
British Engineering Standards Association


British Engineering Standards Association

British Engineering Standards Association
C. Lockwood


British standard specification and sections for tramway rails and fishplates外部サイトReport on British standard heads for british association screws外部サイトBritish standard specification for flatting or rubbing oil varnish外部サイトBritish standard specification for barytes for paints外部サイトBritish standard sections of light and heavy bridge type railway rails外部サイトBritish standard specification for asbestine for paints外部サイトBritish standard specification for tramway tyres外部サイトBritish standard specification for electricity meters外部サイトBritish standard specification for girder bridges外部サイトBritish standard specification for steel castings for marine purposes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per pezzi in acciaio fuso, impiecati nelle costruzioni navali外部サイトReport on British standard systems for limit gauges (running fits)外部サイトBritish standard specification for structural steel for bridges, etc., and general building construction外部サイトBritish standard sections of light flat bottom railway rails and fishplates外部サイトBritish standard specification for disc for determining the illuminating effect of automobile driving lamps外部サイトBritish standard specification for steel conduits and fittings for electrical wiring外部サイトBritish standard specification for indicating ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, frequency and power-factor meters外部サイトBritish standard sections of light rails and fishplates for use in mines. (flat bottom and bridge.)外部サイトTentative British standard specification for dimensions and resistances of enamelled plain copper wire for electrical instruments and apparatus : for British standard dimensions of bare annealed copper wires for electrical machinery and apparatus, see B.S. specification no. 128外部サイトTentative British standard specification for insulating oils for use in transformers, oil switches and circuit breakers外部サイトBritish standard specification for parallel sided carbon brushes for D.C. commutator machines外部サイトBritish standard specification for ingot steel forgings for marine purposes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per pezzi in acciaio fucinati da langotto, impiecati nelle costruzioni navali外部サイトReport on British standard whitworth (B.S.W.) screw threads and their tolerances : superseding reports Nos. 20 and 38外部サイトBritish standard specification for goliath lamp caps and lamp hodlers for currents up to 15 amperes or powers up 1000 watts for pressures not exceeding 250 volts when the containing case is of metal only, or for pressures not exceeding 650 volts when the containing case is of porcelain or of metal with porcelain lining外部サイトBritish standard specification for watertight glands for electric cables外部サイトBritish standard specification for recording (graphic) ammeters, volmeters and wattmeters外部サイトBritish standard specification for structural steel for shipbuilding = Specificazioni britanniche standardizzate per acciai impiegati nelle costruzioni navali外部サイトBritish standard specification for dimensions in metric measure of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light, including pressure tests : for corresponding British measures, see B.S. specification no. 7-1922外部サイトBritish standard specification for copper-alloy three-piece unions for low and medium pressure British standard screwed copper tubes (primarily for domestic and similar work)外部サイトBritish standard specification of magnetos for aircraft purposes外部サイトBritish standard specification for steel fishbolts and nuts for railway rails外部サイトBritish standard specification for round strand steel wire ropes for colliery winding purposes外部サイトBritish standard specification for exterior oil varnish外部サイトInterim British standard terms and definitions for use in connection with automatic telephone systems外部サイトReport on british standard forms of notched bar test pieces外部サイトBritish standard specification for electrically heated cooking range (two sizes)外部サイトBritish standard sections of flat bottom railway rails. (for rails from 25 to 100 lb. per yard inclusive.)外部サイトBritish standard specification for the electrical performance of industrial electric motors and generators with class A insulation : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies外部サイトBritish standard specification for cast steel wheel centres外部サイトBritish standard specification for genuine white lead oil paste for paints外部サイトReport on British standard special trackwork for tramways外部サイトBritish standard specification for starters for electric motors (face-plate type)外部サイトReport on the influence of gauge length and section of test bar on the percentage of elongation外部サイトForms of British standard tensile test pieces外部サイトBritish standard specification for instrument transformers外部サイトBritish standard specification for genuine dry white lead for paints外部サイトBritish standard specification for creosote for the preservation of timber外部サイトBritish standard specification for electric cut-outs for low pressure, type 0 : for ordinary duty with working currents not exceeding 100 amperes外部サイトReport on British association (B.A.) Screw threads with tolerances for nos. 1 to 15 B.A.