
A Chapman & Hall book


A Chapman & Hall book

CRC Press


Mathematics for the liberal arts外部サイトRandomized phase II cancer clinical trials外部サイトSurvey sampling外部サイトEssentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration外部サイトApplied survey data analysis外部サイトComputers and society : computing for good外部サイトAn introduction to computational risk management of equity-linked insurance外部サイトPortfolio rebalancing外部サイトBayesian psychometric modeling外部サイトRepeated measures design with generalized linear mixed models for randomized controlled trials外部サイトStochastic modelling for systems biology外部サイトPartial differential equations for mathematical physicists外部サイトBayesian programming外部サイトMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysis外部サイトA concise introduction to pure mathematics外部サイトThe beauty of mathematics in computer science外部サイトAbstract algebra : structures and applications外部サイトGroup theoretic cryptography外部サイトStudent solutions manual : Statistics for engineering and the sciences, sixth edition外部サイトIntroduction to computational linear algebra外部サイトBayesian regression modeling with INLA外部サイトStatistical approaches in oncology clinical development : current paradigm and methodological advancement外部サイトBehavior trees in robotics and AI : an introduction外部サイトFoundations of statistical algorithms : with references to R packages外部サイトTransition to analysis with proof外部サイトApplying analytics : a practical introduction外部サイトA first course in machine learning外部サイトTime series modelling with unobserved components外部サイトAnalysis of mixed data : methods & applications外部サイトData analysis with competing risks and intermediate states外部サイトExploratory multivariate analysis by example using R外部サイトUnderstanding geometric algebra : Hamilton, Grassmann, and Clifford for computer vision and graphics外部サイトAdaptive design methods in clinical trials外部サイトComputational intelligent data analysis for sustainable development外部サイトBookdown : authoring books and technical documents with R Markdown外部サイトCRC standard mathematical tables and formulas外部サイトBayesian demographic estimation and forecasting外部サイトKemer's theorems外部サイトMathematical theory of Bayesian statistics外部サイトA practitioner's guide to resampling for data analysis, data mining, and modeling外部サイトRandom circulant matrices外部サイトVisualization and verbalization of data外部サイトTime series with mixed spectra外部サイトGene expression studies using affymetrix microarrays外部サイトStochastic processes : an introduction外部サイトBayesian methods in epidemiology外部サイトR graphics外部サイトA course in differential equations with boundary-value problems外部サイトA user's guide to business analytics外部サイトNonparametric statistics on manifolds and their applications to object data analysis外部サイトEquivalence : Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley外部サイトA MATLAB companion to complex variables外部サイト3D graphics for game programming外部サイトBusiness process modeling, simulation and design外部サイトDesign and analysis of non-inferiority trials外部サイトHandbook of linear algebra外部サイトQuasi-least squares regression外部サイトTransformational plane geometry外部サイトMusic data mining外部サイトMaking music with computers : creative programming in Python外部サイトActuarial models : the mathematics of insurance外部サイトStated preference methods using R外部サイトAn introduction to astronomy and astrophysics外部サイトIntroductory statistics for the health sciences外部サイトRobust cluster analysis and variable selection外部サイトIntroduction to middleware : web services, object components, and cloud computing外部サイトQuantitative graph theory : mathematical foundations and applications外部サイトA concise introduction to programming in Python外部サイトStrange functions in real analysis外部サイトModel-based geostatistics for global public health : methods and applications外部サイトDifferential equations : theory, technique, and practice外部サイトBayesian methods : a social and behavioral sciences approach外部サイトImplementing reproducible research外部サイトIntroduction to chemical graph theory外部サイトUnderstanding advanced statistical methods外部サイトWriting dissertation and grant proposals : epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatistics外部サイトRisk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks外部サイトMetabolomics : practical guide to design and analysis外部サイトSecret history : the story of cryptology外部サイトInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital world外部サイトApplied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R外部サイトBayesian methods in health economics外部サイトFundamentals of probability : with stochastic processes外部サイトMultivariate generalized linear mixed models using R外部サイトStatistical methods with applications to demography and life insurance外部サイトIntroduction to programming languages外部サイトRandomization, masking, and allocation concealment外部サイトAbstract algebra : an interactive approach外部サイトDiscrete data analysis with R : visualization and modeling techniques for categorical and count data外部サイトAssociation analysis外部サイトContemporary high performance computing : from petascale toward exascale外部サイトInternet-scale pattern recognition : new techniques for voluminous data sets and data clouds外部サイトMethodology in robust and nonparametric statistics外部サイトMATLAB handbook with applications to mathematics, science, engineering, and finance外部サイトGraph theory and its applications外部サイトComputational exome and genome analysis外部サイトElementary probability with applications外部サイトFeature engineering for machine learning and data analytics外部サイトProbability and statistics for computer scientists外部サイトLinked data management外部サイトCremona groups and the icosahedron外部サイトRNA-seq data analysis : a practical approach外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of statistical inference外部サイトIntroduction to abstract algebra外部サイトRichly parameterized linear models : additive, time series, and spatial models using random effects外部サイトAdvances in machine learning and data mining for astronomy外部サイトPrivacy-aware knowledge discovery : novel applications and new techniques外部サイトRapidly prototyping interfaces with InDesign外部サイトIndustrial applications of machine learning外部サイトGeneralized estimating equations外部サイトInternet of things : approach and applicability in manufacturing外部サイトAnalyzing health data in R for SAS users外部サイトIntroduction to spatial econometrics外部サイトThe essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using R外部サイトAlgebraic curves in cryptography外部サイトAn introduction to linear algebra外部サイトHandbook of linear algebra外部サイトGeneral relativity : basics and beyond外部サイトFixed point theory, variational analysis, and optimization外部サイトEnsemble methods : foundations and algorithms外部サイトGeocomputation with R外部サイトIntroduction to probability外部サイトIntroduction to probability外部サイトComputational fluid dynamics外部サイトRisk monetization : converting threats and opportunities into impact on project value外部サイトFuzzy analytic hierarchy process外部サイトEvent history analysis with R外部サイトThe art of proving binomial identities外部サイトBig data management and processing外部サイトPricing in general insurance外部サイトThe financial mathematics of market liquidity : from optimal execution to market making外部サイトFeedback control in systems biology外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation with applications to finance外部サイトNumerical methods and optimization : an introduction外部サイトModern engineering mathematics外部サイトPrinciples of biostatistics外部サイトBasic algebraic topology外部サイトCustomer and business analytics : applied data mining for business decision making using R外部サイトMethods for estimation and inference in modern econometrics外部サイトPatient-reported outcomes : measurement, implementation and interpretation外部サイトDerivative pricing : a problem-based primer外部サイトAdvanced R外部サイトOption valuation : a first course in financial mathematics外部サイトA practical guide to database design外部サイトReliability and maintenance : networks and systems外部サイトThe science of computing : shaping a discipline外部サイトThe data book : collection and management of research data外部サイトMultiple imputation in practice : with examples using IVEware外部サイトA course in abstract harmonic analysis外部サイトHandbook of ordinary differential equations : exact solutions, methods, and problems外部サイトNear rings, fuzzy ideals, and graph theory外部サイトSearch and foraging : individual motion and swarm dynamics外部サイトStatistical methods for financial engineering外部サイトAnalyzing spatial models of choice and judgment with R外部サイトMultilevel modeling using Mplus外部サイトData mining with R : learning with case studies外部サイトHandbook of design and analysis of experiments外部サイトThe R primer外部サイトMulti-label dimensionality reduction外部サイトComputational actuarial science with R外部サイトComputational systems biology of cancer外部サイトIntegrated analysis and causal inference外部サイトIntroduction to statistical methods for financial models外部サイトClassification and regression trees外部サイトInformation systems : what every business student needs to know外部サイトBioequivalence and statistics in clinical pharmacology外部サイトGeneralized structured component analysis : a component-based approach to structural equation modeling外部サイトProgramming in C++ for engineering and science外部サイトAlgebraic curves in cryptography外部サイトCryptology : classical and modern with maplets外部サイトProbability and statistics for computer scientists外部サイトHigh-performance computing in finance : problems, methods, and solutions外部サイトSpatio-temporal statistics with