
Brill's Tibetan studies library


Brill's Tibetan studies library

Blezer, Henkほか
25 cm



Edited by Henk Blezer, Alex McKay, Charles Ramble


Long lives and untimely deaths : life-span concepts and longevity practices among Tibetans in the Darjeeling Hills, India外部サイトRolf Stein's Tibetica antiqua : with additional materials外部サイトBuddhism beyond the monastery : tantric practices and their performers in Tibet and the Himalayas外部サイトA grammar of Purik Tibetan外部サイトTibetan modernities : notes from the field on cultural and social change外部サイトContemporary Tibetan literary studies外部サイトTibetan inscriptions : proceedings of a panel held at the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010外部サイトBon po hidden treasures : a catalogue of gTer ston bDe chen gling pa's collected revelations外部サイトSoundings in Tibetan medicine : anthropological and historical perspectives外部サイトA grammar of Prinmi : based on the central dialect of Northwest Yunnan, China外部サイトTibetan printing : comparisons, continuities and change外部サイトKailas histories : renunciate traditions and the construction of Himalayan sacred geography外部サイトModern Ladakh : anthropological perspectives on continuity and change外部サイトOrigins and migrations in the extended eastern Himalayas外部サイトHimalayan tribal tales : oral tradition and culture in the Apatani Valley外部サイトLadakhi histories : local and regional perspectives外部サイトA grammar of Lepcha外部サイトSociohistorical linguistics in Southeast Asia : new horizons for Tibeto-Burman studies in honor of David Bradley外部サイトMedieval Tibeto-Burman languages IV外部サイトA Buddhist pilgrim at the shrines of Tibet外部サイトA grammar of Kurtöp外部サイトA grammar of Tshangla外部サイトArt and architecture in Ladakh : cross-cultural transmissions in the Himalayas and Karakoram外部サイトUnearthing Bon treasures : life and contested legacy of a Tibetan scripture revealer, with a general bibliography of Bon外部サイトEsoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang : rites and teachings for this life and beyond外部サイトText, image and song in transdisciplinary dialogue外部サイトMedieval Tibeto-Burman languages II外部サイトLhasa in the seventeenth century : the capital of the Dalai Lamas外部サイトTibetan Tantric manuscripts from Dunhuang : a descriptive catalogue of the Stein Collection at the British Library外部サイトPower, politics, and the reinvention of tradition : Tibet in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries外部サイトVision and violence : Lama Zhang and the politics of charisma in twelfth-century Tibet外部サイトDiscoveries in western Tibet and the western Himalayas : essays on history, literature, archaeology and art : PIATS 2003, Tibetan studies, proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 2003外部サイトEnlightened rainbows : the life and works of Shardza Tashi Gyeltsen外部サイトHandbook of Tibetan iconometry : a guide to the arts of the 17th century外部サイトLamas, shamans, and ancestors : village religion in Sikkim外部サイトRabha外部サイトThe archaeology of Tibetan books外部サイトSocial regulation : case studies from Tibetan history外部サイトPeace and conflict in Ladakh : the construction of a fragile web of order外部サイトThe Tangam language : grammar, lexicon and texts外部サイトDivination in exile : interdisciplinary approaches to ritual prognostication in the Tibetan Bon tradition外部サイトThe Mardzong manuscripts : codicological and historical studies of an archaeological find in Mustang, Nepal外部サイトHidden lands in Himalayan myth and history : transformations of sbas yul through time外部サイトGrammar of Poumai Naga (Poula) : a Trans-Himalayan language of north-east India外部サイトA grammar of Anong : language death under intense contact外部サイトA grammar of Jero : with a historical comparative study of the Kiranti languages外部サイトTerritory and identity in Tibet and the Himalayas外部サイトPower objects in Tibetan Buddhism : the life, writings, and legacy of Sokdokpa Lodrö Gyeltsen外部サイトMonastic and lay traditions in north-eastern Tibet外部サイトThe many canons of Tibetan Buddhism外部サイトSoviet Russia and Tibet : the debacle of secret diplomacy, 1918-1930s外部サイトA grammar and dictionary of Zaiwa外部サイトOld Tibetan studies : dedicated to the memory of R.E. Emmerick : proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003外部サイトA grammar of Wambule : grammar, lexicon, texts and cultural survey of a