
SUNY series in Hegelian studies


SUNY series in Hegelian studies

Desmond, Williamほか
State University of New York Press



Editor: William Desmond; Quentin Lauer


Tragedy and comedy : a systematic study and a critique of Hegel外部サイトThe phenomenology of spirit reader : critical and interpretive essays外部サイトMetaphysics to metafictions : Hegel, Nietzsche, and the end of philosophy外部サイトHegel and contemporary Continental philosophy外部サイトHegel and the philosophy of nature外部サイトSchelling and the end of idealism外部サイトHegel and the symbolic mediation of spirit外部サイトHegel's recollection : a study of images in the Phenomenology of spirit外部サイトHegel and language外部サイトHegel's History of philosophy : new interpretations外部サイトHegel's theory of madness外部サイトBetween transcendence and historicism : the ethical nature of the arts in Hegelian aesthetics外部サイトThe grounding of positive philosophy : the Berlin lectures外部サイトHegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and history外部サイトHegel and the other : a study of the phenomenology of spirit外部サイトThe heterodox Hegel外部サイトPetrified intelligence : nature in Hegel's philosophy外部サイトIntroduction to Hegel's philosophy of religion外部サイトHegel's concept of God外部サイトThe politics of salvation : the Hegelian idea of the state外部サイトHegel's transcendental induction外部サイトLove and politics : re-interpreting Hegel外部サイトHegel on logic and religion : the reasonableness of Christianity外部サイトHegel and Whitehead : contemporary perspectives on systematic philosophy外部サイトHegel, history, and interpretation外部サイトHegel's quest for certainty外部サイトStylistics : rethinking the artforms after Hegel外部サイトDenial, negation, and the forces of the negative : Freud, Hegel, Lacan, Spitz, and Sophocles外部サイトHegel's philosophy of spirit外部サイトHegel's absolute : an introduction to reading the Phenomenology of spirit外部サイトHegel and aesthetics外部サイトArt and the absolute : a study of Hegel's aesthetics外部サイトThe unconscious abyss : Hegel's anticipation of psychoanalysis外部サイトThe potencies of God(s) : Schelling's philosophy of mythology外部サイトBruno or On the natural and the divine principle of things外部サイトHegel's theory of imagination外部サイトThe Sunday of the negative : reading Bataille, reading Hegel外部サイトPhilosophy without foundations : rethinking Hegel外部サイトHegel, freedom, and modernity外部サイトBeyond Hegel and dialectic : speculation, cult, and comedy外部サイトHegel's phenomenology of self-consciousness : text and commentary外部サイトThe Christology of Hegel外部サイトHegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and history外部サイトBeing and dialectic : metaphysics and culture外部サイトBetween Kant and Hegel : texts in the development of post-Kantian idealism外部サイトHistory and system : Hegel's philosophy of history外部サイトHegel and his critics : philosophy in the aftermath of Hegel外部サイトRecognition : Fichte and Hegel on the other外部サイト






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Editor: William Desmond; Quentin Lauer
Tragedy and comedy : a systematic study and a critique of Hegel
The phenomenology of spirit reader : critical and interpretive essays
Metaphysics to metafictions : Hegel, Nietzsche, and the end of philosophy
Hegel and contemporary Continental philosophy
Hegel and the philosophy of nature
Schelling and the end of idealism
Hegel and the symbolic mediation of spirit
Hegel's recollection : a study of images in the Phenomenology of spirit
Hegel and language
Hegel's History of philosophy : new interpretations
Hegel's theory of madness
Between transcendence and historicism : the ethical nature of the arts in Hegelian aesthetics
The grounding of positive philosophy : the Berlin lectures
Hegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and history
Hegel and the other : a study of the phenomenology of spirit
The heterodox Hegel
Petrified intelligence : nature in Hegel's philosophy
Introduction to Hegel's philosophy of religion
Hegel's concept of God
The politics of salvation : the Hegelian idea of the state
Hegel's transcendental induction
Love and politics : re-interpreting Hegel
Hegel on logic and religion : the reasonableness of Christianity
Hegel and Whitehead : contemporary perspectives on systematic philosophy
Hegel, history, and interpretation
Hegel's quest for certainty
Stylistics : rethinking the artforms after Hegel
Denial, negation, and the forces of the negative : Freud, Hegel, Lacan, Spitz, and Sophocles
Hegel's philosophy of spirit
Hegel's absolute : an introduction to reading the Phenomenology of spirit
Hegel and aesthetics
Art and the absolute : a study of Hegel's aesthetics
The unconscious abyss : Hegel's anticipation of psychoanalysis
The potencies of God(s) : Schelling's philosophy of mythology
Bruno or On the natural and the divine principle of things
Hegel's theory of imagination
The Sunday of the negative : reading Bataille, reading Hegel
Philosophy without foundations : rethinking Hegel
Hegel, freedom, and modernity
Beyond Hegel and dialectic : speculation, cult, and comedy
Hegel's phenomenology of self-consciousness : text and commentary
The Christology of Hegel
Hegel's grand synthesis : a study of being, thought, and history
Being and dialectic : metaphysics and culture
Between Kant and Hegel : texts in the development of post-Kantian idealism
History and system : Hegel's philosophy of history
Hegel and his critics : philosophy in the aftermath of Hegel
Recognition : Fichte and Hegel on the other
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research