
Lexington books


Lexington books

D.C. Heath



Imprint varies: Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books


Economics in institutional perspective : memorial essays in honor of K. William Kapp外部サイトPacific partnership : United States-Japan trade : prospects and recommendations for the seventies外部サイトPerspectives on publishing外部サイト"Right development" : the Santi Asoke Buddhist reform movement of Thailand外部サイトSmall town police and the Supreme Court : hearing the word外部サイトHospital production : a linear programming model外部サイトU.S.-China relations in the twenty-first century : policies, prospects, and possibilities外部サイトToo little but not too late : federal aid to lagging areas外部サイトMission to Algiers : diplomacy by engagement外部サイトFinancial ratios and investment results : and the principle of strategy before selection in portfolio management外部サイトFundamentals of criminal justice research外部サイトCareers of the criminally insane : excessive social control of deviance外部サイトAdministrative issues in developing economies外部サイトWithin the market strife : American Catholic economic thought from Rerun Novarum to Vatican II外部サイトThe demand for state and local government employees : an economic analysis外部サイト1985 : interindustry forecasts of the American economy外部サイトPublication, teaching, and the academic reward structure外部サイトA theory of affiliation外部サイトOligopoly : an empirical approach外部サイトInflation and the structure of industrial prices外部サイトHealth economics in developing countries外部サイトSymbolic gestures and the generation of global social control : the International Criminal Court外部サイトNew directions in police personnel administration : lateral entry and transferability of retirement credits外部サイトMilitary aid and counterrevolution in the Third World外部サイトWestern coal : promise or problem外部サイトSoldiers, guerrillas, and politics in Colombia外部サイトSelf-mutilation外部サイトTwo democratic labor leaders in conflict : the Latin American revolution and the role of the workers外部サイトState-local tax equity : an empirical analysis of the fifty states外部サイトGroceries in the ghetto外部サイトLogistics management外部サイトCuban foreign policy : Caribbean tempest外部サイトResearch and revolution : science policy and societal change in China外部サイトCommunication and identity in the Diaspora : Turkish migrants in Amsterdam and their use of media外部サイトThe legends of Tono外部サイトOperations research in law enforcement, justice, and societal security外部サイトThe work of policy : an international survey外部サイトFreemasonry in context : history, ritual, controversy外部サイトConversations with Tocqueville : the global democratic revolution in the twenty-first century外部サイトDemographic differences in organizations : current research and future directions外部サイトThe economics of affirmative action外部サイトU.S. East-West trade policy : economic warfare versus economic welfare外部サイトEvaluating technological innovations : methods, expectations, and findings外部サイトSalary equity : detecting sex bias in salaries among college and university professors外部サイトThe sources of American student activism外部サイトFamilies and friends of men in prison : the uncertain relationship外部サイトPeople-processing : the street-level bureaucrat in public service bureaucracies外部サイトThe legal sources of public policy外部サイトWoman thinking : feminism and transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America外部サイトSudden infant death : enduring the loss外部サイトNational politics and sex discrimination in education外部サイトSociety as a department store : critical reflections on the liberal state外部サイトJustice and consequences外部サイトAbortion research : international experience外部サイトThe Border Industrialization Program of Mexico外部サイトThe political economy of college sports外部サイトBeyond self-interest : a personalist approach to human action外部サイトThe test of time : coping with legislative term limits外部サイトGoodbye