
OECD proceedings


OECD proceedings

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Globalisation and linkages to 2020 : challenges and opportunities for OECD countries : international high-level experts meeting外部サイトAsia and the global crisis : the industrial dimension外部サイトInnovation and the environment外部サイトInvestment policies in Latin America and multilateral rules on investment外部サイトCapital market development in transition economies : country experiences and policies for the future外部サイトProceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels外部サイトMigration policies and EU enlargement : the case of Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトIssues and design : "the York workshop"外部サイトRegional integration and transition economies : the case of the Baltic rim外部サイトThe societal aspects of decision making in complex radiological situations外部サイトBack-end of the fuel cycle in a 1000 GWe nuclear scenario : workshop proceedings, Avignon, France, 6-7 October 1998外部サイトImplementing inclusive education外部サイトInnovative networks : co-operation in national innovation systems外部サイトTrade and competition policies : exploring the ways forward外部サイトPrivatisation, competition and regulation外部サイトGenetic testing : policy issues for the new millennium外部サイトThe new banking landscape in Central and Eastern Europe : country experience and policies for the future外部サイトSocial sciences and innovation外部サイトField tracer experiments : role in the prediction of radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceeding of an NEA/EC GEOTRAP workshop hosted by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Cologne, Germany, 28-30 August 1996外部サイトAgricultural finance and credit infrastructure in transition economies : proceedings of OECD Expert Meeting, Moscow, February 1999外部サイトEnhancing SME competitiveness : the OECD Bologna Ministerial Conference外部サイトInternational trade in professional services : advancing liberalisation through regulatory reform外部サイトModelling the effects of spatial variability on radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France 9-11 June 1997外部サイトNuclear emergency data management : proceedings of an international workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 13-14 September, 1995外部サイトBridging the innovation gap in Russia : the Helsinki Seminar, March 2001外部サイトStructural aspects of the East Asian crisis外部サイトFertilizers as a source of cadmium外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on pyrochemical separations : Avignon, France 14-16 March 2000外部サイトWomen entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises外部サイトAgriculture in China and OECD countries : past policies and future challenges外部サイトA regional approach to industrial restructuring in the Tomsk region, Russian Federation外部サイトSources of cadmium in the environment外部サイトProceedings of the Seminar on Thermal Performance of High Burn-up LWR Fuel : 3-6 March 1998, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique(CEA), Cadarache, France外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on utilisation and reliability of high power proton accelerators, 13-15 October 1998, Mito, Japan外部サイトMacroeconomic policies and structural reform外部サイトFrameworks to measure sustainable development : an OECD Expert Workshop外部サイトCreativity, innovation and job creation外部サイトGlobalisation and the environment : perspectives from OECD and dynamic non-member economies外部サイトLabour market dynamics in the Russian Federation外部サイトSystems for financing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economies外部サイトInnovative clusters : drivers of national innovation systems外部サイトRegulatory reform in the global economy : Asian and Latin American perspectives外部サイトInsurance regulation and supervision in economies in transition : second East-West Conference on Insurance Systems in Economies in Transition外部サイトPolicy evaluation in innovation and technology : towards best practices外部サイトMigration, free trade and regional integration in North America外部サイトForeign direct investment and recovery in Southeast Asia外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on the physics and fuel performance of reactor-based plutonium disposition, 28-30 September 1998, OECD Development Centre, Paris, France外部サイトTowards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD hosted by the government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issues外部サイトIndustry productivity : international comparison and measurement issues外部サイトValuing rural amenities外部サイトImplementing domestic tradable permits for environmental protection外部サイトChina's agriculture in the international trading system外部サイトInstitutional investors in Latin America外部サイトSustainable management of water in agriculture : issues and policies : the Athens workshop外部サイトGateways to the global market : consumers and electronic commerce外部サイトForeign direct investment, development and corporate responsibility外部サイトBond market development in Asia外部サイトIndustrial competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy : the new role of governments外部サイト3-D deterministic