R外部サイトIntermediate C programming外部サイトAnalysis of variance for functional data外部サイトA systematic approach to learning robot programming with ROS外部サイトPlatform trial designs in drug development : umbrella trials and basket trials外部サイトPractical R for mass communication and journalism外部サイトAgents, games, and evolution : strategies at work and play外部サイトComplex analysis : conformal inequalities and the Bieberbach conjecture外部サイトHuman capital systems, analytics, and data mining外部サイトHandbook of differential entropy外部サイトClinical trial data analysis using R and SAS外部サイトCreative direction in a digital world : a guide to being a modern creative director外部サイトProcess capability analysis : estimating quality外部サイトMultilevel modeling using R外部サイトMathematics in games, sports, and gambling : the games people play外部サイトHandbook of environmental and ecological statistics外部サイトStationary stochastic processes for scientists and engineers外部サイトPuzzles, paradoxes, and problem solving : an introduction to mathematical thinking外部サイトNeutrices and external numbers : a flexible number system外部サイトPartial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysis外部サイトThe separable Galois theory of commutative rings外部サイトInverse scattering problems and their application to nonlinear integrable equations外部サイトHandbook of neuroimaging data analysis外部サイトLinear groups : the accent on infinite dimensionality外部サイトLattice point identities and Shannon-type sampling外部サイトBasketball data science : with applications in R外部サイトBayesian methods in pharmaceutical research外部サイトComputational exome and genome analysis外部サイトIntroduction to mathematical modeling外部サイトMarkov random flights外部サイトStatistics for making decisions外部サイトEnvironmental and ecological statistics with R外部サイトIntroduction to R for social scientists : a tidy programming approach外部サイトReal analysis : with proof strategies外部サイトAlgebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem外部サイトAn introduction to bond graph modelling with applications外部サイトSmart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applications外部サイトLevel-crossing problems and inverse Gaussian distributions : closed-form results and approximations外部サイトMathematical modelling of waves in multi-scale structured media外部サイトFundamentals of data science外部サイトEvent history analysis with R外部サイトGene expression data analysis : a statistical and machine learning perspective外部サイトLinux yourself : concept and programming外部サイトData science and its applications外部サイトThe effect : an introduction to research design and causality外部サイトThe effect : an introduction to research design and causality外部サイトHandbook of financial risk management外部サイトModern data science with R外部サイトAn introduction to complex analysis and the Laplace transform外部サイトA practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyond外部サイトBayesian hierarchical models : with applications using R外部サイトEconomic evaluation of cancer drugs : using clinical trial and real-world data外部サイトMathematical modeling : models, analysis and applications外部サイトIntroduction to high-dimensional statistics外部サイトNumerical techniques for direct and large-eddy simulations外部サイトElements of algebraic topology外部サイトHandbook of quantile regression外部サイトStatistical analysis of contingency tables外部サイトProbability and statistical inference : from basic principles to advanced models外部サイトModern applied regressions : Bayesian and frequentist analysis of categorical and limited response variables with R and Stan外部サイトBayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyond外部サイトClinical data quality checks for CDISC compliance using SAS外部サイトA first course in machine learning外部サイトApplied regression and ANOVA using SAS外部サイトR Markdown cookbook外部サイトMathematical modelling with differential equations外部サイトData science : a first introduction外部サイトIntroduction to environmental data science外部サイトAlgorithm design : a methodological approach : 150 problems and detailed solutions外部サイトMathematical modeling in biology : a research methods approach外部サイトData science : techniques and intelligent applications外部サイトData science for effective healthcare systems外部サイトIntroduction to number theory外部サイトSoftware design by example : a tool-based introduction with JavaScript外部サイトExpanding mathematical toolbox : interweaving topics, problems and solutions外部サイトIntroduction to machine learning with applications in information security外部サイトApplied differential equations : the primary course外部サイトCrime mapping and spatial data analysis using R外部サイトBayesian inference for stochastic processes外部サイトIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in R外部サイトAnalysis on manifolds外部サイトTelling stories with data : with applications in R外部サイトStructural equation modeling using R/SAS : a step-by-step approach with real data analysis外部サイトComputational optimization : success in practice外部サイトAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach外部サイトR for political data science : a practical guide外部サイトPublic policy analytics : code and context for data science in government外部サイトHands-on data science for librarians外部サイトFunctional data analysis with R外部サイトExploring data science with R and the tidyverse : a concise introduction外部サイトMixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directions外部サイトFoundations of data science with Python外部サイトKnot projections外部サイトDeep learning for engineers外部サイトApplied machine learning using mlr3 in R外部サイトExploring spatial data外部サイトIntroduction to mathematical modeling外部サイトTechniques for designing and analyzing algorithms外部サイトDifferential equations : theory, technique, and practice with boundary value problems外部サイトStatistics for engineering and the sciences外部サイトMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration外部サイトR Markdown : the definitive guide外部サイトSelf-controlled case series studies : a modelling guide with R外部サイトStatistical methods for survival trial design : with applications to cancer clinical trials using R外部サイトBig data computing : a guide for business and technology managers外部サイトAn introductory course of particle physics外部サイトDesign and analysis of experiments with R外部サイトAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach外部サイトIntroduction to machine learning and bioinformatics外部サイトStatistics for biotechnology process development外部サイトHandbook of enumerative combinatorics外部サイトStatistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysis外部サイトR for statistics外部サイトMultilinear subspace learning : dimensionality reduction of multidimensional data外部サイトNonlinear estimation : methods and applications with deterministic sample points外部サイトExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with Mathematica外部サイトProgramming graphical user interfaces in R外部サイトStatistical design and analysis of clinical trials : principles and methods外部サイトCloud computing : data-intensive computing and scheduling外部サイトAdversarial risk analysis外部サイトAlgebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem外部サイトAdvanced calculus : theory and practice外部サイトBioinformatics database systems外部サイト3D animation for the raw beginner using Maya外部サイトCryptology : classical and modern外部サイトAge-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate data外部サイトSocial networks with rich edge semantics外部サイトPrinciples of copula theory外部サイトReproducible finance with R : code flows and shiny apps for portfolio analysis外部サイトHigh performance computing for big data : methodologies and applications外部サイトMathematics for the environment外部サイトIntroduction to statistical process control外部サイトA first course in machine learning外部サイトExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLAB外部サイトHandbook of statistical methods for case-control studies外部サイトMusic data analysis : foundations and applications外部サイトOptimization : algorithms and applications外部サイトBig data in complex and social networks外部サイトElements of algebraic topology外部サイトComputational methods in finance外部サイトCrossing numbers of graphs外部サイトHandbook of scientific proposal writing外部サイトApplied operational research with SAS外部サイトTextbook of clinical trials in oncology : a statistical perspective外部サイトLineability : the search for linearity in mathematics外部サイトInterval-censored time-to-event data : methods and applications外部サイトThe green computing book : tackling energy efficiency at large scale外部サイトNonlinear functional analysis in Banach spaces and Banach algebras : fixed point theory under weak topology for nonlinear operators and block operator matrices with applications外部サイトBayesian cost-effectiveness analysis of medical treatments外部サイトThe synoptic problem and statistics外部サイトAn introduction to Excel VBA programming : with applications in finance and insurance外部サイトStochastic processes with applications to finance外部サイトBayesian data analysis外部サイトStatistical methods in biology : design and analysis of experiments and regression外部サイトFinancial and actuarial statistics : an introduction外部サイトKnowledge and systems science : enabling systemic knowledge synthesis外部サイトJoint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data : with applications in R外部サイトStatistical methods for field and laboratory studies in behavioral ecology外部サイトAdaptive survey design外部サイトEmpirical likelihood methods in biomedicine and health外部サイトHandbook of statistics in clinical oncology外部サイトDiscrete event simulation for health technology assessment外部サイトThe R student companion外部サイトEmpirical