



U. S. Department of Agriculture
Government Printing Office


The world's markets for American products : the German Empire外部サイトDistriution of the classes and varieties of wheat in the United States外部サイトUnit requirements for producing market milk in Delaware外部サイトHighway bonds : a compilation of data and an analysis of economic features affecting construction and maintenance of highways financed by bond issues, and the theory of highway bond calculations外部サイトSmall sawmills : their equipment, construction, and operation外部サイトThe business of ten dairy farms in the bluegrass region of Kentucky外部サイトFarm management and farm profits on irrigated land in the Provo area (Utah Lake Valley)外部サイトCooperative organization by-laws外部サイトA system of bookkeeping for grain elevators外部サイトMethods of conducting cost of production and farm organization studies外部サイトFurther investigations of the parasites of Popillia japonica in the Far East外部サイトExcavating machinery used in land drainage外部サイトStandard forms for specifications, tests, reports, and methods of sampling for word materials外部サイトA study of cotton market conditions in North Carolina with a view to their improvement外部サイトTests of the absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine外部サイトSugar pine外部サイトA system of accounting for cotton ginneries外部サイトManual of design and installation of Forest service water spray dry kiln外部サイトSugar pine and Western Yellow Pine in California外部サイトLabor and material requirements of field crops外部サイトThe present status of the pasteurization of milk外部サイトClimate and plant growth in certain vegetative associations.外部サイトUtilization of Pima cotton外部サイトThe Mexican cotton boll weevil外部サイトThe theory of correlation as applied to farm-survey data on fattening baby beef外部サイトGround-wood pulp外部サイトShortleaf pine : its economic importance and forest management外部サイトFarm management practice of Chester County, Pa外部サイトThe fig moth外部サイトProfitable management of general farms in the Willamette Valley, Oregon外部サイトThe relation of land tenure to the use of the arid grazing lands of the southwestern states外部サイトSales methods and policies of a growers' national marketing agency : a study of the organization and achievements of twenty-six years of cooperative marketing by part of the cranberry growers of the United States外部サイトUtilization of basswood外部サイトFarm practice in the production of hay in Steuben County, N.Y., and Washington County, Pa. : a detailed study of the amount of labor required per acre and per ton for each operation, and the machinery charges per acre and per ton外部サイトHarvest labor problems in the wheat belt外部サイトPublic road mileage and revenues in the Middle Atlantic States, 1914外部サイトFarm management in the Ozark region of Missouri : a study of the organization and operation of a number of representative farms外部サイトConstruction and fire protection of cotton warehouses外部サイトThe broad-bean weevil外部サイトForest preservation and national prosperity : Portions of addresses delivered at the American Forest Congress, Washington, January 2 to 6, 1905, by President Roosevelt, Ambassador Jusserand, Secretary Wilson and others外部サイトThe flow of water in concrete pipe外部サイトCopper as an algicide and disinfectant in water supplies外部サイトHighway cost keeping外部サイトInformation concerning the North American fever tick : with notes on other species外部サイトProduction of sugar in the United States and foreign countries外部サイトGeographical phases of farm prices : corn外部サイトMushrooms and other common fungi外部サイトValue to farm families of food, fuel, and use of house外部サイトDisadvantages of selling cotton in the seed外部サイトFarm practice in growing sugar beets in Michigan and Ohio外部サイトThe influence of environment upon the composition of the sugar beet, 1903外部サイトForestation of the sand hills of Nebraska and Kansas外部サイトA first report on the relations between climates and crops外部サイトA system of accounts for cotton warehouses外部サイトThe beet-sugar industry in the United States外部サイトEndothia parasitica and related species外部サイトCrop insurance : risks, losses, and principles of protection外部サイトMarketing grain at country points外部サイトCotton warehouses : storage facilities now available in the south外部サイトOcean freight rates and the conditions affecting them外部サイトVarieties of cheese ; descriptions and analyses外部サイトThe use of wood for fuel外部サイトSome factors in the natural control of the Mexican cotton boll weevil外部サイトThe genera of grasses of the United States, with special reference to the economic species外部サイトThe California vine disease : a preliminary report of investigations外部サイトA classification of ledger accounts for creameries外部サイトMechanical properties of woods grown in the United States外部サイトThe results of physical tests of road-building rock外部サイトSpinning tests of upland long-staple cottons外部サイトFarm organization in the irrigated valleys of southern Arizona外部サイトThe organization and management of farms in north-western Pennsylvania : an analysis of the business of 422 farms in the vicinity of Grove city, Pa.