
DQR studies in literature


DQR studies in literature



Linguistics and the study of literature外部サイトMoments of moment : aspects of the literary epiphany外部サイトOriental prospects : western literature and the lure of the east外部サイトVictorian Keats and Romantic Carlyle : the fusions and confusions of Literary Periods外部サイトSub-versions : trans-national readings of modern Irish literature外部サイトSons of Ezra : British poets and Ezra Pound外部サイトTranslating Shakespeare for the twenty-first century外部サイトFranciscus Junius F.F. and his circle外部サイト"After thirty falls" : new essays on John Berryman外部サイトModelling the individual : biography and portrait in the Renaissance : with a critical edition of Petrarch's Letter to posterity外部サイトTropes of revolution : writer's reactions to real and imagined revolutions 1789-1989外部サイトRomantic women poets : genre and gender外部サイトThe body and the book : writings on poetry and sexuality外部サイトExplorations in the field of nonsense外部サイトIn black and gold : contiguous traditions in post-war British and Irish poetry外部サイトFabrics and fabrications : the myth and making of William and Mary外部サイトReading Laʒamon's Brut : approaches and explorations外部サイトContextualized stylistics : in honour of Peter Verdonk外部サイトThe challenge of Keats : bicentenary essays 1795-1995外部サイトBeyond Pug's tour : national and ethnic stereotyping in theory and literary practice外部サイトModernism revisited : transgressing boundaries and strategies of renewal in American poetry外部サイトGeorge Moore : across borders外部サイトDisclosing intertextualities : the stories, plays, and novels of Susan Glaspell外部サイトBeyond realism : experimental and unconventional Irish drama since the revival外部サイトCentennial hauntings : Pope, Byron and Eliot in the year 88外部サイト"A natural delineation of human passions" : the historic moment of lyrical ballads外部サイトApartheid narratives外部サイトTennessee Williams and Europe : Intercultural Encounters, Transatlantic Exchanges外部サイトMaking America/making American literature : Franklin to Cooper外部サイトBecoming visible : women's presence in late nineteenth-century America外部サイトThe star you steer by : Basil Bunting and British modernism外部サイトThe Great Emporium : the Low Countries as a cultural crossroads in the Renaissance and the eighteenth century外部サイトJames Fenimore Cooper : new historical and literary contexts外部サイト"And never know the joy" : sex and the erotic in English poetry外部サイトSomething understood : studies in Anglo-Dutch literary translation外部サイトA mighty mass of brick and smoke : Victorian and Edwardian representations of London外部サイトThe literary utopias of cultural communities, 1790-1910外部サイトBabylon or New Jerusalem? : perceptions of the city in literature外部サイトEthics and trauma in contemporary British fiction外部サイトBetween dream and nature : essays on Utopia and Dystopia外部サイトShort story theories : a twenty-first-century perspective外部サイトReclamations of Shakespeare外部サイトShades of empire : in colonial and post-colonial literatures外部サイトLiterature and the new interdisciplinarity : poetics, linguistics, history外部サイトExhibited by candlelight : sources and developments in the Gothic tradition外部サイトThe clash of Ireland : literary contrasts and connections外部サイトBeauty and the beast : Christina Rossetti, Walter Pater, R.L. Stevenson and their contemporaries外部サイトRevolutions & watersheds : transatlantic dialogues 1775-1815外部サイト"My rebellious and imperfect eye" : observing Geoffrey Grigson外部サイトTheatre west : image and impact外部サイトNew perspectives on Mary Elizabeth Braddon外部サイトEnglish literature and the other languages外部サイトSilence in modern Irish literature外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Linguistics and the study of literature
Moments of moment : aspects of the literary epiphany
Oriental prospects : western literature and the lure of the east
Victorian Keats and Romantic Carlyle : the fusions and confusions of Literary Periods
Sub-versions : trans-national readings of modern Irish literature
Sons of Ezra : British poets and Ezra Pound
Translating Shakespeare for the twenty-first century
Franciscus Junius F.F. and his circle
"After thirty falls" : new essays on John Berryman
Modelling the individual : biography and portrait in the Renaissance : with a critical edition of Petrarch's Letter to posterity
Tropes of revolution : writer's reactions to real and imagined revolutions 1789-1989
Romantic women poets : genre and gender
The body and the book : writings on poetry and sexuality
Explorations in the field of nonsense
In black and gold : contiguous traditions in post-war British and Irish poetry
Fabrics and fabrications : the myth and making of William and Mary
Reading Laʒamon's Brut : approaches and explorations
Contextualized stylistics : in honour of Peter Verdonk
The challenge of Keats : bicentenary essays 1795-1995
Beyond Pug's tour : national and ethnic stereotyping in theory and literary practice
Modernism revisited : transgressing boundaries and strategies of renewal in American poetry
George Moore : across borders
Disclosing intertextualities : the stories, plays, and novels of Susan Glaspell
Beyond realism : experimental and unconventional Irish drama since the revival
Centennial hauntings : Pope, Byron and Eliot in the year 88
"A natural delineation of human passions" : the historic moment of lyrical ballads
Apartheid narratives
Tennessee Williams and Europe : Intercultural Encounters, Transatlantic Exchanges
Making America/making American literature : Franklin to Cooper
Becoming visible : women's presence in late nineteenth-century America
The star you steer by : Basil Bunting and British modernism
The Great Emporium : the Low Countries as a cultural crossroads in the Renaissance and the eighteenth century
James Fenimore Cooper : new historical and literary contexts
"And never know the joy" : sex and the erotic in English poetry
Something understood : studies in Anglo-Dutch literary translation
A mighty mass of brick and smoke : Victorian and Edwardian representations of London
The literary utopias of cultural communities, 1790-1910
Babylon or New Jerusalem? : perceptions of the city in literature
Ethics and trauma in contemporary British fiction
Between dream and nature : essays on Utopia and Dystopia
Short story theories : a twenty-first-century perspective
Reclamations of Shakespeare
Shades of empire : in colonial and post-colonial literatures
Literature and the new interdisciplinarity : poetics, linguistics, history
Exhibited by candlelight : sources and developments in the Gothic tradition
The clash of Ireland : literary contrasts and connections
Beauty and the beast : Christina Rossetti, Walter Pater, R.L. Stevenson and their contemporaries
Revolutions & watersheds : transatlantic dialogues 1775-1815
"My rebellious and imperfect eye" : observing Geoffrey Grigson
Theatre west : image and impact
New perspectives on Mary Elizabeth Braddon
English literature and the other languages
Silence in modern Irish literature
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00915545 : BA00915545