likelihood method in survival analysis外部サイトSports math : an introductory course in the mathematics of sports science and sports analytics外部サイトMonomial algebras外部サイトCryptography : theory and practice外部サイトDynamic Web programming and HTML5外部サイトComputational mathematics : models, methods, and analysis with MATLAB and MPI外部サイトSet theoretical aspects of real analysis外部サイトBayesian networks : with examples in R外部サイトBiostatistics : concepts and applications for biologists外部サイトHandbook of quantile regression外部サイトImproper Riemann integrals外部サイトR graphics外部サイトR for college mathematics and statistics外部サイトReinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems with cybersecurity case studies外部サイトWavelet methods for solving partial differential equations and fractional differential equations外部サイトStatistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big data外部サイトClinical trial optimization using R外部サイトFeature engineering and selection : a practical approach for predictive models外部サイトAsymptotic analysis and perturbation theory外部サイトProbability and statistics for data science : Math+R+Data外部サイトAn introduction to partial differential equations with MATLAB外部サイトDesign and analysis of cross-over trials外部サイトUndocumented secrets of MATLAB-Java programming外部サイトR companion to elementary applied statistics外部サイトMonomial algebras外部サイトElectronic structure of materials外部サイトThe human element of big data : issues, analytics, and performance外部サイトData analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysis外部サイトQuantitative methods for HIV/AIDS research外部サイトPython for bioinformatics外部サイトMathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real world外部サイトStatistical computing in C++ and R外部サイトUncertainty analysis of experimental data with R外部サイトThe statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approach外部サイトProof theory : sequent calculi and related formalisms外部サイトThe truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets : order convolution of functions an the unit interval外部サイトApplied time series analysis, with R外部サイトCurrent trends in Bayesian methodology with applications外部サイトMachine learning : an algorithmic perspective外部サイトStatistical topics in health economics and outcomes research外部サイトA practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyond外部サイトRisk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks外部サイトLarge-scale machine learning in the earth sciences外部サイトQuantitative trading : algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimization外部サイトNonlinear option pricing外部サイトAn introduction to exotic option pricing外部サイトMathematical modeling : models, analysis and applications外部サイトInnovative strategies, statistical solutions and simulations for modern clinical trials外部サイトTesting R code外部サイトHandbook of fitting statistical distributions with R外部サイトData mining : a tutorial-based primer外部サイトRegularization, optimization, kernels, and support vector machines外部サイトConfidence intervals for proportions and related measures of effect size外部サイトWhat makes variables random : probability for the applied researcher外部サイトNonparametric statistical tests : a computational approach外部サイトAn introduction to real analysis外部サイトEpidemiology : study design and data analysis外部サイトRisk management and simulation外部サイトAdvanced R外部サイトStatistics in MATLAB : a primer外部サイトData analysis using hierarchical generalized linear models with R外部サイトFlexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in R外部サイトModern statistics for the social and behavioral sciences : a practical introduction外部サイトSturm Liouville problems : theory and numerical implementation外部サイトIterative optimization in inverse problems外部サイトMedical product safety evaluation : biological models and statistical methods外部サイトMethods in comparative effectiveness research外部サイトAn R companion to linear statistical models外部サイトStatistics for finance外部サイトAgent-based modeling and simulation with Swarm外部サイトBayesian methods for repeated measures外部サイトSurprises in probability : seventeen short stories外部サイトExplorations in computing : an introduction to computer science and Python programming外部サイトPhysical oceanography : a mathematical introduction with MATLAB外部サイトFoundational and applied statistics for biologists using R外部サイトOptimal experimental design with R外部サイトData and safety monitoring committees in clinical trials外部サイトIntroduction to machine learning with applications in information security外部サイトAutomata and computability : a programmer's perspective外部サイトHandbook of mixed membership models and their applications外部サイトThe BUGS book : a practical introduction to Bayesian analysis外部サイトModern directional statistics外部サイトQuadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theory外部サイトGaussian process regression analysis for functional data外部サイトLinear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical software外部サイトAccelerating MATLAB performance : 1001 tips to speed up MATLAB programs外部サイトFrontiers in data science外部サイトBig data : algorithms, analytics, and applications外部サイトA course in real analysis外部サイトStatistics for business外部サイトMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration外部サイトPartial differential equations with variable exponents : variational methods and qualitative analysis外部サイトTheory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experiments外部サイトCounterexamples : from elementary calculus to the beginnings of analysis外部サイトAn illustrated introduction to topology and homotopy外部サイトAcceptance sampling in quality control外部サイトIntroductory fisheries analyses with R外部サイトLatent Markov models for longitudinal data外部サイトThe Cauchy transform, potential theory and conformal mapping外部サイトIntroduction to probability with Texas hold'em examples外部サイトGoverning lethal behavior in autonomous robots外部サイトMorse theory for Hamiltonian systems外部サイトClinical trial data analysis using R外部サイトHandbook of peridynamic modeling外部サイトPractical guide to ChIP-seq data analysis外部サイトStatistics in the health sciences : theory, applications, and computing外部サイトComputer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experiments外部サイトMATLAB with applications to engineering, physics and finance外部サイトAdvanced engineering mathematics with MATLAB外部サイトProbability and stochastic modeling外部サイトComputational actuarial science with R外部サイトData science with Julia外部サイトApplied directional statistics : modern methods and case studies外部サイトHandbook of biomarkers and precision medicine外部サイトBig data of complex networks外部サイトToward deep neural networks : WASD neuronet models, algorithms, and applications外部サイトEmerging trends in disruptive technology management for sustainable development外部サイトSequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rules外部サイトSurrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciences外部サイトComputational methods in biomedical research外部サイトGenomics data analysis : false discovery rates and empirical Bayes methods外部サイトIntroduction to bioinformatics with R : a practical guide for biologists外部サイトMathematics of casino carnival games外部サイトDetecting regime change in computational finance : data science, machine learning and algorithmic trading外部サイトIntroduction to credit risk外部サイトUnderstanding the analytic hierarchy process外部サイトBig data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practice外部サイトIntroduction to mathematical modeling and computer simulations外部サイトBig data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practice外部サイトHandbook of computational group theory外部サイトReplication and evidence factors in observational studies外部サイトMendelian randomization : methods for causal inference using genetic variants外部サイトOne-dimensional dynamical systems : an example-led approach外部サイトGeocomputation with R外部サイトElementary number theory外部サイトExercises in programming style外部サイトContent-based image classification : efficient machine learning using robust feature extraction techniques外部サイトFinancial mathematics : a comprehensive treatment in discrete time外部サイトSmoothing splines : methods and applications外部サイトBig data systems : a 360-degree approach外部サイトDose-response analysis using R外部サイトMathematical modelling外部サイトMachine learning for cloud management外部サイトHow things work : the computer science edition外部サイトA first course in linear model theory外部サイトBehavior analysis with machine learning using R外部サイトBayesian networks : with examples in R外部サイトApplied directional statistics : modern methods and case studies外部サイトBayes rules! : an introduction to applied Bayesian modeling外部サイトInteractive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny外部サイトMixed-mode official surveys : design and analysis外部サイトAnalysis of a model for epilepsy : application of a max-type difference equation to mesial temporal lobe epilepsy外部サイトBayesian applications in environmental and ecological studies with R and stan外部サイトPopulation genomics with R外部サイトLinear algebra外部サイトThe data book : collection and management of research data外部サイトBioinformatics methods : from omics to next generation sequencing外部サイトUsing R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modeling外部サイトData science with Julia外部サイトTree-based methods for statisitcal learning in R外部サイトCybersecurity analytics外部サイトSupervised machine learning for text analysis in R外部サイトIntroduction to statistical modelling and inference外部サイトInternet of things and secure smart environments : successes