to good-time Charlie : the American governor transformed, 1950-1975外部サイトCuban foreign policy and Chilean politics外部サイトThe enduring South : subcultural persistence in mass society外部サイトThreats to security in East Asia-Pacific : national and regional perspectives外部サイトTrade instability and economic development : an empirical study外部サイトCommunism in Indochina : new perspectives外部サイトWoman thinking : feminism and transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America外部サイトOligopoly : an empirical approach外部サイトIndustrial exodus from central city : public policy and the comparative costs of location外部サイトBeta coefficients and models of security return外部サイトThe paradox of fiscal austerity外部サイトIndia and China : retrospective views on development外部サイトSame-sex marriage in the United States : focus on the facts外部サイトBeyond the gateway : immigrants in a changing America外部サイトWomen's organizations' use of the courts外部サイトSamuel Wiseman's Book of record : the official account of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia外部サイトNeighborhood government : the local foundations of political life外部サイトThe visualization of climate外部サイトPacific Basin enterprise and the changing law of the sea外部サイトHousing rehabilitation costs外部サイトRevolutionary organization : institution-building within the People's Liberation Armed Forces外部サイトOne nation, so many governments外部サイトCitizen participation in America : essays on the state of the art外部サイトInnovation : the management connection外部サイトHuman nature and the discipline of economics : personalist anthropology and economic methodology外部サイトPacking them in : an archaeology of environmental racism in Chicago, 1865-1954外部サイトElectronic message transfer and its implications外部サイトGlobalization and change : the transformation of global capitalism外部サイトThe European Community in perspective : the new Europe, the United States, and the world外部サイトOur environment : the outlook for 1980外部サイトMarine policy for America : the United States at sea外部サイトChanging perspectives in East-West commerce外部サイトConsumer socialization : a life-cycle perspective外部サイトViolence and criminal justice外部サイトTourism in frontier areas外部サイトMinorities, gender, and work外部サイトThe first great political realist : Kautilya and his Arthashastra外部サイトNew directions for directors : behind the bylaws外部サイトFinancing the 1972 election外部サイトDemocratic deficit? : institutions and regulation in the European Union, Switzerland and the United States外部サイトPolicy studies and the social sciences外部サイトEconometric dimensions of energy demand and supply外部サイトIsrael's higher law : religion and liberal democracy in the Jewish state外部サイトSame-sex marriage in the United States : focus on the facts外部サイトQueer voices from Japan : first-person narratives from Japan's sexual minorities外部サイトEvaluating educational investment外部サイトTrading off environment, economics, and energy : EPA's strategic environmental assessment system外部サイトSouth Asian security after Afghanistan外部サイトThe multinational company : behavioral and managerial analyses外部サイトUsing social research in public policy making外部サイトFor the common defense外部サイトEconomic minorities in manpower development外部サイトThe United Nations and economic sanctions against Rhodesia外部サイトBureaucratic insurgency : the case of police unions外部サイトExpropriation politics外部サイトRoads to reconciliation外部サイトMixed enterprise : a developmental perspective外部サイトFiscal interactions in a metropolitan area外部サイトProposition 13 and land use : a case study of fiscal limits in California外部サイトThe concept of cruel and unusual punishment外部サイトThe free person and the free economy : a personalist view of market economics外部サイトEssays on population policy外部サイトFourth amendment rights外部サイトThe revolutionary potential of peasants in Latin America外部サイトPolice computer technology外部サイトXi Jinping, China, and the United States外部サイト






