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- Mathematics for the liberal artsRandomized phase II cancer clinical trialsSurvey samplingEssentials of a successful biostatistical collaborationApplied survey data analysisComputers and society : computing for goodAn introduction to computational risk management of equity-linked insurancePortfolio rebalancingBayesian psychometric modelingRepeated measures design with generalized linear mixed models for randomized controlled trialsStochastic modelling for systems biologyPartial differential equations for mathematical physicistsBayesian programmingMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysisA concise introduction to pure mathematicsThe beauty of mathematics in computer scienceAbstract algebra : structures and applicationsGroup theoretic cryptographyStudent solutions manual : Statistics for engineering and the sciences, sixth editionIntroduction to computational linear algebraBayesian regression modeling with INLAStatistical approaches in oncology clinical development : current paradigm and methodological advancementBehavior trees in robotics and AI : an introductionFoundations of statistical algorithms : with references to R packagesTransition to analysis with proofApplying analytics : a practical introductionA first course in machine learningTime series modelling with unobserved componentsAnalysis of mixed data : methods & applicationsData analysis with competing risks and intermediate statesExploratory multivariate analysis by example using RUnderstanding geometric algebra : Hamilton, Grassmann, and Clifford for computer vision and graphicsAdaptive design methods in clinical trialsComputational intelligent data analysis for sustainable developmentBookdown : authoring books and technical documents with R MarkdownCRC standard mathematical tables and formulasBayesian demographic estimation and forecastingKemer's theoremsMathematical theory of Bayesian statisticsA practitioner's guide to resampling for data analysis, data mining, and modelingRandom circulant matricesVisualization and verbalization of dataTime series with mixed spectraGene expression studies using affymetrix microarraysStochastic processes : an introductionBayesian methods in epidemiologyR graphicsA course in differential equations with boundary-value problemsA user's guide to business analyticsNonparametric statistics on manifolds and their applications to object data analysisEquivalence : Elizabeth L. Scott at BerkeleyA MATLAB companion to complex variables3D graphics for game programmingBusiness process modeling, simulation and designDesign and analysis of non-inferiority trialsHandbook of linear algebraQuasi-least squares regressionTransformational plane geometryMusic data miningMaking music with computers : creative programming in PythonActuarial models : the mathematics of insuranceStated preference methods using RAn introduction to astronomy and astrophysicsIntroductory statistics for the health sciencesRobust cluster analysis and variable selectionIntroduction to middleware : web services, object components, and cloud computingQuantitative graph theory : mathematical foundations and applicationsA concise introduction to programming in PythonStrange functions in real analysisModel-based geostatistics for global public health : methods and applicationsDifferential equations : theory, technique, and practiceBayesian methods : a social and behavioral sciences approachImplementing reproducible researchIntroduction to chemical graph theoryUnderstanding advanced statistical methodsWriting dissertation and grant proposals : epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatisticsRisk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networksMetabolomics : practical guide to design and analysisSecret history : the story of cryptologyInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital worldApplied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and RBayesian methods in health economicsFundamentals of probability : with stochastic processesMultivariate generalized linear mixed models using RStatistical methods with applications to demography and life insuranceIntroduction to programming languagesRandomization, masking, and allocation concealmentAbstract algebra : an interactive approachDiscrete data analysis with R : visualization and modeling techniques for categorical and count dataAssociation analysisContemporary high performance computing : from petascale toward exascaleInternet-scale pattern recognition : new techniques for voluminous data sets and data cloudsMethodology in robust and nonparametric statisticsMATLAB handbook with applications to mathematics, science, engineering, and financeGraph theory and its applicationsComputational exome and genome analysisElementary probability with applicationsFeature engineering for machine learning and data analyticsProbability and statistics for computer scientistsLinked data managementCremona groups and the icosahedronRNA-seq data analysis : a practical approachIntroduction to the theory of statistical inferenceIntroduction to abstract algebraRichly parameterized linear models : additive, time series, and spatial models using random effectsAdvances in machine learning and data mining for astronomyPrivacy-aware knowledge discovery : novel applications and new techniquesRapidly prototyping interfaces with InDesignIndustrial applications of machine learningGeneralized estimating equationsInternet of things : approach and applicability in manufacturingAnalyzing health data in R for SAS usersIntroduction to spatial econometricsThe essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using RAlgebraic curves in cryptographyAn introduction to linear algebraHandbook of linear algebraGeneral relativity : basics and beyondFixed point