and pitfalls外部サイトApplied linear regression for longitudinal data : with an emphasis on missing observations外部サイトBiometry for forestry and environmental data : with examples in R外部サイトFunctional analysis and topology外部サイトAdvanced topics in mathematical analysis外部サイトLearn R : as a language外部サイトIntroduction to Lorentz geometry : curves and surfaces外部サイトNumber savvy : from the invention of numbers to the future of data外部サイトUnderstanding risk : the theory and practice of financial risk management外部サイトStochastic differential equations for science and engineering外部サイトFour-dimensional manifolds and projective structure外部サイトSparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence tests外部サイトGeographic data science with Python外部サイトDependence modeling with copulas外部サイトApplications of regression for categorical outcomes using R外部サイトMultiplicative differential calculus外部サイトGeometry of derivation with applications外部サイトIntroduction to stochastic level crossing techniques外部サイトOptimization modelling using R外部サイトSpatial dynamics and pattern formation in biological populations外部サイトA course in the large sample theory of statistical inference外部サイトHadron physics外部サイトIntroduction to Python for humanists外部サイトStatistics behind the headlines外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering外部サイトTime series : modeling, computation, and inference外部サイトFunctional data analysis with R外部サイトAdvanced data structures : theory and applications外部サイトSmart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applications外部サイトAn introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach外部サイトA new year's present from a mathematician外部サイトSpatial microsimulation with R外部サイトArtificial intelligence for drug development, precision medicine, and healthcare外部サイトBiomarker analysis in clinical trials with R外部サイトStatistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big data外部サイトGeospatial health data : modeling and visualization with R-INLA and Shiny外部サイトMachine learning for factor investing : R version外部サイトThe essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using R外部サイトAge-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate data外部サイトHandbook of forensic statistics外部サイトGini inequality index : methods and applications外部サイトGraph theory : an introduction to proofs, algorithms, and applications外部サイトAlgebra & geometry : an introduction to university mathematics外部サイトIntroduction to IoT with machine learning and image processing using Raspberry Pi外部サイトExercises in programming style外部サイトAdvanced survival models外部サイトMartingale methods in statistics外部サイトAI for cars外部サイトThe Sharpe ratio : statistics and applications外部サイトUsing R and RStudio for data management, statistical analysis, and graphics外部サイトAdvanced R solutions外部サイトDeep learning : a comprehensive guide外部サイトPhilosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studies外部サイトPortfolio optimization外部サイトLinear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical software外部サイトBackseat driver : the role of data in great car safety debates外部サイトGalois theory外部サイトTime series for data science : analysis and forecasting外部サイトArtificial intelligence and causal inference外部サイトNumerical methods for unsteady compressible flow problems外部サイトSoft computing techniques for type-2 diabetes data classification外部サイトAn invitation to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities外部サイトStatistical methods for handling incomplete data外部サイトInfinite groups : a roadmap to selected classical areas外部サイトSurrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciences外部サイトMeasure theory and integration外部サイトSupervised machine learning for text analysis in R外部サイトResource proportional software design for emerging systems外部サイトStatistical theory : a concise introduction外部サイトANOVA and mixed models : a short introduction using R外部サイトAI for cars外部サイトMassive graph analytics外部サイトUrban informatics : using big data to understand and serve communities外部サイトMachine learning for factor investing : R version外部サイトMathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real world外部サイトHandbook of graphs and networks in people analytics : with examples in R and Python外部サイトPython for beginners外部サイトSpatial data science : with applications in R外部サイトUsing R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modeling外部サイトGPU parallel program development using CUDA外部サイトOptimal reference shaping for dynamical systems : theory and applications外部サイトHands-on data science for librarians外部サイトSpatio-temporal methods in environmental epidemiology with R外部サイトYour essential guide to quantitative hedge fund investing外部サイトLie algebraic methods in integrable systems外部サイトCyber crime in social media : theory and solutions外部サイトFunctional analysis and topology外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering外部サイトFractional integral transforms : theory and applications外部サイトDigital health : a primer外部サイトGraphs & digraphs外部サイトMultilevel modeling using R外部サイトAn introduction to astronomy and astrophysics外部サイトPractical machine learning with R : tutorials and case studies外部サイトAdvanced linear algebra外部サイトProgramming media art using processing : a beginner's guide外部サイトExtending structures : fundamentals and applications外部サイトIntelligent copyright protection for images外部サイトThe art of coding : the language of drawing, graphics, and animation外部サイトElastic waves : high frequency theory外部サイトAn invitation to algebraic numbers and algebraic functions外部サイト50 years of combinatorics, graph theory, and computing外部サイトDynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicine外部サイトSpecial functions and analysis of differential equations外部サイトSupervised machine learning : optimization framework and applications with SAS and R外部サイトThe end of error : unum computing外部サイトEvaluating climate change impacts外部サイトAlgorithmic trading and quantitative strategies外部サイトStatistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan外部サイトReinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems : with cybersecurity case studies外部サイトStructural equation modelling with partial least squares using stata and R外部サイトBeyond multiple linear regression : applied generalized linear models and multilevel models in R外部サイトTime series : a first course with bootstrap starter外部サイトSecret history : the story of cryptology外部サイトProbability, choice, and reason外部サイトLinear algebra to differential equations外部サイトPopulation genomics with R外部サイトTime series : modeling, computation, and inference外部サイトObject oriented data analysis外部サイトPhilosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studies外部サイトHandbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trials外部サイトArtificial intelligence : technologies, applications, and challenges外部サイトPatterned random matrices外部サイトHandbook of statistical methods and analyses in sports外部サイトA tour of data science : learn R and Python in parallel外部サイトProbability, statistics, and data : a fresh approach using R外部サイトDiffusion processes, jump processes, and stochastic differential equations外部サイトEngineering fundamentals外部サイトMathematical concepts外部サイトAnalysis on manifolds外部サイトPartial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysis外部サイトGalois theory外部サイトAI by design : a plan for living with artificial intelligence外部サイトA guide to business mathematics外部サイトUnderstanding regression analysis : a conditional distribution approach外部サイトBayesian inference with INLA外部サイトData structures using C : a practical approach for beginners外部サイトIntegrals related to the error function外部サイトBayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyond外部サイトThe energy of data and distance correlation外部サイトNumerical analysis and scientific computation外部サイトFlexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in R外部サイトIntroduction to computational engineering with MATLAB外部サイトIntroduction to stochastic finance with market examples外部サイトTopics in graph theory外部サイトAnalyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in R外部サイトBayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing data外部サイトStatistical inference via data science : a ModernDive into R and the tidyverse外部サイトBeyond first order model theory外部サイトAn introduction to R and Python for data analysis : a side-by-side approach外部サイトDirect and projective limits of geometric Banach structures外部サイトGeneralized notions of continued fractions : ergodicity and number theoretic applications外部サイトTidy finance with R外部サイトR companion for sampling : design and analysis外部サイトModels for multi-state survival data : rates, risks, and pseudo-values外部サイトBig data analytics : a guide to data science practitioners making the transition to big data外部サイトSpatial statistics for data science : theory and practice with R外部サイトMachine learning toolbox for social scientists : applied predictive analytics with R外部サイトApplied categorical and count data analysis外部サイトComputer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experiments外部サイトData science and machine learning for non-programmers : using SAS Enterprise miner外部サイトPost-shrinkage strategies in statistical and machine learning for high dimensional data外部サイトModern data visualization with R外部サイトDeep learning : a beginners' guide外部サイトFrom concepts to code : introduction to data science外部サイトIntroduction to fluid dynamics in physics and astrophysics外部サイトA concise introduction to robot programming with ROS2外部サイトClustering spatial data外部サイトIntuitive axiomatic set theory外部サイトIntroducing game theory and its applications外部サイトAnalyzing baseball data with R外部サイトHandbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trials外部サイトAnalysis of pretest-posttest designs外部サイトStatistical analysis of financial data : with examples in R外部サイトReproducible research with R and RStudio外部サイトInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital world外部サイトExploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLAB外部サイトIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in R外部サイトMorrey spaces : introduction and applications to integral operators and PDE's外部サイトUnderstanding elections through statistics : polling, prediction, and testing外部サイトStatistical foundation of data science外部サイトGame theory : a modeling approach外部サイトMeasurement models for psychological attributes外部サイトBayesian applications in pharmaceutical development外部サイトLearning microeconometrics with R外部サイトAnalyzing spatial models of choice and judgment外部サイトTowards smart world : homes to cities using Internet of things外部サイトInformation technology : an introduction for today's digital world外部サイトUnderstanding artificial intelligence外部サイトMathematical modeling : branching beyond calculus外部サイトProofs 101 : an introduction to formal mathematics外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Chapman and Hall book