外部サイトA study in the cost of producing milk on four dairy farms, located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina外部サイトStrength tests of structural timbers treated by commercial wood-preserving processes外部サイトForestry and community development外部サイトThe distillation of stumpwood and logging waste of western yellow pine外部サイトRequirements and cost of producing market milk in Northwestern Indiana外部サイトCost of producing apples in Yakima valley, Washington外部サイトThe market milk business of Detroit, Mich., in 1915外部サイトNomenclature of the apple : A catalogue of the known varieties referred to in American publications from 1804 to 1904外部サイトCorn, yields per acre and prices, by States, 50 years 1866-1915外部サイトReforestation on the national forests外部サイトMoisture content and physical condition of soils外部サイトCost of producing apples in five counties in western New York, 1910-1915外部サイトOutlets and methods of sale for shippers of fruits and vegetables外部サイトThe European pine-shoot moth : a serious menace to pine timber in America外部サイトThe western farmer's water right外部サイトHail insurance on farm crops in the United States外部サイトAn economic study of small farms near Washington, D. C外部サイトInheritance of waxy endosperm in maize外部サイトBirds that eat the cotton boll weevil外部サイトThe national influence of a single farm community外部サイトA system of accounts for farmers' cooperative elevators外部サイトBank loans to farmers on personal and collateral security外部サイトThe wilting coefficient for different plants and its indirect determination外部サイトThe castor-oil industry外部サイトThe manufacture of ethyl alcohol from wood waste外部サイトBouillon cubes : their contents and food value compared with meat extracts and home-made preparations of meat外部サイトAccounting records for country creameries外部サイトMarketing hay through terminal markets外部サイトThe gipsy moth in woods . Management of typical woodlots infested with the gipsy moth in the white-pine region外部サイトExports of farm products from the United States, 1851-1908外部サイトThe marketing of mill feeds外部サイトControl of the Argentine ant in California citrus orchards外部サイトCold storage and prices外部サイトPrevailing plans and practices among farmers' mutual fire insurance companies外部サイトDecays and discolorations in airplane woods外部サイトThe manufacture of acid phosphate外部サイトThe chemical composition of American food materials外部サイトUnit requirements for producing milk in western Washington外部サイトPasture land on farms in the United States外部サイトFarm practice in growing field crops in three sugarbeet districts of Colorado外部サイトA study of heart-rot in western Hemlock外部サイトA survey of typical cooperative stores in the United States外部サイトThe standard day's work in central Illinois : performance of implements and crews as indicated by reports from 600 farms in a typical corn-belt area外部サイトFarm management and farm organization in Sumter county Georgia : an analysis of the business of 534 farms in 1913, and 550 farms in 1918外部サイトMarketing practices of Wisconsin and Minnesota creameries外部サイトThe relation of cotton buying to cotton growing外部サイトA list of insects affecting stored cereals ; The Mexican grain beetle ; The Siamese grain beetle外部サイトFarm profits--figures from the same farms for a series of years外部サイトMarketing and distribution of strawberries in 1915外部サイトA system of records for local farmers' mutual fire insurance companies外部サイトAbstract of the laws of the several states and territories on irrigation and water rights外部サイトThe red spruce: its growth and management外部サイトFactors of successful farming near Monett, Mo.外部サイトThe northern hardwood forest : its composition, growth, and management外部サイトA farm management study of cotton farms of Ellis County, Texas : a statistical study of the investment in land and equipment, cost of operation and of production of crops, and income from different types of tenure in 1914外部サイトMarketing eastern grapes外部サイトNursery practice on the national forests外部サイトThe genera of grasses of the United States, with special reference to the economic species外部サイトThe structure and development of crown gall : a plant cancer外部サイトRecent studies of the Mexican cotton boll weevil外部サイトThe Zimmerman pine moth外部サイトThe pea aphis with relation to forage crops外部サイトRail shipments and distribution of fresh tomatoes, 1914外部サイトMethods of wholesale