
Janua linguarum


Janua linguarum

Schooneveld, C. H. van



Edenda curat Cornelis H. van SchooneveldNCID:AA00249106 -- Ser. MaiorNCID:AA00249117 -- Ser. Minor...


Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest外部サイトWritten language : General problems and problems of English外部サイトLes constructions perfectives du verbe anglais contemporain : étude comparée de l'aspect transcendant dans les systèmes verbaux anglais et français外部サイトFundamentals of language外部サイトThe London dialect of the late fourteenth century : a transformational analysis in historical linguistics外部サイトMethodological aspects of transformational generative phonology外部サイトA study of Japanese syntax外部サイトActes du premier Congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique, Paris, 16-19 juillet 1969外部サイトDie Baltischen und Slavischen Akzent- und Intonationssysteme : ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der baltisch- slavischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse外部サイトPolynesian languages : a survey of research外部サイトDie phonologische und grammatische Struktur der Kaingáng Sprache外部サイトTopics in the theory of generative grammar外部サイトPapers on linguistics and child language : Ruth Hirsch Weir memorial volume外部サイトThe methodological status of grammatical argumentation外部サイトFoundations for an adequate criterion of paraphrase外部サイトLinguistics in remedial English外部サイトSandhi : the theoretical, phonetic, and historical bases of word-junction in Sanskrit外部サイトSemantics and syntax in complementation外部サイトA descriptive analysis of Cypriot Maronite Arabic外部サイトThe anagogic theory of Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus'外部サイトThe Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Persian Azerbaijan : linguistic analysis and folkloristic texts外部サイトThe language process : toward a holistic schema with implications for an English curriculum theory外部サイトA linguistic analysis of Akkadian外部サイトRoman Jakobson and beyond : language as a system of signs : the quest for the ultimate invariants in language外部サイトArs grammatica : a bibliographic survey, two essays on the grammar of the Latin and Italian subjunctive, and a note on the ablative absolute外部サイトA tagmemic comparison of the structure of English and Vietnamese sentences外部サイトA synopsis of English syntax外部サイトStudies in phonetics外部サイトA phonological study of the Indo-European laryngeals外部サイトMan, language and society : contributions to the sociology of language外部サイトArabic phonology : an acoustical and physiological investigation外部サイトThe grammatical foundations of rhetoric : discourse analysis外部サイトThe generative structure of the Slovak sentence : adverbials外部サイトSyntax and semantics of the English verb phrase外部サイトSemantic structures for the syntax of complements and auxiliaries in English外部サイトTurkish intonation : an instrumental study外部サイトStructure of the syllable in Cantonese外部サイトPrinciples of structural linguistics外部サイトThe function of the lexicon in transformational generative grammar外部サイトLinguistic method : essays in honor of Herbert Penzl外部サイトMeaning and truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus外部サイトThe conjunctive mood in English : as a problem in general linguistics外部サイトEssai pour une histoire structurale du phonétisme français外部サイトComponents of the content structure of the word外部サイトModelling the phoneme : new trends in East European phonemic theory外部サイトLinguistic interference and convergent change外部サイトRussian and Slavic grammar : studies, 1931-1981外部サイトThe thread of discourse外部サイトA comparative study of Creole French dialects外部サイトLinguistic evidence for the priority of the French text of the Ancrene Wisse : based on the Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402 and the British Museum Cotton Vitellius F VII versions of the Ancrene Wisse外部サイトA psycholinguistic study of phonological interference外部サイトN.