
Translations from the Asian classics


Translations from the Asian classics

Columbia University Press


The Platform sutra of the Sixth Patriarch : the text of the Tun-huang manuscript外部サイトZeami : performance notes外部サイトBreeze through bamboo : Kanshi of Ema Saikō外部サイトThe Vimalakirti Sutra外部サイトThe Huainanzi : a guide to the theory and practice of government in early Han China外部サイトFour major plays of Chikamatsu外部サイトThe essential Huainanzi外部サイトThe Lotus Sutra外部サイトScenes for mandarins : the elite theater of the Ming外部サイトThe Columbia anthology of Yuan drama外部サイトMozi : basic writings外部サイトTraditional Japanese theater : an anthology of plays外部サイトThe essential Lotus : selections from the Lotus Sutra外部サイトThe pillow book of Sei Shōnagon外部サイトBeyond spring : t'zu poems of the Sung dynasty外部サイトThe Kojiki : an account of ancient matters外部サイトThe sound of the kiss, or, The story that must never be told外部サイトThe Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature外部サイトMistress & maid (Jiaohongji)外部サイトRyōkan : Zen monk-poet of Japan外部サイトHan Fei Tzu : basic writings外部サイトChuang Tzu : basic writings外部サイトLao Tzu's Tao Te Ching : a translation of the startling new documents found at Guodian外部サイトLust, commerce, and corruption : an account of what I have seen and heard, by an Edo samurai外部サイトHan Feizi : basic writings外部サイトThe book of Lord Shang : apologetics of state power in early China外部サイトThe Columbia anthology of traditional Korean poetry外部サイトZeami : performance notes外部サイトThe art of war外部サイトTales of moonlight and rain外部サイトZongmi on Chan外部サイトMencius外部サイトThe classic of changes : a new translation of the I Ching as interpreted by Wang Bi外部サイトThe classic of the way and virtue : a new translation of the Tao-te ching of Laozi as interpreted by Wang Bi外部サイトLuxuriant gems of the spring and autumn外部サイトThe awakening of faith : attributed to Aśvaghosha外部サイトThe original analects : sayings of Confucius and his successors外部サイトThe Sarashina diary : a woman's life in eleventh-century Japan外部サイトA tower for the summer heat外部サイトClouds thick, whereabouts unknown : poems by Zen monks of China外部サイトXunzi : basic writings外部サイトOriginal Tao : inward training and the foundations of Taoist mysticism外部サイトWaiting for the wind : thirty-six poets of Japan's late medieval age外部サイトEarly modern Japanese literature : an anthology, 1600-1900外部サイトHsün Tzu : basic writings外部サイトTraditional Japanese theater : an anthology of plays外部サイトThe kokinshū : selected poems外部サイトEssays in idleness : the Tsurezuregusa of Kenkō外部サイトScripture of the Lotus blossom of the fine dharma (the Lotus sūtra)外部サイトLetters of Nichiren外部サイトThe resurrected skeleton : from Zhuangzi to Lu Xun外部サイトMonsters, animals, and other worlds : a collection of short medieval Japanese tales外部サイトThe complete works of Chuang Tzu外部サイトErotic poems from the Sanskrit : an anthology外部サイトThe songs of Chu : an anthology of ancient Chinese poetry by Qu Yuan and others外部サイトYoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees : a masterpiece of the eighteenth-century Japanese puppet theater外部サイトThe awakening of faith外部サイトTraditional Japanese literature : an anthology, beginnings to 1600外部サイトThe Columbia book of Chinese poetry : from early times to the thirteenth century外部サイトThe book of swindles : selections from a late Ming collection外部サイトHaiku before haiku : from the Renga masters to Bashō外部サイトThe four hundred songs of war and wisdom : an anthology of poems from classical Tamil, The Puṟanāṉūṟu外部サイトJapanese and Chinese poems to sing : the Wakan rōei shū外部サイトMencius外部サイトThe selected poems of Du Fu外部サイトThe classic of changes : a new translation of the I Ching as interpreted by Wang Bi外部サイトThe teachings of Master Wuzhu : Zen and religion of no-religion外部サイトExemplary women of early China : the Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang外部サイトOne hundred poets, one poem each : a translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu外部サイトEarly modern Japanese literature : an anthology, 1600-1900, abridged外部サイトLove song of the dark lord : Jayadeva's Gītagovinda外部サイトThe philosophy of qi : the record of great doubts外部サイトLetters of Nichiren外部サイトOne hundred poets, one poem each : a translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu外部サイトThe Sarashina diary : a woman's life in eleventh-century Japan外部サイトLust, commerce, and corruption : an account of