distribution of fruits and vegetables on large markets外部サイトCold-storage business features : reports of warehouses外部サイトNomenclature of the pear : A catalogue-index of the known varieties referred to in American publications from 1804 to 1907外部サイトManufacturing tests of the official cotton standards for grade外部サイトCost of production of apples in the Payette Valley, Idaho外部サイトDietary studies in New Mexico in 1895外部サイトRussia's wheat trade外部サイトCarrying capacity of grazing ranges in southern Arizona外部サイトOpen types of public markets外部サイトFactors affecting interest rates and other charges on short-time farm loans by C. W. Thompson外部サイトCooperative purchasing and marketing organizations among farmers in the United States外部サイトTypical Specifications For Nonbituminous Road Materials外部サイトGeography of wheat prices外部サイトStandards of labor on the hill farms of Louisiana外部サイトKiln drying handbook外部サイトA system of accounts for primary grain elevators外部サイトThe cost of producing apples in western Colorado外部サイトUnit requirements for producing market milk in southeastern Louisiana外部サイトReports of storage holdings of certain food products外部サイトIrrigation of rice in the United States外部サイトCost of producing wheat : on 481 farms in the states of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri, for the crop year 1919外部サイトRelative resistance of various hard-woods to injection with creosote外部サイトA five-year farm management survey in Palmer township Washington county, Ohio, 1912-1916外部サイトWheat, yields per acre and prices,by States, 50 years, 1866-1915外部サイトBuying farms with land-bank loans : a study based on the experience of 2,700 farmers who have borrouwed money through Federal Farm Loan Banks外部サイトFarm practice in growing sugar beets in three California districts外部サイトLease contracts used in renting farms on shares : a study of the distribution of investments, expenses and incomes between landlord and tenant外部サイトA study of farming in southwestern Kentucky外部サイトThe Sequoia pitch moth : a menace to pine in western Montana by Josef Brunner外部サイトStudies of primary cotton market conditions in Oklahoma外部サイトLumbering in the sugar and yellow pine region of California外部サイトPatronage dividends in cooperative grain companies外部サイトA study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill.外部サイトA farm-management survey in Brooks county, Georgia外部サイトSome miscellaneous results of the work of the Division of Entomology外部サイトUnit requirements for producing market milk in Vermont外部サイトProducers' cooperative milk-distributing plants外部サイトFarm mortgage loans by banks, insurance companies, and other agencies外部サイトPortland cement concrete pavements for county roads外部サイトThe normal day's work of farm implements, workmen, and crews in western New York外部サイトCar-lot shipments of fruits and vegetables in the United States in 1916外部サイトCone beetles : injury to sugar pine and western yellow pine外部サイトA system of accounts for live-stock shipping associations外部サイトA study of farm management problems in Lenawee county, Michigan by H. M. Dixon and J. A. Drake外部サイトInsect damage to the cones and seeds of Pacific coast conifers外部サイトOrnamental cacti : their culture and decorative value外部サイトThe production of sulphuric acid and a proposed new method of manufacture外部サイトImports of farm products into the United States, 1851-1908外部サイトCost of producing sugar beets in Utah and Idaho, 1918-1919外部サイトUtilization of black walnut外部サイトCitrus-fruit improvement a study of bud variation in the valencia orange外部サイトComposition of cotton seed外部サイトDispersion of gipsy-moth larvæ by the wind外部サイトOrchard fruits in the Piemont and Blue Ridge regions of Virginia and the South Atlantic States外部サイトCrossties purchased and treated in 1915外部サイトThe cost of producing apples in Wenatchee Valley, Washington外部サイトFurther experiments in the destruction of fly larvae in horse manure外部サイトA sealed paper carton to protect cereals from insect attack外部サイトDrainage methods and foundations for county roads外部サイトMarketing hay at country points外部サイトA study of haymaking crews and labor costs外部サイトUtilization of sycamore外部サイトRent contracts in typical counties of the wheat belt外部サイトPortland cement concrete roads外部サイトQuality and value of important types of peat material : a classification of peat based upon its botanical composition and physical and chemical characteristics外部サイトThe cost and utilization of power on farms where tractors are owned : 286 farms - Ohio, Indiana, Illinois - 1920外部サイトGeographical phases of farm prices : oats外部サイトAccounting records for sampling apples by weight外部サイトUtilization of elm外部サイトThe broad-nosed grain weevil ; The long-headed flour beetle外部サイトSystems of renting truck farms in southwestern New Jersey外部サイトThe cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses外部サイトPoles purchased, 1915外部サイトMileage and cost of public roads in the United States in 1909外部サイトCosts and sources of farm-mortgage loans in the United States外部サイトReport on experimental convict road camp fulton county, GA.