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes外部サイトThe meanings of the modals in present-day American English外部サイトChild language : aphasia and phonological universals外部サイトDictionary of Mong Njua : a Miao (Meo) language of Southeast Asia外部サイトThe phonetics of modern Hebrew外部サイトStrukturelemente der deutschen Gegenwartshochsprache : Phone und Phonaden外部サイトModern linguistics and language teaching : [proceedings], International conference, Budapest, 1-5 April 1971外部サイトThe syntax of the old French subjunctive外部サイトEvidence for laryngeals外部サイトTraumatic aphasia : its syndromes, psychology and treatment外部サイトLanguages of Australia and Tasmania外部サイトLinguistic stylistics外部サイトSaga af Viktor ok Blávus : a fifteenth century Icelandic Lygisaga外部サイトStudies in syntactic typology and contrastive grammar外部サイトLa place de l'adjectif en italien moderne外部サイトÉtudes linguistiques外部サイトSelected writings in English and general linguistics外部サイトRule-governed linguistic behavior外部サイトMeaning and negation外部サイトDie Satzstellung des finiten verbs im Tocharischen外部サイトProceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences held at the University of Helsinki, 4-9 September 1961外部サイトInductive semantics and syntax : foundations of empirical linguistics外部サイトAfroasiatic : a survey外部サイトA synopsis of English syntax外部サイトIntroduction to the study of language外部サイトA phonology of Italian in a generative grammar外部サイトN.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes外部サイトThe conduct of linguistic inquiry : a systematic introduction to the methodology of generative grammar外部サイトA transformational analysis of Turkish syntax外部サイトComparative Hokan-Coahuiltecan studies : a survey and appraisal外部サイトSystem der paradigmatischen Suffixmorpheme des wogulischen Dialektes an der Tawda外部サイトRelativization in Hebrew : a transformational approach外部サイトLinguistic structures in poetry外部サイトLinguistics, language teaching, and composition in the grades外部サイトThe structural basis of word association behavior外部サイトLanguage communication and the brain : a neuro-psychological study外部サイトEnglish prosody from Chaucer to Wyatt外部サイトMélanges Marcel Cohen : études de linguistique, ethnographie et sciences connexes offertes par ses amis et ses élèves à l'occasion de son 80ème anniversaire, avec des articles et études inédits des Marcel Cohen外部サイトÉtudes stylistiques comparatives : néerlandais-français外部サイトThat's that外部サイトOn machine translation : selected papers外部サイトCase grammar and diachronic English syntax外部サイトPapers in computational linguistics : [proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting on Computational Linguistics, held at Debrecen, Hungary]外部サイトInvariant ordering外部サイトZur formalen Charakterisierung des Satzes外部サイトThe verb system of present-day American English外部サイトColloquial Sinhalese clause structures外部サイトLatin punctuation in the classical age外部サイトThe lexical structure of Spanish外部サイトMathematical linguistics in the Soviet Union外部サイトCurrent Russian phonemic theory 1952-1962外部サイトPapers in general linguistics外部サイトContribution à l'étude de la force d'articulation en français外部サイトA history of six Spanish verbs meaning "to take, seize, grasp"外部サイトVerbal cues of organizational information in message decoding : an integrative approach to linguistic structure外部サイトNordica et Anglica : studies in honor of Stefán Einarsson外部サイトLinguostylistics : theory and method外部サイトCypriot Greek : Its phonology and inflections外部サイトLanguage universals : with special reference to feature hierarchies外部サイトStudies by Einar Haugen : Presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday, April 19, 1971外部サイトThe vocalization systems of Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic : their phonetic and phonemic principles外部サイトAutomatische syntaktische Analyse englischer nominaler Gruppen外部サイトPrinciples of structural typology外部サイトAn essay concerning aspect : some considerations of a general character arising from the Abbé Darrigol's analysis of the Basque verb外部サイトIntroduction to the spectrography of speech外部サイトThemes in linguistics : the 1970s外部サイトThe Shuswap language : grammar, texts, dictionary外部サイトLe créole français d'Haïti : étude des unités d'articulation, d'expansion et de communication外部サイトConventionalism in logic : a study in the linguistic foundation of logical reasoning外部サイトFocus on meaning外部サイトThe sounds and