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- fr
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- 関連情報
- Globalisation and linkages to 2020 : challenges and opportunities for OECD countries : international high-level experts meetingAsia and the global crisis : the industrial dimensionInnovation and the environmentInvestment policies in Latin America and multilateral rules on investmentCapital market development in transition economies : country experiences and policies for the futureProceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Reactors with Innovative FuelsMigration policies and EU enlargement : the case of Central and Eastern EuropeIssues and design : "the York workshop"Regional integration and transition economies : the case of the Baltic rimThe societal aspects of decision making in complex radiological situationsBack-end of the fuel cycle in a 1000 GWe nuclear scenario : workshop proceedings, Avignon, France, 6-7 October 1998Implementing inclusive educationInnovative networks : co-operation in national innovation systemsTrade and competition policies : exploring the ways forwardPrivatisation, competition and regulationGenetic testing : policy issues for the new millenniumThe new banking landscape in Central and Eastern Europe : country experience and policies for the futureSocial sciences and innovationField tracer experiments : role in the prediction of radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceeding of an NEA/EC GEOTRAP workshop hosted by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Cologne, Germany, 28-30 August 1996Agricultural finance and credit infrastructure in transition economies : proceedings of OECD Expert Meeting, Moscow, February 1999Enhancing SME competitiveness : the OECD Bologna Ministerial ConferenceInternational trade in professional services : advancing liberalisation through regulatory reformModelling the effects of spatial variability on radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France 9-11 June 1997Nuclear emergency data management : proceedings of an international workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 13-14 September, 1995Bridging the innovation gap in Russia : the Helsinki Seminar, March 2001Structural aspects of the East Asian crisisFertilizers as a source of cadmiumProceedings of the workshop on pyrochemical separations : Avignon, France 14-16 March 2000Women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprisesAgriculture in China and OECD countries : past policies and future challengesA regional approach to industrial restructuring in the Tomsk region, Russian FederationSources of cadmium in the environmentProceedings of the Seminar on Thermal Performance of High Burn-up LWR Fuel : 3-6 March 1998, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique(CEA), Cadarache, FranceProceedings of the workshop on utilisation and reliability of high power proton accelerators, 13-15 October 1998, Mito, JapanMacroeconomic policies and structural reformFrameworks to measure sustainable development : an OECD Expert WorkshopCreativity, innovation and job creationGlobalisation and the environment : perspectives from OECD and dynamic non-member economiesLabour market dynamics in the Russian FederationSystems for financing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economiesInnovative clusters : drivers of national innovation systemsRegulatory reform in the global economy : Asian and Latin American perspectivesInsurance regulation and supervision in economies in transition : second East-West Conference on Insurance Systems in Economies in TransitionPolicy evaluation in innovation and technology : towards best practicesMigration, free trade and regional integration in North AmericaForeign direct investment and recovery in Southeast AsiaProceedings of the workshop on the physics and fuel performance of reactor-based plutonium disposition, 28-30 September 1998, OECD Development Centre, Paris, FranceTowards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD hosted by the government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issuesIndustry productivity : international comparison and measurement issuesValuing rural amenitiesImplementing domestic tradable permits for environmental protectionChina's agriculture in the international trading systemInstitutional investors in Latin AmericaSustainable management of water in agriculture : issues and policies : the Athens workshopGateways to the global market : consumers and electronic commerceForeign direct investment, development and corporate responsibilityBond market development in AsiaIndustrial competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy : the new role of governments3-D deterministic radiation transport computer programs : features, applications and perspectives, 2-3 December 1996 OECD Château de la Muette, Paris, FranceInstitutional investors in the new financial landscapeAssuring nuclear safety competence into the 21st century : Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Safety Directorate, Budapest, Hungary, 12-14 October 1999Privatisation of utilities and infrastructure : methods and constraintsLabour migration and the recent financial crisis in AsiaTowards lifelong learning in HungaryNovel systems for the study of human disease : from basic research to applicationsProceedings of the workshop on long-lived radionuclide chemistry in nuclear waste treatment, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France, 18-20 June 1997Proceedings of the workshop on ion and slow positron beam utilisation, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 15-17 September 1998International mobility of the highly skilledDecentralising employment policy : new trends and challenges : the Venice ConferenceThe local dimension of welfare-to-work : an international surveySocial sciences for knowledge and decision makingThe first information exchange meeting on basic studies on high-temperature engineering, Paris, France 27-29 SeptemberPolicies towards full employmentInternational migration in Asia : trends and policiesTaxing international business : emerging trends in APEC and OECD economiesLabour market policies and the public employment service : Prague Conference, July 2000Children and families at risk : new issues in integrating servicesInsurance regulation and supervision in AsiaThe competitiveness of transition economiesSecond OECD Conference on Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs : realising the benefits of globalisation and the knowledge-based economyTax treaties : linkages between OECD member countries and dynamic non-member economiesAdult learning in a new technological eraEnvironmental financing in the Russian FederationInfrastructure for Nuclear Energy Deployment : proceedings of an NEA Workshop, Paris, France, 10-11 June 1996Implementing domestic tradeable permits : recent developments and future challengesThe role of the competition agency in regulatory reform : proceedings of a workshop by the OECD and the Fair Trade Commission of JapanMarket access issues in the automobile sectorRegulatory reform and international market opennessGlobalisation and environment : preliminary perspectivesProceedings of the Third Specialists Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, targets and irradiation facilities, Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, 12-13 May 1997Migration and regional economic integration in AsiaInternational science and technology co-operation : towards sustainable development : proceedings of the OECD Seoul Conference, November 2000Water consumption and sustainable water resources managementBoosting innovation : the cluster approachTowards a new role for spatial planningAdult learning and technology in OECD countries : proceedings of a round table held in Philadelphia, United States on 14-16 February 1996Innovation and productivity in servicesEarly identification of jobseekers at risk of long-term unemployment : the role of profilingAssessing the environmental effects of trade liberalisation agreements : methodologiesIn-Core Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment : proceedings of a specialist meeting Mito-shi, Japan, 16-17 October, 1996Cleaner production and waste minimisation in OECD and dynamic non-member economiesCorporate governance, state-owned enterprises and privatisationInnovative people : mobility of skilled personnel in national innovation systemsInvesting in biological diversity : the Cairns conferenceInsolvency systems in Asia : an efficiency perspectiveForeign direct investment policy and promotion in Latin AmericaIntegrating transport in the city : reconciling the economic, social and environmental dimensionsXenotransplantation : international policy issuesForeign direct investment and the environmentEnvironmental benefits from agriculture : issues and policies : the Helsinki seminarEntrepreneurship and SMEs in transition economies : the Visegrad conferenceBusiness as usual and nuclear power : Joint IEA/NEA Meeting, Paris, France, 14-15 October 1999Financing newly emerging private enterprises in transition economiesLessons from labour market policies in the transition countriesFluid flow through faults and fractures in argillaceous formations : proceedings of a joint NEA/EC workshop, Berne, Switzerland, 10-12 June, 1996Sustainable consumption and production : clarifying the conceptsImmigrants, integration and cities : exploring the linksThe social sciences at a turning point?Insurance regulation and supervision in Asia and Latin AmericaProceedings of the workshop on core monitoring for commercial reactors : improvements in systems and methods : Stockholm, Sweden 4-5 October 1999
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA30542232 : BA30542232