theory, variational analysis, and optimizationEnsemble methods : foundations and algorithmsGeocomputation with RIntroduction to probabilityIntroduction to probabilityComputational fluid dynamicsRisk monetization : converting threats and opportunities into impact on project valueFuzzy analytic hierarchy processEvent history analysis with RThe art of proving binomial identitiesBig data management and processingPricing in general insuranceThe financial mathematics of market liquidity : from optimal execution to market makingFeedback control in systems biologyMonte Carlo simulation with applications to financeNumerical methods and optimization : an introductionModern engineering mathematicsPrinciples of biostatisticsBasic algebraic topologyCustomer and business analytics : applied data mining for business decision making using RMethods for estimation and inference in modern econometricsPatient-reported outcomes : measurement, implementation and interpretationDerivative pricing : a problem-based primerAdvanced ROption valuation : a first course in financial mathematicsA practical guide to database designReliability and maintenance : networks and systemsThe science of computing : shaping a disciplineThe data book : collection and management of research dataMultiple imputation in practice : with examples using IVEwareA course in abstract harmonic analysisHandbook of ordinary differential equations : exact solutions, methods, and problemsNear rings, fuzzy ideals, and graph theorySearch and foraging : individual motion and swarm dynamicsStatistical methods for financial engineeringAnalyzing spatial models of choice and judgment with RMultilevel modeling using MplusData mining with R : learning with case studiesHandbook of design and analysis of experimentsThe R primerMulti-label dimensionality reductionComputational actuarial science with RComputational systems biology of cancerIntegrated analysis and causal inferenceIntroduction to statistical methods for financial modelsClassification and regression treesInformation systems : what every business student needs to knowBioequivalence and statistics in clinical pharmacologyGeneralized structured component analysis : a component-based approach to structural equation modelingProgramming in C++ for engineering and scienceAlgebraic curves in cryptographyCryptology : classical and modern with mapletsProbability and statistics for computer scientistsHigh-performance computing in finance : problems, methods, and solutionsSpatio-temporal statistics with RIntermediate C programmingAnalysis of variance for functional dataA systematic approach to learning robot programming with ROSPlatform trial designs in drug development : umbrella trials and basket trialsPractical R for mass communication and journalismAgents, games, and evolution : strategies at work and playComplex analysis : conformal inequalities and the Bieberbach conjectureHuman capital systems, analytics, and data miningHandbook of differential entropyClinical trial data analysis using R and SASCreative direction in a digital world : a guide to being a modern creative directorProcess capability analysis : estimating qualityMultilevel modeling using RMathematics in games, sports, and gambling : the games people playHandbook of environmental and ecological statisticsStationary stochastic processes for scientists and engineersPuzzles, paradoxes, and problem solving : an introduction to mathematical thinkingNeutrices and external numbers : a flexible number systemPartial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysisThe separable Galois theory of commutative ringsInverse scattering problems and their application to nonlinear integrable equationsHandbook of neuroimaging data analysisLinear groups : the accent on infinite dimensionalityLattice point identities and Shannon-type samplingBasketball data science : with applications in RBayesian methods in pharmaceutical researchComputational exome and genome analysisIntroduction to mathematical modelingMarkov random flightsStatistics for making decisionsEnvironmental and ecological statistics with RIntroduction to R for social scientists : a tidy programming approachReal analysis : with proof strategiesAlgebraic number theory and Fermat's last theoremAn introduction to bond graph modelling with applicationsSmart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applicationsLevel-crossing problems and inverse Gaussian distributions : closed-form results and approximationsMathematical modelling of waves in multi-scale structured mediaFundamentals of data scienceEvent history analysis with RGene expression data analysis : a statistical and machine learning perspectiveLinux yourself : concept and programmingData science and its applicationsThe effect : an introduction to research design and causalityThe effect : an introduction to research design and causalityHandbook of financial risk managementModern data science with RAn introduction to complex analysis and the Laplace transformA practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyondBayesian hierarchical models : with applications using REconomic evaluation of cancer drugs : using clinical trial and real-world dataMathematical modeling : models, analysis and applicationsIntroduction to high-dimensional statisticsNumerical techniques for direct and large-eddy simulationsElements of algebraic topologyHandbook of quantile regressionStatistical analysis of contingency tablesProbability and statistical inference : from basic principles to advanced modelsModern applied regressions : Bayesian and frequentist analysis of categorical and limited response variables with R and StanBayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyondClinical data quality checks for CDISC compliance using SASA first course in machine learningApplied regression