
Texts in theoretical computer science


Texts in theoretical computer science



Communication complexity and parallel computing外部サイトSpecification of systems and languages外部サイトExtremal combinatorics : with applications in computer science外部サイトComplexity theory and cryptology : an introduction to cryptocomplexity外部サイトParsing schemata : a framework for specification and analysis of parsing algorithms外部サイトThe complexity theory companion外部サイトGraphs and algorithms in communication networks : studies in broadband, optical, wireless and ad hoc networks外部サイトIntroduction to process algebra外部サイトInteractive theorem proving and program development : Coq'Art: the calculus of inductive constructions外部サイトElements of finite model theory外部サイトPublic-key cryptography外部サイトAlgorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics外部サイトInformation and randomness : an algorithmic perspective外部サイトTemporal logic and state systems外部サイトCommunication complexity and parallel computing外部サイトAlgorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics外部サイトUniversal artificial intelligence : sequential decisions based on algorithmic probability外部サイトIntroduction to circuit complexity : a uniform approach外部サイトUniversal artificial intelligence : sequential decisions based on algorithmic probability外部サイトThe parametric lambda calculus : a metamodel for computation外部サイトModels of computation外部サイトDNA computing : new computing paradigms外部サイトParameterized complexity theory外部サイトDecision procedures : an algorithmic point of view外部サイトStructural complexity I外部サイトDissemination of information in optical networks : from technology to algorithms in cooperation with Ralf Klasing外部サイトVerification of reactive systems : formal methods and algorithms外部サイトFinite model theory and its applications外部サイトIntroduction to concurrency theory : transition systems and CCS外部サイトBoolean functions and computation models外部サイトPublic-key cryptography外部サイトDesign and analysis of randomized algorithms : Introduction to Design Paradigms外部サイトDissemination of information in communication networks : broadcasting, gossiping, leader election, and fault-tolerance外部サイトAbstract computing machines : a lambda calculus perspective外部サイトThe resolution calculus外部サイトExact exponential algorithms外部サイトPetri net synthesis外部サイトParameterized complexity theory外部サイトComputable analysis : an introduction外部サイトParameterized complexity theory : with 51 figures外部サイトAlgorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics外部サイトTheoretical computer science : introduction to Automata, computability, complexity, algorithmics, randomization, communication, and cryptography外部サイトExtremal combinatorics : with applications in computer science外部サイトBoolean functions and computation models外部サイトThe complexity theory companion外部サイトDecision procedures : an algorithmic point of view外部サイトGrammatical picture generation : a tree-based approach外部サイトAbstraction and modelling外部サイトDomains, requirements, and software design外部サイトModels of massive parallelism : analysis of cellular automata and neural networks外部サイトElements of finite model theory外部サイトDesign and analysis of randomized algorithms : introduction to design paradigms外部サイトModelling distributed systems外部サイトDNA computing : new computing paradigms外部サイトA practical theory of reactive systems : incremental modeling of dynamic behaviors外部サイトIntroduction to process algebra外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Communication complexity and parallel computing
Specification of systems and languages
Extremal combinatorics : with applications in computer science
Complexity theory and cryptology : an introduction to cryptocomplexity
Parsing schemata : a framework for specification and analysis of parsing algorithms
The complexity theory companion
Graphs and algorithms in communication networks : studies in broadband, optical, wireless and ad hoc networks
Introduction to process algebra
Interactive theorem proving and program development : Coq'Art: the calculus of inductive constructions
Elements of finite model theory
Public-key cryptography
Algorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics
Information and randomness : an algorithmic perspective
Temporal logic and state systems
Communication complexity and parallel computing
Algorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics
Universal artificial intelligence : sequential decisions based on algorithmic probability
Introduction to circuit complexity : a uniform approach
Universal artificial intelligence : sequential decisions based on algorithmic probability
The parametric lambda calculus : a metamodel for computation
Models of computation
DNA computing : new computing paradigms
Parameterized complexity theory
Decision procedures : an algorithmic point of view
Structural complexity I
Dissemination of information in optical networks : from technology to algorithms in cooperation with Ralf Klasing
Verification of reactive systems : formal methods and algorithms
Finite model theory and its applications
Introduction to concurrency theory : transition systems and CCS
Boolean functions and computation models
Public-key cryptography
Design and analysis of randomized algorithms : Introduction to Design Paradigms
Dissemination of information in communication networks : broadcasting, gossiping, leader election, and fault-tolerance
Abstract computing machines : a lambda calculus perspective
The resolution calculus
Exact exponential algorithms
Petri net synthesis
Parameterized complexity theory
Computable analysis : an introduction
Parameterized complexity theory : with 51 figures
Algorithmics for hard problems : introduction to combinatorial optimization, randomization, approximation, and heuristics
Theoretical computer science : introduction to Automata, computability, complexity, algorithmics, randomization, communication, and cryptography
Extremal combinatorics : with applications in computer science
Boolean functions and computation models
The complexity theory companion
Decision procedures : an algorithmic point of view
Grammatical picture generation : a tree-based approach
Abstraction and modelling
Domains, requirements, and software design
Models of massive parallelism : analysis of cellular automata and neural networks
Elements of finite model theory
Design and analysis of randomized algorithms : introduction to design paradigms
Modelling distributed systems
DNA computing : new computing paradigms
A practical theory of reactive systems : incremental modeling of dynamic behaviors
Introduction to process algebra
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA24186461 : BA24186461