Kiranti tribe of eastern Nepal外部サイトA grammar of the Thangmi language : with an ethnolinguistic introduction to the speakers and their culture外部サイトThe Mongolia-Tibet interface : opening new research terrains in Inner Asia外部サイトTibetan songs of realization : echoes from a seventeenth-century scholar and Siddha in Amdo外部サイトA grammar of Dhimal外部サイトArt in Tibet : issues in traditional Tibetan art from the seventh to the twentieth century外部サイトBuddhism and empire : the political and religious culture of early Tibet外部サイトAmdo Tibetans in transition : society and culture in the post-Mao era外部サイトThrough the eye of time : photographs of Arunachal Pradesh, 1859-2006 : tribal cultures in the eastern Himalayas外部サイトHimalayan languages and linguistics : studies in phonology, semantics, morphology and syntax外部サイトBhutan : traditions and changes外部サイトOne hundred thousand moons : an advanced political history of Tibet外部サイトTibetan Buddhist literature and praxis : studies in its formative period, 900-1400外部サイトThe Dura language : grammar and phylogeny外部サイトA grammar of Kulung外部サイトKhams pa histories : visions of people, place and authority外部サイトTibetan borderlands外部サイトContributions to the cultural history of early Tibet外部サイトA grammar of rGyalrong, Jiǎomùzú (Kyom-kyo) dialects : a web of relations外部サイトRewriting Shangri-La : Tibetan youth, migrations and literacies in McLeod Ganj, India外部サイトTibet, past and present外部サイトThe sun rises : a shaman's chant, ritual exchange, and fertility in the Apatani Valley外部サイトReligion and secular culture in Tibet外部サイトBuddhist art and Tibetan patronage : ninth to fourteenth centuries外部サイトMedieval Tibeto-Burman languages外部サイトSpirit-mediums, sacred mountains and related Bon textual traditions in upper Tibet : calling down the gods外部サイトThe great perfection (rDzogs chen) : a philosophical and meditative teaching of Tibetan Buddhism外部サイトA grammar of Guìqióng : a language of Sichuan外部サイトTibet, self, and the Tibetan diaspora : voices of difference外部サイトImpressions of Bhutan and Tibetan art外部サイトRevisiting rituals in a changing Tibetan world外部サイトA grammar of Sunwar : descriptive grammar, paradigms, texts, and glossary外部サイトConflict and social order in Tibet and inner Asia外部サイトCrazy for wisdom : the making of a mad yogin in fifteenth-century Tibet外部サイトTibetan literary genres, texts, and text types : from genre classification to transformation外部サイトNomads of eastern Tibet : social organization and economy of a pastoral estate in the kingdom of Dege外部サイトOpening the hidden land : state formation and the construction of Sikkimese history外部サイトTibetan transitions : historical and contemporary perspectives on fertility, family planning, and demographic change外部サイトKnowledge and context in Tibetan medicine外部サイトA grammar of Darma外部サイトMahāmudrā in India and Tibet外部サイトNonsectarianism (ris med) in 19th- and 20th-century eastern Tibet : religious diffusion and cross-fertilization beyond the reach of the central Tibetan government外部サイトTaxation in Tibetan societies : rules, practices and discourses外部サイトHomeland or religion? : personal identity building in Zangskar, Indian Himalayas外部サイトEthnolinguistic prehistory : the peopling of the world from the perspective of language, genes and material culture外部サイトThe many faces of King Gesar : Tibetan and Central Asian studies in homage to Rolf A. Stein外部サイトAn atlas of the Tibetan Plateau外部サイトEthnolinguistic prehistory of the Eastern Himalaya外部サイトA grammar of Bjokapakha外部サイトAn atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th century Tibetan Lama : a journey of discovery外部サイトEffortless spontaneity : the Dzogchen commentaries by Nubchen Sangye Yeshe外部サイトThe words and world of Ge bcags Nunnery : tantric meditation in context外部サイトGrammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa)外部サイト



  • Long lives and untimely deaths : life-span concepts and longevity practices among Tibetans in the Darjeeling Hills, India

  • Rolf Stein's Tibetica antiqua : with additional materials

  • Buddhism beyond the monastery : tantric practices and their performers in Tibet and the Himalayas

  • A grammar of Purik Tibetan

  • Tibetan modernities : notes from the field on cultural and social change





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25 cm