Mathematics for the liberal arts
Randomized phase II cancer clinical trials
Survey sampling
Essentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration
Applied survey data analysis
Computers and society : computing for good
An introduction to computational risk management of equity-linked insurance
Portfolio rebalancing
Bayesian psychometric modeling
Repeated measures design with generalized linear mixed models for randomized controlled trials
Stochastic modelling for systems biology
Partial differential equations for mathematical physicists
Bayesian programming
Measure and integral : an introduction to real analysis
A concise introduction to pure mathematics
The beauty of mathematics in computer science
Abstract algebra : structures and applications
Group theoretic cryptography
Student solutions manual : Statistics for engineering and the sciences, sixth edition
Introduction to computational linear algebra
Bayesian regression modeling with INLA
Statistical approaches in oncology clinical development : current paradigm and methodological advancement
Behavior trees in robotics and AI : an introduction
Foundations of statistical algorithms : with references to R packages
Transition to analysis with proof
Applying analytics : a practical introduction
A first course in machine learning
Time series modelling with unobserved components
Analysis of mixed data : methods & applications
Data analysis with competing risks and intermediate states
Exploratory multivariate analysis by example using R
Understanding geometric algebra : Hamilton, Grassmann, and Clifford for computer vision and graphics
Adaptive design methods in clinical trials
Computational intelligent data analysis for sustainable development
Bookdown : authoring books and technical documents with R Markdown
CRC standard mathematical tables and formulas
Bayesian demographic estimation and forecasting
Kemer's theorems
Mathematical theory of Bayesian statistics
A practitioner's guide to resampling for data analysis, data mining, and modeling
Random circulant matrices
Visualization and verbalization of data
Time series with mixed spectra
Gene expression studies using affymetrix microarrays
Stochastic processes : an introduction
Bayesian methods in epidemiology
R graphics
A course in differential equations with boundary-value problems
A user's guide to business analytics
Nonparametric statistics on manifolds and their applications to object data analysis
Equivalence : Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley
A MATLAB companion to complex variables
3D graphics for game programming
Business process modeling, simulation and design
Design and analysis of non-inferiority trials
Handbook of linear algebra
Quasi-least squares regression
Transformational plane geometry
Music data mining
Making music with computers : creative programming in Python
Actuarial models : the mathematics of insurance
Stated preference methods using R
An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics
Introductory statistics for the health sciences
Robust cluster analysis and variable selection
Introduction to middleware : web services, object components, and cloud computing
Quantitative graph theory : mathematical foundations and applications
A concise introduction to programming in Python
Strange functions in real analysis
Model-based geostatistics for global public health : methods and applications
Differential equations : theory, technique, and practice
Bayesian methods : a social and behavioral sciences approach
Implementing reproducible research
Introduction to chemical graph theory
Understanding advanced statistical methods
Writing dissertation and grant proposals : epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatistics
Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks
Metabolomics : practical guide to design and analysis
Secret history : the story of cryptology
Information technology : an introduction for today's digital world
Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R
Bayesian methods in health economics
Fundamentals of probability : with stochastic processes
Multivariate generalized linear mixed models using R
Statistical methods with applications to demography and life insurance
Introduction to programming languages
Randomization, masking, and allocation concealment
Abstract algebra : an interactive approach
Discrete data analysis with R : visualization and modeling techniques for categorical and count data
Association analysis
Contemporary high performance computing : from petascale toward exascale
Internet-scale pattern recognition : new techniques for voluminous data sets and data clouds
Methodology in robust and nonparametric statistics
MATLAB handbook with applications to mathematics, science, engineering, and finance
Graph theory and its applications
Computational exome and genome analysis
Elementary probability with applications
Feature engineering for machine learning and data analytics
Probability and statistics for computer scientists
Linked data management
Cremona groups and the icosahedron
RNA-seq data analysis : a practical approach
Introduction to the theory of statistical inference
Introduction to abstract algebra
Richly parameterized linear models : additive, time series, and spatial models using random effects
Advances in machine learning and data mining for astronomy
Privacy-aware knowledge discovery : novel applications and new techniques
Rapidly prototyping interfaces with InDesign
Industrial applications of machine learning
Generalized estimating equations
Internet of things : approach and applicability in manufacturing
Analyzing health data in R for SAS users
Introduction to spatial econometrics
The essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using R
Algebraic curves in cryptography
An introduction to linear algebra
Handbook of linear algebra
General relativity : basics and beyond
Fixed point theory, variational analysis, and optimization
Ensemble methods : foundations and algorithms
Geocomputation with R
Introduction to probability
Introduction to probability
Computational fluid dynamics
Risk monetization : converting threats and opportunities into impact on project value
Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Event history analysis with R
The art of proving binomial identities
Big data management and processing
Pricing in general insurance
The financial mathematics of market liquidity : from optimal execution to market making
Feedback control in systems biology
Monte Carlo simulation with applications to finance
Numerical methods and optimization : an introduction
Modern engineering mathematics
Principles of biostatistics
Basic algebraic topology
Customer and business analytics : applied data mining for business decision making using R
Methods for estimation and inference in modern econometrics
Patient-reported outcomes : measurement, implementation and interpretation
Derivative pricing : a problem-based primer
Advanced R
Option valuation : a first course in financial mathematics
A practical guide to database design
Reliability and maintenance : networks and systems
The science of computing : shaping a discipline
The data book : collection and management of research data
Multiple imputation in practice : with examples using IVEware
A course in abstract harmonic analysis
Handbook of ordinary differential equations : exact solutions, methods, and problems
Near rings, fuzzy ideals, and graph theory
Search and foraging : individual motion and swarm dynamics
Statistical methods for financial engineering
Analyzing spatial models of choice and judgment with R
Multilevel modeling using Mplus
Data mining with R : learning with case studies
Handbook of design and analysis of experiments
The R primer
Multi-label dimensionality reduction
Computational actuarial science with R
Computational systems biology of cancer
Integrated analysis and causal inference