phonemes of Wulfila's Gothic外部サイトFrench kinship : structure and history外部サイトFrench reflexive verbs : a case grammar description外部サイトThe morphology of the modern French verb外部サイトLanguage of motivation and language of actions外部サイトSystems of prosodic and paralinguistic features in English外部サイトApproaches to semiotics : cultural anthropology, education, linguistics, psychiatry, psychology : transaction外部サイトEnglish verb inflection : a generative view外部サイトGothic "ai" and "au" : a possible solution外部サイトThe verb system of present-day American English外部サイトLinguistic structures in poetry外部サイトVocabulary and syntax of the Old English version in the Paris psalter : a critical commentary外部サイトArabic phonology : an accoustical and physiological investigation外部サイトChadian and Sudanese Arabic in the light of comparative Arabic dialectology外部サイトWhere have all the adjectives gone? and other essays in semantics and syntax外部サイトThe phrase structure of Egyptian colloquial Arabic外部サイトThe regional French of county Beauce, Quebec外部サイトThe syntax of substantive and non-finite satellites to the finite verb in German外部サイトA syntax of King Alfred's Pastoral care外部サイトMorphosyntax of the Homeric Greek verb外部サイトLanguage and discourse外部サイトTense and tense logic外部サイトCreole phonology外部サイトDegree words外部サイトA grammar of Sango外部サイトApplications of the mathematical theory of linguistics外部サイトThe articles in English : a structural analysis of usage外部サイトThe linguistic work of Friedrich Karl Fulda外部サイトArticle and noun in English外部サイトMechanisms of speech外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトLinguistica外部サイトThe language process : toward a holistic schema with implications for an English curriculum theory外部サイトDiachronic and synchronic aspects of language : selected articles外部サイトMeaning and truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus外部サイトLinguistic studies外部サイトStudies in socio-linguistics外部サイト"Klasse" und Klassifikation in der Sprachwissenschaft外部サイトDiachronic studies in romance linguistics : papers presented at the Conference on Diachronic Romance Linguistics, University of Illinois, April 1972外部サイトThe Squamish language : grammar, texts, dictionary外部サイトOptimization of natural communication systems外部サイトThree essays on linguistic diversity in the Spanish-speaking world : the U.S. Southwest and the River Plate Area外部サイトOn the place of the progressive palatalization of velars in the relative chronology of Slavic外部サイトExplorations in semantic theory外部サイトProbabilistic performance models of language外部サイトÉtude linguistique外部サイトLes langues slaves de l'Unité à la Pluralité : (série de leçons faites à la Sorbonne)外部サイトThe syntax of the old Spanish subjunctive外部サイトNoun morphology of modern demotic Greek : a descriptive analysis外部サイトProblems of typological and genetic linguistics viewed in a generative framework外部サイトManual of lexicography外部サイトLinguistic frameworks and ontology : a re-examination of Carnap's metaphilosophy外部サイトTrade name creation : processes and patterns外部サイトA descriptive analysis of Gascon外部サイトSome systems of substitution correlations in modern American English外部サイトThe Scandinavian languages : fifty years of linguistic research (1918-1968)外部サイトHuichol syntax外部サイトThe Port-Royal grammar : general and rational grammar外部サイトThe Rumanian verb system外部サイトMorphology of Cayuvava外部サイトThe Inga language外部サイトPapers in linguistics in honor of Léon Dostert外部サイトSemantische Relationen im Text und im System外部サイトThe structuralistic approach to Chinese grammar and vocabulary : two essays外部サイトPapers in linguistics in honor of Léon Dostert外部サイトThe formal analysis of natural languages : proceedings of the first international conference外部サイトPropositional logical thinking and comprehension of language connectives : a developmental analysis外部サイトStudies in linguistics : in honor of George L. Trager外部サイトPhilological essays : studies in Old and Middle English language and literature, in honour of Herbert Dean Meritt外部サイトConversation analysis : the sociology of talk外部サイトContent, meaning, and understanding外部サイトOn deletion Phenomena in English外部サイトEnglish influences on