and ANOVA using SASR Markdown cookbookMathematical modelling with differential equationsData science : a first introductionIntroduction to environmental data scienceAlgorithm design : a methodological approach : 150 problems and detailed solutionsMathematical modeling in biology : a research methods approachData science : techniques and intelligent applicationsData science for effective healthcare systemsIntroduction to number theorySoftware design by example : a tool-based introduction with JavaScriptExpanding mathematical toolbox : interweaving topics, problems and solutionsIntroduction to machine learning with applications in information securityApplied differential equations : the primary courseCrime mapping and spatial data analysis using RBayesian inference for stochastic processesIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in RAnalysis on manifoldsTelling stories with data : with applications in RStructural equation modeling using R/SAS : a step-by-step approach with real data analysisComputational optimization : success in practiceAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approachR for political data science : a practical guidePublic policy analytics : code and context for data science in governmentHands-on data science for librariansFunctional data analysis with RExploring data science with R and the tidyverse : a concise introductionMixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directionsFoundations of data science with PythonKnot projectionsDeep learning for engineersApplied machine learning using mlr3 in RExploring spatial dataIntroduction to mathematical modelingTechniques for designing and analyzing algorithmsDifferential equations : theory, technique, and practice with boundary value problemsStatistics for engineering and the sciencesMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integrationR Markdown : the definitive guideSelf-controlled case series studies : a modelling guide with RStatistical methods for survival trial design : with applications to cancer clinical trials using RBig data computing : a guide for business and technology managersAn introductory course of particle physicsDesign and analysis of experiments with RAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approachIntroduction to machine learning and bioinformaticsStatistics for biotechnology process developmentHandbook of enumerative combinatoricsStatistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysisR for statisticsMultilinear subspace learning : dimensionality reduction of multidimensional dataNonlinear estimation : methods and applications with deterministic sample pointsExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MathematicaProgramming graphical user interfaces in RStatistical design and analysis of clinical trials : principles and methodsCloud computing : data-intensive computing and schedulingAdversarial risk analysisAlgebraic number theory and Fermat's last theoremAdvanced calculus : theory and practiceBioinformatics database systems3D animation for the raw beginner using MayaCryptology : classical and modernAge-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate dataSocial networks with rich edge semanticsPrinciples of copula theoryReproducible finance with R : code flows and shiny apps for portfolio analysisHigh performance computing for big data : methodologies and applicationsMathematics for the environmentIntroduction to statistical process controlA first course in machine learningExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLABHandbook of statistical methods for case-control studiesMusic data analysis : foundations and applicationsOptimization : algorithms and applicationsBig data in complex and social networksElements of algebraic topologyComputational methods in financeCrossing numbers of graphsHandbook of scientific proposal writingApplied operational research with SASTextbook of clinical trials in oncology : a statistical perspectiveLineability : the search for linearity in mathematicsInterval-censored time-to-event data : methods and applicationsThe green computing book : tackling energy efficiency at large scaleNonlinear functional analysis in Banach spaces and Banach algebras : fixed point theory under weak topology for nonlinear operators and block operator matrices with applicationsBayesian cost-effectiveness analysis of medical treatmentsThe synoptic problem and statisticsAn introduction to Excel VBA programming : with applications in finance and insuranceStochastic processes with applications to financeBayesian data analysisStatistical methods in biology : design and analysis of experiments and regressionFinancial and actuarial statistics : an introductionKnowledge and systems science : enabling systemic knowledge synthesisJoint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data : with applications in RStatistical methods for field and laboratory studies in behavioral ecologyAdaptive survey designEmpirical likelihood methods in biomedicine and healthHandbook of statistics in clinical oncologyDiscrete event simulation for health technology assessmentThe R student companionEmpirical likelihood method in survival analysisSports math : an introductory course in the mathematics of sports science and sports analyticsMonomial algebrasCryptography : theory and practiceDynamic Web programming and HTML5Computational mathematics : models, methods, and analysis with MATLAB and MPISet theoretical aspects of real analysisBayesian networks : with examples in RBiostatistics : concepts and applications for biologistsHandbook of quantile regressionImproper Riemann integralsR graphicsR for college mathematics and statisticsReinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems with cybersecurity case studiesWavelet methods for solving partial differential