
Studies in crime and public policy


Studies in crime and public policy

Oxford University Press



General editors Michael Tonry and Norval Morris


Making crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics外部サイトChinatown gangs : extortion, enterprise, and ethnicity外部サイトBad kids : race and the transformation of the juvenile court外部サイトThinking about crime : sense and sensibility in American penal culture外部サイトChanging the guard : developing democratic police abroad外部サイトWhen prisoners come home : parole and prisoner reentry外部サイトSentencing matters外部サイトSaving children from a life of crime : early risk factors and effective interventions外部サイトJuvenile justice in the making外部サイトCrime is not the problem : lethal violence in America外部サイトImprisoning communities : how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse外部サイトAmerican youth violence外部サイトMaconochie's gentlemen : the story of Norfolk Island & the roots of modern prison reform外部サイトGun violence : the real costs外部サイトPenal populism and public opinion : lessons from five countries外部サイトCommunity policing, Chicago style外部サイトGoverning through crime : how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear外部サイトSentencing matters外部サイトSaving children from a life of crime : early risk factors and effective interventions外部サイトResponding to troubled youth外部サイトThe great American crime decline外部サイトIncapacitation : penal confinement and the restraint of crime外部サイトThe great American crime decline外部サイトPunishment, communication, and community外部サイトPolicing problem places : crime hot spots and effective prevention外部サイトThinking about crime : sense and sensibility in American penal culture外部サイトBanished : the new social control in urban America外部サイトChildren of the prison boom : mass incarceration and the future of American inequality外部サイトThe politics of imprisonment : how the democratic process shapes the way America punishes offenders外部サイトThe toughest beat : politics, punishment, and the Prison Officers Union in California外部サイトThe city that became safe : New York's lessons for urban crime and its control外部サイトCan gun control work?外部サイトThe contradictions of American capital punishment外部サイトPunishing race : a continuing American dilemma外部サイトThe habits of legality : criminal justice and the rule of law外部サイトStreet gang patterns and policies外部サイトThe city that became safe : New York's lessons for urban crime and its control外部サイトCommunity policing, Chicago style外部サイトThe world heroin market : can supply be cut?外部サイトPolice and community in Chicago : a tale of three cities外部サイトHate crimes : criminal law & identity politics外部サイトRestorative justice & responsive regulation外部サイトLiving in infamy : felon disfranchisement and the history of American citizenship外部サイトHate crimes : criminal law & identity politics外部サイトLocked out : felon disenfranchisement and American democracy外部サイトFallen blue knights : controlling police corruption外部サイトSentencing fragments : penal reform in America, 1975-2025外部サイトThe next frontier : national development, political change, and the death penalty in Asia外部サイトImprisoning communities : how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse外部サイトMaking crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics外部サイトWhen prisoners come home : parole and prisoner reentry外部サイトChinatown gangs : extortion, enterprise, and ethnicity外部サイトPolitics, punishment, and populism外部サイトMaconochie's gentlemen : the story of Norfolk Island & the roots of modern prison reform外部サイトThe contradictions of American capital punishment外部サイトMaking crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics外部サイトCan gun control work?外部サイトPolice for the future外部サイトMaking public places safer : surveillance and crime prevention外部サイトMafia brotherhoods : organized crime, Italian style外部サイトThe American street gang : its nature, prevalence, and control外部サイトPolice for the future外部サイトIncapacitation : penal confinement and the restraint of crime外部サイトPunishment, communication, and community外部サイトThe American street gang : its nature, prevalence, and control外部サイトPunishment and democracy : three strikes and you're out in California外部サイトOf one-eyed and toothless miscreants : making the punishment fit the crime?外部サイトGoverning through crime : how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear外部サイトEnding mass incarceration : why it persists and how to achieve meaningful reform外部サイトThe partisan politics of law and order外部サイトDoing justice, preventing crime外部サイトPrisons and health in the age of mass incarceration外部サイト






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General editors Michael Tonry and Norval Morris
Making crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics
Chinatown gangs : extortion, enterprise, and ethnicity
Bad kids : race and the transformation of the juvenile court
Thinking about crime : sense and sensibility in American penal culture
Changing the guard : developing democratic police abroad
When prisoners come home : parole and prisoner reentry
Sentencing matters
Saving children from a life of crime : early risk factors and effective interventions
Juvenile justice in the making
Crime is not the problem : lethal violence in America
Imprisoning communities : how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse
American youth violence
Maconochie's gentlemen : the story of Norfolk Island & the roots of modern prison reform
Gun violence : the real costs
Penal populism and public opinion : lessons from five countries
Community policing, Chicago style
Governing through crime : how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear
Sentencing matters
Saving children from a life of crime : early risk factors and effective interventions
Responding to troubled youth
The great American crime decline
Incapacitation : penal confinement and the restraint of crime
The great American crime decline
Punishment, communication, and community
Policing problem places : crime hot spots and effective prevention
Thinking about crime : sense and sensibility in American penal culture
Banished : the new social control in urban America
Children of the prison boom : mass incarceration and the future of American inequality
The politics of imprisonment : how the democratic process shapes the way America punishes offenders
The toughest beat : politics, punishment, and the Prison Officers Union in California
The city that became safe : New York's lessons for urban crime and its control
Can gun control work?
The contradictions of American capital punishment
Punishing race : a continuing American dilemma
The habits of legality : criminal justice and the rule of law
Street gang patterns and policies
The city that became safe : New York's lessons for urban crime and its control
Community policing, Chicago style
The world heroin market : can supply be cut?
Police and community in Chicago : a tale of three cities
Hate crimes : criminal law & identity politics
Restorative justice & responsive regulation
Living in infamy : felon disfranchisement and the history of American citizenship
Hate crimes : criminal law & identity politics
Locked out : felon disenfranchisement and American democracy
Fallen blue knights : controlling police corruption
Sentencing fragments : penal reform in America, 1975-2025
The next frontier : national development, political change, and the death penalty in Asia
Imprisoning communities : how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse
Making crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics
When prisoners come home : parole and prisoner reentry
Chinatown gangs : extortion, enterprise, and ethnicity
Politics, punishment, and populism
Maconochie's gentlemen : the story of Norfolk Island & the roots of modern prison reform
The contradictions of American capital punishment
Making crime pay : law and order in contemporary American politics
Can gun control work?
Police for the future
Making public places safer : surveillance and crime prevention
Mafia brotherhoods : organized crime, Italian style
The American street gang : its nature, prevalence, and control
Police for the future
Incapacitation : penal confinement and the restraint of crime
Punishment, communication, and community
The American street gang : its nature, prevalence, and control
Punishment and democracy : three strikes and you're out in California
Of one-eyed and toothless miscreants : making the punishment fit the crime?
Governing through crime : how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear
Ending mass incarceration : why it persists and how to achieve meaningful reform
The partisan politics of law and order
Doing justice, preventing crime
Prisons and health in the age of mass incarceration
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books