



United States Department of Agriculture
U.S. Government Printing Office


Egyptian cotton in the United States外部サイトCrop rotation and tillage experiments at the San Antonio (Texas) field station外部サイトEffects of time of planting and of fertilizer mixtures on the curly-top resistant sugar-beet variety U.S. no. 1 in Idaho外部サイトUnited States grades, color standards, and packing requirements for honey外部サイトA pest of cured tobacco, Ephestia elutella Hübner外部サイトMarketing fresh fruit in Europe外部サイトLife history and control of the Asiatic garden beetle外部サイトAmerican fruit and vegetable auctions外部サイトOrigin of the Hindi cotton外部サイトReport of committee appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to consider the subject of land economics as one of the divisions of research work of the proposed Bureau of Farm Management and Farm Economics外部サイトThe cold storage of eggs and poultry外部サイトGrain drying at a country elevator外部サイトRate of growth of second-growth southern pines in full stands外部サイトSummer fallow at Ardmore, S. Dak.外部サイトThe ice well for the dairy farm外部サイトThe cyclamen mite and the broad mite and their control外部サイトCommercial cabbage culture外部サイトRemoving smut from Pacific northwest wheat by washing外部サイトAgricultural production for 1918外部サイトEffect of cold storage and age of seed on germination and yield of peanuts外部サイトPractical pointers on making creamery butter in the South外部サイトThe Bates laboratory aspirator外部サイトSurvey of the fertilizer industry外部サイトFig insects in california外部サイトIrrigated crop rotations in western South Dakota外部サイトDistribution of the varieties and classes of wheat in the United States ...外部サイトEducation for country life外部サイトBuckwheat milling and its by-products外部サイトThe production of dairy cows as affected by frequency and regularity of milking and feeding外部サイトParasites and parasitic diseases of horses外部サイトSoil profile and root penetration as indicators of apple production in the Lake Shore district of western New York外部サイトGrades of peat and muck for soil improvement外部サイトFarmers' cooperative associations in the United States, 1929外部サイトMarket classes and grades of pork carcasses and fresh pork cuts外部サイトAgricultural investigations at the United States field station, Sacaton, Ariz., 1925-1930外部サイトCuring and preserving citron外部サイトProblems in cooperation and experiences of farmers in marketing potatoes外部サイトThe Break O'Day tomato外部サイトBurning for the control of aphids on alfalfa in the Antelope Valley of California外部サイトMarketing California grapes外部サイトThe gipsy moth as a forest insect, with suggestions as to its control外部サイトFight grasshoppers by plowing stubble外部サイトBusiness analysis of the tobacco growers' cooperative association外部サイトMarket classes and grades of yearling beef外部サイトMarket supplies and prices of apples外部サイトAutomobile registrations, licenses, and revenues in the United States, 1915外部サイトNational standards for farm products外部サイトGreenhouse heating外部サイトDiversified agriculture and the relation of the banker to the farmer外部サイトProgress report on mechanical application of fertilizers to cotton in South Carolina, 1930外部サイトImproved apparatus and method for making "shellings" of rough rice外部サイトFighting the corn borer with machinery in the two-generation area外部サイトTomato late-blight rot : a serious transit and market disease外部サイトNew fertilizer materials外部サイトConservation of the soil外部サイトA German common school with a garden外部サイトCycles of growth in cotton root rot at Greenville, Tex.外部サイトEconomic use of forages in livestock production on Corn Belt farms外部サイトSome economic aspects of the marketing of milk and cream in New England外部サイトConserving food value, flavor, and attractiveness in cookung vegetables外部サイトVirus and viruslike diseases of the potato in the Northwest and their control外部サイトEconomic aspects of land settlement in the cut-over region of the Great Lakes States外部サイトCotton, the greatest of cash crops外部サイトFarm land development : present and future, by clearing, drainage, and irrigation外部サイトStandardized cotton tare in Egypt外部サイトUniformity of cotton fiber determined by field inspection外部サイトMigratory farm workers in the Atlantic coast stream : A study in the Belle Glade area of Florida外部サイトX-ray attenuation coefficients from 10 kev to 100 Mev外部サイトSugarcane for sirup production外部サイトObservations on the satin