
Contributions in sociology


Contributions in sociology

Greenwood Press



Publisher varies: Praeger


No place to hide : crisis and future of American habitats外部サイトSociology of the black experience外部サイトHomelessness in the United States外部サイトCrossing the line : interracial couples in the South外部サイトCountercultural communes : a sociological perspective外部サイトThe urban housing crisis : social, economic, and legal issues and proposals外部サイトCitizenship and ethnicity : the growth and development of a democratic multiethnic institution外部サイトHousing privatization in Eastern Europe外部サイトReligious politics in global and comparative perspective外部サイトContemporary issues in theory and research : a metasociological perspective外部サイトState surveys外部サイトImpossible organizations : self-management and organizational reproduction外部サイトBuilding movement bridges : the Coalition of Labor Union Women外部サイトThe social shaping of science : institutions, ideology, and careers in science外部サイトUniforms and nonuniforms : communication through clothing外部サイトThe next three futures : paradigms of things to come外部サイトThe Underside of high-tech : technology and the deformation of human sensibilities外部サイトFive scenarios for the year 2000外部サイトCultural conflict and the Swedish sexual myth : the male immigrant's encounter with Swedish sexual and cohabitation culture外部サイトCultural practices and socioeconomic attainment : the Australian experience外部サイトThe organization-society nexus : a critical review of models and metaphors外部サイトEthnicity, pluralism, and race : race relations theory in America before Myrdal外部サイトAmerican ritual dramas : social rules and cultural meanings外部サイトZero population growth--for whom? : differential fertility and minority group survival外部サイトIdentities in the lesbian world : the social construction of self外部サイトInternational perspectives on homelessness外部サイトSocial control for the 1980s : a handbook for order in a democratic society外部サイトSystems of discourse : structures and semiotics in the social sciences外部サイトPopulation and community in rural America外部サイトSociocybernetics : complexity, autopoiesis, and observation of social systems外部サイトAl-Anon narratives : women, self-stories, and mutual aid外部サイトWe, the people : American character and social change外部サイトOverload and boredom : essays on the quality of life in the information society外部サイトEastern Europe in transformation : the impact on sociology外部サイトIdeology and the social sciences外部サイトContemporary entrepreneurs : the sociology of residential real estate agents外部サイトGroup interaction as therapy : the use of the small group in corrections外部サイトBlack belonging : a study of the social correlates of work relations among Negroes外部サイトReligious sociology : interfaces and boundaries外部サイトMovies, masculinity, and modernity : an ethnography of men's filmgoing in India外部サイトMulticulturalism and intergroup relations外部サイトEthnics in a borderland : an inquiry into the nature of ethnicity and reduction of ethnic tensions in a one-time genocide area外部サイトRethinking today's minorities外部サイトSocial responses to technological change外部サイトThe concept of social structure外部サイトData and issues外部サイトChanging Jewish life : service delivery and planning in the 1990s外部サイトFamily, women, and employment in Central-Eastern Europe外部サイトMethods for the social sciences : a handbook for students and non-specialists外部サイトAuthentic ethnicities : the interaction of ideology, gender power, and class in the Italian-American experience外部サイトConstructing the nation-state : international organization and prescriptive action外部サイトNationalism and the crises of ethnic minorities in Asia外部サイトDiscourse in the social sciences : strategies for translating models of mental illness外部サイトDiffusion research in rural sociology : the record and prospects for the future外部サイトStepparenting : issues in theory, research, and practice外部サイトThe revolutionary party : essays in the sociology of politics外部サイトCivil religion and moral order : theoretical and historical dimensions外部サイトEmile Durkheim : ethics and the sociology of morals外部サイトBeyond ethnocentrism : a reconstruction of Marx's concept of science外部サイトThe development of a postmodern self : a computer-assisted comparative analysis of personal documents外部サイトExchange, action, and social structure : elements of economic sociology外部サイトThe social dimensions of mental illness, alchoholism[i.e. alcoholism] and drug dependence外部サイトHandbook of contemporary developments in world sociology外部サイトCommitment to deviance : the nonprofessional criminal in the community外部サイトWayward technology外部サイトPoverty in America : the welfare dilemma外部サイトDivided we stand : class structure in Israel from 1948 to the 1980s外部サイトSociology in Australia and New Zealand : theory and methods外部サイトPolitics, character, and culture : perspectives