what I have seen and heard, by an Edo Samurai外部サイトChikamatsu : 5 late plays外部サイトSelected writings of Nichiren外部サイトThe analects of Confucius外部サイトThe book of Lieh-tzŭ : a classic of the Tao外部サイトThe Mozi : a complete translation外部サイトTamil love poetry : the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, an early third-century anthology外部サイトThe Columbia anthology of Chinese folk and popular literature外部サイトSaigyō, poems of a mountain home外部サイトWaiting for the dawn : a plan for the prince : Huang Tsung-hsi's Ming-i-tai-fang lu外部サイトSugawara and the secrets of calligraphy外部サイトUnforgotten dreams : poems by the Zen monk Shōtetsu外部サイトHsün Tzu : basic writings外部サイトThe Cilappatikāram of Iḷaṅkō Aṭikaḷ : an epic of South India外部サイトTraditional Japanese literature : an anthology, beginnings to 1600外部サイトFar beyond the field : haiku by Japanese women : an anthology外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトRecord of miraculous events in Japan : the Nihon ryōiki外部サイトThe demon at Agi Bridge and other Japanese tales外部サイトThe analects of Confucius外部サイトZhuangzi : basic writings外部サイトThe tales of the Heike外部サイトJust living : poems and prose by the Japanese monk Tonna外部サイトThe platform sutra of the sixth patriarch : the text of the Tun-huang manuscript外部サイトThe complete works of Zhuangzi外部サイトThe art of war : Sun Zi's military methods外部サイトThe Mahābhārata : an English version based on selected verses外部サイトThe shorter Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature外部サイトThe diary of 1636 : the second Manchu invasion of Korea外部サイトIn the shelter of the pine : a memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan外部サイトA topsy-turvy world : short plays and farces from the Ming and Qing dynasties外部サイトThe kokinshū : selected poems外部サイトThe original meaning of the Yijing : commentary on the scripture of change外部サイトIn remembrance of the saints : the rise and fall of an Inner Asian Sufi dynasty外部サイトGhalib : selected poems and letters外部サイトIn the shelter of the pine : a memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan外部サイトThe Orphan of Zhao and other Yuan plays : the earliest known versions外部サイトZhuangzi : a new translation of the sayings of Master Zhuang as interpreted by Guo Xiang外部サイトMonsters, animals, and other worlds : a collection of short medieval Japanese tales外部サイトIn remembrance of the saints : the rise and fall of an Inner Asian Sufi dynasty外部サイト






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The Platform sutra of the Sixth Patriarch : the text of the Tun-huang manuscript
Zeami : performance notes
Breeze through bamboo : Kanshi of Ema Saikō
The Vimalakirti Sutra
The Huainanzi : a guide to the theory and practice of government in early Han China
Four major plays of Chikamatsu
The essential Huainanzi
The Lotus Sutra
Scenes for mandarins : the elite theater of the Ming
The Columbia anthology of Yuan drama
Mozi : basic writings
Traditional Japanese theater : an anthology of plays
The essential Lotus : selections from the Lotus Sutra
The pillow book of Sei Shōnagon
Beyond spring : t'zu poems of the Sung dynasty
The Kojiki : an account of ancient matters
The sound of the kiss, or, The story that must never be told
The Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature
Mistress & maid (Jiaohongji)
Ryōkan : Zen monk-poet of Japan
Han Fei Tzu : basic writings
Chuang Tzu : basic writings
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching : a translation of the startling new documents found at Guodian
Lust, commerce, and corruption : an account of what I have seen and heard, by an Edo samurai
Han Feizi : basic writings
The book of Lord Shang : apologetics of state power in early China
The Columbia anthology of traditional Korean poetry
Zeami : performance notes
The art of war
Tales of moonlight and rain
Zongmi on Chan
The classic of changes : a new translation of the I Ching as interpreted by Wang Bi
The classic of the way and virtue : a new translation of the Tao-te ching of Laozi as interpreted by Wang Bi
Luxuriant gems of the spring and autumn
The awakening of faith : attributed to Aśvaghosha
The original analects : sayings of Confucius and his successors
The Sarashina diary : a woman's life in eleventh-century Japan
A tower for the summer heat
Clouds thick, whereabouts unknown : poems by Zen monks of China
Xunzi : basic writings
