's lectures, Cambridge, 1932-1935 : from the notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret Macdonald
Racketville, Slumtown, Haulburg : an exploratory study of delinquent subcultures
The primitive family in its origin and development
Nuclear physics : a course given by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago
A short commentary on Kant's Critique of pure reason
Social communication among primates
The dynamics of business cycles : a study in economic fluctuations
Nation and countryside
Organized crime in Chicago : part III of the Illinois crime survey 1929
Shakespeare's politics
Sacrifice : its nature and function
Reaching the peasant farmer : organization theory and practice in Kenya
Generalization in the writing of history : a report of the Committee on Historical Analysis of the Social Science Research Council
Truth and denotation : a study in semantical theory
Most ancient Egypt
Europe's steppe frontier, 1500-1800
History of early Iran
The social teaching of the Christian churches
The Hsiao ching
The beginnings of American English : essays and comments
Children in the political system : origins of political legitimacy
Introduction to existentialism
Treasure in earthen vessels : the church as a human community
Swift and the satirist's art
A reading of Proust
Wittgenstein's Tractatus : an introduction
Professional diplomacy in the United States, 1779-1939 : a study in administrative history
A tenth-century document of Arabic literary theory and criticism : the sections on poetry of al-Bâqillânî's Iʻjâz al-Qurʼân
Chicago sociology, 1920-1932
Shadow of the plantation
Structural linguistics
Cost and choice : an inquiry in economic theory
The history of nature
The poems of St. John of the Cross
Socrates and Aristophanes
What Plato said
The sounds of English and Italian
The modernity of tradition : political development in India
French Canada in transition
The economics of taxation
Shakespeare, the tragedies : a collection of critical essays
Meaning and necessity : a study in semantics and modal logic
Field theory in social science : selected theoretical papers
Toward understanding Germany
Modern political parties : approaches to comparative politics
Pueblo Indian religion
A portrait of Aristotle
The family in the American economy
The city and man
Executive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939
The novel and the modern world
Philosophers speak of God
Venice : the hinge of Europe, 1081-1797
Sociologists, economists and democracy
The argument and the action of Plato's Laws
The dynamics of business cycles : a study in economic fluctuations
In clear and present danger : the crucial state of our freedoms
Thought and Change
Folk religion in Japan : continuity and change
An appraisal of anthropology today
The conceptual framework of psychology
Twins and twin relations
Voting : a study of opinion formation in a presidential campaign
The intellectual hero : studies in the French novel, 1880-1955
Doing fieldwork : warnings and advice
The making of Walden : with the text of the first version
Unity and variety in Muslim civilization
National monetary policies and the international financial system
On the prehistory of marriage : totemism, group marriage, mother right
The American jury
The study of the Bible
Stars and relativity
Grace and reason : a study in the theology of Luther
Tepoztlán, a Mexican village : a study of folk life
Yankee reformers in the Urban age : social reform in Boston, 1880-1900
Psychopathology and politics
Navajo kinship and marriage
Revelation in Jewish Wisdom literature
History of Assyria
Structure and sentiment : a test case in social anthropology
Perspectives in American Indian culture change
The later philosophy of R. G. Collingwood
Method in social anthropology : selected essays
Simplicial objects in algebraic topology
Honour and shame : the values of Mediterranean society
What is Taoism? : and other studies in Chinese cultural history
Wax & gold : tradition and innovation in Ethiopian culture
Project evaluation : collected papers
Delinquency in a birth cohort
Symbolic domination : cultural form and historical change in Morocco
Creating political order : the party-states of West Africa
Lewis Henry Morgan, American scholar
The sentence and its parts : a grammar of contemporary English
The sensory order : an inquiry into the foundations of theoretical psychology
The hobo : the sociology of the homeless man
Thoughts on Machiavelli
The evolution of society : selections from Herbert Spencer's Principles of sociology
A history of early Christian literature
Individualism and economic order
Fossils in the making : vertebrate taphonomy and paleoecology
A free and responsible press : a general report on mass communication : newspapers, radio, motion pictures, magazines, and books
Meaning and truth in religion
Plasma physics : a course given by S. Chandrasekhar at the University of Chicago
Nature, man, and society in the twelfth century : essays on new theological perspectives in the Latin West
American labor from defense to reconversion
The symbolic process and its integration in children : a study in social psychology
Merit and responsibility : a study in Greek values
A reverse index of Greek nouns and adjectives : arranged by terminations with brief historical introductions
The Gold Coast and the slum : a sociological study of Chicago's near north side
The Linguistic turn : recent essays in philosophical method
Notes on thermodynamics and statistics
The community press in an urban setting : the social elements of urbanism
The political novels of Joseph Conrad : a critical study with a new preface
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books