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Imprint varies: Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books
Economics in institutional perspective : memorial essays in honor of K. William Kapp
Pacific partnership : United States-Japan trade : prospects and recommendations for the seventies
Perspectives on publishing
"Right development" : the Santi Asoke Buddhist reform movement of Thailand
Small town police and the Supreme Court : hearing the word
Hospital production : a linear programming model
U.S.-China relations in the twenty-first century : policies, prospects, and possibilities
Too little but not too late : federal aid to lagging areas
Mission to Algiers : diplomacy by engagement
Financial ratios and investment results : and the principle of strategy before selection in portfolio management
Fundamentals of criminal justice research
Careers of the criminally insane : excessive social control of deviance
Administrative issues in developing economies
Within the market strife : American Catholic economic thought from Rerun Novarum to Vatican II
The demand for state and local government employees : an economic analysis
1985 : interindustry forecasts of the American economy
Publication, teaching, and the academic reward structure
A theory of affiliation
Oligopoly : an empirical approach
Inflation and the structure of industrial prices
Health economics in developing countries
Symbolic gestures and the generation of global social control : the International Criminal Court
New directions in police personnel administration : lateral entry and transferability of retirement credits
Military aid and counterrevolution in the Third World
Western coal : promise or problem
Soldiers, guerrillas, and politics in Colombia
Two democratic labor leaders in conflict : the Latin American revolution and the role of the workers
State-local tax equity : an empirical analysis of the fifty states
Groceries in the ghetto
Logistics management
Cuban foreign policy : Caribbean tempest
Research and revolution : science policy and societal change in China
Communication and identity in the Diaspora : Turkish migrants in Amsterdam and their use of media
The legends of Tono
Operations research in law enforcement, justice, and societal security
The work of policy : an international survey
Freemasonry in context : history, ritual, controversy
Conversations with Tocqueville : the global democratic revolution in the twenty-first century
Demographic differences in organizations : current research and future directions
The economics of affirmative action
U.S. East-West trade policy : economic warfare versus economic welfare
Evaluating technological innovations : methods, expectations, and findings
Salary equity : detecting sex bias in salaries among college and university professors
The sources of American student activism
Families and friends of men in prison : the uncertain relationship
People-processing : the street-level bureaucrat in public service bureaucracies
The legal sources of public policy
Woman thinking : feminism and transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America
Sudden infant death : enduring the loss
National politics and sex discrimination in education
Society as a department store : critical reflections on the liberal state
Justice and consequences
Abortion research : international experience
The Border Industrialization Program of Mexico
The political economy of college sports
Beyond self-interest : a personalist approach to human action
The test of time : coping with legislative term limits
Goodbye to good-time Charlie : the American governor transformed, 1950-1975
Cuban foreign policy and Chilean politics
The enduring South : subcultural persistence in mass society
Threats to security in East Asia-Pacific : national and regional perspectives
Trade instability and economic development : an empirical study
Communism in Indochina : new perspectives
Woman thinking : feminism and transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America
Oligopoly : an empirical approach
Industrial exodus from central city : public policy and the comparative costs of location
Beta coefficients and models of security return
The paradox of fiscal austerity
India and China : retrospective views on development
Same-sex marriage in the United States : focus on the facts
Beyond the gateway : immigrants in a changing America
Women's organizations' use of the courts
Samuel Wiseman's Book of record : the official account of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia
Neighborhood government : the local foundations of political life
The visualization of climate
Pacific Basin enterprise and the changing law of the sea
Housing rehabilitation costs
Revolutionary organization : institution-building within the People's Liberation Armed Forces
One nation, so many governments
Citizen participation in America : essays on the state of the art
Innovation : the management connection
Human nature and the discipline of economics : personalist anthropology and economic methodology
Packing them in : an archaeology of environmental racism in Chicago, 1865-1954
Electronic message transfer and its implications
Globalization and change : the transformation of global capitalism
The European Community in perspective : the new Europe, the United States, and the world
Our environment : the outlook for 1980
Marine policy for America : the United States at sea
Changing perspectives in East-West commerce
Consumer socialization : a life-cycle perspective
Violence and criminal justice
Tourism in frontier areas
Minorities, gender, and work
The first great political realist : Kautilya and his Arthashastra
New directions for directors : behind the bylaws
Financing the 1972 election
Democratic deficit? : institutions and regulation in the European Union, Switzerland and the United States
Policy studies and the social sciences
Econometric dimensions of energy demand and supply
Israel's higher law : religion and liberal democracy in the Jewish state
Same-sex marriage in the United States : focus on the facts
Queer voices from Japan : first-person narratives from Japan's sexual minorities
Evaluating educational investment
Trading off environment, economics, and energy : EPA's strategic environmental assessment system
South Asian security after Afghanistan
The multinational company : behavioral and managerial analyses
Using social research in public policy making
For the common defense
Economic minorities in manpower development
The United Nations and economic sanctions against Rhodesia
Bureaucratic insurgency : the case of police unions
Expropriation politics
Roads to reconciliation
Mixed enterprise : a developmental perspective
Fiscal interactions in a metropolitan area
Proposition 13 and land use : a case study of fiscal limits in California
The concept of cruel and unusual punishment
The free person and the free economy : a personalist view of market economics
Essays on population policy
Fourth amendment rights
The revolutionary potential of peasants in Latin America
Police computer technology
Xi Jinping, China, and the United States
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books