
Studies in contemporary German social thought


Studies in contemporary German social thought

McCarthy, Thomas
MIT Press



Thomas McCarthy, general editor


The structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society外部サイトHabermas and the unfinished project of modernity : critical essays on The philosophical discourse of modernity外部サイトTruth and justification外部サイトThe dialectics of seeing : Walter Benjamin and the Arcades project外部サイトGlobal justice and transnational politics : essays on the moral and political challenges of globalizaiton外部サイトWalter Benjamin's passages外部サイトVarieties of transition : the East European and East German experience外部サイトAdorno's negative dialectic : philosophy and the possibility of critical rationality外部サイトExact imagination, late work : on Adorno's Aesthetics外部サイトOn the pragmatics of social interaction : preliminary studies in the theory of communicative action外部サイトCommunicative action : essays on Jürgen Habermas's Theory of communicative action外部サイトCritique and crisis : enlightenment and the pathogenesis of modern society外部サイトPostmetaphysical thinking : philosophical essays外部サイトAgainst epistemology : a metacritique : studies in Husserl and the phenomenological antinomies外部サイトDisorganized capitalism : contemporary transformations of work and politics外部サイトScience, action, and fundamental theology : toward a theology of communicative action外部サイトPublic deliberation : pluralism, complexity, and democracy外部サイトPhilosophical interventions in the unfinished project of enlightenment外部サイトFate and utopia in German sociology, 1870-1923外部サイトHegel and the French Revolution : essays on the Philosophy of right外部サイトDemocracy across borders : from Dêmos to Dêmoi外部サイトWork on myth外部サイトThe crisis of parliamentary democracy外部サイトThe moral domain : essays in the ongoing discussion betweeen philosophy and the social sciences外部サイトDemocracy across borders : from Dêmos to Dêmoi外部サイトThe inclusion of the other : studies in political theory外部サイトGadamer's century : essays in honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer外部サイトCommunicative action and rational choice外部サイトThe legitimacy of the modern age外部サイトOn Walter Benjamin : critical essays and recollections外部サイトCommunicative action and rational choice外部サイトSolidarity : from civic friendship to a global legal community外部サイトHegel and the French Revolution : essays on the Philosophy of right外部サイトReason in the age of science外部サイトThe semblance of subjectivity : essays in Adorno's Aesthetic theory外部サイトThe new conservatism : cultural criticism and the historians' debate外部サイトTruth and justification外部サイトBetween philosophy and social science : selected early writings外部サイトExact imagination, late work : on Adorno's Aesthetics外部サイトAdorno's Aesthetic theory : the redemption of illusion外部サイトThe ubiquity of the finite : Hegel, Heidegger, and the entitlements of philosophy外部サイトThe Frankfurt School : its history, theories, and political significance外部サイトThe linguistic turn in hermeneutic philosophy外部サイトThe inclusion of the other : studies in political theory外部サイトCritique and power : recasting the Foucault/Habermas debate外部サイトHannah Arendt : twenty years later外部サイトAdorno's Aesthetic theory : the redemption of illusion外部サイトBeyond Hegel and Nietzsche : philosophy, culture, and agency外部サイトJustification and application : remarks on discourse ethics外部サイトAdorno's negative dialectic : philosophy and the possibility of critical rationality外部サイトThe critique of power : reflective stages in a critical social theory外部サイトG.H. Mead : a contemporary re-examination of his thought外部サイトFragments of modernity : theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer and Benjamin外部サイトThe communicative ethics controversy外部サイトTheory and politics : studies in the development of critical theory外部サイトPerversion and utopia : a study in psychoanalysis and critical theory外部サイトPerversion and utopia : a study in psychoanalysis and critical theory外部サイトReason in the age of science外部サイトBetween the norm and the exception : the Frankfurt School and the rule of law外部サイトPerpetual peace : essays on Kant's cosmopolitan ideal外部サイトThe dialectics of seeing : Walter Benjamin and the Arcades