moth and its natural enemies in central Europe外部サイトThe seasoning and preservative treatment of hemlock and tamarack cross-ties外部サイトPortable refrigeration chambers for studying cold resistance of plants in the field外部サイトLumber export and our forests外部サイトDevelopments and problems in farmers' mutual fire insurance外部サイトProposed minimum requirements of 3 types of upholstery fabrics based on the analysis of 62 materials外部サイトThe commercial storage of fruits, vegetables, and florists' stocks外部サイトDaffodils外部サイトComparison of a trench silo with an upright silo外部サイトPreliminary report upon the infestation and general status of the European corn borer in western New York外部サイトReport of the Committee on Instruction in Agriculture, 1911外部サイトOperation and management of milk plants外部サイトMidday meals for preschool children in day nurseries and nursery schools外部サイトThe iron content of vegetables and fruits外部サイトProduction and agricultural use of sodium nitrate外部サイトSettlers' progress in dry-land farming in eastern New Mexico外部サイトThe farm real estate situation, 1946-47外部サイトMembership relations of cooperative associations (fluid milk)外部サイトCondition of farmers in a white-farmer area of the cotton piedmont, 1924-1926外部サイトConstruction and arrangement of city milk plants外部サイトOrganization and management problems of cooperative oil associations in Minnesota外部サイトStandard cotton tare in Egypt外部サイトTests of spray irrigation equipment外部サイトGovernment crop reports : their value, scope, and preparation外部サイトForest experiment stations外部サイトWindrowing qualities of co. 281 and other varieties of sugarcane under Louisiana conditions外部サイトReactions of the Japanese beetle to spray deposits on foliage外部サイトCooperative marketing and purchasing, 1920-1930外部サイトMarket classes and grades of calves and vealers外部サイトOrchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control外部サイトProximate composition of fresh vegetables外部サイトThe Obscure scale on the pecan and its control外部サイトAmortization methods for farm mortgage loans外部サイトUtilization of bigleaf maple of the Pacific Northwest外部サイトMethods of crop production at the Colby (Kans.) branch experiment station, 1915 to 1929外部サイトObservations on the Mexican fruit fly and some related species in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in 1928, and 1929外部サイトThe farm real estate situation外部サイトBudding and graftling trials with cotton and related plants外部サイトMushroom growing in the United States外部サイトArtificial reseeding on western mountain range lands外部サイトProgress in agricultural education extension外部サイトJoint use of a sales organization by two cooperative associations外部サイトThe American system of agricultural education外部サイトTwo destructive defoliators of lodgepole pine in the Yellowstone National Park外部サイトUtilization of black locust外部サイトThe Bellmar, Southland, and Redheart strawberries外部サイトCommunity production and distribution of cotton planting seed in a one-variety cotton community外部サイトFarmers' experiences and opinions as factors influencing their cotton-marketing methods外部サイトHandling livestock during drought外部サイトSafe farming外部サイトManufacture of dimension stock from northern hardwoods外部サイトAcala cotton : a superior upland variety from southern Mexico外部サイトVariety tests of sugarcanes in Louisiana during the crop year外部サイトSuggestions for the improvement of old bank dairy barns外部サイトMarketing the commercial crop of early potatoes外部サイトPlowing as a control measure for the European corn borer in western New York外部サイトA comparative study of dusting by means of airplane and ground machine for the control of the blueberry maggot外部サイトWeedy abandoned lands and the weed hosts of the beet leaf hopper外部サイトAmerican tobacco types, uses and markets外部サイトGrowing trees for forest planting in Montana and Idaho外部サイトDiets at four levels of nutritive content and cost外部サイトThe Asiatic beetle, a serious pest in lawns外部サイトCalcium arsenate dusting as a cause of aphid infestation外部サイトTree hoppers and theeir control in the orchards of the Pacific Northwest外部サイトThe control of the lesser peach borer with paradichlorobenzene solutions外部サイトThe application of sodium fluosilicate by airplane in an attempt to conotrol the sugar-cane moth borer外部サイトThe chinch bug in relation to St. Augustine grass外部サイトControl of the satin moth by spraying in alternate years外部サイト



