
Rin chen gter mdzod chen po'i rgyab chos


Rin chen gter mdzod chen po'i rgyab chos

Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen


ʾJam dpal Khro chu Dug gdoṅ nag poʾi sgrub skor : a collection of revelations from the discoveries of Rgya Źaṅ-khrom : presented according to the tradition received by Slob-dpon Chos-grags外部サイトMa ṇi bkaʾ ʾbum chen mo : a rediscovered teaching of the Avalokiteśvara cult from the gter-ma revelations of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug外部サイトChos ʾbyuṅ me tog sñiṅ po sbraṅ rtsiʾi bcud : a history of Buddhism and its development in Tibet in the Royal Dynastic Period : Manuscript "B", a corrupt manuscript from the library of Lopon Sonam Sangpo外部サイトSaṅs rgyas mñam sbyor lcags sñug ma : liturgical arrangements and explanations of the Bka' ma teachings of the Saṅs rgyas mñam sbyor cycle外部サイトRig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan gyi rnam thar daṅ mgur ʾbum : the autobiography and selected songs of Rig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan, a rebirth of Gter-chen Ratna-gliṅ-pa active in the Lho-brag area of southeastern Tibet外部サイトརིག་འཛིན་ཤེས་རབ་བློ་ལྡན་གྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་བཞུགས་སོ外部サイトSādhanas for the practice of the Bla ma rig ʾdzin ʾdus pa, Bkaʾ brgyad, and Bla ma gsaṅ ba ʾdus pa外部サイトChos ʾbyuṅ me tog sñiṅ po sbraṅ rtsiʾi bcud : a history of Buddhism and its development in Tibet in the Royal Dynastic Period : manuscript "A", an incomplete manuscript from the library of the late Lopon Choedak外部サイトBstan paʾi sñiṅ po Gsaṅ chen Sṅa ʾgyur ṅes don zab moʾi chos kyi ʾbyuṅ ba gsal bar byed paʾi legs bśad mkhas pa dgaʾ byed ṅo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho : a detailed history of the Nyingmapa traditions of Tibetan Buddhism外部サイトMa ṇi Bkaʾ ʾbum chen mo . And Thugs rje chen poʾi rgyud raṅ byuṅ ye śes外部サイトGsaṅ ʾdus bla maʾi thugs sgrub kyi skor : a collection of rare teachings from the revelations of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug外部サイトThe autobiography and instructions of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug外部サイトSprul-sku Rig-ʾdzin Mchog-ldan-mgon-poʾi rnam thar mgur ʾbum dad ldan spro ba bskyed byed : the autobiography and selected songs of esoteric realization of Rig-ʾdzin Mchog-ldan-mgon-po, a reembodiment of Rdo-rje-gliṅ-pa from Lho-brag外部サイトByaṅ chub sems dpaʾ sems dpaʾ chen po Chos rgyal mes dbon rnam gsum gyi thar rin po cheʾi ʾphreṅ ba : an account of the lives of the Dharmarājas of Tibet of the 8th century外部サイト



  • ʾJam dpal Khro chu Dug gdoṅ nag poʾi sgrub skor : a collection of revelations from the discoveries of Rgya Źaṅ-khrom : presented according to the tradition received by Slob-dpon Chos-grags

  • Ma ṇi bkaʾ ʾbum chen mo : a rediscovered teaching of the Avalokiteśvara cult from the gter-ma revelations of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug

  • Chos ʾbyuṅ me tog sñiṅ po sbraṅ rtsiʾi bcud : a history of Buddhism and its development in Tibet in the Royal Dynastic Period : Manuscript "B", a corrupt manuscript from the library of Lopon Sonam Sangpo

  • Saṅs rgyas mñam sbyor lcags sñug ma : liturgical arrangements and explanations of the Bka' ma teachings of the Saṅs rgyas mñam sbyor cycle

  • Rig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan gyi rnam thar daṅ mgur ʾbum : the autobiography and selected songs of Rig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan, a rebirth of Gter-chen Ratna-gliṅ-pa active in the Lho-brag area of southeastern Tibet





  • CiNii Research

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Rin chen gter mdzod chen poʾi rgyab chos
ʾJam dpal Khro chu Dug gdoṅ nag poʾi sgrub skor : a collection of revelations from the discoveries of Rgya Źaṅ-khrom : presented according to the tradition received by Slob-dpon Chos-grags
Ma ṇi bkaʾ ʾbum chen mo : a rediscovered teaching of the Avalokiteśvara cult from the gter-ma revelations of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug
Chos ʾbyuṅ me tog sñiṅ po sbraṅ rtsiʾi bcud : a history of Buddhism and its development in Tibet in the Royal Dynastic Period : Manuscript "B", a corrupt manuscript from the library of Lopon Sonam Sangpo
Saṅs rgyas mñam sbyor lcags sñug ma : liturgical arrangements and explanations of the Bka' ma teachings of the Saṅs rgyas mñam sbyor cycle
Rig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan gyi rnam thar daṅ mgur ʾbum : the autobiography and selected songs of Rig-ʾdzin Śes-rab-blo-ldan, a rebirth of Gter-chen Ratna-gliṅ-pa active in the Lho-brag area of southeastern Tibet
Sādhanas for the practice of the Bla ma rig ʾdzin ʾdus pa, Bkaʾ brgyad, and Bla ma gsaṅ ba ʾdus pa
Chos ʾbyuṅ me tog sñiṅ po sbraṅ rtsiʾi bcud : a history of Buddhism and its development in Tibet in the Royal Dynastic Period : manuscript "A", an incomplete manuscript from the library of the late Lopon Choedak
Bstan paʾi sñiṅ po Gsaṅ chen Sṅa ʾgyur ṅes don zab moʾi chos kyi ʾbyuṅ ba gsal bar byed paʾi legs bśad mkhas pa dgaʾ byed ṅo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho : a detailed history of the Nyingmapa traditions of Tibetan Buddhism
Ma ṇi Bkaʾ ʾbum chen mo . And Thugs rje chen poʾi rgyud raṅ byuṅ ye śes
Gsaṅ ʾdus bla maʾi thugs sgrub kyi skor : a collection of rare teachings from the revelations of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug
The autobiography and instructions of Gu-ru Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug
Sprul-sku Rig-ʾdzin Mchog-ldan-mgon-poʾi rnam thar mgur ʾbum dad ldan spro ba bskyed byed : the autobiography and selected songs of esoteric realization of Rig-ʾdzin Mchog-ldan-mgon-po, a reembodiment of Rdo-rje-gliṅ-pa from Lho-brag
Byaṅ chub sems dpaʾ sems dpaʾ chen po Chos rgyal mes dbon rnam gsum gyi thar rin po cheʾi ʾphreṅ ba : an account of the lives of the Dharmarājas of Tibet of the 8th century
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research