外部サイトBritish standard graphical symbols for electrical purposes外部サイトBritish standard tables of brinell hardness numbers外部サイトBritish standard specification for zinc oxide (types 1 & 2) for paints外部サイトBritish standard specification for the electrical performance of industrial electric motors and generators with class A insulation : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies外部サイトBritish standard specification for metallic resistance materials for electrical purposes外部サイトBritish standard specification for wrought iron wheel centres for electric tramway cars外部サイトBritish standard specification for charcoal iron lapwelded boiler tubes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per tubi per caldaie (con saldatura) in ferro al carbone vegetale外部サイトBritish standard rolled sections for magnet steel外部サイトBritish standard specification for wrought iron of imithing quality for shipbuilding外部サイトReport on British standard tungsten filament glow lamps (vacuum type) for automobiles外部サイトBritish standard specification for red fir wood poles for telegraph and telegraphone lines外部サイトBritish standard specification for turpentine, type 1外部サイトBritish standard specification for raw linseed oil外部サイトBritish standard specification for porcelain insulators for overhead power lines (3,000-150,000 volts)外部サイトBritish standard definitions of yield point and elastic limit外部サイトBritish standard specification and sections for bull head railway rails外部サイトBritish standard specification for air-break circuit breakers for voltages not exceeding 660 volts : excluding totally enclosed and flame-proof types外部サイトBritish standard specification and sections of flat bottom railway rails外部サイトBritish standards tables for use in engineering workshops giving corrections to effective diameter required to compensate pitch and angle errors in screw threads of whitworth form外部サイトTables of British standard unit loadings for railway girder bridges and highway girder bridges外部サイトBritish standard specification for dimensions and resistances of bare annealed copper wire for electrical machinery and apparatus : for British standard dimensions of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light, see B.S. specification no. 7外部サイトBritish standard specifications for steam turbins for electrical plant外部サイトBritish standard specification for keys and keyways外部サイトBritish standard specification for boiled linseed oil外部サイトBritish standard specification for refined linseed oil外部サイトBritish standard specification for normal type vacuum tungsten filament electric lamps外部サイトBritish standard specification for copper-alloy pipe fittings screwed for low and medium pressure British standard copper tubes : primarily for domestic and similar work外部サイトBritish standard specification for portland cement外部サイトBritish standard specification for materials and constructional strength of chemical fire extinguishers外部サイトBritish standard specification for air-break knife switches and laminated brush switches for voltages not exceeding 660 volts : excluding totally enclosed and flame-proof types外部サイトBritish standard specification for falling weight testing machines外部サイトBritish standard specification for interior oil varnish外部サイトBritish standard specification for watertight fittings for incandescent electric lamps外部サイトBritish standard specification for white spirit, type 1外部サイトBritish standard specification for dimensions of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light : including voltage tests. (revised match, 1926)外部サイトBritish standard specification for insulating oils for electrical purposes : excluding cables外部サイトBritish standard specification for the electrical performance of large electric generators and motors : excluding alternators of the steam turbine driven type : rating permitting overloads : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies外部サイトBritish standard specification for the electrical performance of alternators of the steam turbine driven type : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies外部サイトBritish standard specification for ships' fittings外部サイトBritish standard specification for tungsten filament electric lamps : revised 1925, with additional Schedules included in 1927外部サイトBritish standard schedule of colours for ready-mixed paints外部サイト






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British standard specification and sections for tramway rails and fishplates
Report on British standard heads for british association screws
British standard specification for flatting or rubbing oil varnish
British standard specification for barytes for paints
British standard sections of light and heavy bridge type railway rails
British standard specification for asbestine for paints
British standard specification for tramway tyres
British standard specification for electricity meters
British standard specification for girder bridges
British standard specification for steel castings for marine purposes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per pezzi in acciaio fuso, impiecati nelle costruzioni navali
Report on British standard systems for limit gauges (running fits)
British standard specification for structural steel for bridges, etc., and general building construction
British standard sections of light flat bottom railway rails and fishplates
British standard specification for disc for determining the illuminating effect of automobile driving lamps
British standard specification for steel conduits and fittings for electrical wiring
British standard specification for indicating ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, frequency and power-factor meters
British standard sections of light rails and fishplates for use in mines. (flat bottom and bridge.)