Introduction to statistical methods for financial models
Classification and regression trees
Information systems : what every business student needs to know
Bioequivalence and statistics in clinical pharmacology
Generalized structured component analysis : a component-based approach to structural equation modeling
Programming in C++ for engineering and science
Algebraic curves in cryptography
Cryptology : classical and modern with maplets
Probability and statistics for computer scientists
High-performance computing in finance : problems, methods, and solutions
Spatio-temporal statistics with R
Intermediate C programming
Analysis of variance for functional data
A systematic approach to learning robot programming with ROS
Platform trial designs in drug development : umbrella trials and basket trials
Practical R for mass communication and journalism
Agents, games, and evolution : strategies at work and play
Complex analysis : conformal inequalities and the Bieberbach conjecture
Human capital systems, analytics, and data mining
Handbook of differential entropy
Clinical trial data analysis using R and SAS
Creative direction in a digital world : a guide to being a modern creative director
Process capability analysis : estimating quality
Multilevel modeling using R
Mathematics in games, sports, and gambling : the games people play
Handbook of environmental and ecological statistics
Stationary stochastic processes for scientists and engineers
Puzzles, paradoxes, and problem solving : an introduction to mathematical thinking
Neutrices and external numbers : a flexible number system
Partial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysis
The separable Galois theory of commutative rings
Inverse scattering problems and their application to nonlinear integrable equations
Handbook of neuroimaging data analysis
Linear groups : the accent on infinite dimensionality
Lattice point identities and Shannon-type sampling
Basketball data science : with applications in R
Bayesian methods in pharmaceutical research
Computational exome and genome analysis
Introduction to mathematical modeling
Markov random flights
Statistics for making decisions
Environmental and ecological statistics with R
Introduction to R for social scientists : a tidy programming approach
Real analysis : with proof strategies
Algebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem
An introduction to bond graph modelling with applications
Smart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applications
Level-crossing problems and inverse Gaussian distributions : closed-form results and approximations
Mathematical modelling of waves in multi-scale structured media
Fundamentals of data science
Event history analysis with R
Gene expression data analysis : a statistical and machine learning perspective
Linux yourself : concept and programming
Data science and its applications
The effect : an introduction to research design and causality
The effect : an introduction to research design and causality
Handbook of financial risk management
Modern data science with R
An introduction to complex analysis and the Laplace transform
A practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyond
Bayesian hierarchical models : with applications using R
Economic evaluation of cancer drugs : using clinical trial and real-world data
Mathematical modeling : models, analysis and applications
Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
Numerical techniques for direct and large-eddy simulations
Elements of algebraic topology
Handbook of quantile regression
Statistical analysis of contingency tables
Probability and statistical inference : from basic principles to advanced models
Modern applied regressions : Bayesian and frequentist analysis of categorical and limited response variables with R and Stan
Bayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyond
Clinical data quality checks for CDISC compliance using SAS
A first course in machine learning
Applied regression and ANOVA using SAS
R Markdown cookbook
Mathematical modelling with differential equations
Data science : a first introduction
Introduction to environmental data science
Algorithm design : a methodological approach : 150 problems and detailed solutions
Mathematical modeling in biology : a research methods approach
Data science : techniques and intelligent applications
Data science for effective healthcare systems
Introduction to number theory
Software design by example : a tool-based introduction with JavaScript
Expanding mathematical toolbox : interweaving topics, problems and solutions
Introduction to machine learning with applications in information security
Applied differential equations : the primary course
Crime mapping and spatial data analysis using R
Bayesian inference for stochastic processes
Introduction to time series modeling with applications in R
Analysis on manifolds
Telling stories with data : with applications in R
Structural equation modeling using R/SAS : a step-by-step approach with real data analysis
Computational optimization : success in practice
An introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach
R for political data science : a practical guide
Public policy analytics : code and context for data science in government
Hands-on data science for librarians
Functional data analysis with R
Exploring data science with R and the tidyverse : a concise introduction
Mixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directions
Foundations of data science with Python
Knot projections
Deep learning for engineers
Applied machine learning using mlr3 in R
Exploring spatial data
Introduction to mathematical modeling
Techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms
Differential equations : theory, technique, and practice with boundary value problems
Statistics for engineering and the sciences
Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration
R Markdown : the definitive guide
Self-controlled case series studies : a modelling guide with R
Statistical methods for survival trial design : with applications to cancer clinical trials using R
Big data computing : a guide for business and technology managers
An introductory course of particle physics
Design and analysis of experiments with R
An introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach
Introduction to machine learning and bioinformatics
Statistics for biotechnology process development
Handbook of enumerative combinatorics
Statistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysis
R for statistics
Multilinear subspace learning : dimensionality reduction of multidimensional data
Nonlinear estimation : methods and applications with deterministic sample points
Exploring linear algebra : labs and projects with Mathematica
Programming graphical user interfaces in R
Statistical design and analysis of clinical trials : principles and methods
Cloud computing : data-intensive computing and scheduling
Adversarial risk analysis
Algebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem
Advanced calculus : theory and practice
Bioinformatics database systems
3D animation for the raw beginner using Maya
Cryptology : classical and modern
Age-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate data
Social networks with rich edge semantics
Principles of copula theory
Reproducible finance with R : code flows and shiny apps for portfolio analysis
High performance computing for big data : methodologies and applications
Mathematics for the environment
Introduction to statistical process control
A first course in machine learning
Exploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLAB
Handbook of statistical methods for case-control studies
Music data analysis : foundations and applications
Optimization : algorithms and applications
Big data in complex and social networks
Elements of algebraic topology
Computational methods in finance
Crossing numbers of graphs
Handbook of scientific proposal writing
Applied operational research with SAS
Textbook of clinical trials in oncology : a statistical perspective
Lineability : the search for linearity in mathematics
Interval-censored time-to-event data : methods and applications
The green computing book : tackling energy efficiency at large scale
Nonlinear functional analysis in Banach spaces and Banach algebras : fixed point theory under weak topology for nonlinear operators and block operator matrices with applications
Bayesian cost-effectiveness analysis of medical treatments
The synoptic problem and statistics
An introduction to Excel VBA programming : with applications in finance and insurance
Stochastic processes with applications to finance
Bayesian data analysis
Statistical methods in biology : design and analysis of experiments and regression
Financial and actuarial statistics : an introduction
Knowledge and systems science : enabling systemic knowledge synthesis
Joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data : with applications in R
Statistical methods for field and laboratory studies in behavioral ecology
Adaptive survey design
Empirical likelihood methods in biomedicine and health
Handbook of statistics in clinical oncology
Discrete event simulation for health technology assessment
The R student companion
Empirical likelihood method in survival analysis
