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- Mechanization takes command : a contribution to anonymous historyPoetry and HumanismThe problem of anxietyThe quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colonies, 1689-1776Malay fishermen : their peasant economyRomanesque art in Europe : architecture and sculpture : with 254 black and white plates : 23 maps and plansConsensus and continuity, 1776-1787Play and development : a symposiumAfrica dances : a book about West African NegroesThe natural history of fliesEvelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the worldCaptain SwingCatharine Beecher : a study in American domesticityAn anthology of Elizabethan lute songs, madrigals, and roundsUnderstanding causalityThe human habitatEssays in economic semanticsMothers of the South : portraiture of the white tenant farm womanClinical studies in psychiatryHoney for the bearsThe lost Eden : (Noli me tangere)The making of a poemThe class struggle (Erfurt program)Meeting house and counting house : the Quaker merchants of colonial Philadelphia, 1682-1763The literary criticism of John RuskinDarwin and the Darwinian revolutionRussian rebels, 1600-1800Our inner conflicts : a constructive theory of neurosisA history of medical psychologyDemocratic ideals and reality : with additional papersStep by step : evolution and operation of the Cornell students' civil-rights project in Tennessee, summer, 1964Concord and LibertyThe wisdom of the bodyThe four ages of musicWhat does America mean?A history of the English languageThe master builders : Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd WrightLouis Sullivan : prophet of Modern ArchitectureWartime letters of Rainer Maria Rilke 1914-1921Mission of the universityVictorian architecture in England : four studies in evalutionThe burden of the past and the English poetThe prairie school : [Frank Lloyd Wright and his midwest contemporaries]Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThe essence of operaThe character of John AdamsThe ancient Near EastKarl Marx's interpretation of historyMan and peopleEconomic anthropology : the economic life of primitive peoplesMeetinghouse Hill, 1630-1783The poems of CatullusGermany after Bismarck : the Caprivi era, 1890-1894Christian artIndia and the WestThe classical style : Haydn, Mozart, BeethovenAlexander PopeThe American revolution : in its political and military aspects 1763-1783Appeasement : a study in political decline, 1933-1939Cuba 1933 : prologue to revolutionA dream play and four chamber playsCalifornia's utopian coloniesThe origins of intelligence in childrenAn interpretation of universal historyClocks and culture, 1300-1700Shakespeare's Ovid, being Arthur Golding's translation of The metamorphosesThe ring and the bookOn warThe nature of poetryBismarck and the German EmpireMedieval panorama : the English scene from conquest to ReformationEurope's future : the grand alternativesGandhi's truth : on the origins of militant nonviolenceThe Bach reader : a life of Johann Sebastian Bach in letters and documentsFundamentals of psychanalysisNorman Thomas : a biographyThe Soviet political mind : Stalinism and post-Stalin changeEssays before a sonata, the majority, and other writingsThe dollarThe private diaries of Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)Freedom versus organization, 1814-1914The living brainGiotto and AssisiNotre-Dame of Noyon in the twelfth century : a study in the early development of gothic architectureThe Augustan ageThe Roman wayNotes on the State of VirginiaThe Victorian sage : studies in argumentFilm music : a neglected art : a critical study of music in filmsThe republic in peril: 1812 : with a new appendixEnglish pastoral poetry, from the beginnings to MarvellTruth and realityThe dead sea scrolls : a new historical approachThe free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860New ways in psychoanalysisThought reform and the psychology of totalism : a study of "brainwashing" in ChinaLanguage and thought in schizophreniaThe balladsConstitutional development in the South Atlantic States, 1776-1860 : a study in the evolution of democracyPolitical parties before the ConstitutionSeeds of Southern change : the life of Will AlexanderThe art of counterpoint : part three of le istitutioni harmoniche, 1558Talks to teachers on psychology and to students on some of life's idealsBeethoven as I knew him : a biographyNominating the President : the politics of convention choice, with a new postscript on 1964A history of Greek religionEnglish Renaissance poetry : a collection of shorter poems from Skelton to JonsonNatural supernaturalism : tradition and revolution in romantic literatureGermany tried democracy : a political history of the Reich from 1918 to 1933Are you considering psychoanalysis?Richard III : the great debateUt pictura poesis : the humanistic theory of paintingThe party of humanity : essays in the French EnlightenmentCoercive persuasion : a socio-psychological analysis of the "brainwashing" of American civilian prisoners by the Chinese CommunistsAlberuni's IndiaBeyond