
Literary studies


Literary studies



The unspeakable failures of David Foster Wallace : language, identity, and resistance外部サイトNarrative care : biopolitics and the novel外部サイトPoe and the subversion of American literature : satire, fantasy, critique外部サイトLiterary theory : a guide for the perplexed外部サイトSucceeding postmodernism : language and humanism in contemporary American literature外部サイトThe making of Samuel Beckett's En attendant Godot/Waiting for Godot外部サイトSucceeding postmodernism : language and humanism in contemporary American literature外部サイトConceived in modernism : the aesthetics and politics of birth control外部サイトThe power of comics : history, form, and culture外部サイトStrong opinions : J.M. Coetzee and the authority of contemporary fiction外部サイトTerrorism and temporality in the works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo外部サイトAesthetic sexuality : a literary history of sadomasochism外部サイトThe Bloomsbury introduction to adaptation studies : adapting the canon in film, TV, novels and popular culture外部サイトRevisions of the American Adam : innocence, identity and masculinity in twentieth-century America外部サイトThe incarnation of language : Joyce, Proust and a philosophy of the flesh外部サイトThe palimpsest : literature, criticism, theory外部サイトA literary history of reconciliation : power, remorse and the limits of forgiveness外部サイトEarly modern writing and the privatisation of experience外部サイトBlake, Deleuzian aesthetics, and the digital外部サイトAmerican fiction in transition : observer-hero narrative, the 1990s, and postmodernism外部サイトSalman Rushdie and translation外部サイトContagious metaphor外部サイトEmily Brontë and the religious imagination外部サイトBodies of water : posthuman feminist phenomenology外部サイトWilliam Gaddis外部サイトChristina Rossetti and the Bible : waiting with the saints外部サイトOutside, America : the temporal turn in contemporary American fiction外部サイトContemporary Caribbean writing and Deleuze : literature between postcolonialism and post-continental philosophy外部サイトDon DeLillo, American original : drugs, weapons, erotica, and other literary contraband外部サイトThe Bloomsbury introduction to popular fiction外部サイトNarrative care : biopolitics and the novel外部サイトTerrorism and temporality in the works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo外部サイトHenry Miller : new perspectives外部サイトPolitical English : language and the decay of politics外部サイトIrish literature in the Celtic tiger years 1990 to 2008 : gender, bodies, memory外部サイトOutside, America : the temporal turn in contemporary American fiction外部サイトPynchon and relativity : narrative time in Thomas Pynchon's later novels外部サイトToni Morrison and literary tradition : the invention of an aesthetic外部サイトEncountering Buddhism in twentieth-century British and American literature外部サイトPresent tense : a poetics外部サイトElizabeth Barrett Browning and Shakespeare : 'This is living art'外部サイトPost-millennial gothic : comedy, romance and the rise of 'happy gothic'外部サイトThe slow philosophy of J.M. Coetzee外部サイトThe making of Samuel Beckett's Fin de partie/Endgame外部サイトThe power of comics : history, form, and culture外部サイトAmerican fiction in transition : observer-hero narrative, the 1990s, and postmodernism外部サイトRichard Wright in a post-racial imaginary外部サイトAesthetic sexuality : a literary history of sadomasochism外部サイトEncountering Buddhism in twentieth-century British and American literature外部サイトJewish anxiety and the novels of Philip Roth外部サイトThe making of Samuel Beckett's Krapp's last tape/La dernière bande外部サイトThe big somewhere : essays on James Ellroy's noir world外部サイトCreative writing in the digital age : theory, practice, and pedagogy外部サイトThe South Pacific narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London : race, class, imperialism外部サイトLiterature as cultural ecology : sustainable texts外部サイトIrish modernisms : gaps, conjectures, possibilities外部サイトIdeas against ideocracy : non-Marxist thought of the late Soviet period (1953-1991)外部サイトPastoral elegy in contemporary British and Irish poetry外部サイトThe Bloomsbury handbook to literature and psychoanalysis外部サイトPolitical English : language and the decay of politics外部サイト






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Bloomsbury literary studies
Bloomsbury literary studies series
The unspeakable failures of David Foster Wallace : language, identity, and resistance
Narrative care : biopolitics and the novel
Poe and the subversion of American literature : satire, fantasy, critique
Literary theory : a guide for the perplexed
Succeeding postmodernism : language and humanism in contemporary American literature
The making of Samuel Beckett's En attendant Godot/Waiting for Godot
Succeeding postmodernism : language and humanism in contemporary American literature
Conceived in modernism : the aesthetics and politics of birth control
The power of comics : history, form, and culture
Strong opinions : J.M. Coetzee and the authority of contemporary fiction
Terrorism and temporality in the works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo
Aesthetic sexuality : a literary history of sadomasochism
The Bloomsbury introduction to adaptation studies : adapting the canon in film, TV, novels and popular culture
Revisions of the American Adam : innocence, identity and masculinity in twentieth-century America
The incarnation of language : Joyce, Proust and a philosophy of the flesh
The palimpsest : literature, criticism, theory
A literary history of reconciliation : power, remorse and the limits of forgiveness
Early modern writing and the privatisation of experience
Blake, Deleuzian aesthetics, and the digital
American fiction in transition : observer-hero narrative, the 1990s, and postmodernism
Salman Rushdie and translation
Contagious metaphor
Emily Brontë and the religious imagination
Bodies of water : posthuman feminist phenomenology
William Gaddis
Christina Rossetti and the Bible : waiting with the saints
Outside, America : the temporal turn in contemporary American fiction
Contemporary Caribbean writing and Deleuze : literature between postcolonialism and post-continental philosophy
Don DeLillo, American original : drugs, weapons, erotica, and other literary contraband
The Bloomsbury introduction to popular fiction
Narrative care : biopolitics and the novel
Terrorism and temporality in the works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo
Henry Miller : new perspectives
Political English : language and the decay of politics
Irish literature in the Celtic tiger years 1990 to 2008 : gender, bodies, memory
Outside, America : the temporal turn in contemporary American fiction
Pynchon and relativity : narrative time in Thomas Pynchon's later novels
Toni Morrison and literary tradition : the invention of an aesthetic
Encountering Buddhism in twentieth-century British and American literature
Present tense : a poetics
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Shakespeare : 'This is living art'
Post-millennial gothic : comedy, romance and the rise of 'happy gothic'
The slow philosophy of J.M. Coetzee
The making of Samuel Beckett's Fin de partie/Endgame
The power of comics : history, form, and culture
American fiction in transition : observer-hero narrative, the 1990s, and postmodernism
Richard Wright in a post-racial imaginary
Aesthetic sexuality : a literary history of sadomasochism
Encountering Buddhism in twentieth-century British and American literature
Jewish anxiety and the novels of Philip Roth
The making of Samuel Beckett's Krapp's last tape/La dernière bande
The big somewhere : essays on James Ellroy's noir world
Creative writing in the digital age : theory, practice, and pedagogy
The South Pacific narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London : race, class, imperialism
Literature as cultural ecology : sustainable texts
Irish modernisms : gaps, conjectures, possibilities
Ideas against ideocracy : non-Marxist thought of the late Soviet period (1953-1991)
Pastoral elegy in contemporary British and Irish poetry
The Bloomsbury handbook to literature and psychoanalysis
Political English : language and the decay of politics
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books