
Routledge studies in social and political thought


Routledge studies in social and political thought



Gramsci, materialism, and philosophy外部サイトEdward Said and the literary, social, and political world外部サイトThe social and political thought of George Orwell : a reassessment外部サイトMetaphors and the dynamics of knowledge外部サイトThe politics of expertise外部サイトThe psychology and politics of the collective : groups, crowds and mass identifications外部サイトHegemony : studies in consensus and coercion外部サイトUnderstanding the tacit外部サイトAuthenticity, autonomy and multiculturalism外部サイトGender, emotions and labour markets : Asian and Western perspectives外部サイトSocialism and religion : roads to common wealth外部サイトMarxism and scientific socialism : from Engels to Althusser外部サイトYoung citizens and new media : learning for democratic participation外部サイトMetaphors and the dynamics of knowledge外部サイトNorbert Elias and the analysis of history and sport : systematizing figurational sociology外部サイトThe nature of capital : Marx after Foucault外部サイトFreedom and culture in western society外部サイトThe reading of theoretical texts : a critique of criticism in the social sciences外部サイトSocial and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi外部サイトImaginaries of modernity : politics, cultures, tensions外部サイトHayek's liberalism and its origins : his idea of spontaneous order and the Scottish enlightenment外部サイトConflicts in social science外部サイトWittgenstein and the idea of a critical social theory : a critique of Giddens, Habermas and Bhaskar外部サイトEnlightenment political thought and non-western societies : sultans and savages外部サイトThe politics of atrocity and reconciliation : from terror to trauma外部サイトHannah Arendt and the limits of total domination : the holocaust, plurality, and resistance外部サイトOppositional discourses and democracies外部サイトDistributive justice debates in political and social thought : perspectives on finding a fair share外部サイトHermeneutic dialogue and social science : a critique of Gadamer and Habermas外部サイトThe metaphysics of technology外部サイトThe sociology of elites外部サイトThe age of chance : gambling in western culture外部サイトElementary forms of social relations : status, power and reference groups外部サイトRe-grounding cosmopolitanism : towards a post-foundational cosmopolitanism外部サイトDeconstructing Habermas外部サイトGovernmentality, biopower, and everyday life外部サイトThe social and political thought of Noam Chomsky外部サイトJohn Rawls and the history of political thought : the Rousseauvian and Hegelian heritage of justice as fairness外部サイトMarxism and human nature外部サイトGerman political philosophy : the metaphysics of law外部サイトHannah Arendt and the limits of total domination : the Holocaust, plurality, and resistance外部サイトGramsci's critique of civil society : towards a new concept of hegemony外部サイトGovernmentality : current issues and future challenges外部サイトDeconstructing happiness : critical sociology and the good life外部サイトPareto and political theory外部サイトThe social and political thought of Noam Chomsky外部サイトThe property-owning democracy : freedom and capitalism in the twenty-first century外部サイトJohn Rawls and the history of political thought : the Rousseauvian and Hegelian heritage of justice as fairness外部サイトFreedom in economics : new perspectives in normative analysis外部サイトComedy and the public sphere : the rebirth of theatre as comedy and the genealogy of the modern public arena外部サイトModernity and crisis in the thought of Michel Foucault : the totality of reason外部サイトReconstructing social justice外部サイトThe politics of rationality : reason through Occidental history外部サイトAdam Smith's political philosophy : the invisible hand and spontaneous order外部サイトComplexity, society and social transactions : developing a comprehensive social theory外部サイトOn Durkheim's Elementary forms of religious life外部サイトThe metaphysics of technology外部サイトTheories of the stranger : debates on cosmopolitanism, identity and cross-cultural encounters外部サイトThe contemporary Goffman外部サイトThe structure of social theory外部サイトDurkheim's Suicide : a century of research and debate外部サイトMarxism, religion and ideology : themes from David McLellan外部サイトThe history of compulsory voting in Europe : democracy's duty?