the stable stateMarriage, morals, and sex in America : a history of ideasMythology and the Renaissance tradition in English poetryThe culture of professionalism : the middle class and the development of higher education in AmericaThe wild duck ; Hedda GablerThree international episodes : seen from E.A.Re JoyceSixteen modern American authors : a survey of research and criticismThe irreconcilables : the fight against the League of NationsThe postwar American economy : performance and problemsHellenistic science and culture in the last three centuries B.C.Translations from the poetry of Rainer Maria RilkeSelected stories of Lu HsunThe example of MelvilleTeapot Dome : oil and politics in the 1920'sLife in Lesu : the study of a Melanesian society in New IrelandDiscovering poetryDickens and his readers : aspects of novel-criticism since 1836The fusion of psychiatry and social sciencePhrasing and articulation : a contribution to a rhetoric of music, with 152 musical examplesThe father in primitive psychologyNeurosis and human growth : the struggle toward self-realizationAllegories of the virtues and vices in mediaeval art : from early Christian times to the thirteenth centuryJokes and their relation to the unconsciousThe wandering saints of the early middle agesMythology and the romantic tradition in English poetryStalin's failure in China, 1924-1927Father and son : a study of two temperamentsNew light on the most ancient EastThe science of freedomWe never make mistakes : two short novelsThe flaming heart : essays on Crashaw, Machiavelli, and other studies in the relations between Italian and English literature from Chaucer to T. S. EliotStresemann and the rearmament of GermanyWhite over Black : American attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham AdamsElizabeth I and her parliamentsThe architecture of humanism : a study in the history of tasteDuino elegiesThe orchestraThe Blithedale romanceProblems of modern music : the Princeton seminar in advanced musical studiesThe study of counterpoint from Johann Joseph Fux's Gradus ad parnassumThe untuning of the sky : ideas of music in English poetry, 1500-1700The philosophy of physicsAn anthology of English medieval and renaissance vocal music : part songs for one to six voicesModern linguisticsFrankish institutions under CharlemagneThe principles of mathematicsContest over JapanPerformance practice : a bibliographyThe child's conception of numberA documentary history of American economic policy since 1789Europe : the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the warIThe Tudors : personalities and practical politics in sixteenth century EnglandLaGuardia in CongressSeventeenth-century America : essays in colonial historyHeavenly mansions and other essays on architectureHawthorne's tragic visionSugar and slaves : the rise of the planter class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713The origin and early form of Greek tragedyPersonality and politics : problems of evidence, inference, and conceptualizationThe mycenaean origin of greek mythologyQuestions about musicThe neurotic personality of our timeRivers in the desert : a history of the NegevPerspectives on Schoenberg and StravinskyIn the shadow of tomorrowThe mirror and the lamp : romantic theory and the critical traditionThe challenge of modernisation : the West's impact on the non-Western worldChromosomes and genes : the biological basis of heredityNotes of debates in the Federal Convention of 1787Jokes and their relation to the unconsciousYeats : the man and the masksRailroads and regulation, 1877-1916Urban liberalism and progressive reformThaddeus Stevens : scourge of the SouthThe notebooks of Malte Laurids BriggeDouble measure : a study of the novels and stories of D.H. LawrenceThe comic tradition in America : an anthologyThe grass roof . and, The Yalu flowsAlexander the GreatEarly Greece : the bronze and archaic agesThe sonata since Beethoven : the third and final volume of a history of the sonata ideaThe question of lay analysis : Conversations with an impartial personContemporary music in Europe : a comprehensive surveyThe people of great Russia : a psychological studyCommunication : the social matrix of psychiatryHow to take a chanceThe family life of Ralph Josselin, a seventeenth-century clergyman : an essay in historical anthropologyBernard Shaw : a reconsiderationNew ways in psychoanalysisThe Democratic SouthThe pursuit of science in Revolutionary America, 1735-1789The American people : a study in national characterPeace in their time : the origins of the Kellogg-Briand PactThe odd womenWorker in the cane : a Puerto Rican life historyDomesday book and beyond : three essays in the early history of EnglandThe householderThe Boston MassacreMaternal overprotectionFelix Holt, the radicalThe Governor and the rebel : a history of Bacon's Rebellion in VirginiaTudor church musicThe wanting seedForeign mud : the opium imbroglio at Canton in the 1830's & the Anglo-Chinese WarThought reform and the psychology of totalism : a study of "brainwashing" in ChinaThe romantic poetsThe baroque