from Hans Gerth外部サイトThe incomplete adult : social class constraints on personality development外部サイトExplorations in the understanding of landscape : a cultural geography外部サイトThe population challenge : a handbook for nonspecialists外部サイトWork, organizations, and society : comparative convergences外部サイトSociology in Central and Eastern Europe : transformation at the dawn of a new millennium外部サイトEmerging organizational forms : the proliferation of regional intergovernmental organizations in the modern world-system外部サイトCommunity in transition : mobility, integration, and conflict外部サイトThe poverty debate : politics and the poor in America外部サイトRural sociology and the environment外部サイトThe end of conversation : the impact of mass media on modern society外部サイトSwitzerland in perspective外部サイトHousing and neighborhoods : theoretical and empirical contributions外部サイトKorean immigrants and the challenge of adjustment外部サイトWeeding out the target population : the law of accountability in a manpower program外部サイトThe Evolution of population theory : a documentary sourcebook外部サイトTheories of ethnicity : a critical appraisal外部サイトTime, memory, and society外部サイトBureaucracy against democracy and socialism外部サイトHistory of sociological thought外部サイトSocial oppression外部サイトDemographic and structural change : the effects of the 1980s on American society外部サイトSocial cohesion : essays toward a sociophysiological perspective外部サイトBuddhism in America : the social organization of an ethnic religious institution外部サイトAlienation, community, and work外部サイトMaking a life in Yorkville : experience and meaning in the life-course narrative of an urban working-class man外部サイトThe Mythmakers : intellectuals and the intelligentsia in perspective外部サイトMax Weber's political sociology : a pessimistic vision of a rationalized world外部サイトCharisma, history, and social structure外部サイトSuburbia re-examined外部サイトNew perspectives on organization theory : an empirical reconsideration of the Marxian and classical analyses外部サイトWomen, work, and gender relations in developing countries : a global perspective外部サイトThe sociology of agriculture外部サイトA fragile movement : the struggle for neighborhood stabilization外部サイトGarrison community : a study of an overseas American military colony外部サイトThe temptation to forget : racism, anti-semitism, neo-nazism外部サイトDemocracy in the shadows : citizen mobilization in the wake of the accident at Three Mile Island外部サイトSmall town and the Nation : the conflict of local and translocal forces外部サイトImmigration and ethnicity : American society--"melting pot" or "salad bowl"?外部サイトThe American ritual tapestry : social rules and cultural meanings外部サイトThe school managers : power and conflict in American public education外部サイトInvisible victims : white males and the crisis of affirmative action外部サイトThe handwriting on the wall : toward a sociology and psychology of graffiti外部サイトPostmodern social analysis and criticism外部サイトNew poverty : families in postmodern society外部サイトNGOs in India : a cross-sectional study外部サイトSociology in Israel外部サイトHigh risk and high stakes : health professionals, politics, and policy外部サイトVictims of change : juvenile delinquents in American society外部サイトThe New social sciences外部サイトCritical theory and political possibilities : conceptions of emancipatory politics in the works of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Habermas外部サイトCapitalists without capitalism : the Jains of India and the Quakers of the West外部サイトSocial hierarchies : essays toward a sociophysiological perspective外部サイトThe civic and the tribal state : the state, ethnicity, and the multiethnic state外部サイトThe adventure of reason : the uses of philosophy in sociology外部サイトThose people : the subculture of a housing project (Ces gens-là)外部サイトPeople's Poland : patterns of social inequality and conflict外部サイトThe fence : a new look at the world of property theft外部サイトBirth alternatives : how women select childbirth care外部サイトHousing markets and policies under fiscal austerity外部サイトThe community in rural America外部サイトAlienation, ethnicity, and postmodernism外部サイトPromises in the Promised Land : mobility and inequality in Israel外部サイトCult and countercult : a study of a spiritual growth group and a witchcraft order外部サイトFor democracy : the noble character and tragic flaws of the middle class外部サイトIdeologies, goals, and values外部サイトThe Hidden professoriate : credentialism, professionalism, and the tenure crisis外部サイトManagement and complex organizations in comparative perspective外部サイトCommitment to deviance : the non-professional criminal in the community外部サイトThe taming of the troops : social control in the United States Army外部サイトConsciousness and culture : an introduction to the thought of Jean Gebser外部サイトThe Chinese triangle of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong : comparative institutional analyses外部サイトThe cultural realm of European integration : social representations in France, Spain, and the United Kingdom外部サイトStalking the sociological imagination : J. Edgar Hoover's FBI surveillance of American sociology外部サイト