Tentative British standard specification for dimensions and resistances of enamelled plain copper wire for electrical instruments and apparatus : for British standard dimensions of bare annealed copper wires for electrical machinery and apparatus, see B.S. specification no. 128
Tentative British standard specification for insulating oils for use in transformers, oil switches and circuit breakers
British standard specification for parallel sided carbon brushes for D.C. commutator machines
British standard specification for ingot steel forgings for marine purposes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per pezzi in acciaio fucinati da langotto, impiecati nelle costruzioni navali
Report on British standard whitworth (B.S.W.) screw threads and their tolerances : superseding reports Nos. 20 and 38
British standard specification for goliath lamp caps and lamp hodlers for currents up to 15 amperes or powers up 1000 watts for pressures not exceeding 250 volts when the containing case is of metal only, or for pressures not exceeding 650 volts when the containing case is of porcelain or of metal with porcelain lining
British standard specification for watertight glands for electric cables
British standard specification for recording (graphic) ammeters, volmeters and wattmeters
British standard specification for structural steel for shipbuilding = Specificazioni britanniche standardizzate per acciai impiegati nelle costruzioni navali
British standard specification for dimensions in metric measure of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light, including pressure tests : for corresponding British measures, see B.S. specification no. 7-1922
British standard specification for copper-alloy three-piece unions for low and medium pressure British standard screwed copper tubes (primarily for domestic and similar work)
British standard specification of magnetos for aircraft purposes
British standard specification for steel fishbolts and nuts for railway rails
British standard specification for round strand steel wire ropes for colliery winding purposes
British standard specification for exterior oil varnish
Interim British standard terms and definitions for use in connection with automatic telephone systems
Report on british standard forms of notched bar test pieces
British standard specification for electrically heated cooking range (two sizes)
British standard sections of flat bottom railway rails. (for rails from 25 to 100 lb. per yard inclusive.)
British standard specification for the electrical performance of industrial electric motors and generators with class A insulation : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies
British standard specification for cast steel wheel centres
British standard specification for genuine white lead oil paste for paints
Report on British standard special trackwork for tramways
British standard specification for starters for electric motors (face-plate type)
Report on the influence of gauge length and section of test bar on the percentage of elongation
Forms of British standard tensile test pieces
British standard specification for instrument transformers
British standard specification for genuine dry white lead for paints
British standard specification for creosote for the preservation of timber
British standard specification for electric cut-outs for low pressure, type 0 : for ordinary duty with working currents not exceeding 100 amperes
Report on British association (B.A.) Screw threads with tolerances for nos. 1 to 15 B.A.
British standard graphical symbols for electrical purposes
British standard tables of brinell hardness numbers
British standard specification for zinc oxide (types 1 & 2) for paints
British standard specification for the electrical performance of industrial electric motors and generators with class A insulation : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies
British standard specification for metallic resistance materials for electrical purposes
British standard specification for wrought iron wheel centres for electric tramway cars
British standard specification for charcoal iron lapwelded boiler tubes = Specificationi britanniche standardizzate per tubi per caldaie (con saldatura) in ferro al carbone vegetale
British standard rolled sections for magnet steel
British standard specification for wrought iron of imithing quality for shipbuilding
Report on British standard tungsten filament glow lamps (vacuum type) for automobiles
British standard specification for red fir wood poles for telegraph and telegraphone lines
British standard specification for turpentine, type 1
British standard specification for raw linseed oil
British standard specification for porcelain insulators for overhead power lines (3,000-150,000 volts)
British standard definitions of yield point and elastic limit
British standard specification and sections for bull head railway rails
British standard specification for air-break circuit breakers for voltages not exceeding 660 volts : excluding totally enclosed and flame-proof types
British standard specification and sections of flat bottom railway rails
British standards tables for use in engineering workshops giving corrections to effective diameter required to compensate pitch and angle errors in screw threads of whitworth form
Tables of British standard unit loadings for railway girder bridges and highway girder bridges
British standard specification for dimensions and resistances of bare annealed copper wire for electrical machinery and apparatus : for British standard dimensions of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light, see B.S. specification no. 7
British standard specifications for steam turbins for electrical plant
British standard specification for keys and keyways
British standard specification for boiled linseed oil
British standard specification for refined linseed oil
British standard specification for normal type vacuum tungsten filament electric lamps
British standard specification for copper-alloy pipe fittings screwed for low and medium pressure British standard copper tubes : primarily for domestic and similar work
British standard specification for portland cement
British standard specification for materials and constructional strength of chemical fire extinguishers
British standard specification for air-break knife switches and laminated brush switches for voltages not exceeding 660 volts : excluding totally enclosed and flame-proof types
British standard specification for falling weight testing machines
British standard specification for interior oil varnish
British standard specification for watertight fittings for incandescent electric lamps
British standard specification for white spirit, type 1
British standard specification for dimensions of insulated annealed copper conductors for electric power and light : including voltage tests. (revised match, 1926)
British standard specification for insulating oils for electrical purposes : excluding cables
British standard specification for the electrical performance of large electric generators and motors : excluding alternators of the steam turbine driven type : rating permitting overloads : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies
British standard specification for the electrical performance of alternators of the steam turbine driven type : superseding B.E.S.A. publication no.72-1917 in so far as it applies
British standard specification for ships' fittings
British standard specification for tungsten filament electric lamps : revised 1925, with additional Schedules included in 1927
British standard schedule of colours for ready-mixed paints
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