radiation transport computer programs : features, applications and perspectives, 2-3 December 1996 OECD Château de la Muette, Paris, France外部サイトInstitutional investors in the new financial landscape外部サイトAssuring nuclear safety competence into the 21st century : Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Safety Directorate, Budapest, Hungary, 12-14 October 1999外部サイトPrivatisation of utilities and infrastructure : methods and constraints外部サイトLabour migration and the recent financial crisis in Asia外部サイトTowards lifelong learning in Hungary外部サイトNovel systems for the study of human disease : from basic research to applications外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on long-lived radionuclide chemistry in nuclear waste treatment, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France, 18-20 June 1997外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on ion and slow positron beam utilisation, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 15-17 September 1998外部サイトInternational mobility of the highly skilled外部サイトDecentralising employment policy : new trends and challenges : the Venice Conference外部サイトThe local dimension of welfare-to-work : an international survey外部サイトSocial sciences for knowledge and decision making外部サイトThe first information exchange meeting on basic studies on high-temperature engineering, Paris, France 27-29 September外部サイトPolicies towards full employment外部サイトInternational migration in Asia : trends and policies外部サイトTaxing international business : emerging trends in APEC and OECD economies外部サイトLabour market policies and the public employment service : Prague Conference, July 2000外部サイトChildren and families at risk : new issues in integrating services外部サイトInsurance regulation and supervision in Asia外部サイトThe competitiveness of transition economies外部サイトSecond OECD Conference on Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs : realising the benefits of globalisation and the knowledge-based economy外部サイトTax treaties : linkages between OECD member countries and dynamic non-member economies外部サイトAdult learning in a new technological era外部サイトEnvironmental financing in the Russian Federation外部サイトInfrastructure for Nuclear Energy Deployment : proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France, 10-11 June 1996外部サイトImplementing domestic tradeable permits : recent developments and future challenges外部サイトThe role of the competition agency in regulatory reform : proceedings of a workshop by the OECD and the Fair Trade Commission of Japan外部サイトMarket access issues in the automobile sector外部サイトRegulatory reform and international market openness外部サイトGlobalisation and environment : preliminary perspectives外部サイトProceedings of the Third Specialists Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, targets and irradiation facilities, Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, 12-13 May 1997外部サイトMigration and regional economic integration in Asia外部サイトInternational science and technology co-operation : towards sustainable development : proceedings of the OECD Seoul Conference, November 2000外部サイトWater consumption and sustainable water resources management外部サイトBoosting innovation : the cluster approach外部サイトTowards a new role for spatial planning外部サイトAdult learning and technology in OECD countries : proceedings of a round table held in Philadelphia, United States on 14-16 February 1996外部サイトInnovation and productivity in services外部サイトEarly identification of jobseekers at risk of long-term unemployment : the role of profiling外部サイトAssessing the environmental effects of trade liberalisation agreements : methodologies外部サイトIn-Core Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment : proceedings of a specialist meeting Mito-shi, Japan, 16-17 October, 1996外部サイトCleaner production and waste minimisation in OECD and dynamic non-member economies外部サイトCorporate governance, state-owned enterprises and privatisation外部サイトInnovative people : mobility of skilled personnel in national innovation systems外部サイトInvesting in biological diversity : the Cairns conference外部サイトInsolvency systems in Asia : an efficiency perspective外部サイトForeign direct investment policy and promotion in Latin America外部サイトIntegrating transport in the city : reconciling the economic, social and environmental dimensions外部サイトXenotransplantation : international policy issues外部サイトForeign direct investment and the environment外部サイトEnvironmental benefits from agriculture : issues and policies : the Helsinki seminar外部サイトEntrepreneurship and SMEs in transition economies : the Visegrad conference外部サイトBusiness as usual and nuclear power : Joint IEA/NEA Meeting, Paris, France, 14-15 October 1999外部サイトFinancing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economies外部サイトLessons from labour market policies in the transition countries外部サイトFluid flow through faults and fractures in argillaceous formations : proceedings of a joint NEA/EC workshop, Berne, Switzerland, 10-12 June, 1996外部サイトSustainable consumption and production : clarifying the concepts外部サイトImmigrants, integration and cities : exploring the links外部サイトThe social sciences at a turning point?外部サイトInsurance regulation and supervision in Asia and Latin America外部サイトProceedings of the workshop on core monitoring for commercial reactors : improvements in systems and methods : Stockholm, Sweden 4-5 October 1999外部サイト