外部サイトThe political thought of André Gorz外部サイトDemocratic legitimacy外部サイトHegemony : studies in consensus and coercion外部サイトMarxism and scientific socialism : from Engels to Althusser外部サイトHemingway on politics and rebellion外部サイトLiberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy : thin communitarian perspectives on political philosophy and education外部サイトCulture, class, and critical theory : between Bourdieu and the Frankfurt school外部サイトThe politics of expertise外部サイトNovels and the sociology of the contemporary外部サイトStupidity in politics : its unavoidability and potential外部サイトAccumulating capital today : contemporary strategies of profit and dispossessive policies外部サイトMax Weber's sociology of civilizations : a reconstruction外部サイトThe individual after modernity : a sociological perspective外部サイトA Marxist theory of ideology : praxis, thought and the social world外部サイトReflexive historical sociology外部サイトStupidity in politics : its unavoidability and potential外部サイトImaginaries of modernity : politics, cultures, tensions外部サイトHayek and after : Hayekian liberalism as a research programme外部サイトBourdieu's philosophy and sociology of science : a critical appraisal外部サイトMethodological individualism : introduction and founding texts外部サイトDeleuze, Marx and politics外部サイトSocial theory in contemporary Asia外部サイトJürgen Habermas and the European economic crisis : cosmopolitanism reconsidered外部サイトCrisis and critique : on the fragile foundations of social life外部サイトIgnorance and liberty外部サイトJohn Stuart Mill and freedom of expression : the genesis of a theory外部サイトWeber, Schumpeter and modern capitalism : towards a general theory外部サイトCulture, class, and critical theory : between Bourdieu and the Frankfurt school外部サイトCounter-Enlightenments : from the eighteenth century to the present外部サイトHayek and after : Hayekian liberalism as a research programme外部サイトFreedom and culture in western society外部サイトDemocratic legitimacy外部サイトChina in early enlightenment political thought外部サイトThe contemporary Goffman外部サイトMethodological individualism : background, history and meaning外部サイトAgainst politics : on government, anarchy, and order外部サイトFrankfurt school perspectives on globalization, democracy, and the law外部サイトPost-Marxism : an intellectual history外部サイトPerspectives on Gramsci : politics, culture and social theory外部サイトThe age of reasons : quixotism, sentimentalism, and political economy in eighteenth-century Britain外部サイトLiberty, toleration and equality : John Locke, Jonas Proast and the letters concerning toleration外部サイトSustainability and security within liberal societies : learning to live with the future外部サイトGovernmentality, biopower, and everyday life外部サイトThe intellectual as stranger : studies in spokespersonship外部サイトThe political economy of civil society and human rights外部サイトThe age of chance : gambling in western culture外部サイトMarx and Wittgenstein : knowledge, morality and politics外部サイトClassical individualism : the supreme importance of each human being外部サイトPerspectives on Gramsci : politics, culture and social theory外部サイトThe post-colonial state in the era of capitalist globalization : historical, political and theoretical approaches to state formation外部サイトSocial change in a material world外部サイトCommunity as the material basis of citizenship : the unfinished story of American democracy外部サイトDurkheim and representations外部サイトHow groups matter : challenges of toleration in pluralistic societies外部サイトHemingway on politics and rebellion外部サイトRethinking liberalism for the 21st century : the skeptical radicalism of Judith Shklar外部サイトThe genesis of modernity外部サイトGlobalized knowledge flows and Chinese social theory外部サイトThe political philosophy of Michel Foucault外部サイトFrankfurt School perspectives on globalization, democracy, and the law外部サイトAdorno, Habermas, and the search for a rational society外部サイトThe politics and philosophy of Michael Oakeshott外部サイトEnvironmental solidarity : how religions can sustain sustainability外部サイトPareto and political theory外部サイトGoffman and social organization : studies in a sociological legacy外部サイトCorruption, capitalism and democracy外部サイトAdam Smith's political philosophy : the invisible hand and spontaneous order外部サイトReflexive historical sociology外部サイトHayek's liberalism and its origins : his idea of spontaneous order and the Scottish enlightenment外部サイトMax Weber and Michel Foucault : parallel life-works外部サイトRosa Luxemburg in action : for revolution and democracy外部サイトDeciphering Goffman : the structure of his sociological theory revisited外部サイトThe social and political thought of George Orwell : a reassessment外部サイトWhat holism can do for social theory外部サイトTocqueville's moral and political thought : new liberalism外部サイトAlienation and the carnivalization of society外部サイトThe political thought of Hume and his contemporaries : enlightenment projects外部サイトThe psychology and politics of the collective : groups, crowds and mass identifications外部サイトInnovation contested : the idea of innovation over the centuries外部サイトWork : Marxist and systems-theoretical approaches外部サイトThe political philosophy of Michel Foucault外部サイトProperty and power in