equations and fractional differential equationsStatistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big dataClinical trial optimization using RFeature engineering and selection : a practical approach for predictive modelsAsymptotic analysis and perturbation theoryProbability and statistics for data science : Math+R+DataAn introduction to partial differential equations with MATLABDesign and analysis of cross-over trialsUndocumented secrets of MATLAB-Java programmingR companion to elementary applied statisticsMonomial algebrasElectronic structure of materialsThe human element of big data : issues, analytics, and performanceData analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysisQuantitative methods for HIV/AIDS researchPython for bioinformaticsMathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real worldStatistical computing in C++ and RUncertainty analysis of experimental data with RThe statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approachProof theory : sequent calculi and related formalismsThe truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets : order convolution of functions an the unit intervalApplied time series analysis, with RCurrent trends in Bayesian methodology with applicationsMachine learning : an algorithmic perspectiveStatistical topics in health economics and outcomes researchA practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyondRisk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networksLarge-scale machine learning in the earth sciencesQuantitative trading : algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimizationNonlinear option pricingAn introduction to exotic option pricingMathematical modeling : models, analysis and applicationsInnovative strategies, statistical solutions and simulations for modern clinical trialsTesting R codeHandbook of fitting statistical distributions with RData mining : a tutorial-based primerRegularization, optimization, kernels, and support vector machinesConfidence intervals for proportions and related measures of effect sizeWhat makes variables random : probability for the applied researcherNonparametric statistical tests : a computational approachAn introduction to real analysisEpidemiology : study design and data analysisRisk management and simulationAdvanced RStatistics in MATLAB : a primerData analysis using hierarchical generalized linear models with RFlexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in RModern statistics for the social and behavioral sciences : a practical introductionSturm Liouville problems : theory and numerical implementationIterative optimization in inverse problemsMedical product safety evaluation : biological models and statistical methodsMethods in comparative effectiveness researchAn R companion to linear statistical modelsStatistics for financeAgent-based modeling and simulation with SwarmBayesian methods for repeated measuresSurprises in probability : seventeen short storiesExplorations in computing : an introduction to computer science and Python programmingPhysical oceanography : a mathematical introduction with MATLABFoundational and applied statistics for biologists using ROptimal experimental design with RData and safety monitoring committees in clinical trialsIntroduction to machine learning with applications in information securityAutomata and computability : a programmer's perspectiveHandbook of mixed membership models and their applicationsThe BUGS book : a practical introduction to Bayesian analysisModern directional statisticsQuadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theoryGaussian process regression analysis for functional dataLinear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical softwareAccelerating MATLAB performance : 1001 tips to speed up MATLAB programsFrontiers in data scienceBig data : algorithms, analytics, and applicationsA course in real analysisStatistics for businessMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integrationPartial differential equations with variable exponents : variational methods and qualitative analysisTheory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experimentsCounterexamples : from elementary calculus to the beginnings of analysisAn illustrated introduction to topology and homotopyAcceptance sampling in quality controlIntroductory fisheries analyses with RLatent Markov models for longitudinal dataThe Cauchy transform, potential theory and conformal mappingIntroduction to probability with Texas hold'em examplesGoverning lethal behavior in autonomous robotsMorse theory for Hamiltonian systemsClinical trial data analysis using RHandbook of peridynamic modelingPractical guide to ChIP-seq data analysisStatistics in the health sciences : theory, applications, and computingComputer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experimentsMATLAB with applications to engineering, physics and financeAdvanced engineering mathematics with MATLABProbability and stochastic modelingComputational actuarial science with RData science with JuliaApplied directional statistics : modern methods and case studiesHandbook of biomarkers and precision medicineBig data of complex networksToward deep neural networks : WASD neuronet models, algorithms, and applicationsEmerging trends in disruptive technology management for sustainable developmentSequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rulesSurrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciencesComputational methods in biomedical researchGenomics data analysis : false discovery rates and empirical Bayes methodsIntroduction to bioinformatics with R : a practical guide for biologistsMathematics of casino carnival gamesDetecting regime change in computational finance : data science, machine learning and algorithmic tradingIntroduction to