concertoYazoo : law and politics in the New Republic : the case of Fletcher v. PeckPamela, or, Virtue rewardedRichard the ThirdRevolutionary immortality : Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese cultural revolutionThe sonata in the baroque eraAncient science through the golden age of GreeceThe Hapsburg Monarchy, 1867-1914Pinter : a study of his playsPoetries and sciences : a reissue of Science and poetry (1926, 1935) with commentaryAn autobiographyPrefaces to Renaissance literatureThe divided academy : professors and politicsAre you considering psychoanalysis?The Populist response to industrial America : midwestern Populist thoughtThe principles of scientific managementThe poetry of experience : the dramatic monologue in modern literary traditionNineteenth-century Russian plays : an anthologyThe United States, 1830-1850 : the nation and its sectionsAnthropology and modern lifeStravinsky : a new appraisal of his work : With a complete list of worksMedieval romance : themes and approachesPopulist vanguard : a history of the Southern Farmers' AllianceThe Boston massacreGermany's first bid for colonies, 1884-1885 : a move in Bismarck's European policyThe dark voyage and the golden mean : a philosophy of comedyPolitics in the age of Peel : a study in the technique of parliamentary representation, 1830-1850The age of reptilesCharacter and opinion in the United StatesActivity, recovery, growth : the communal role of planned activitiesArts and the man : a short introduction to aestheticsHandel's Messiah : origins, composition, sourcesJourney to the frontier : two roads to the Spanish Civil WarThe dynamics of literary responseCorelli : his life, his workThe man in the Roman streetJohn Quincy Adams and the foundations of American foreign policyThe awkward agePagan and Christian in an age of anxiety : some aspects of religious experience from Marcus Aurelius to ConstantineThe creative world of MozartCharles Ives remembered : an oral historyBorn under Saturn : the character and conduct of artists : a documented history from antiquity to the French RevolutionThe creation of the RococoThe Jeffersonian crisis : courts and politics in the young RepublicThe Kaiser and his timesOrpheus and Greek religion : a study of the Orphic MovementOur inner conflicts : a constructive theory of neurosisPower and personalityOn character and libido development : six essaysThe other government : the unseen power of Washington lawyersStrategy in poker, business and warCausal inferences in nonexperimental researchThe Latin American policy of the United States : an historical interpretationHistory in geographic perspective ; the other FranceThe archaeology of Crete : an introductionThe Brownsville RaidAmerica's nation-time, 1607-1789Catharine Beecher : a study in American domesticityThe Supreme Court from Taft to WarrenOedipus at ThebesThe sable arm : Negro troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865The United States and the independence of Latin America, 1800-1830Daniel Webster and the trial of American nationalism, 1843-1852Congress and foreign policyStrategy in poker, business & warSome lessons in metaphysicsArt in the early churchThalassa : a theory of genitalityThe politics of disorderDisraeli, Gladstone, and the Eastern question : a study in diplomacy and party politicsHitler's war aimsRembrandt and the Italian RenaissanceThe Hellenistic age : aspects of Helenistic civilizationEdward Randolph and the American colonies, 1676-1703The SumeriansFirst love and other talesEssays in biographySelf-analysisEnglish poetry in the sixteenth centuryCommissioner Lin and the Opium WarForm and fable in American fictionThe long day wanes : a Malayan trilogyA plain and easy introduction to practical musicThe sources of inventionMeditations on QuixoteThe Globe restored : a study of the Elizabethan theatreBrecht : the man and his workFeminine psychologyOn the history of the psycho-analytic movementThe school upon a hill : education and society in colonial New EnglandA history of medical psychologyThe Marxian revolutionary ideaEight American authors : a review of research and criticismMary BartonLanguage : its nature, development, and originThe International styleEssays on musicThe complete plays of Gilbert and SullivanA Shavian guide to the intelligent womanThe Burman, his life and notionsBehaviorismThe music of TchaikovskyThe constitutional history of medieval England : from the English settlement to 1485Strange defeat : a statement of evidence written in 1940The lives of TalleyrandAntislavery : the crusade for freedom in AmericaThe science of folkloreThe Roman mind : studies in the history of thought from Cicero to Marcus AureliusPerspectives on contemporary music theoryPrivilege and creative destruction : the Charles River Bridge caseSchizophrenia as a human processThe price of libertyFrance and the United States : their diplomatic relations, 1789-1914Totem and taboo : some points of agreement between the mental lives of savages and neuroticsThe philosophy of grammarPoems in persons : an introduction to the psychoanalysis of literatureThe