social theory : a study in intellectual rivalry外部サイトThe countercultural logic of neoliberalism外部サイトHabermas : rescuing the public sphere外部サイトIndividualism in modern thought : from Adam Smith to Hayek外部サイトDeleuze, Marx and politics外部サイトToward a hermeneutic theory of social practices : between existential analytic and social theory外部サイトAdorno, Habermas, and the search for a rational society外部サイトConspicuous and inconspicuous discriminations in everyday life外部サイトGambling, freedom and democracy外部サイトGramsci's critique of civil society : towards a new concept of hegemony外部サイトLiberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy : thin communitarian perspectives on political philosophy and education外部サイトMax Weber's sociology of civilizations : a reconstruction外部サイトOutlines of a theory of plural habitus : Bourdieu revisited外部サイトHegel and contemporary practical philosophy : beyond Kantian constructivism外部サイトNation and state in Max Weber : politics as sociology外部サイトConnecting practices : large topics in society and social theory外部サイトPolitics through the Iliad and the Odyssey : Hobbes writes Homer外部サイトMethodological individualism : background, history and meaning外部サイトSocial change in a material world外部サイトThe lived experiences of Muslims in Europe : recognition, power and intersubjective dilemmas外部サイトCitizenship in the globalized world外部サイトConsciousness and the neoliberal subject : a theory of ideology via Marcuse, Jameson and Žižek外部サイトMarx, Engels, and the philosophy of science外部サイトCritical theory and new materialisms外部サイトCivilization, modernity, and critique : engaging Jóhann P. Árnason's macro-social theory外部サイトMax Weber's sociology : from "The protestant ethic thesis" and the American political culture to a sociology of civilizations外部サイトDemocracy, dialogue, memory : expression and affect beyond consensus外部サイトThe property-owning democracy : freedom and capitalism in the twenty-first century外部サイトMax Weber and the path from political economy to economic sociology外部サイトKarl Polanyi and the paradoxes of the double movement外部サイトThe world as idea : a conceptual history外部サイトThe early Austrian school of economics : money, value, capital外部サイトAnatomies of modern discontent : visions from the human sciences外部サイトNationalism and hegemony : the consolidation of the nation in social and political life外部サイトThe political Durkheim : sociology, socialism, legacies外部サイトThe individual after modernity : a sociological perspective外部サイトMax Weber's sociology : from "The protestant ethic thesis" and the American political culture to a sociology of civilizations外部サイトFrom Hitler to Codreanu : the ideology of fascist leaders外部サイト






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Routledge studies in social & political thought
Gramsci, materialism, and philosophy
Edward Said and the literary, social, and political world
The social and political thought of George Orwell : a reassessment
Metaphors and the dynamics of knowledge
The politics of expertise
The psychology and politics of the collective : groups, crowds and mass identifications
Hegemony : studies in consensus and coercion
Understanding the tacit
Authenticity, autonomy and multiculturalism
Gender, emotions and labour markets : Asian and Western perspectives
Socialism and religion : roads to common wealth
Marxism and scientific socialism : from Engels to Althusser
Young citizens and new media : learning for democratic participation
Metaphors and the dynamics of knowledge
Norbert Elias and the analysis of history and sport : systematizing figurational sociology
The nature of capital : Marx after Foucault
Freedom and culture in western society
The reading of theoretical texts : a critique of criticism in the social sciences
Social and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi
Imaginaries of modernity : politics, cultures, tensions
Hayek's liberalism and its origins : his idea of spontaneous order and the Scottish enlightenment
Conflicts in social science
Wittgenstein and the idea of a critical social theory : a critique of Giddens, Habermas and Bhaskar
Enlightenment political thought and non-western societies : sultans and savages
The politics of atrocity and reconciliation : from terror to trauma
Hannah Arendt and the limits of total domination : the holocaust, plurality, and resistance
Oppositional discourses and democracies
Distributive justice debates in political and social thought : perspectives on finding a fair share
Hermeneutic dialogue and social science : a critique of Gadamer and Habermas
The metaphysics of technology
The sociology of elites
The age of chance : gambling in western culture