  • Egyptian cotton in the United States

  • Crop rotation and tillage experiments at the San Antonio (Texas) field station

  • Effects of time of planting and of fertilizer mixtures on the curly-top resistant sugar-beet variety U.S. no. 1 in Idaho

  • United States grades, color standards, and packing requirements for honey

  • A pest of cured tobacco, Ephestia elutella Hübner





  • CiNii Research

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United States Department of Agriculture
Egyptian cotton in the United States
Crop rotation and tillage experiments at the San Antonio (Texas) field station
Effects of time of planting and of fertilizer mixtures on the curly-top resistant sugar-beet variety U.S. no. 1 in Idaho
United States grades, color standards, and packing requirements for honey
A pest of cured tobacco, Ephestia elutella Hübner
Marketing fresh fruit in Europe
Life history and control of the Asiatic garden beetle
American fruit and vegetable auctions
Origin of the Hindi cotton
Report of committee appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to consider the subject of land economics as one of the divisions of research work of the proposed Bureau of Farm Management and Farm Economics
The cold storage of eggs and poultry
Grain drying at a country elevator
Rate of growth of second-growth southern pines in full stands
Summer fallow at Ardmore, S. Dak.
The ice well for the dairy farm
The cyclamen mite and the broad mite and their control
Commercial cabbage culture
Removing smut from Pacific northwest wheat by washing
Agricultural production for 1918
Effect of cold storage and age of seed on germination and yield of peanuts
Practical pointers on making creamery butter in the South
The Bates laboratory aspirator
Survey of the fertilizer industry
Fig insects in california
Irrigated crop rotations in western South Dakota
Distribution of the varieties and classes of wheat in the United States ...
Education for country life
Buckwheat milling and its by-products
The production of dairy cows as affected by frequency and regularity of milking and feeding
Parasites and parasitic diseases of horses
Soil profile and root penetration as indicators of apple production in the Lake Shore district of western New York
Grades of peat and muck for soil improvement
Farmers' cooperative associations in the United States, 1929
Market classes and grades of pork carcasses and fresh pork cuts
Agricultural investigations at the United States field station, Sacaton, Ariz., 1925-1930
Curing and preserving citron
Problems in cooperation and experiences of farmers in marketing potatoes
The Break O'Day tomato
Burning for the control of aphids on alfalfa in the Antelope Valley of California
Marketing California grapes
The gipsy moth as a forest insect, with suggestions as to its control
Fight grasshoppers by plowing stubble
Business analysis of the tobacco growers' cooperative association
Market classes and grades of yearling beef
Market supplies and prices of apples
Automobile registrations, licenses, and revenues in the United States, 1915
National standards for farm products
Greenhouse heating
Diversified agriculture and the relation of the banker to the farmer
Progress report on mechanical application of fertilizers to cotton in South Carolina, 1930
Improved apparatus and method for making "shellings" of rough rice
Fighting the corn borer with machinery in the two-generation area
Tomato late-blight rot : a serious transit and market disease
New fertilizer materials
Conservation of the soil
A German common school with a garden
Cycles of growth in cotton root rot at Greenville, Tex.
Economic use of forages in livestock production on Corn Belt farms
Some economic aspects of the marketing of milk and cream in New England
Conserving food value, flavor, and attractiveness in cookung vegetables
Virus and viruslike diseases of the potato in the Northwest and their control
Economic aspects of land settlement in the cut-over region of the Great Lakes States
Cotton, the greatest of cash crops
Farm land development : present and future, by clearing, drainage, and irrigation
Standardized cotton tare in Egypt
Uniformity of cotton fiber determined by field inspection
