- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者標目
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- 一般注記
- Editor: William Desmond; Quentin Lauer
- 関連情報
- Tragedy and comedy : a systematic study and a critique of HegelThe phenomenology of spirit reader : critical and interpretive essaysMetaphysics to metafictions : Hegel, Nietzsche, and the end of philosophyHegel and contemporary Continental philosophyHegel and the philosophy of natureSchelling and the end of idealismHegel and the symbolic mediation of spiritHegel's recollection : a study of images in the Phenomenology of spiritHegel and languageHegel's History of philosophy : new interpretationsHegel's theory of madnessBetween transcendence and historicism : the ethical nature of the arts in Hegelian aestheticsThe grounding of positive philosophy : the Berlin lecturesHegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and historyHegel and the other : a study of the phenomenology of spiritThe heterodox HegelPetrified intelligence : nature in Hegel's philosophyIntroduction to Hegel's philosophy of religionHegel's concept of GodThe politics of salvation : the Hegelian idea of the stateHegel's transcendental inductionLove and politics : re-interpreting HegelHegel on logic and religion : the reasonableness of ChristianityHegel and Whitehead : contemporary perspectives on systematic philosophyHegel, history, and interpretationHegel's quest for certaintyStylistics : rethinking the artforms after HegelDenial, negation, and the forces of the negative : Freud, Hegel, Lacan, Spitz, and SophoclesHegel's philosophy of spiritHegel's absolute : an introduction to reading the Phenomenology of spiritHegel and aestheticsArt and the absolute : a study of Hegel's aestheticsThe unconscious abyss : Hegel's anticipation of psychoanalysisThe potencies of God(s) : Schelling's philosophy of mythologyBruno or On the natural and the divine principle of thingsHegel's theory of imaginationThe Sunday of the negative : reading Bataille, reading HegelPhilosophy without foundations : rethinking HegelHegel, freedom, and modernityBeyond Hegel and dialectic : speculation, cult, and comedyHegel's phenomenology of self-consciousness : text and commentaryThe Christology of HegelHegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and historyBeing and dialectic : metaphysics and cultureBetween Kant and Hegel : texts in the development of post-Kantian idealismHistory and system : Hegel's philosophy of historyHegel and his critics : philosophy in the aftermath of HegelRecognition : Fichte and Hegel on the other
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research