- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者標目
- 並列タイトル等
- TCSVTrends in classics
- 出版地(国名コード)
- gw
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Edited by Franco Montanari and Antonios Rengakos
- 関連情報
- Archaic and classical attic dedicatory epigrams : an epigraphic, literary and linguistic commentaryThe literary genres in the Flavian age : canons, transformations, receptionThe shaping of narrative in PolybiusHomeric contexts : neoanalysis and the interpretation of oral poetryGreek texts and Armenian traditions : an interdisciplinary approachWitches, Isis and narrative : approaches to magic in Apuleius' MetamorphosesAntiquarian and genealogical epicHerodotus : narrator, scientist, historianPolybius and his legacyRedeeming Thucydides' Book VIII : narrative artistry in the account of the Ionian WarPanhellenes at Methone : graphê in late geometric and protoarchaic Methone, Macedonia (ca. 700 BCE)Flavian epic interactionsTragic failures : Alexandrian responses to tragedy and the tragicNonnus of Panopolis in context : poetry and cultural milieu in Late Antiquity with a section on Nonnus and the modern worldReperforming Greek tragedy : theater, politics, and cultural mobility in the fifth and fourth centuries BCThucydides between history and literaturePower play in Latin love elegy and its multiple forms of continuity in Ovid's MetamorphosesIntratextuality and Latin literatureCrisis on stage : tragedy and comedy in late fifth-century AthensHellenistic studies at a crossroads : exploring texts, contexts and metatextsAllusion, authority, and truth : critical perspectives on Greek poetic and rhetorical praxisDynamics of ancient prose : biographic, novelistic, apologeticCultural crossroads in the ancient novelInscribing sorrow : fourth-century Attic funerary epigramsThe art of history : literary perspectives on Greek and Roman historiographyReading Eustathios of ThessalonikeThe past in Aeschylus and SophoclesNarratology and interpretation : the content of narrative form in ancient literaturePoetry in fragments : studies on the Hesiodic corpus and its afterlifeGeography, topography, landscape : configurations of space in Greek and Roman epicPlato's Sophist revisitedThey keep it all hid : Augustan poetry, its antecedents and reception : studies in honor of Richard F. ThomasNarrative, intertext, and space in Euripides' PhoenissaeIntertextuality in Flavian epic poetry : contemporary approachesMaking and rethinking the Renaissance : between Greek and Latin in 15th-16th century EuropeWitnesses and evidence in ancient Greek literatureAristophanes and the poetics of surprise"Dionysiac" dialogues : Euripides' bacchae, aeschylus and Christus patiensToward the characterization of Helen in Homer : appellatives, periphrastic denominations, and noun-epithet formulasPlato's statesman revisitedStudies in the reception of Pindar in Ptolemaic poetryLife, love and death in Latin poetry : studies in honor of Theodore D. PapanghelisComedy and performance, Greek poetry of the Roman Empire, the ancient novelWordplay and powerplay in Latin poetrySong exchange in Roman pastoralOf golden manes and silvery faces : the Partheneion 1 of AlcmanThe play of words : blood ties and power relations in Aeschylus' OresteiaRecognizing miracles in antiquity and beyondStudies in ancient Greek dialects : from Central Greece to the Black SeaGeneric interfaces in Latin literature : encounters, interactions and transformationsRoman drama and its contextsArchaic and classical choral song : performance, politics and disseminationSophisticated speakers : atticistic pronunciation in the Atticist lexicaAncient scholarship and grammar : archetypes, concepts and contextsPlutarch's Parallel lives : narrative technique and moral judgementLysias 21 : a commentaryTheatre world : critical perspectives on Greek tragedy and comedy : studies in honour of Georgia Xanthakis-KaramanosDialect, diction, and style in Greek literary and inscribed epigramWisdom and folly in EuripidesNoscendi Nilum cupido : imagining Egypt from Lucan to PhilostratusFrom scholars to scholia : chapters in the history of ancient Greek scholarshipHellenistic poetry and its receptionGaze, vision, and visuality in ancient Greek literaturePaths of song : the lyric dimension of Greek tragedyT. Calpurnius Siculus : a pastoral poet in Neronian RomeHomeric receptions across generic and cultural contextsHope in ancient literature, history, and art : ancient emotions IAfter 69 CE : writing civil war in Flavian RomeToward the characterization of Helen in Homer : appellatives, periphrastic denominations, and noun-epithet formulasPlautine trends : studies in Plautine comedy and its reception : Festschrift in honour of Prof. D.K. RaiosEmotions, persuasion, and public discourse in classical Athens : ancient emotions IIThe versatile needle : Hosidius Geta's cento Medea and its traditionStudies in Greek lexicographyNarrating desire : eros, sex, and gender in the ancient novelLucretius Poet and Philosopher : Background and Fortunes of De Rerum NaturaEmotions, persuasion, and public discourse in classical Athens : ancient emotions IISuspense in ancient Greek literatureIntratextuality and Latin literatureEarly Greek epic : language, interpretation, performanceThe staying power of thetis : allusion, interaction, and reception from Homer to the 21st centurySeneca philosophusPoet and orator : a symbiotic relationship in democratic AthensApproaches to Greek poetryKnowing future time in and through Greek historiographyStudies in Sappho and AlcaeusThe flower of suffering : theology, justice, and the cosmos in Aeschylus' Oresteia and presocratic thoughtLucretius on disease : the poetics of morbidity in De rerum naturaThe rhetoric of unity and division in ancient literatureRhetoric and religion in ancient Greece and RomeMythical narratives in Stesichorus : Greek heroes on the moveIdentities, ethnicities and gender in antiquityAncient and Medieval Greek etymology : theory and practiceThe orators and their treatment of the recent pastPolybius and his legacyDynamics of marginality : liminal characters and marginal groups in Neronian and Flavian literatureFrom agent to spectator : witnessing the aftermath in Ancient Greek epic and tragedyThe continuity of classical literature through fragmentary traditionsPathologies of love in classical literatureAncient memory : remembrance and commemoration in Graeco-Roman literatureThe layers of the text : collected papers on classical literature 2008–2021Strategies of ambiguity in ancient literatureMyths on the margins of Homer : prolegomena to the Mythographus homericusSex and the ancient city : sex and sexual practices in Greco-Roman antiquityEpics on Herakles : Kreophylos and PeisandrosRhetoric and religion in ancient Greece and RomeDionysus and Rome : religion and literatureEthics in ancient Greek literature : aspects of ethical reasoning from Homer to Aristotle and beyond : studies in honour of Ioannis N. Perysinakis