Mexican Spanish in Detroit外部サイトIdiom structure in English外部サイトA segmental phonology of black English外部サイトThe two-word verb : a dictionary of the verb-preposition phrases in American English外部サイトSyntactic translation外部サイトCan there be a private language? : An examination of some principal arguments外部サイトCurrent issues in linguistic theory外部サイトThe sociolinguistics of the Brazilian-Uruguayan border外部サイトPeoples and languages of the Caucasus : a synopsis外部サイトA transformational grammar of Russian adjectives外部サイトA descriptive grammar of sa̲ei : di, Egyptian colloquial Arabic外部サイトA morphological study of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic外部サイトThe qualifying adjective in Spanish外部サイトKann das Phonemsystem einer Sprache durch fremden Einfluss umgestaltet werden? : zum slavischen Einfluss auf das rumänische Lautsystem外部サイトOutline of a general theory of structural relations外部サイトGrammar discovery procedures : a field manual外部サイトSur la théorie de la syllabe外部サイトLanguage and philosophy外部サイトMissionary linguistics in New France : a study of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century descriptions of American Indian languages外部サイトDegree words外部サイトA computer validated Portuguese to English transformational grammar外部サイトThe justification of linguistic hypotheses : a study of nondemonstrative inference in transformational grammar外部サイトGrammatik und Grammatizität外部サイトA descriptive syntax of the Ormulum外部サイトYiddish language and folklore : a selective bibliography for research外部サイトUngarische Grammatik外部サイトOstjakische Volksdichtung und Erzählungen aus zwei Dialekten外部サイトThe transformational syntax of Romanian外部サイトProceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences外部サイトElements of mathematical linguistics外部サイトDialect boundaries and the question of France-Provençal外部サイトSelected writings : to commemorate the 60th birthday of Kenneth Lee Pike外部サイトLinguistic relativity versus innate ideas : the origins of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in German thought外部サイトA generative syntax of Luangiua : a Polynesian language外部サイトConcepts and language : An essay in generative semantics and the philosophy of language外部サイトModern French CE : the neuter pronoun in adjectival predication外部サイトLinguistics and economics外部サイトPapers on functional sentence perspective外部サイトHamito-Semitica : proceedings of a colloquium held by the Historical Section of the Linguistics Association, Great Britain at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970外部サイトPapers in linguistics and phonetics to the memory of Pierre Delattre外部サイトTwo centuries of Spanish and English bilingual lexicography (1590-1800)外部サイトPhonology of old Mandarin外部サイトLogos and eidos : the concept in phenomenology外部サイトThe Organ of Hearing外部サイトIntonation and grammar in British English外部サイトStudies in functional logical semiotics of natural language外部サイトFundamentals of language外部サイトLinguistically determined categories of meanings : a comparative analysis of meaning in The snows of Kilimanjaro外部サイトInvestigating linguistic acceptability外部サイトLinguistics and second language pedagogy : a theoretical study外部サイトThe theory of syntax in modern linguistics外部サイトCohesion in literary texts : a study of some grammatical and lexical features of English discourse外部サイトGreek : a survey of recent work外部サイトBasic problems of neurolinguistics外部サイトThe Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay : an annotated bibliography for 1940-1978外部サイトA study of adverbs外部サイトThe acquisition of Egyptian Arabic as a native language外部サイトThe calculus of linguistic observations外部サイトConcerning the deep structures of Spanish reflexive sentences外部サイトFunctional load : descriptive limitations, alternatives of assessment and extensions of application外部サイトIntroduction to psycholinguistics外部サイトLanguage, thought and perception : a proposed theory of meaning外部サイトQuestions of meaning外部サイトSelected writings of Gyula Laziczius外部サイトSelected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978外部サイトThe prehistory of languages外部サイトA resonance-theory for linguistics外部サイトLanguage behavior : a book