
Energy science, engineering and technology


Energy science, engineering and technology

Nova Science Publishers



Other publisher: Novinka


Wind power market and economic trends外部サイトNuclear energy : research, development and new technologies roadmap外部サイトNatural gas and electricity : a primer on energy markets外部サイトGeothermal energy : the resource under our feet外部サイトAnaerobic digestion for energy generation and greenhouse gas reduction外部サイトUnconventional oil and natural gas : emerging resources & select environmental issues外部サイトFossil fuels : competition and elasticities外部サイトEnergy resources : development, distribution and exploitation外部サイトBiofuels from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis外部サイトNuclear power : current and future role in the world electricity generation外部サイトProducing oil and natural gas from shale : economic and budgetary effects外部サイトExploring renewable and alternative energy use in India外部サイトBiodiesel fuels reexamined外部サイトEffects and challenges of increased biofuel production and use外部サイトEnergy, environment and economics research compendium外部サイトHydraulic fracturing and shale gas production : issues, proposals and recommendations外部サイトThe bakken formation as an oil resource外部サイトBiofuels, biorefinery and renewable energy : issues and developments外部サイトHydrogen storage : preparation, applications and technology外部サイトDams, drought and energy-water interdependencies外部サイトMobile homes : energy assistance and efficiency issues外部サイトFuel cell efficiency外部サイトA solar car primer外部サイトRenewable electricity generation : resources, standards, challenges外部サイトBiofuels and the environment : impact assessments and mitigation opportunities外部サイトBiofuels in the United States : developments and trends外部サイトMicroalgae for biofuel production and CO[2] sequestration外部サイトEnergy demands on water resources : analysis of competitive concerns外部サイトUnconventional oil and shale gas : growth, extraction, and water management issues外部サイトFaces of Alaska : land cover, renewable energy, and natural gas issues外部サイトRenewable energy : economics, emerging technologies and global practices外部サイトEnergy and environment nowadays外部サイトNatural gas and petroleum : production strategies, environmental implications, and future challenges外部サイトNuclear waste : disposal and liability issues外部サイトShale gas development外部サイトActions for transforming the U.S. energy economy外部サイトCoalbed natural gas : energy and environment外部サイトSolar energy markets : industry, installation, labor and technology trends外部サイトSmart grids : emerging technologies, challenges and future directions外部サイトEnergy in Latin America and the Caribbean : the current and future role of renewable and nuclear energy sources in the regional electricity generation外部サイトThin film solar cells : current status and future trends外部サイトAdvances in energy research : distributed generations systems integrating renewable energy resources外部サイトCarbon Capture Beyond 2020 : Basic Research Needs外部サイトBiogas : production, consumption, and applications外部サイトThe Marcellus Shale gas resource : development and water issues外部サイトDye-sensitized solar cells and solar cell performance外部サイトPower systems applications of graph theory外部サイトIdentifying new science for tommorrow's [i.e. tomorrow's] energy needs外部サイトCoal extraction外部サイトBiofuel lifecycle issues and research外部サイトUnited States nuclear waste : critical management strategies and future needs外部サイトNatural gas in the United States : status and opportunities外部サイトCool power : natural ventilation systems in historic buildings外部サイトSolar power, renewable portfolio standards and solar renewable energy certificates外部サイトEnergy costs, international developments and new directions外部サイトBiofuels : developments and issues外部サイトThe consumer component in renewable energy use : select research外部サイトArctic oil and gas : development and concerns外部サイトIndian energy resources : analyses of development issues and renewables potential外部サイトAdvanced materials and systems for energy conversion : fundamentals and applications外部サイトLithium-ion batteries : materials, applications and technology外部サイトUnconventional oil and gas development : environmental and public health requirements, risks and size of shale resources外部サイトFocus on energy management外部サイトHandbook of sustainable energy外部サイトThe financial cost of wind energy : a multi-national case study外部サイトThe clean energy standard act : policy proposal and impacts外部サイトNuclear reactor history and fuel cycle management proposals外部サイトArtificial photosynthesis : from materials to devices外部サイト






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Energy science, engineering and technology series
Other publisher: Novinka
Wind power market and economic trends
Nuclear energy : research, development and new technologies roadmap
Natural gas and electricity : a primer on energy markets
Geothermal energy : the resource under our feet
Anaerobic digestion for energy generation and greenhouse gas reduction
Unconventional oil and natural gas : emerging resources & select environmental issues
Fossil fuels : competition and elasticities
Energy resources : development, distribution and exploitation
Biofuels from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Nuclear power : current and future role in the world electricity generation
Producing oil and natural gas from shale : economic and budgetary effects
Exploring renewable and alternative energy use in India
Biodiesel fuels reexamined
Effects and challenges of increased biofuel production and use
Energy, environment and economics research compendium
Hydraulic fracturing and shale gas production : issues, proposals and recommendations
The bakken formation as an oil resource
Biofuels, biorefinery and renewable energy : issues and developments
Hydrogen storage : preparation, applications and technology
Dams, drought and energy-water interdependencies
Mobile homes : energy assistance and efficiency issues
Fuel cell efficiency
A solar car primer
Renewable electricity generation : resources, standards, challenges
Biofuels and the environment : impact assessments and mitigation opportunities
Biofuels in the United States : developments and trends
Microalgae for biofuel production and CO[2] sequestration
Energy demands on water resources : analysis of competitive concerns
Unconventional oil and shale gas : growth, extraction, and water management issues
Faces of Alaska : land cover, renewable energy, and natural gas issues
Renewable energy : economics, emerging technologies and global practices
Energy and environment nowadays
Natural gas and petroleum : production strategies, environmental implications, and future challenges
Nuclear waste : disposal and liability issues
Shale gas development
Actions for transforming the U.S. energy economy
Coalbed natural gas : energy and environment
Solar energy markets : industry, installation, labor and technology trends
Smart grids : emerging technologies, challenges and future directions
Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean : the current and future role of renewable and nuclear energy sources in the regional electricity generation
Thin film solar cells : current status and future trends
Advances in energy research : distributed generations systems integrating renewable energy resources
Carbon Capture Beyond 2020 : Basic Research Needs
Biogas : production, consumption, and applications
The Marcellus Shale gas resource : development and water issues
Dye-sensitized solar cells and solar cell performance
Power systems applications of graph theory
Identifying new science for tommorrow's [i.e. tomorrow's] energy needs
Coal extraction
Biofuel lifecycle issues and research
United States nuclear waste : critical management strategies and future needs
Natural gas in the United States : status and opportunities
Cool power : natural ventilation systems in historic buildings
Solar power, renewable portfolio standards and solar renewable energy certificates
Energy costs, international developments and new directions
Biofuels : developments and issues
The consumer component in renewable energy use : select research
Arctic oil and gas : development and concerns
Indian energy resources : analyses of development issues and renewables potential
Advanced materials and systems for energy conversion : fundamentals and applications
Lithium-ion batteries : materials, applications and technology
Unconventional oil and gas development : environmental and public health requirements, risks and size of shale resources
Focus on energy management
Handbook of sustainable energy
The financial cost of wind energy : a multi-national case study
The clean energy standard act : policy proposal and impacts
Nuclear reactor history and fuel cycle management proposals
Artificial photosynthesis : from materials to devices
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research