- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- HCPHuman cognitive processing (HCP) : cognitive foundations of language and useHuman cognitive processing (HCP) : cognitive foundations of language structure and use
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ne
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- v. 1 published 1999Each vols has two ISBN (for each U.S. and Eur.)
- 関連情報
- Impersonals and other agent defocusing constructions in FrenchFrames of understanding in text and discourse : theoretical foundations and descriptive applicationsIdiomatic creativity : a cognitive-linguistic model of idiom-representation and idiom-variation in EnglishThe meaning of particle : prefix constructions in GermanMotion and space across languages : theory and applicationsFictive interaction : the conversation frame in thought, language, and discourseText representation : linguistic and psycholinguistic aspectsDiscourse, vision, and cognitionThe semantics of dynamic space in French : descriptive, experimental and formal studies on motion expressionMetaphor in use : context, culture, and communicationEvidence for evidentialityVariation and change in the encoding of motion eventsEpistemic modality, language, and conceptualization : a cognitive-pragmatic perspectiveCognitive approaches to tense, aspect, and epistemic modalityConceptual metonymy : methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issuesLanguage, culture, and cognition'Kubla Khan' : poetic structure, hypnotic quality and cognitive style : a study in mental, vocal and critical performancePhraseological substitutions in newspaper headlines : "More than meats the eye"Defining metonymy in cognitive linguistics : towards a consensus viewA cognitive linguistic analysis of the English imperative : with special reference to Japanese imperativesConstructing families of constructions : analytical perspectives and theoretical challengesAnalogical modeling : an exemplar-based approach to languageMotivation in grammar and the lexiconThe structure of time : language, meaning and temporal cognitionMental models across languages : the visual representation of baldness terms in German, English, and JapaneseMultilingual cognition and language use : processing and typological perspectivesNew directions in cognitive linguisticsFrom space to time : a cognitive analysis of the Cora locative system and its temporal extensionsPerspectives on abstract concepts : cognition, language and communicationThe conversation frame : forms and functions of fictive interactionAnalogy as structure and process : approaches in linguistics, cognitive psychology and philosophy of scienceReference point and case : a cognitive grammar exploration of KoreanCognitive linguistics and the study of ChineseTime representations in the perspective of human creativityMetonymy in language and thoughtBi-directionality in the cognitive sciences : avenues, challenges, and limitationsCognitive linguistics : convergence and expansionThe categorization of spatial entities in language and cognitionCognitive modeling : a linguistic perspectiveCreative compounding in English : the semantics of metaphorical and metonymical noun-noun combinationsConceptualizations of timeThe spatial language of time : metaphor, metonymy, and frames of referenceMethods in cognitive linguisticsThe building blocks of meaning : ideas for a philosophical grammarStudies in figurative thought and languageDemonstratives and possessives with attitude : an intersubjectively-oriented empirical studyLinguistic attractors : the cognitive dynamics of language acquisition and changeLanguage learning, discourse and cognition : studies in the tradition of Andrea TylerAspectuality across languages : event construal in speech and gestureCognitive linguistics investigations : across languages, fields and philosophical boundariesStudies in lexicogrammar : theory and applicationsThe language of memory in a crosslinguistic perspectiveA cognitive grammar of Japanese clause structureThe structure of argumentsMetaphors for learning : cross-cultural perspectivesLanguage diversity and cognitive representationsPractical theories and empirical practice : a linguistic perspectiveLinguistic diversityEmbodiment via body parts : studies from various languages and culturesThe semantics of German verb prefixesPattern and process : a Whiteheadian perspective on linguisticsConverging evidence : methodological and theoretical issues for linguistic researchPerspective and perspectivation in discourseCorpus methods for semantics : quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymyResearching and applying metaphor in the real worldMetonymy and metaphor in grammarMultiple analogies in science and philosophyThe contemporary theory of metaphor : a perspective from ChineseHow grammar links concepts : verb-mediated constructions, attribution, perspectivizingA cognitive perspective on spatial prepositions : intertwining networksSpace, time, worldAnalogy and contrast in language : perspectives from cognitive linguisticsExistential constructions across languages : forms, meanings and functionsCollocations as a language resource : a functional and cognitive study in English phraseologyNeglected aspects of motion-event description : deixis, asymmetries, constructionsBroader perspectives on motion event descriptionsGrammar and cognition : dualistic models of language structure and language processing
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research