
Brill's companions to the Christian tradition


Brill's companions to the Christian tradition

25 cm



"A series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1700""A series of handbooks and reference works on th...


A companion to Henry of Ghent外部サイトA companion to Marguerite de Navarre外部サイトA companion to medieval Christian humanism : essays on principal thinkers外部サイトA companion to the philosophy of Robert Kilwardby外部サイトA companion to priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe外部サイトA companion to the Abbey of Saint Victor in Paris外部サイトA companion to the Latin medieval commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics外部サイトA companion to Marie de France外部サイトA companion to St. Paul in the middle ages外部サイトBiblical humanism and scholasticism in the age of Erasmus外部サイトA companion to the great western schism (1378-1417)外部サイトA companion to the Reformation in Central Europe外部サイトA companion to Guillaume de Machaut外部サイトA companion to Bonaventure外部サイトThe rhetoric of Cicero in its medieval and early renaissance commentary tradition外部サイトA companion to astrology in the renaissance外部サイトA companion to the Swiss Reformation外部サイトTheological quodlibeta in the Middle Ages : the thirteenth century外部サイトA companion to Jan Hus外部サイトPromissory notes on the treasury of merits : indulgences in late medieval Europe外部サイトA companion to Alexander literature in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to Giles of Rome外部サイトA companion to early modern Catholic global missions外部サイトA companion to Richard Hooker外部サイトLutheran ecclesiastical culture, 1550-1675外部サイトTheological quodlibeta in the Middle Ages : the fourteenth century外部サイトA companion to Marsilius of Padua外部サイトA companion to Gregory the Great外部サイトA companion to mysticism and devotion in northern Germany in the late Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to Marguerite Porete and the Mirror of simple souls外部サイトThe origin, development, and refinement of medieval religious mendicancies外部サイトA companion to Hildegard of Bingen外部サイトA companion to twelfth-century schools外部サイトA companion to the Council of Basel外部サイトA companion to the Song of Songs in the history of spirituality外部サイトA companion to the eucharist in the Reformation外部サイトA companion to John of Salisbury外部サイトA companion to Ælfric外部サイトA companion to Walter Burley : late medieval logician and metaphysician外部サイトA companion to observant reform in the late Middle Ages and beyond外部サイトA companion to Meister Eckhart外部サイトA companion to multiconfessionalism in the early modern world外部サイトA companion to Hrotsvit of Gandersheim (fl. 960) : contextual and interpretive approaches外部サイトA companion to Catherine of Siena外部サイトA new history of penance外部サイトA companion to Ramon Llull and Lullism外部サイトA companion to Job in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to Anabaptism and spiritualism, 1521-1700外部サイトA companion to Luis de Molina外部サイトA companion to Paul in the Reformation外部サイトA companion to the medieval papacy : growth of an ideology and institution外部サイトA companion to John Wyclif : late medieval theologian外部サイトA companion to heresy inquisitions外部サイトA companion to reformed orthodoxy外部サイトA companion to Bernard of Clairvaux外部サイトA companion to James of Viterbo外部サイトA companion to responses to Ockham外部サイトA companion to Jean Gerson外部サイトA companion to Jesuit mysticism外部サイトA companion to Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167)外部サイトA companion to German pietism, 1660-1800外部サイトMedieval commentaries on Aristotle's Categories外部サイトA companion to Albert the Great : theology, philosophy, and the sciences外部サイトA companion to medieval and early modern confraternities外部サイトA companion to pastoral care in the late Middle Ages (1200-1500)外部サイトA companion to Boethius in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to angels in medieval philosophy外部サイトA Companion to Gregory of Tours外部サイトA companion to Peter Martyr Vermigli外部サイトA companion to Ignatius of Loyola : life, writings, spirituality, influence外部サイトA companion to Lollardy外部サイトA history of prayer : the first to the fifteenth century外部サイトA companion to Francisco Suárez外部サイトA companion to the Huguenots外部サイトA new companion to Hispanic mysticism外部サイトA companion to Juan Luis Vives外部サイトA companion to William of Saint-Thierry外部サイトA companion to the Eucharist in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to Isidore of Seville外部サイトA companion to the English Dominican Province : from its beginnings to the Reformation外部サイトA companion to the Reformation in Geneva外部サイトA companion to the Spanish scholastics外部サイトA companion to the Reformation in Scotland, ca.1525-1638 : frameworks of change and development外部サイトA companion to the Waldenses in the Middle Ages外部サイトA companion to medieval rules and customaries外部サイトA companion to John Scottus Eriugena外部サイトA companion to death, burial, and remembrance in late Medieval and early modern Europe c.1300-1700外部サイトA companion to Byzantine iconoclasm外部サイトA companion to Catholicism and recusancy in Britain and Ireland : from Reformation to emancipation外部サイトA companion to Richard FitzRalph : fourteenth-century scholar, archbishop, and polemicist外部サイトA companion to the Hussites外部サイトA Companion to the early modern cardinal外部サイト



  • A companion to Henry of Ghent

  • A companion to Marguerite de Navarre

  • A companion to medieval Christian humanism : essays on principal thinkers

  • A companion to the philosophy of Robert Kilwardby

  • A companion to priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages





  • CiNii Research

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25 cm
Brill's companions to the Christian tradition : a series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1700
Brill's companions to the Christian tradition : a series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1800
"A series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1700"
"A series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1800"--v. 80