- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- Ziel 92, Europa ohne Grenzen
- 出版地(国名コード)
- lu
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Guidelines for communication interfaces between EC institutions and member states' administrations : version 1Legal protection of the financial interests of the Community : proceedings of the seminarCollection of legislation and acts relating to energy : updated January 1, 1989A guide to working in a Europe without frontiersAudiovisual production in the single marketFamily policy in EEC-countriesSocial work training in the European CommunityAn empirical assessment of factors shaping regional competitiveness in problem regions : main reportLong-term regional demographic developments up to the beginning of the next century and regional policyFeindliche übernahmeangebote aus wettbewerbspolitischer SichtCommunity transit : handbook on the use of control copy, T 5 : situation on 2 September 19901992 : the European social dimensionThe dignity of women at work : a report on the problem of sexual harassment in the member states of the European CommunitiesThe aid element in state participation to company capitalAid element of government R&D contractsGeneral arrangements applicable to capital movementsFarm Accountancy Data Network : an A to Z of methodologyCatalogue of Community legal acts and other texts relating to the elimination of technical barriers to trade for industrial productsSecond survey on state aids in the European Community in the manufacturing and certain other sectorsNetwork of experts on the implementation of the equality directives : final consolidated report 1987European regional development fund : fourteenth annual report (1988) from the commission to the council, the European Parliament and the economic and social committeeFirst survey on State aids in the European CommunitySecurities markets : community measures adopted or proposed : situation as at June 1989Linguistic minorities in the European Economic Community : Spain, Portugal, Greece : summary of the reportProgramme for research and actions on the development of the labour market : trends and distribution of incomes : an overviewThe accounting harmonization in the European Communities : problems of applying the fourth directive on the annual accounts of limited companiesInsurance : community measures adopted or proposed (situation as at March 1990)The European Community and its eastern neighboursEuropean conglomerate firms : a reportThe calculation of economic indicators : making use of RICA (FADN) accountancy data : reportThe sub-contractMobility of students in Europe : linguistic and socio-cultural conditions : studyThe effects on intra-Community competition of export subsidies to third countries : the case of export credits, export insurance, and official development assistanceThe impact of biotechnology on agriculture in the European Community to the year 2005 : study prepared for the Directorate General for AgricultureEnvironmental policy in the European CommunityThe effect of different state aid measures on intra-Community competition : exemplified by the case of the automotive industry1992 : the social dimensionThe social and economic situation of older women in EuropeFarms in mountainous and less-favoured areas of the communityEvaluation of employment enterprise zones : final report to the Commission of the European CommunitiesInnovation in the EC automotive industry : an analysis from the perspective of state aid policyGuidelines for an informatics architectureThe creation of the internal market in insuranceCOMETT : the training needs of staff in the Community's higher education sector engaged in cooperation with industry : final reportEuropean customs inventory of chemicals : a guide to the tariff classification of chemicals in the combined nomenclatureBusiness creation by women : motivations, situation and perspectives : final report of a study for the Commission of the European Communities Equal Opportunities OfficeYoung Europeans in 1987Harmonization of company law in the European Community : measures adopted and proposedBarriers to entry and intensity of competition in European marketsPreparation for retirement in the member States of the European Community : report of a seminar held at Frankfurt-am-Main, 10-11 October 1988The impact of joint ventures on competition : the case of petrochemical industry in the EEC : final reportPeripheral regions in a community of twelve member statesIntensive farming and the impact on the environment and the rural economy of restrictions on the use of chemical and animal fertilizers ; study prepared for the Directorate General for AgricultureFrom EMS to monetary unionUnderground economy and irregular forms of employment (travail au noir)Explanatory notes to the combined nomenclature of the European CommunitiesField study into the international transport of animals and field study concerning the stunning of slaughter animalsCompleting the internal market : an area without internal frontiers : the progress report required by Article 8B of the TreatyEvaluation of the COMETT programmeCustoms valuation
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books