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Publisher varies: Praeger
No place to hide : crisis and future of American habitats
Sociology of the black experience
Homelessness in the United States
Crossing the line : interracial couples in the South
Countercultural communes : a sociological perspective
The urban housing crisis : social, economic, and legal issues and proposals
Citizenship and ethnicity : the growth and development of a democratic multiethnic institution
Housing privatization in Eastern Europe
Religious politics in global and comparative perspective
Contemporary issues in theory and research : a metasociological perspective
State surveys
Impossible organizations : self-management and organizational reproduction
Building movement bridges : the Coalition of Labor Union Women
The social shaping of science : institutions, ideology, and careers in science
Uniforms and nonuniforms : communication through clothing
The next three futures : paradigms of things to come
The Underside of high-tech : technology and the deformation of human sensibilities
Five scenarios for the year 2000
Cultural conflict and the Swedish sexual myth : the male immigrant's encounter with Swedish sexual and cohabitation culture
Cultural practices and socioeconomic attainment : the Australian experience
The organization-society nexus : a critical review of models and metaphors
Ethnicity, pluralism, and race : race relations theory in America before Myrdal
American ritual dramas : social rules and cultural meanings
Zero population growth--for whom? : differential fertility and minority group survival
Identities in the lesbian world : the social construction of self
International perspectives on homelessness
Social control for the 1980s : a handbook for order in a democratic society
Systems of discourse : structures and semiotics in the social sciences
Population and community in rural America
Sociocybernetics : complexity, autopoiesis, and observation of social systems
Al-Anon narratives : women, self-stories, and mutual aid
We, the people : American character and social change
Overload and boredom : essays on the quality of life in the information society
Eastern Europe in transformation : the impact on sociology
Ideology and the social sciences
Contemporary entrepreneurs : the sociology of residential real estate agents
Group interaction as therapy : the use of the small group in corrections
Black belonging : a study of the social correlates of work relations among Negroes
Religious sociology : interfaces and boundaries
Movies, masculinity, and modernity : an ethnography of men's filmgoing in India
Multiculturalism and intergroup relations
Ethnics in a borderland : an inquiry into the nature of ethnicity and reduction of ethnic tensions in a one-time genocide area
Rethinking today's minorities
Social responses to technological change
The concept of social structure
Data and issues
Changing Jewish life : service delivery and planning in the 1990s
Family, women, and employment in Central-Eastern Europe
Methods for the social sciences : a handbook for students and non-specialists
Authentic ethnicities : the interaction of ideology, gender power, and class in the Italian-American experience
Constructing the nation-state : international organization and prescriptive action
Nationalism and the crises of ethnic minorities in Asia
Discourse in the social sciences : strategies for translating models of mental illness
Diffusion research in rural sociology : the record and prospects for the future
Stepparenting : issues in theory, research, and practice
The revolutionary party : essays in the sociology of politics
Civil religion and moral order : theoretical and historical dimensions
Emile Durkheim : ethics and the sociology of morals
Beyond ethnocentrism : a reconstruction of Marx's concept of science
The development of a postmodern self : a computer-assisted comparative analysis of personal documents
Exchange, action, and social structure : elements of economic sociology
The social dimensions of mental illness, alchoholism[i.e. alcoholism] and drug dependence
Handbook of contemporary developments in world sociology
Commitment to deviance : the nonprofessional criminal in the community
Wayward technology
Poverty in America : the welfare dilemma
Divided we stand : class structure in Israel from 1948 to the 1980s
Sociology in Australia and New Zealand : theory and methods
Politics, character, and culture : perspectives from Hans Gerth