project外部サイトHegel : three studies外部サイトHegel's ontology and the theory of historicity外部サイトThe struggle for recognition : the moral grammar of social conflicts外部サイトThe genesis of the Copernican world外部サイトThe philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures外部サイトHistory and structure : an essay on Hegelian-Marxist and structuralist theories of history外部サイトShipwreck with spectator : paradigm of a metaphor for existence外部サイトReflexive democracy : political equality and the welfare state外部サイトThe sovereignty of art : aesthetic negativity in Adorno and Derrida外部サイトNietzsche and political thought外部サイトCivil society and political theory外部サイトThe structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society外部サイトThe other : studies in the social ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Buber外部サイトThe moral self外部サイトObservations on "the spiritual situation of the age" : contemporary German perspectives外部サイトFutures past : on the semantics of historical time外部サイトThe principle of hope外部サイトBetween philosophy and social science : selected early writings外部サイトPrisms外部サイトFragments of modernity : theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer and Benjamin外部サイトNatural law and human dignity外部サイトPublic deliberation : pluralism, complexity, and democracy外部サイトRe-presenting the good society外部サイトUnderstanding and explanation : a transcendental-pragmatic perspective外部サイトCogent science in context : the science wars, argumentation theory, and Habermas外部サイトThe critique of power : reflective stages in a critical social theory外部サイトOn the pragmatics of communication外部サイトCivil society and political theory外部サイトShipwreck with spectator : paradigm of a metaphor for existence外部サイトThe persistence of modernity : essays on aesthetics, ethics, and postmodernism外部サイトObservations on "the spiritual situation of the age" : contemporary German perspectives外部サイトHegel : three studies外部サイトHabermas and the public sphere外部サイトBetween the norm and the exception : the Frankfurt School and the rule of law外部サイトContradictions of the welfare state外部サイトThe crisis of parliamentary democracy外部サイトLanguage and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics外部サイトCultural-political interventions in the unfinished project of enlightenment外部サイトOn Max Horkheimer : new perspectives外部サイトCritical theory and public life外部サイトOn Walter Benjamin : critical essays and recollections外部サイトHabermas and modernity外部サイトThe power of dialogue : critical hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault外部サイトPhilosophical-political profiles外部サイトBetween facts and norms : contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy外部サイトSelf-consciousness and self-determination外部サイトBetween facts and norms : contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy外部サイトThe liberating power of symbols : philosophical essays外部サイトThe philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures外部サイトMoral consciousness and communicative action外部サイトSublime understanding : aesthetic reflection in Kant and Hegel外部サイトReligion and rationality : essays on reason, God, and modernity外部サイトPostmetaphysical thinking : philosophical essays外部サイトEndgames : the irreconcilable nature of modernity : essays and lectures外部サイトThe principle of hope外部サイトG.H. Mead : a contemporary re-examination of his thought外部サイトOn the logic of the social sciences外部サイトThe other : studies in the social ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Buber外部サイトHannah Arendt : twenty years later外部サイトThe postnational constellation : political essays外部サイトContradictions of the welfare state外部サイトThe utopian function of art and literature : selectd essays外部サイトPolitical theology : four chapters on the concept of sovereignty外部サイトCritical theory and public life外部サイトThe sovereignty of art : aesthetic negativity in Adorno and Derrida外部サイトThe power of dialogue : critical hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault外部サイトLanguage and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics外部サイトWeber and Rickert : concept formation in the cultural sciences外部サイトPhilosophical apprenticeships外部サイトThe persistence of modernity : essays on aesthetics, ethics, and postmodernism外部サイト