Sports math : an introductory course in the mathematics of sports science and sports analytics
Monomial algebras
Cryptography : theory and practice
Dynamic Web programming and HTML5
Computational mathematics : models, methods, and analysis with MATLAB and MPI
Set theoretical aspects of real analysis
Bayesian networks : with examples in R
Biostatistics : concepts and applications for biologists
Handbook of quantile regression
Improper Riemann integrals
R graphics
R for college mathematics and statistics
Reinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems with cybersecurity case studies
Wavelet methods for solving partial differential equations and fractional differential equations
Statistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big data
Clinical trial optimization using R
Feature engineering and selection : a practical approach for predictive models
Asymptotic analysis and perturbation theory
Probability and statistics for data science : Math+R+Data
An introduction to partial differential equations with MATLAB
Design and analysis of cross-over trials
Undocumented secrets of MATLAB-Java programming
R companion to elementary applied statistics
Monomial algebras
Electronic structure of materials
The human element of big data : issues, analytics, and performance
Data analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysis
Quantitative methods for HIV/AIDS research
Python for bioinformatics
Mathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real world
Statistical computing in C++ and R
Uncertainty analysis of experimental data with R
The statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approach
Proof theory : sequent calculi and related formalisms
The truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets : order convolution of functions an the unit interval
Applied time series analysis, with R
Current trends in Bayesian methodology with applications
Machine learning : an algorithmic perspective
Statistical topics in health economics and outcomes research
A practical guide to age-period-cohort analysis : the identification problem and beyond
Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks
Large-scale machine learning in the earth sciences
Quantitative trading : algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimization
Nonlinear option pricing
An introduction to exotic option pricing
Mathematical modeling : models, analysis and applications
Innovative strategies, statistical solutions and simulations for modern clinical trials
Testing R code
Handbook of fitting statistical distributions with R
Data mining : a tutorial-based primer
Regularization, optimization, kernels, and support vector machines
Confidence intervals for proportions and related measures of effect size
What makes variables random : probability for the applied researcher
Nonparametric statistical tests : a computational approach
An introduction to real analysis
Epidemiology : study design and data analysis
Risk management and simulation
Advanced R
Statistics in MATLAB : a primer
Data analysis using hierarchical generalized linear models with R
Flexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in R
Modern statistics for the social and behavioral sciences : a practical introduction
Sturm Liouville problems : theory and numerical implementation
Iterative optimization in inverse problems
Medical product safety evaluation : biological models and statistical methods
Methods in comparative effectiveness research
An R companion to linear statistical models
Statistics for finance
Agent-based modeling and simulation with Swarm
Bayesian methods for repeated measures
Surprises in probability : seventeen short stories
Explorations in computing : an introduction to computer science and Python programming
Physical oceanography : a mathematical introduction with MATLAB
Foundational and applied statistics for biologists using R
Optimal experimental design with R
Data and safety monitoring committees in clinical trials
Introduction to machine learning with applications in information security
Automata and computability : a programmer's perspective
Handbook of mixed membership models and their applications
The BUGS book : a practical introduction to Bayesian analysis
Modern directional statistics
Quadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theory
Gaussian process regression analysis for functional data
Linear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical software
Accelerating MATLAB performance : 1001 tips to speed up MATLAB programs
Frontiers in data science
Big data : algorithms, analytics, and applications
A course in real analysis
Statistics for business
Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration
Partial differential equations with variable exponents : variational methods and qualitative analysis
Theory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experiments
Counterexamples : from elementary calculus to the beginnings of analysis
An illustrated introduction to topology and homotopy
Acceptance sampling in quality control
Introductory fisheries analyses with R
Latent Markov models for longitudinal data
The Cauchy transform, potential theory and conformal mapping
Introduction to probability with Texas hold'em examples
Governing lethal behavior in autonomous robots
Morse theory for Hamiltonian systems
Clinical trial data analysis using R
Handbook of peridynamic modeling
Practical guide to ChIP-seq data analysis
Statistics in the health sciences : theory, applications, and computing
Computer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experiments
MATLAB with applications to engineering, physics and finance
Advanced engineering mathematics with MATLAB
Probability and stochastic modeling
Computational actuarial science with R
Data science with Julia
Applied directional statistics : modern methods and case studies
Handbook of biomarkers and precision medicine
Big data of complex networks
Toward deep neural networks : WASD neuronet models, algorithms, and applications
Emerging trends in disruptive technology management for sustainable development
Sequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rules
Surrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciences
Computational methods in biomedical research
Genomics data analysis : false discovery rates and empirical Bayes methods
Introduction to bioinformatics with R : a practical guide for biologists
Mathematics of casino carnival games
Detecting regime change in computational finance : data science, machine learning and algorithmic trading
Introduction to credit risk
Understanding the analytic hierarchy process
Big data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practice
Introduction to mathematical modeling and computer simulations
Big data and social science : data science methods and tools for research and practice
Handbook of computational group theory
Replication and evidence factors in observational studies
Mendelian randomization : methods for causal inference using genetic variants
One-dimensional dynamical systems : an example-led approach
Geocomputation with R
Elementary number theory
Exercises in programming style
Content-based image classification : efficient machine learning using robust feature extraction techniques
Financial mathematics : a comprehensive treatment in discrete time
Smoothing splines : methods and applications
Big data systems : a 360-degree approach
Dose-response analysis using R
Mathematical modelling
Machine learning for cloud management
How things work : the computer science edition
A first course in linear model theory
Behavior analysis with machine learning using R
Bayesian networks : with examples in R
Applied directional statistics : modern methods and case studies
Bayes rules! : an introduction to applied Bayesian modeling
Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny
Mixed-mode official surveys : design and analysis
Analysis of a model for epilepsy : application of a max-type difference equation to mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Bayesian applications in environmental and ecological studies with R and stan
Population genomics with R
Linear algebra
The data book : collection and management of research data
Bioinformatics methods : from omics to next generation sequencing
Using R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modeling
Data science with Julia
Tree-based methods for statisitcal learning in R
Cybersecurity analytics
Supervised machine learning for text analysis in R
Introduction to statistical modelling and inference
Internet of things and secure smart environments : successes and pitfalls
Applied linear regression for longitudinal data : with an emphasis on missing observations
Biometry for forestry and environmental data : with examples in R
Functional analysis and topology
Advanced topics in mathematical analysis
Learn R : as a language
Introduction to Lorentz geometry : curves and surfaces
Number savvy : from the invention of numbers to the future of data
Understanding risk : the theory and practice of financial risk management
Stochastic differential equations for science and engineering
Four-dimensional manifolds and projective structure
Sparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence tests