Migratory farm workers in the Atlantic coast stream : A study in the Belle Glade area of Florida
X-ray attenuation coefficients from 10 kev to 100 Mev
Sugarcane for sirup production
Observations on the satin moth and its natural enemies in central Europe
The seasoning and preservative treatment of hemlock and tamarack cross-ties
Portable refrigeration chambers for studying cold resistance of plants in the field
Lumber export and our forests
Developments and problems in farmers' mutual fire insurance
Proposed minimum requirements of 3 types of upholstery fabrics based on the analysis of 62 materials
The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables, and florists' stocks
Comparison of a trench silo with an upright silo
Preliminary report upon the infestation and general status of the European corn borer in western New York
Report of the Committee on Instruction in Agriculture, 1911
Operation and management of milk plants
Midday meals for preschool children in day nurseries and nursery schools
The iron content of vegetables and fruits
Production and agricultural use of sodium nitrate
Settlers' progress in dry-land farming in eastern New Mexico
The farm real estate situation, 1946-47
Membership relations of cooperative associations (fluid milk)
Condition of farmers in a white-farmer area of the cotton piedmont, 1924-1926
Construction and arrangement of city milk plants
Organization and management problems of cooperative oil associations in Minnesota
Standard cotton tare in Egypt
Tests of spray irrigation equipment
Government crop reports : their value, scope, and preparation
Forest experiment stations
Windrowing qualities of co. 281 and other varieties of sugarcane under Louisiana conditions
Reactions of the Japanese beetle to spray deposits on foliage
Cooperative marketing and purchasing, 1920-1930
Market classes and grades of calves and vealers
Orchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control
Proximate composition of fresh vegetables
The Obscure scale on the pecan and its control
Amortization methods for farm mortgage loans
Utilization of bigleaf maple of the Pacific Northwest
Methods of crop production at the Colby (Kans.) branch experiment station, 1915 to 1929
Observations on the Mexican fruit fly and some related species in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in 1928, and 1929
The farm real estate situation
Budding and graftling trials with cotton and related plants
Mushroom growing in the United States
Artificial reseeding on western mountain range lands
Progress in agricultural education extension
Joint use of a sales organization by two cooperative associations
The American system of agricultural education
Two destructive defoliators of lodgepole pine in the Yellowstone National Park
Utilization of black locust
The Bellmar, Southland, and Redheart strawberries
Community production and distribution of cotton planting seed in a one-variety cotton community
Farmers' experiences and opinions as factors influencing their cotton-marketing methods
Handling livestock during drought
Safe farming
Manufacture of dimension stock from northern hardwoods
Acala cotton : a superior upland variety from southern Mexico
Variety tests of sugarcanes in Louisiana during the crop year
Suggestions for the improvement of old bank dairy barns
Marketing the commercial crop of early potatoes
Plowing as a control measure for the European corn borer in western New York
A comparative study of dusting by means of airplane and ground machine for the control of the blueberry maggot
Weedy abandoned lands and the weed hosts of the beet leaf hopper
American tobacco types, uses and markets
Growing trees for forest planting in Montana and Idaho
Diets at four levels of nutritive content and cost
The Asiatic beetle, a serious pest in lawns
Calcium arsenate dusting as a cause of aphid infestation
Tree hoppers and theeir control in the orchards of the Pacific Northwest
The control of the lesser peach borer with paradichlorobenzene solutions
The application of sodium fluosilicate by airplane in an attempt to conotrol the sugar-cane moth borer
The chinch bug in relation to St. Augustine grass
Control of the satin moth by spraying in alternate years