credit riskUnderstanding the analytic hierarchy processBig data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practiceIntroduction to mathematical modeling and computer simulationsBig data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practiceHandbook of computational group theoryReplication and evidence factors in observational studiesMendelian randomization : methods for causal inference using genetic variantsOne-dimensional dynamical systems : an example-led approachGeocomputation with RElementary number theoryExercises in programming styleContent-based image classification : efficient machine learning using robust feature extraction techniquesFinancial mathematics : a comprehensive treatment in discrete timeSmoothing splines : methods and applicationsBig data systems : a 360-degree approachDose-response analysis using RMathematical modellingMachine learning for cloud managementHow things work : the computer science editionA first course in linear model theoryBehavior analysis with machine learning using RBayesian networks : with examples in RApplied directional statistics : modern methods and case studiesBayes rules! : an introduction to applied Bayesian modelingInteractive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shinyMixed-mode official surveys : design and analysisAnalysis of a model for epilepsy : application of a max-type difference equation to mesial temporal lobe epilepsyBayesian applications in environmental and ecological studies with R and stanPopulation genomics with RLinear algebraThe data book : collection and management of research dataBioinformatics methods : from omics to next generation sequencingUsing R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modelingData science with JuliaTree-based methods for statisitcal learning in RCybersecurity analyticsSupervised machine learning for text analysis in RIntroduction to statistical modelling and inferenceInternet of things and secure smart environments : successes and pitfallsApplied linear regression for longitudinal data : with an emphasis on missing observationsBiometry for forestry and environmental data : with examples in RFunctional analysis and topologyAdvanced topics in mathematical analysisLearn R : as a languageIntroduction to Lorentz geometry : curves and surfacesNumber savvy : from the invention of numbers to the future of dataUnderstanding risk : the theory and practice of financial risk managementStochastic differential equations for science and engineeringFour-dimensional manifolds and projective structureSparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence testsGeographic data science with PythonDependence modeling with copulasApplications of regression for categorical outcomes using RMultiplicative differential calculusGeometry of derivation with applicationsIntroduction to stochastic level crossing techniquesOptimization modelling using RSpatial dynamics and pattern formation in biological populationsA course in the large sample theory of statistical inferenceHadron physicsIntroduction to Python for humanistsStatistics behind the headlinesNonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineeringTime series : modeling, computation, and inferenceFunctional data analysis with RAdvanced data structures : theory and applicationsSmart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applicationsAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approachA new year's present from a mathematicianSpatial microsimulation with RArtificial intelligence for drug development, precision medicine, and healthcareBiomarker analysis in clinical trials with RStatistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big dataGeospatial health data : modeling and visualization with R-INLA and ShinyMachine learning for factor investing : R versionThe essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using RAge-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate dataHandbook of forensic statisticsGini inequality index : methods and applicationsGraph theory : an introduction to proofs, algorithms, and applicationsAlgebra & geometry : an introduction to university mathematicsIntroduction to IoT with machine learning and image processing using Raspberry PiExercises in programming styleAdvanced survival modelsMartingale methods in statisticsAI for carsThe Sharpe ratio : statistics and applicationsUsing R and RStudio for data management, statistical analysis, and graphicsAdvanced R solutionsDeep learning : a comprehensive guidePhilosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studiesPortfolio optimizationLinear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical softwareBackseat driver : the role of data in great car safety debatesGalois theoryTime series for data science : analysis and forecastingArtificial intelligence and causal inferenceNumerical methods for unsteady compressible flow problemsSoft computing techniques for type-2 diabetes data classificationAn invitation to the Rogers-Ramanujan identitiesStatistical methods for handling incomplete dataInfinite groups : a roadmap to selected classical areasSurrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciencesMeasure theory and integrationSupervised machine learning for text analysis in RResource proportional software design for emerging systemsStatistical theory : a concise introductionANOVA and mixed models : a short introduction using RAI for carsMassive graph analyticsUrban informatics : using big data to understand and serve communitiesMachine learning for factor investing : R versionMathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real worldHandbook of graphs and networks in people analytics : with examples in R and PythonPython for beginnersSpatial data science : with applications in RUsing