外部サイトLogging in the Douglas fir region外部サイトThe huisache girdler外部サイトThe flow of water in drain tile外部サイトFalse blossom of the cultivated cranberry外部サイトFarm practices in grain farming in North Dakota外部サイトSterilities of wild and cultivated potatoes with reference to breeding from seed外部サイトWhite pine under forest management外部サイトForest conservation for states in the southern pine region外部サイトRelation of production to income from dairy cows外部サイトA system of accounting for fruit shipping organizations外部サイトThe cost of producing apples in Hood River Valley外部サイトShrinkage of soft pork under commercial conditions外部サイトA farm-management study in Anderson County, South Carolina外部サイトThe agricultural experiment stations in the United States外部サイトCost of harvesting wheat by different methods外部サイトThe cypress and juniper trees of the Rocky Mountain region外部サイトExperience of eastern farmers with motor trucks : an analysis of 753 reports from farmer truck-owners外部サイトTypical Specifications for Bituminous Road Materials.外部サイトApple market investigations, 1914-15外部サイトCotton warehouse construction外部サイトSpinning tests of cotton compressed to different densities外部サイトLong-range weather forecasts外部サイトHistorical notes on the causes of bee diseases外部サイトOur foreign trade in farm and forest products外部サイトHandbook of foreign agricultural statistics外部サイトTurpentine : its sources, properties, uses, transportation, and marketing, with recommended specifications外部サイトSeasonal distribution of farm labor in Chester County, Pa.外部サイトA study of the tenant systems of farming in the Yazoo-Mississippi delta外部サイトReport on bird migration in the Mississippi Valley in the years 1884 and 1885外部サイトMarketing creamery butter外部サイトThe mulberry and other silkworm food plants外部サイトNew facts concerning the white-pine blister rust外部サイトThe hawks and owls of the United States in their relation to agriculture外部サイトThe black fly of citrus and other subtropical plants外部サイトThe expansion and contraction of concrete and concrete roads外部サイトMethods for the examination of bituminous road materials外部サイトFarm and terminal market prices: wheat, corn, and oats : crop movement year 1920-21外部サイトMarketing and distribution of western muskmelons in 1915外部サイトA study of prices and quality of creamery butter外部サイトWood pipe for conveying water for irrigation外部サイトStandard and tentative methods of sampling and testing highway materials外部サイトCollection of weevils and infested squares as a means of control of the cotton boll weevil in the Mississippi delta外部サイトNotes on the preoviposition period of the house fly, musca domedtica L.外部サイトThe carosoma beetle (carosoma sycophanta) in New England外部サイトTrue mahogany外部サイト






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U. S. Department of Agriculture
Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture bulletin
U.S.D.A. bulletin
The world's markets for American products : the German Empire
Distriution of the classes and varieties of wheat in the United States
Unit requirements for producing market milk in Delaware
Highway bonds : a compilation of data and an analysis of economic features affecting construction and maintenance of highways financed by bond issues, and the theory of highway bond calculations
Small sawmills : their equipment, construction, and operation
The business of ten dairy farms in the bluegrass region of Kentucky
Farm management and farm profits on irrigated land in the Provo area (Utah Lake Valley)
Cooperative organization by-laws
A system of bookkeeping for grain elevators
Methods of conducting cost of production and farm organization studies
Further investigations of the parasites of Popillia japonica in the Far East
Excavating machinery used in land drainage
Standard forms for specifications, tests, reports, and methods of sampling for word materials
A study of cotton market conditions in North Carolina with a view to their improvement
Tests of the absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine
Sugar pine
A system of accounting for cotton ginneries
Manual of design and installation of Forest service water spray dry kiln
Sugar pine and Western Yellow Pine in California
Labor and material requirements of field crops
The present status of the pasteurization of milk
Climate and plant growth in certain vegetative associations.