Elementary forms of social relations : status, power and reference groups
Re-grounding cosmopolitanism : towards a post-foundational cosmopolitanism
Deconstructing Habermas
Governmentality, biopower, and everyday life
The social and political thought of Noam Chomsky
John Rawls and the history of political thought : the Rousseauvian and Hegelian heritage of justice as fairness
Marxism and human nature
German political philosophy : the metaphysics of law
Hannah Arendt and the limits of total domination : the Holocaust, plurality, and resistance
Gramsci's critique of civil society : towards a new concept of hegemony
Governmentality : current issues and future challenges
Deconstructing happiness : critical sociology and the good life
Pareto and political theory
The social and political thought of Noam Chomsky
The property-owning democracy : freedom and capitalism in the twenty-first century
John Rawls and the history of political thought : the Rousseauvian and Hegelian heritage of justice as fairness
Freedom in economics : new perspectives in normative analysis
Comedy and the public sphere : the rebirth of theatre as comedy and the genealogy of the modern public arena
Modernity and crisis in the thought of Michel Foucault : the totality of reason
Reconstructing social justice
The politics of rationality : reason through Occidental history
Adam Smith's political philosophy : the invisible hand and spontaneous order
Complexity, society and social transactions : developing a comprehensive social theory
On Durkheim's Elementary forms of religious life
The metaphysics of technology
Theories of the stranger : debates on cosmopolitanism, identity and cross-cultural encounters
The contemporary Goffman
The structure of social theory
Durkheim's Suicide : a century of research and debate
Marxism, religion and ideology : themes from David McLellan
The history of compulsory voting in Europe : democracy's duty?
The political thought of André Gorz
Democratic legitimacy
Hegemony : studies in consensus and coercion
Marxism and scientific socialism : from Engels to Althusser
Hemingway on politics and rebellion
Liberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy : thin communitarian perspectives on political philosophy and education
Culture, class, and critical theory : between Bourdieu and the Frankfurt school
The politics of expertise
Novels and the sociology of the contemporary
Stupidity in politics : its unavoidability and potential
Accumulating capital today : contemporary strategies of profit and dispossessive policies
Max Weber's sociology of civilizations : a reconstruction
The individual after modernity : a sociological perspective
A Marxist theory of ideology : praxis, thought and the social world
Reflexive historical sociology
Stupidity in politics : its unavoidability and potential
Imaginaries of modernity : politics, cultures, tensions
Hayek and after : Hayekian liberalism as a research programme
Bourdieu's philosophy and sociology of science : a critical appraisal
Methodological individualism : introduction and founding texts
Deleuze, Marx and politics
Social theory in contemporary Asia
Jürgen Habermas and the European economic crisis : cosmopolitanism reconsidered
Crisis and critique : on the fragile foundations of social life
Ignorance and liberty
John Stuart Mill and freedom of expression : the genesis of a theory
Weber, Schumpeter and modern capitalism : towards a general theory
Culture, class, and critical theory : between Bourdieu and the Frankfurt school
Counter-Enlightenments : from the eighteenth century to the present
Hayek and after : Hayekian liberalism as a research programme
Freedom and culture in western society
Democratic legitimacy
China in early enlightenment political thought
The contemporary Goffman
Methodological individualism : background, history and meaning
Against politics : on government, anarchy, and order
Frankfurt school perspectives on globalization, democracy, and the law
Post-Marxism : an intellectual history
Perspectives on Gramsci : politics, culture and social theory
The age of reasons : quixotism, sentimentalism, and political economy in eighteenth-century Britain
Liberty, toleration and equality : John Locke, Jonas Proast and the letters concerning toleration
Sustainability and security within liberal societies : learning to live with the future
Governmentality, biopower, and everyday life
The intellectual as stranger : studies in spokespersonship
The political economy of civil society and human rights
The age of chance : gambling in western culture
Marx and Wittgenstein : knowledge, morality and politics