Geographic data science with Python
Dependence modeling with copulas
Applications of regression for categorical outcomes using R
Multiplicative differential calculus
Geometry of derivation with applications
Introduction to stochastic level crossing techniques
Optimization modelling using R
Spatial dynamics and pattern formation in biological populations
A course in the large sample theory of statistical inference
Hadron physics
Introduction to Python for humanists
Statistics behind the headlines
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering
Time series : modeling, computation, and inference
Functional data analysis with R
Advanced data structures : theory and applications
Smart data : state-of-the-art perspectives in computing and applications
An introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach
A new year's present from a mathematician
Spatial microsimulation with R
Artificial intelligence for drug development, precision medicine, and healthcare
Biomarker analysis in clinical trials with R
Statistical and machine-learning data mining : techniques for better predictive modeling and analysis of big data
Geospatial health data : modeling and visualization with R-INLA and Shiny
Machine learning for factor investing : R version
The essentials of data science : knowledge discovery using R
Age-period-cohort models : approaches and analyses with aggregate data
Handbook of forensic statistics
Gini inequality index : methods and applications
Graph theory : an introduction to proofs, algorithms, and applications
Algebra & geometry : an introduction to university mathematics
Introduction to IoT with machine learning and image processing using Raspberry Pi
Exercises in programming style
Advanced survival models
Martingale methods in statistics
AI for cars
The Sharpe ratio : statistics and applications
Using R and RStudio for data management, statistical analysis, and graphics
Advanced R solutions
Deep learning : a comprehensive guide
Philosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studies
Portfolio optimization
Linear mixed models : a practical guide using statistical software
Backseat driver : the role of data in great car safety debates
Galois theory
Time series for data science : analysis and forecasting
Artificial intelligence and causal inference
Numerical methods for unsteady compressible flow problems
Soft computing techniques for type-2 diabetes data classification
An invitation to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities
Statistical methods for handling incomplete data
Infinite groups : a roadmap to selected classical areas
Surrogates : Gaussian process modeling, design, and optimization for the applied sciences
Measure theory and integration
Supervised machine learning for text analysis in R
Resource proportional software design for emerging systems
Statistical theory : a concise introduction
ANOVA and mixed models : a short introduction using R
AI for cars
Massive graph analytics
Urban informatics : using big data to understand and serve communities
Machine learning for factor investing : R version
Mathematica beyond mathematics : the Wolfram language in the real world
Handbook of graphs and networks in people analytics : with examples in R and Python
Python for beginners
Spatial data science : with applications in R
Using R for Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal health modeling
GPU parallel program development using CUDA
Optimal reference shaping for dynamical systems : theory and applications
Hands-on data science for librarians
Spatio-temporal methods in environmental epidemiology with R
Your essential guide to quantitative hedge fund investing
Lie algebraic methods in integrable systems
Cyber crime in social media : theory and solutions
Functional analysis and topology
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering
Fractional integral transforms : theory and applications
Digital health : a primer
Graphs & digraphs
Multilevel modeling using R
An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics
Practical machine learning with R : tutorials and case studies
Advanced linear algebra
Programming media art using processing : a beginner's guide
Extending structures : fundamentals and applications
Intelligent copyright protection for images
The art of coding : the language of drawing, graphics, and animation
Elastic waves : high frequency theory
An invitation to algebraic numbers and algebraic functions
50 years of combinatorics, graph theory, and computing
Dynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicine
Special functions and analysis of differential equations
Supervised machine learning : optimization framework and applications with SAS and R
The end of error : unum computing
Evaluating climate change impacts
Algorithmic trading and quantitative strategies
Statistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan
Reinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems : with cybersecurity case studies
Structural equation modelling with partial least squares using stata and R
Beyond multiple linear regression : applied generalized linear models and multilevel models in R
Time series : a first course with bootstrap starter
Secret history : the story of cryptology
Probability, choice, and reason
Linear algebra to differential equations
Population genomics with R
Time series : modeling, computation, and inference
Object oriented data analysis
Philosophy of mathematics : classic and contemporary studies
Handbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trials
Artificial intelligence : technologies, applications, and challenges
Patterned random matrices
Handbook of statistical methods and analyses in sports
A tour of data science : learn R and Python in parallel
Probability, statistics, and data : a fresh approach using R
Diffusion processes, jump processes, and stochastic differential equations
Engineering fundamentals
Mathematical concepts
Analysis on manifolds
Partial differential equations : topics in Fourier analysis
Galois theory
AI by design : a plan for living with artificial intelligence
A guide to business mathematics
Understanding regression analysis : a conditional distribution approach
Bayesian inference with INLA
Data structures using C : a practical approach for beginners
Integrals related to the error function
Bayesian analysis of infectious diseases : COVID-19 and beyond
The energy of data and distance correlation
Numerical analysis and scientific computation
Flexible regression and smoothing : using GAMLSS in R
Introduction to computational engineering with MATLAB
Introduction to stochastic finance with market examples
Topics in graph theory
Analyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in R
Bayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing data
Statistical inference via data science : a ModernDive into R and the tidyverse
Beyond first order model theory
An introduction to R and Python for data analysis : a side-by-side approach
Direct and projective limits of geometric Banach structures
Generalized notions of continued fractions : ergodicity and number theoretic applications
Tidy finance with R
R companion for sampling : design and analysis
Models for multi-state survival data : rates, risks, and pseudo-values
Big data analytics : a guide to data science practitioners making the transition to big data
Spatial statistics for data science : theory and practice with R
Machine learning toolbox for social scientists : applied predictive analytics with R
Applied categorical and count data analysis
Computer graphics through OpenGL : from theory to experiments
Data science and machine learning for non-programmers : using SAS Enterprise miner
Post-shrinkage strategies in statistical and machine learning for high dimensional data
Modern data visualization with R
Deep learning : a beginners' guide
From concepts to code : introduction to data science
Introduction to fluid dynamics in physics and astrophysics
A concise introduction to robot programming with ROS2
Clustering spatial data
Intuitive axiomatic set theory
Introducing game theory and its applications
Analyzing baseball data with R
Handbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trials
Analysis of pretest-posttest designs
Statistical analysis of financial data : with examples in R
Reproducible research with R and RStudio
Information technology : an introduction for today's digital world
Exploring linear algebra : labs and projects with MATLAB
Introduction to time series modeling with applications in R
Morrey spaces : introduction and applications to integral operators and PDE's
Understanding elections through statistics : polling, prediction, and testing
Statistical foundation of data science
Game theory : a modeling approach
Measurement models for psychological attributes
Bayesian applications in pharmaceutical development
Learning microeconometrics with R
Analyzing spatial models of choice and judgment
Towards smart world : homes to cities using Internet of things
Information technology : an introduction for today's digital world
Understanding artificial intelligence
Mathematical modeling : branching beyond calculus
Proofs 101 : an introduction to formal mathematics
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books