Utilization of Pima cotton
The Mexican cotton boll weevil
The theory of correlation as applied to farm-survey data on fattening baby beef
Ground-wood pulp
Shortleaf pine : its economic importance and forest management
Farm management practice of Chester County, Pa
The fig moth
Profitable management of general farms in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
The relation of land tenure to the use of the arid grazing lands of the southwestern states
Sales methods and policies of a growers' national marketing agency : a study of the organization and achievements of twenty-six years of cooperative marketing by part of the cranberry growers of the United States
Utilization of basswood
Farm practice in the production of hay in Steuben County, N.Y., and Washington County, Pa. : a detailed study of the amount of labor required per acre and per ton for each operation, and the machinery charges per acre and per ton
Harvest labor problems in the wheat belt
Public road mileage and revenues in the Middle Atlantic States, 1914
Farm management in the Ozark region of Missouri : a study of the organization and operation of a number of representative farms
Construction and fire protection of cotton warehouses
The broad-bean weevil
Forest preservation and national prosperity : Portions of addresses delivered at the American Forest Congress, Washington, January 2 to 6, 1905, by President Roosevelt, Ambassador Jusserand, Secretary Wilson and others
The flow of water in concrete pipe
Copper as an algicide and disinfectant in water supplies
Highway cost keeping
Information concerning the North American fever tick : with notes on other species
Production of sugar in the United States and foreign countries
Geographical phases of farm prices : corn
Mushrooms and other common fungi
Value to farm families of food, fuel, and use of house
Disadvantages of selling cotton in the seed
Farm practice in growing sugar beets in Michigan and Ohio
The influence of environment upon the composition of the sugar beet, 1903
Forestation of the sand hills of Nebraska and Kansas
A first report on the relations between climates and crops
A system of accounts for cotton warehouses
The beet-sugar industry in the United States
Endothia parasitica and related species
Crop insurance : risks, losses, and principles of protection
Marketing grain at country points
Cotton warehouses : storage facilities now available in the south
Ocean freight rates and the conditions affecting them
Varieties of cheese ; descriptions and analyses
The use of wood for fuel
Some factors in the natural control of the Mexican cotton boll weevil
The genera of grasses of the United States, with special reference to the economic species
The California vine disease : a preliminary report of investigations
A classification of ledger accounts for creameries
Mechanical properties of woods grown in the United States
The results of physical tests of road-building rock
Spinning tests of upland long-staple cottons
Farm organization in the irrigated valleys of southern Arizona
The organization and management of farms in north-western Pennsylvania : an analysis of the business of 422 farms in the vicinity of Grove city, Pa.