Classical individualism : the supreme importance of each human being
Perspectives on Gramsci : politics, culture and social theory
The post-colonial state in the era of capitalist globalization : historical, political and theoretical approaches to state formation
Social change in a material world
Community as the material basis of citizenship : the unfinished story of American democracy
Durkheim and representations
How groups matter : challenges of toleration in pluralistic societies
Hemingway on politics and rebellion
Rethinking liberalism for the 21st century : the skeptical radicalism of Judith Shklar
The genesis of modernity
Globalized knowledge flows and Chinese social theory
The political philosophy of Michel Foucault
Frankfurt School perspectives on globalization, democracy, and the law
Adorno, Habermas, and the search for a rational society
The politics and philosophy of Michael Oakeshott
Environmental solidarity : how religions can sustain sustainability
Pareto and political theory
Goffman and social organization : studies in a sociological legacy
Corruption, capitalism and democracy
Adam Smith's political philosophy : the invisible hand and spontaneous order
Reflexive historical sociology
Hayek's liberalism and its origins : his idea of spontaneous order and the Scottish enlightenment
Max Weber and Michel Foucault : parallel life-works
Rosa Luxemburg in action : for revolution and democracy
Deciphering Goffman : the structure of his sociological theory revisited
The social and political thought of George Orwell : a reassessment
What holism can do for social theory
Tocqueville's moral and political thought : new liberalism
Alienation and the carnivalization of society
The political thought of Hume and his contemporaries : enlightenment projects
The psychology and politics of the collective : groups, crowds and mass identifications
Innovation contested : the idea of innovation over the centuries
Work : Marxist and systems-theoretical approaches
The political philosophy of Michel Foucault
Property and power in social theory : a study in intellectual rivalry
The countercultural logic of neoliberalism
Habermas : rescuing the public sphere
Individualism in modern thought : from Adam Smith to Hayek
Deleuze, Marx and politics
Toward a hermeneutic theory of social practices : between existential analytic and social theory
Adorno, Habermas, and the search for a rational society
Conspicuous and inconspicuous discriminations in everyday life
Gambling, freedom and democracy
Gramsci's critique of civil society : towards a new concept of hegemony
Liberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy : thin communitarian perspectives on political philosophy and education
Max Weber's sociology of civilizations : a reconstruction
Outlines of a theory of plural habitus : Bourdieu revisited
Hegel and contemporary practical philosophy : beyond Kantian constructivism
Nation and state in Max Weber : politics as sociology
Connecting practices : large topics in society and social theory
Politics through the Iliad and the Odyssey : Hobbes writes Homer
Methodological individualism : background, history and meaning
Social change in a material world
The lived experiences of Muslims in Europe : recognition, power and intersubjective dilemmas
Citizenship in the globalized world
Consciousness and the neoliberal subject : a theory of ideology via Marcuse, Jameson and Žižek
Marx, Engels, and the philosophy of science
Critical theory and new materialisms
Civilization, modernity, and critique : engaging Jóhann P. Árnason's macro-social theory
Max Weber's sociology : from "The protestant ethic thesis" and the American political culture to a sociology of civilizations
Democracy, dialogue, memory : expression and affect beyond consensus
The property-owning democracy : freedom and capitalism in the twenty-first century
Max Weber and the path from political economy to economic sociology
Karl Polanyi and the paradoxes of the double movement
The world as idea : a conceptual history
The early Austrian school of economics : money, value, capital
Anatomies of modern discontent : visions from the human sciences
Nationalism and hegemony : the consolidation of the nation in social and political life
The political Durkheim : sociology, socialism, legacies
The individual after modernity : a sociological perspective
Max Weber's sociology : from "The protestant ethic thesis" and the American political culture to a sociology of civilizations
From Hitler to Codreanu : the ideology of fascist leaders
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books