The incomplete adult : social class constraints on personality development
Explorations in the understanding of landscape : a cultural geography
The population challenge : a handbook for nonspecialists
Work, organizations, and society : comparative convergences
Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe : transformation at the dawn of a new millennium
Emerging organizational forms : the proliferation of regional intergovernmental organizations in the modern world-system
Community in transition : mobility, integration, and conflict
The poverty debate : politics and the poor in America
Rural sociology and the environment
The end of conversation : the impact of mass media on modern society
Switzerland in perspective
Housing and neighborhoods : theoretical and empirical contributions
Korean immigrants and the challenge of adjustment
Weeding out the target population : the law of accountability in a manpower program
The Evolution of population theory : a documentary sourcebook
Theories of ethnicity : a critical appraisal
Time, memory, and society
Bureaucracy against democracy and socialism
History of sociological thought
Social oppression
Demographic and structural change : the effects of the 1980s on American society
Social cohesion : essays toward a sociophysiological perspective
Buddhism in America : the social organization of an ethnic religious institution
Alienation, community, and work
Making a life in Yorkville : experience and meaning in the life-course narrative of an urban working-class man
The Mythmakers : intellectuals and the intelligentsia in perspective
Max Weber's political sociology : a pessimistic vision of a rationalized world
Charisma, history, and social structure
Suburbia re-examined
New perspectives on organization theory : an empirical reconsideration of the Marxian and classical analyses
Women, work, and gender relations in developing countries : a global perspective
The sociology of agriculture
A fragile movement : the struggle for neighborhood stabilization
Garrison community : a study of an overseas American military colony
The temptation to forget : racism, anti-semitism, neo-nazism
Democracy in the shadows : citizen mobilization in the wake of the accident at Three Mile Island
Small town and the Nation : the conflict of local and translocal forces
Immigration and ethnicity : American society--"melting pot" or "salad bowl"?
The American ritual tapestry : social rules and cultural meanings
The school managers : power and conflict in American public education
Invisible victims : white males and the crisis of affirmative action
The handwriting on the wall : toward a sociology and psychology of graffiti
Postmodern social analysis and criticism
New poverty : families in postmodern society
NGOs in India : a cross-sectional study
Sociology in Israel
High risk and high stakes : health professionals, politics, and policy
Victims of change : juvenile delinquents in American society
The New social sciences
Critical theory and political possibilities : conceptions of emancipatory politics in the works of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Habermas
Capitalists without capitalism : the Jains of India and the Quakers of the West
Social hierarchies : essays toward a sociophysiological perspective
The civic and the tribal state : the state, ethnicity, and the multiethnic state
The adventure of reason : the uses of philosophy in sociology
Those people : the subculture of a housing project (Ces gens-là)
People's Poland : patterns of social inequality and conflict
The fence : a new look at the world of property theft
Birth alternatives : how women select childbirth care
Housing markets and policies under fiscal austerity
The community in rural America
Alienation, ethnicity, and postmodernism
Promises in the Promised Land : mobility and inequality in Israel
Cult and countercult : a study of a spiritual growth group and a witchcraft order
For democracy : the noble character and tragic flaws of the middle class
Ideologies, goals, and values
The Hidden professoriate : credentialism, professionalism, and the tenure crisis
Management and complex organizations in comparative perspective
Commitment to deviance : the non-professional criminal in the community
The taming of the troops : social control in the United States Army
Consciousness and culture : an introduction to the thought of Jean Gebser
The Chinese triangle of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong : comparative institutional analyses
The cultural realm of European integration : social representations in France, Spain, and the United Kingdom
Stalking the sociological imagination : J. Edgar Hoover's FBI surveillance of American sociology
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books