A study in the cost of producing milk on four dairy farms, located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina
Strength tests of structural timbers treated by commercial wood-preserving processes
Forestry and community development
The distillation of stumpwood and logging waste of western yellow pine
Requirements and cost of producing market milk in Northwestern Indiana
Cost of producing apples in Yakima valley, Washington
The market milk business of Detroit, Mich., in 1915
Nomenclature of the apple : A catalogue of the known varieties referred to in American publications from 1804 to 1904
Corn, yields per acre and prices, by States, 50 years 1866-1915
Reforestation on the national forests
Moisture content and physical condition of soils
Cost of producing apples in five counties in western New York, 1910-1915
Outlets and methods of sale for shippers of fruits and vegetables
The European pine-shoot moth : a serious menace to pine timber in America
The western farmer's water right
Hail insurance on farm crops in the United States
An economic study of small farms near Washington, D. C
Inheritance of waxy endosperm in maize
Birds that eat the cotton boll weevil
The national influence of a single farm community
A system of accounts for farmers' cooperative elevators
Bank loans to farmers on personal and collateral security
The wilting coefficient for different plants and its indirect determination
The castor-oil industry
The manufacture of ethyl alcohol from wood waste
Bouillon cubes : their contents and food value compared with meat extracts and home-made preparations of meat
Accounting records for country creameries
Marketing hay through terminal markets
The gipsy moth in woods . Management of typical woodlots infested with the gipsy moth in the white-pine region
Exports of farm products from the United States, 1851-1908
The marketing of mill feeds
Control of the Argentine ant in California citrus orchards
Cold storage and prices
Prevailing plans and practices among farmers' mutual fire insurance companies
Decays and discolorations in airplane woods
The manufacture of acid phosphate
The chemical composition of American food materials
Unit requirements for producing milk in western Washington
Pasture land on farms in the United States
Farm practice in growing field crops in three sugarbeet districts of Colorado
A study of heart-rot in western Hemlock
A survey of typical cooperative stores in the United States
The standard day's work in central Illinois : performance of implements and crews as indicated by reports from 600 farms in a typical corn-belt area
Farm management and farm organization in Sumter county Georgia : an analysis of the business of 534 farms in 1913, and 550 farms in 1918
Marketing practices of Wisconsin and Minnesota creameries
The relation of cotton buying to cotton growing
A list of insects affecting stored cereals ; The Mexican grain beetle ; The Siamese grain beetle
Farm profits--figures from the same farms for a series of years
Marketing and distribution of strawberries in 1915
A system of records for local farmers' mutual fire insurance companies
Abstract of the laws of the several states and territories on irrigation and water rights
The red spruce: its growth and management
Factors of successful farming near Monett, Mo.
The northern hardwood forest : its composition, growth, and management
A farm management study of cotton farms of Ellis County, Texas : a statistical study of the investment in land and equipment, cost of operation and of production of crops, and income from different types of tenure in 1914
Marketing eastern grapes
Nursery practice on the national forests
The genera of grasses of the United States, with special reference to the economic species
The structure and development of crown gall : a plant cancer
Recent studies of the Mexican cotton boll weevil
The Zimmerman pine moth
The pea aphis with relation to forage crops
Rail shipments and distribution of fresh tomatoes, 1914
Methods of wholesale distribution of fruits and vegetables on large markets
Cold-storage business features : reports of warehouses
Nomenclature of the pear : A catalogue-index of the known varieties referred to in American publications from 1804 to 1907
Manufacturing tests of the official cotton standards for grade
Cost of production of apples in the Payette Valley, Idaho
Dietary studies in New Mexico in 1895
Russia's wheat trade
Carrying capacity of grazing ranges in southern Arizona
Open types of public markets
Factors affecting interest rates and other charges on short-time farm loans by C. W. Thompson
Cooperative purchasing and marketing organizations among farmers in the United States
Typical Specifications For Nonbituminous Road Materials
Geography of wheat prices
Standards of labor on the hill farms of Louisiana
Kiln drying handbook
A system of accounts for primary grain elevators
The cost of producing apples in western Colorado
Unit requirements for producing market milk in southeastern Louisiana
Reports of storage holdings of certain food products
Irrigation of rice in the United States
Cost of producing wheat : on 481 farms in the states of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri, for the crop year 1919
Relative resistance of various hard-woods to injection with creosote
A five-year farm management survey in Palmer township Washington county, Ohio, 1912-1916
Wheat, yields per acre and prices,by States, 50 years, 1866-1915
Buying farms with land-bank loans : a study based on the experience of 2,700 farmers who have borrouwed money through Federal Farm Loan Banks
Farm practice in growing sugar beets in three California districts
Lease contracts used in renting farms on shares : a study of the distribution of investments, expenses and incomes between landlord and tenant
A study of farming in southwestern Kentucky
The Sequoia pitch moth : a menace to pine in western Montana by Josef Brunner
Studies of primary cotton market conditions in Oklahoma
Lumbering in the sugar and yellow pine region of California
Patronage dividends in cooperative grain companies
A study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill.