R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modelingGPU parallel program development using CUDAOptimal reference shaping for dynamical systems : theory and applicationsHands-on data science for librariansSpatio-temporal methods in environmental epidemiology with RYour essential guide to quantitative hedge fund investingLie algebraic methods in integrable systemsCyber crime in social media : theory and solutionsFunctional analysis and topologyNonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineeringFractional integral transforms : theory and applicationsDigital health : a primerGraphs & digraphsMultilevel modeling using RAn introduction to astronomy and astrophysicsPractical machine learning with R : tutorials and case studiesAdvanced linear algebraProgramming media art using processing : a beginner's guideExtending structures : fundamentals and applicationsIntelligent copyright protection for imagesThe art of coding : the language of drawing, graphics, and animationElastic waves : high frequency theoryAn invitation to algebraic numbers and algebraic functions50 years of combinatorics, graph theory, and computingDynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicineSpecial functions and analysis of differential equationsSupervised machine learning : optimization framework and applications with SAS and RThe end of error : unum computingEvaluating climate change impactsAlgorithmic trading and quantitative strategiesStatistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and StanReinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems : with cybersecurity case studiesStructural equation modelling with partial least squares using stata and RBeyond multiple linear regression : applied generalized linear models and multilevel models in RTime series : a first course with bootstrap starterSecret history : the story of cryptologyProbability, choice, and reasonLinear algebra to differential equationsPopulation genomics with RTime series : modeling, computation, and inferenceObject oriented data analysisPhilosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studiesHandbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trialsArtificial intelligence : technologies, applications, and challengesPatterned random matricesHandbook of statistical methods and analyses in sportsA tour of data science : learn R and Python in parallelProbability, statistics, and data : a fresh approach using RDiffusion processes, jump processes, and stochastic differential equationsEngineering fundamentalsMathematical conceptsAnalysis on manifoldsPartial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysisGalois theoryAI by design : a plan for living with artificial intelligenceA guide to business mathematicsUnderstanding regression analysis : a conditional distribution approachBayesian inference with INLAData structures using C : a practical approach for beginnersIntegrals related to the error functionBayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyondThe energy of data and distance correlationNumerical analysis and scientific computationFlexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in RIntroduction to computational engineering with MATLABIntroduction to stochastic finance with market examplesTopics in graph theoryAnalyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in RBayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing dataStatistical inference via data science : a ModernDive into R and the tidyverseBeyond first order model theoryAn introduction to R and Python for data analysis : a side-by-side approachDirect and projective limits of geometric Banach structuresGeneralized notions of continued fractions : ergodicity and number theoretic applicationsTidy finance with RR companion for sampling : design and analysisModels for multi-state survival data : rates, risks, and pseudo-valuesBig data analytics : a guide to data science practitioners making the transition to big dataSpatial statistics for data science : theory and practice with RMachine learning toolbox for social scientists : applied predictive analytics with RApplied categorical and count data analysisComputer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experimentsData science and machine learning for non-programmers : using SAS Enterprise minerPost-shrinkage strategies in statistical and machine learning for high dimensional dataModern data visualization with RDeep learning : a beginners' guideFrom concepts to code : introduction to data scienceIntroduction to fluid dynamics in physics and astrophysicsA concise introduction to robot programming with ROS2Clustering spatial dataIntuitive axiomatic set theoryIntroducing game theory and its applicationsAnalyzing baseball data with RHandbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trialsAnalysis of pretest-posttest designsStatistical analysis of financial data : with examples in RReproducible research with R and RStudioInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital worldExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLABIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in RMorrey spaces : introduction and applications to integral operators and PDE'sUnderstanding elections through statistics : polling, prediction, and testingStatistical foundation of data scienceGame theory : a modeling approachMeasurement models for psychological attributesBayesian applications in pharmaceutical developmentLearning microeconometrics with RAnalyzing spatial models of choice and judgmentTowards smart world : homes to cities using Internet of thingsInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital worldUnderstanding artificial intelligenceMathematical modeling : branching beyond calculusProofs 101 : an introduction to formal mathematics
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