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Globalisation and linkages to 2020 : challenges and opportunities for OECD countries : international high-level experts meeting
Asia and the global crisis : the industrial dimension
Innovation and the environment
Investment policies in Latin America and multilateral rules on investment
Capital market development in transition economies : country experiences and policies for the future
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels
Migration policies and EU enlargement : the case of Central and Eastern Europe
Issues and design : "the York workshop"
Regional integration and transition economies : the case of the Baltic rim
The societal aspects of decision making in complex radiological situations
Back-end of the fuel cycle in a 1000 GWe nuclear scenario : workshop proceedings, Avignon, France, 6-7 October 1998
Implementing inclusive education
Innovative networks : co-operation in national innovation systems
Trade and competition policies : exploring the ways forward
Privatisation, competition and regulation
Genetic testing : policy issues for the new millennium
The new banking landscape in Central and Eastern Europe : country experience and policies for the future
Social sciences and innovation
Field tracer experiments : role in the prediction of radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceeding of an NEA/EC GEOTRAP workshop hosted by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Cologne, Germany, 28-30 August 1996
Agricultural finance and credit infrastructure in transition economies : proceedings of OECD Expert Meeting, Moscow, February 1999
Enhancing SME competitiveness : the OECD Bologna Ministerial Conference
International trade in professional services : advancing liberalisation through regulatory reform
Modelling the effects of spatial variability on radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France 9-11 June 1997
Nuclear emergency data management : proceedings of an international workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 13-14 September, 1995
Bridging the innovation gap in Russia : the Helsinki Seminar, March 2001
Structural aspects of the East Asian crisis
Fertilizers as a source of cadmium
Proceedings of the workshop on pyrochemical separations : Avignon, France 14-16 March 2000
Women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises
Agriculture in China and OECD countries : past policies and future challenges
A regional approach to industrial restructuring in the Tomsk region, Russian Federation
Sources of cadmium in the environment
Proceedings of the Seminar on Thermal Performance of High Burn-up LWR Fuel : 3-6 March 1998, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique(CEA), Cadarache, France
Proceedings of the workshop on utilisation and reliability of high power proton accelerators, 13-15 October 1998, Mito, Japan
Macroeconomic policies and structural reform
Frameworks to measure sustainable development : an OECD Expert Workshop
Creativity, innovation and job creation
Globalisation and the environment : perspectives from OECD and dynamic non-member economies
Labour market dynamics in the Russian Federation
Systems for financing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economies
Innovative clusters : drivers of national innovation systems
Regulatory reform in the global economy : Asian and Latin American perspectives
Insurance regulation and supervision in economies in transition : second East-West Conference on Insurance Systems in Economies in Transition
Policy evaluation in innovation and technology : towards best practices
Migration, free trade and regional integration in North America
Foreign direct investment and recovery in Southeast Asia
Proceedings of the workshop on the physics and fuel performance of reactor-based plutonium disposition, 28-30 September 1998, OECD Development Centre, Paris, France
Towards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD hosted by the government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issues
Industry productivity : international comparison and measurement issues
Valuing rural amenities
Implementing domestic tradable permits for environmental protection
China's agriculture in the international trading system
Institutional investors in Latin America
Sustainable management of water in agriculture : issues and policies : the Athens workshop
Gateways to the global market : consumers and electronic commerce
Foreign direct investment, development and corporate responsibility
Bond market development in Asia
Industrial competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy : the new role of governments
3-D deterministic radiation transport computer programs : features, applications and perspectives, 2-3 December 1996 OECD Château de la Muette, Paris, France