Original Tao : inward training and the foundations of Taoist mysticism
Waiting for the wind : thirty-six poets of Japan's late medieval age
Early modern Japanese literature : an anthology, 1600-1900
Hsün Tzu : basic writings
Traditional Japanese theater : an anthology of plays
The kokinshū : selected poems
Essays in idleness : the Tsurezuregusa of Kenkō
Scripture of the Lotus blossom of the fine dharma (the Lotus sūtra)
Letters of Nichiren
The resurrected skeleton : from Zhuangzi to Lu Xun
Monsters, animals, and other worlds : a collection of short medieval Japanese tales
The complete works of Chuang Tzu
Erotic poems from the Sanskrit : an anthology
The songs of Chu : an anthology of ancient Chinese poetry by Qu Yuan and others
Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees : a masterpiece of the eighteenth-century Japanese puppet theater
The awakening of faith
Traditional Japanese literature : an anthology, beginnings to 1600
The Columbia book of Chinese poetry : from early times to the thirteenth century
The book of swindles : selections from a late Ming collection
Haiku before haiku : from the Renga masters to Bashō
The four hundred songs of war and wisdom : an anthology of poems from classical Tamil, The Puṟanāṉūṟu
Japanese and Chinese poems to sing : the Wakan rōei shū
The selected poems of Du Fu
The classic of changes : a new translation of the I Ching as interpreted by Wang Bi
The teachings of Master Wuzhu : Zen and religion of no-religion
Exemplary women of early China : the Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang
One hundred poets, one poem each : a translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
Early modern Japanese literature : an anthology, 1600-1900, abridged
Love song of the dark lord : Jayadeva's Gītagovinda
The philosophy of qi : the record of great doubts
Letters of Nichiren
One hundred poets, one poem each : a translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
The Sarashina diary : a woman's life in eleventh-century Japan
Lust, commerce, and corruption : an account of what I have seen and heard, by an Edo Samurai
Chikamatsu : 5 late plays
Selected writings of Nichiren
The analects of Confucius
The book of Lieh-tzŭ : a classic of the Tao
The Mozi : a complete translation
Tamil love poetry : the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, an early third-century anthology
The Columbia anthology of Chinese folk and popular literature
Saigyō, poems of a mountain home
Waiting for the dawn : a plan for the prince : Huang Tsung-hsi's Ming-i-tai-fang lu
Sugawara and the secrets of calligraphy
Unforgotten dreams : poems by the Zen monk Shōtetsu
Hsün Tzu : basic writings
The Cilappatikāram of Iḷaṅkō Aṭikaḷ : an epic of South India
Traditional Japanese literature : an anthology, beginnings to 1600
Far beyond the field : haiku by Japanese women : an anthology
Selected poems
Record of miraculous events in Japan : the Nihon ryōiki
The demon at Agi Bridge and other Japanese tales
The analects of Confucius
Zhuangzi : basic writings
The tales of the Heike
Just living : poems and prose by the Japanese monk Tonna
The platform sutra of the sixth patriarch : the text of the Tun-huang manuscript
The complete works of Zhuangzi
The art of war : Sun Zi's military methods
The Mahābhārata : an English version based on selected verses
The shorter Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature
The diary of 1636 : the second Manchu invasion of Korea
In the shelter of the pine : a memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan
A topsy-turvy world : short plays and farces from the Ming and Qing dynasties
The kokinshū : selected poems
The original meaning of the Yijing : commentary on the scripture of change
In remembrance of the saints : the rise and fall of an Inner Asian Sufi dynasty
Ghalib : selected poems and letters
In the shelter of the pine : a memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan
The Orphan of Zhao and other Yuan plays : the earliest known versions
Zhuangzi : a new translation of the sayings of Master Zhuang as interpreted by Guo Xiang
Monsters, animals, and other worlds : a collection of short medieval Japanese tales
In remembrance of the saints : the rise and fall of an Inner Asian Sufi dynasty
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA21184743 : BA21184743