antifederalists : critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788The ego and the idA history of Sparta, 950-192 B.CThe invasion of America : Indians, colonialism, and the cant of conquestThe Mexican Revolution, 1914-1915 : the Convention of AguascalientesThespis : ritual, myth, and drama in the ancient Near EastPsychodiagnosis : selected papersFrom Mycenae to HomerA vindication of the rights of woman : with strictures on political and moral subjectsThe interplay of East and West : points of conflict and co-operationBlack majority : Negroes in colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono RebellionFlintlock and tomahawk : New England in King Philip's WarThe Whig interpretation of historyPrimitive rebels : studies in archaic forms of social movement in the 19th and 20th centuriesThe rise of modern paganismThe rise and decline of the Medici Bank, 1397-1494Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhoodDiana of the Crossways : a novelThe experience of operaStalin as revolutionary, 1879-1929 : a study in history and personalityThe spirit of modern philosophy : an essay in the form of lecturesOn dreamsThe relevance of educationSidney's poetry : contexts and interpretationsHow the Greeks built citiesShame and guilt : a psychoanalytic and a cultural studyThe instinct of workmanship and the state or the industrial artsThe small room : a novelTown and country in BrazilThe deluge : British society and the First World WarHomer and the heroic traditionMartin Van Buren and the making of the Democratic PartyIncome, employment and public policy : essays in honor of Alvin H. HansenHellenistic culture : fusion and diffusionThe common background of Greek and Hebrew civilizationsNothing like the sun : a story of Shakespeare's love-lifeMichelangelo's David : a search for identityWoodcraft : or, hawks about the devecote : a story of the South at the close of the revolutionPortraits in miniature, and other essaysLeaves of grassThe economic growth of the United States, 1790-1860Realities of American foreign policyThe long week-end : a social history of Great Britain, 1918-1939The GreeksA Chinese childhoodPrologue to conflict : the crisis and compromise of 1850The character of the good ruler : a study of Puritan political ideas in New England, 1630-1730The rising American empireThe invasion of Europe by the barbariansManet and his criticsThe automation hysteriaThe Ojibwa womanThe gift : form and functions of exchange in archaic societiesThe Negro in the American RevolutionVichy France : old guard and new order, 1940-1944An affair of honor : Woodrow Wilson and the occupation of Vera CruzPlay, dreams, and imitation in childhoodGreek city-statesOn music and musiciansRevolutionary politics in Massachusetts : the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the towns, 1772-1774Woman in the nineteenth centuryThe early growth of logic in the child : classification and seriationPatriots and partisans : the merchants of Newburyport, 1764-1815The Chopin companion : profiles of the man and the musicianThe Wakefield mystery playsThe stoic philosophy of Seneca : essays and letters of SenecaThe Christian Renaissance : with interpretations of Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe and new discussions of Oscar Wilde and the Gospel of ThomasThe ring of words : an anthology of song textsForeign affairs and the ConstitutionThe city is the people : with a new preface and epilogueA study of literature for readers and criticsA short history of science and scientific thought : with readings from the great scientists from the Babylonians to EinsteinThe sculptural programs of Chartres Cathedral : Christ, Mary, EcclesiaThe child's conception of spaceThe Spaniards in their historyTape for the turn of the yearU.S. Senators and their worldThe creative world of BeethovenThe Pre-Raphaelite poetsThe Monteverdi companionThe lamp of experience : Whig history and the intellectual origins of the American RevolutionBloodlineThe new military : changing patterns of organizationYoung man Luther : a study in psychoanalysis and historyEarly democracies in the Low Countries : urban society and political conflict in the Middle Ages and the RenaissanceSelf-analysisThe diplomacy of the dollar, 1919-1932Our inner conflicts : a constructive theory of neurosisPamela, or, Virtue rewardedA preface to The faerie queeneThe process of economic growthMusic and musical life in Soviet Russia, 1917-1970Structural functions of harmonyArchitectural principles in the age of humanismThe wrath of Achilles : the Iliad of HomerThe French Revolution, 1788-1792The mint : notes made in the R.A.F. Depot between August and December, 1922, and at Cadet College in 1925 : regrouped and copied in 1927 and 1928 at Aircraft Depot, KarachiMediaeval Latin lyricsWhat is philosophy?World history of the danceLetters of a Javanese princessThe second American party system : party formation in the Jacksonian eraCrisis of fear : secession in South CarolinaThe right to an answer : a novelHerbert Hoover and the Great DepressionMan and crisisRenaissance explorationMusical