Institutional investors in the new financial landscape
Assuring nuclear safety competence into the 21st century : Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Safety Directorate, Budapest, Hungary, 12-14 October 1999
Privatisation of utilities and infrastructure : methods and constraints
Labour migration and the recent financial crisis in Asia
Towards lifelong learning in Hungary
Novel systems for the study of human disease : from basic research to applications
Proceedings of the workshop on long-lived radionuclide chemistry in nuclear waste treatment, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France, 18-20 June 1997
Proceedings of the workshop on ion and slow positron beam utilisation, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 15-17 September 1998
International mobility of the highly skilled
Decentralising employment policy : new trends and challenges : the Venice Conference
The local dimension of welfare-to-work : an international survey
Social sciences for knowledge and decision making
The first information exchange meeting on basic studies on high-temperature engineering, Paris, France 27-29 September
Policies towards full employment
International migration in Asia : trends and policies
Taxing international business : emerging trends in APEC and OECD economies
Labour market policies and the public employment service : Prague Conference, July 2000
Children and families at risk : new issues in integrating services
Insurance regulation and supervision in Asia
The competitiveness of transition economies
Second OECD Conference on Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs : realising the benefits of globalisation and the knowledge-based economy
Tax treaties : linkages between OECD member countries and dynamic non-member economies
Adult learning in a new technological era
Environmental financing in the Russian Federation
Infrastructure for Nuclear Energy Deployment : proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France, 10-11 June 1996
Implementing domestic tradeable permits : recent developments and future challenges
The role of the competition agency in regulatory reform : proceedings of a workshop by the OECD and the Fair Trade Commission of Japan
Market access issues in the automobile sector
Regulatory reform and international market openness
Globalisation and environment : preliminary perspectives
Proceedings of the Third Specialists Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, targets and irradiation facilities, Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, 12-13 May 1997
Migration and regional economic integration in Asia
International science and technology co-operation : towards sustainable development : proceedings of the OECD Seoul Conference, November 2000
Water consumption and sustainable water resources management
Boosting innovation : the cluster approach
Towards a new role for spatial planning
Adult learning and technology in OECD countries : proceedings of a round table held in Philadelphia, United States on 14-16 February 1996
Innovation and productivity in services
Early identification of jobseekers at risk of long-term unemployment : the role of profiling
Assessing the environmental effects of trade liberalisation agreements : methodologies
In-Core Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment : proceedings of a specialist meeting Mito-shi, Japan, 16-17 October, 1996
Cleaner production and waste minimisation in OECD and dynamic non-member economies
Corporate governance, state-owned enterprises and privatisation
Innovative people : mobility of skilled personnel in national innovation systems
Investing in biological diversity : the Cairns conference
Insolvency systems in Asia : an efficiency perspective
Foreign direct investment policy and promotion in Latin America
Integrating transport in the city : reconciling the economic, social and environmental dimensions
Xenotransplantation : international policy issues
Foreign direct investment and the environment
Environmental benefits from agriculture : issues and policies : the Helsinki seminar
Entrepreneurship and SMEs in transition economies : the Visegrad conference
Business as usual and nuclear power : Joint IEA/NEA Meeting, Paris, France, 14-15 October 1999
Financing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economies
Lessons from labour market policies in the transition countries
Fluid flow through faults and fractures in argillaceous formations : proceedings of a joint NEA/EC workshop, Berne, Switzerland, 10-12 June, 1996
Sustainable consumption and production : clarifying the concepts
Immigrants, integration and cities : exploring the links
The social sciences at a turning point?
Insurance regulation and supervision in Asia and Latin America
Proceedings of the workshop on core monitoring for commercial reactors : improvements in systems and methods : Stockholm, Sweden 4-5 October 1999
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA30542232 : BA30542232