A farm-management survey in Brooks county, Georgia
Some miscellaneous results of the work of the Division of Entomology
Unit requirements for producing market milk in Vermont
Producers' cooperative milk-distributing plants
Farm mortgage loans by banks, insurance companies, and other agencies
Portland cement concrete pavements for county roads
The normal day's work of farm implements, workmen, and crews in western New York
Car-lot shipments of fruits and vegetables in the United States in 1916
Cone beetles : injury to sugar pine and western yellow pine
A system of accounts for live-stock shipping associations
A study of farm management problems in Lenawee county, Michigan by H. M. Dixon and J. A. Drake
Insect damage to the cones and seeds of Pacific coast conifers
Ornamental cacti : their culture and decorative value
The production of sulphuric acid and a proposed new method of manufacture
Imports of farm products into the United States, 1851-1908
Cost of producing sugar beets in Utah and Idaho, 1918-1919
Utilization of black walnut
Citrus-fruit improvement a study of bud variation in the valencia orange
Composition of cotton seed
Dispersion of gipsy-moth larvæ by the wind
Orchard fruits in the Piemont and Blue Ridge regions of Virginia and the South Atlantic States
Crossties purchased and treated in 1915
The cost of producing apples in Wenatchee Valley, Washington
Further experiments in the destruction of fly larvae in horse manure
A sealed paper carton to protect cereals from insect attack
Drainage methods and foundations for county roads
Marketing hay at country points
A study of haymaking crews and labor costs
Utilization of sycamore
Rent contracts in typical counties of the wheat belt
Portland cement concrete roads
Quality and value of important types of peat material : a classification of peat based upon its botanical composition and physical and chemical characteristics
The cost and utilization of power on farms where tractors are owned : 286 farms - Ohio, Indiana, Illinois - 1920
Geographical phases of farm prices : oats
Accounting records for sampling apples by weight
Utilization of elm
The broad-nosed grain weevil ; The long-headed flour beetle
Systems of renting truck farms in southwestern New Jersey
The cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses
Poles purchased, 1915
Mileage and cost of public roads in the United States in 1909
Costs and sources of farm-mortgage loans in the United States
Report on experimental convict road camp fulton county, GA.
Logging in the Douglas fir region
The huisache girdler
The flow of water in drain tile
False blossom of the cultivated cranberry
Farm practices in grain farming in North Dakota
Sterilities of wild and cultivated potatoes with reference to breeding from seed
White pine under forest management
Forest conservation for states in the southern pine region
Relation of production to income from dairy cows
A system of accounting for fruit shipping organizations
The cost of producing apples in Hood River Valley
Shrinkage of soft pork under commercial conditions
A farm-management study in Anderson County, South Carolina
The agricultural experiment stations in the United States
Cost of harvesting wheat by different methods
The cypress and juniper trees of the Rocky Mountain region
Experience of eastern farmers with motor trucks : an analysis of 753 reports from farmer truck-owners
Typical Specifications for Bituminous Road Materials.
Apple market investigations, 1914-15
Cotton warehouse construction
Spinning tests of cotton compressed to different densities
Long-range weather forecasts
Historical notes on the causes of bee diseases
Our foreign trade in farm and forest products
Handbook of foreign agricultural statistics
Turpentine : its sources, properties, uses, transportation, and marketing, with recommended specifications
Seasonal distribution of farm labor in Chester County, Pa.
A study of the tenant systems of farming in the Yazoo-Mississippi delta
Report on bird migration in the Mississippi Valley in the years 1884 and 1885
Marketing creamery butter
The mulberry and other silkworm food plants
New facts concerning the white-pine blister rust
The hawks and owls of the United States in their relation to agriculture
The black fly of citrus and other subtropical plants
The expansion and contraction of concrete and concrete roads
Methods for the examination of bituminous road materials
Farm and terminal market prices: wheat, corn, and oats : crop movement year 1920-21
Marketing and distribution of western muskmelons in 1915
A study of prices and quality of creamery butter
Wood pipe for conveying water for irrigation
Standard and tentative methods of sampling and testing highway materials
Collection of weevils and infested squares as a means of control of the cotton boll weevil in the Mississippi delta
Notes on the preoviposition period of the house fly, musca domedtica L.
The carosoma beetle (carosoma sycophanta) in New England
True mahogany