instruments : a comprehensive dictionaryThe disruption of the solid SouthOroonoko, or, The royal slaveThe art of string quartet playing : practice, technique and interpretationThe interpretation of French songJourneys toward progress : studies of economic policy-making in Latin AmericaStranger and friend : the way of an anthropologistThe scientific outlookWomen's life and work in the Southern coloniesThe principles of mathematicsEmpire in Brazil : a new world experiment with monarchyThe history of the Standard Oil Company : briefer versionThe origin of philosophyA theory of personality : the psychology of personal constructsSeeds of extinction: Jeffersonian philanthropy and the American IndianEmily Dickinson : the mind of the poetA guide to musical styles : from madrigal to modern musicFrom Puritan to Yankee : character and the social order in Connecticut, 1690-1765Texts and pretexts : an anthology with commentariesThe Quakers in the American coloniesBritain and France between two wars : conflicting strategies of peace from Versailles to World War IIThe road to the lawThe Spanish story : Franco and the nations at warWomen's life and work in the Southern coloniesAmerican diplomacy in the great depression : Hoover-Stimson foreign policy, 1929-1933The Boxer catastropheMiltonThe Yorkist age : daily life during the Wars of the RosesAlexander's introductions to ShakespeareEmily Dickinson : the mind of the poetAmerican PuritanismThe classical style : Haydn, Mozart, BeethovenThe arrow of gold : a story between two notesUgarit and Minoan Crete : the bearing of their texts on the origins of Western cultureLetters of Cicero : a selection in translationEight American authors : a review of research and criticismA History of songThe man of feelingThe history of music in performance : the art of musical interpretation from the Renaissance to our dayExploration and empire : the explorer and the scientist in the winning of the American WestVoices of melancholy : studies in literary treatments of melancholy in Renaissance EnglandThe United States and ItalyCharlotte Brontë : the self conceivedThe ancient constitution and the feudal law : a study of English historical thought in the seventeenth centuryEssays before a sonata and other writingsThe glorious failure : Black Congressman Robert Brown Elliott and the Reconstruction in South CarolinaEnglish villagers of the thirteenth centuryRevaluation : tradition & development in English poetryThe creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787George Frideric HandelA short history of Shakespearean criticismBen Jonson and the language of prose comedyThe novel of manners in AmericaVivaldi, genius of the baroqueWinthrop's Boston : portrait of a puritan town, 1630-1649Maria ; or, The wrongs of womanThe murder of Herodes : and other trials from the athenian law courtsThe development of Arthurian romanceThese are our livesPrimitive Polynesian economyIdeology in America : change and response in a city, a suburb, and a small townA forgotten kingdom : being a record of the results obtained from the excavation of two mounds, Atchana and Al Mina, in the Turkish HatayThe Truman-MacArthur controversy and the Korean WarThe semblance of peace : the political settlement after the Second World WarRussian peasants and Soviet power : a study of collectivizationChristianity in the Roman EmpireKronstadt, 1921The Mozart companionThe Blithedale romanceThe Far Southwest, 1846-1912 : a territorial historyHamlet and OedipusThe Garretson chronicle : a novelMountain gloom and mountain glory : the development of the aesthetics of the infinite/ by Marjorie Hope NicolsonKhrushchev : the years in powerPeaceable kingdoms : New England towns in the eighteenth centuryNightmare AbbeyComposer and critic : two hundred years of musical criticismThe faithful shepherd : a history of the New England ministry in the seventeenth centuryThe accents of persuasion : Charlotte Brontë's novelsThe reconstruction of Europe : Tallyrand and the Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815Economic growth in the West : comparative experience in Europe and North AmericaCharles Beard and the constitution : a critical analysis of "An economic interpretation of the constitution"The psychiatric interviewThe Chopin companion : profiles of the man and the musicianUltima ThuleEssays in persuasionThe lives of the paintersThe deeds of Frederick BarbarossaThe new college encyclopedia of musicA general theory of magicToward a theory of economic growth : with Reflections on the economic growth of modern nationsEducation in the forming of American societyUFO's--a scientific debateThe apportionment casesThe subversive (El filibusterismo)Life as we have known it, by co-operative working womenThe Homeric hymns : a verse translationThe ever-present pastMaternity : letters from working-womenThe origin of the idea of chance in childrenGenetic epistemologyAmerican appeasement : United States foreign policy and Germany, 1933-1938The crossroad papers : a look into the American future
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