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Thomas McCarthy, general editor
The structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society
Habermas and the unfinished project of modernity : critical essays on The philosophical discourse of modernity
Truth and justification
The dialectics of seeing : Walter Benjamin and the Arcades project
Global justice and transnational politics : essays on the moral and political challenges of globalizaiton
Walter Benjamin's passages
Varieties of transition : the East European and East German experience
Adorno's negative dialectic : philosophy and the possibility of critical rationality
Exact imagination, late work : on Adorno's Aesthetics
On the pragmatics of social interaction : preliminary studies in the theory of communicative action
Communicative action : essays on Jürgen Habermas's Theory of communicative action
Critique and crisis : enlightenment and the pathogenesis of modern society
Postmetaphysical thinking : philosophical essays
Against epistemology : a metacritique : studies in Husserl and the phenomenological antinomies
Disorganized capitalism : contemporary transformations of work and politics
Science, action, and fundamental theology : toward a theology of communicative action
Public deliberation : pluralism, complexity, and democracy
Philosophical interventions in the unfinished project of enlightenment
Fate and utopia in German sociology, 1870-1923
Hegel and the French Revolution : essays on the Philosophy of right
Democracy across borders : from Dêmos to Dêmoi
Work on myth
The crisis of parliamentary democracy
The moral domain : essays in the ongoing discussion betweeen philosophy and the social sciences
Democracy across borders : from Dêmos to Dêmoi
The inclusion of the other : studies in political theory
Gadamer's century : essays in honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer
Communicative action and rational choice
The legitimacy of the modern age
On Walter Benjamin : critical essays and recollections
Communicative action and rational choice
Solidarity : from civic friendship to a global legal community
Hegel and the French Revolution : essays on the Philosophy of right
Reason in the age of science
The semblance of subjectivity : essays in Adorno's Aesthetic theory
The new conservatism : cultural criticism and the historians' debate
Truth and justification
Between philosophy and social science : selected early writings
Exact imagination, late work : on Adorno's Aesthetics
Adorno's Aesthetic theory : the redemption of illusion
The ubiquity of the finite : Hegel, Heidegger, and the entitlements of philosophy
The Frankfurt School : its history, theories, and political significance
The linguistic turn in hermeneutic philosophy
The inclusion of the other : studies in political theory
Critique and power : recasting the Foucault/Habermas debate
Hannah Arendt : twenty years later
Adorno's Aesthetic theory : the redemption of illusion
Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche : philosophy, culture, and agency
Justification and application : remarks on discourse ethics
Adorno's negative dialectic : philosophy and the possibility of critical rationality
The critique of power : reflective stages in a critical social theory
G.H. Mead : a contemporary re-examination of his thought
Fragments of modernity : theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer and Benjamin
The communicative ethics controversy
Theory and politics : studies in the development of critical theory
Perversion and utopia : a study in psychoanalysis and critical theory
Perversion and utopia : a study in psychoanalysis and critical theory
Reason in the age of science
Between the norm and the exception : the Frankfurt School and the rule of law
Perpetual peace : essays on Kant's cosmopolitan ideal
The dialectics of seeing : Walter Benjamin and the Arcades project
Hegel : three studies
Hegel's ontology and the theory of historicity
The struggle for recognition : the moral grammar of social conflicts
The genesis of the Copernican world
The philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures
History and structure : an essay on Hegelian-Marxist and structuralist theories of history
Shipwreck with spectator : paradigm of a metaphor for existence
Reflexive democracy : political equality and the welfare state
The sovereignty of art : aesthetic negativity in Adorno and Derrida
Nietzsche and political thought
Civil society and political theory
The structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society
The other : studies in the social ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Buber
The moral self
Observations on "the spiritual situation of the age" : contemporary German perspectives
Futures past : on the semantics of historical time
The principle of hope
Between philosophy and social science : selected early writings
Fragments of modernity : theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer and Benjamin
Natural law and human dignity
Public deliberation : pluralism, complexity, and democracy
Re-presenting the good society
Understanding and explanation : a transcendental-pragmatic perspective
Cogent science in context : the science wars, argumentation theory, and Habermas
The critique of power : reflective stages in a critical social theory
On the pragmatics of communication
Civil society and political theory
Shipwreck with spectator : paradigm of a metaphor for existence
The persistence of modernity : essays on aesthetics, ethics, and postmodernism
Observations on "the spiritual situation of the age" : contemporary German perspectives
Hegel : three studies
Habermas and the public sphere
Between the norm and the exception : the Frankfurt School and the rule of law
Contradictions of the welfare state
The crisis of parliamentary democracy
Language and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics
Cultural-political interventions in the unfinished project of enlightenment
On Max Horkheimer : new perspectives
Critical theory and public life
On Walter Benjamin : critical essays and recollections
Habermas and modernity
The power of dialogue : critical hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault
Philosophical-political profiles
Between facts and norms : contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy
Self-consciousness and self-determination
Between facts and norms : contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy
The liberating power of symbols : philosophical essays
The philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures
Moral consciousness and communicative action
Sublime understanding : aesthetic reflection in Kant and Hegel
Religion and rationality : essays on reason, God, and modernity
Postmetaphysical thinking : philosophical essays
Endgames : the irreconcilable nature of modernity : essays and lectures
The principle of hope
G.H. Mead : a contemporary re-examination of his thought
On the logic of the social sciences
The other : studies in the social ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Buber
Hannah Arendt : twenty years later
The postnational constellation : political essays
Contradictions of the welfare state
The utopian function of art and literature : selectd essays
Political theology : four chapters on the concept of sovereignty
Critical theory and public life
The sovereignty of art : aesthetic negativity in Adorno and Derrida
The power of dialogue : critical hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault
Language and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics
Weber and Rickert : concept formation in the cultural sciences
Philosophical apprenticeships
The persistence of modernity : essays on aesthetics, ethics, and postmodernism
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