of readings in communication外部サイトA sociolinguistic investigation of multilingualism in the canton of Ticino Switzerland外部サイトA phonological investigation of aphasic speech外部サイトAristotle and information theory : a comparison of the influence of causal assumptions on two theories of communication外部サイトStudies in French and comparative phonetics : selected papers in French and English外部サイトLexicostatistics in genetic linguistics : proceedings of the Yale Conference, Yale University, April 3-4, 1971外部サイトBeiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft und Ethnographie外部サイトPhonological variants and dialect identification in Latin American Spanish外部サイトA theory of meter外部サイトThe development of American lexicography, 1798-1864外部サイトModern linguistics : its development, methods and problems外部サイトNeurolinguistic approaches to stuttering : proceedings外部サイトEthiopian argots外部サイトLanguage typology : a historical and analytic overview外部サイトLe système verbal du français contemporain外部サイトThe dynamics of the English phonological system外部サイトObligatory constructions of Isthmus Nahuat grammar外部サイトHesitation phenomena in adult aphasic and normal speech外部サイトDictionnaire inverse de la langue française外部サイトPhilosophies of language in eighteenth-century France外部サイトPhoneme and morpheme in Kabardian : Eastern Adyghe外部サイトPrinciples and methods of contemporary structural linguistics外部サイトThe Akkadian of Alalaḫ外部サイトGrammatik und Grammatizität外部サイトReduction in language : inequality and economy in linguistic production and attention外部サイトA tagmemic analysis of Mexican Spanish clauses外部サイトA description of colloquial Guaraní外部サイトA linguistic analysis of a collection of late Latin documents composed in Ravenna between A.D. 445-700 : a quantitative approach外部サイトBibliographie de phonologie romane外部サイトГрамматика грузинского языка外部サイトStudies in phonetics外部サイトModern Greek and American English in contact外部サイトA grammar of subordinate structures in English外部サイトLanguage in the philosophy of Aristotle外部サイトOstjakologische Arbeiten外部サイトCommunication complexes and their stages : a contribution to a theory of the language stage外部サイトA history of the Romance vowel systems through paradigmatic reconstruction外部サイトThe physiological activity of the speech organs : an analysis of the speech-organs during the phonation of sung, spoken and whispered Czech vowels on the basis of x-ray methods外部サイトComparative Dravidian phonology外部サイトLinguistique générale et romane : Études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français外部サイトThe syntax of the simple sentence in proto-germanic外部サイトOn linguistic method外部サイトMethod and theory in linguistics外部サイトViewpoint, reflexives, and the nature of noun phrases外部サイトGrammar and logic外部サイトPrinciples of constructing linguistic models外部サイトLanguage in the philosophy of Hegel外部サイトAyacucho Quechua grammar and dictionary外部サイトMarkov models and linguistic theory : an experimental study of a model for English外部サイトThe two-word sentence in child language development : a study based on evidence provided by Dutch-speaking triplets外部サイトAcoustic cues for constituent structure : a series of experiments on the nature of spoken sentence structures外部サイトTheory of Hindi syntax : descriptive, generative, transformational外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトAllgemeinste Strukturgesetze in Sprache und Grammatik外部サイトDie Lautgestalt der Sprache外部サイトTemporal variables in speech : studies in honour of Frieda Goldman-Eisler外部サイトDie wichtigsten konsonantischen Erscheinungen des Vorgriechischen : mit einem Appendix über den Vokalismus外部サイトThe linguistic concept of word : Analytic bibliography外部サイトLes mots composés dans les langues romanes外部サイトThe dialect of the Life of Saint Katherine : A linguistic study of the phonology and inflections外部サイトToward a science of vocabulary development外部サイトFundamentals of language外部サイトLanguage and Lewis Carroll外部サイトLe Créole français外部サイトA stepmatricial generative phonology of German外部サイトThe syntax of English phrasal verbs外部サイトDie Sprache als Form外部サイトStudies in honor of J. Alexander Kerns外部サイトEquational grammar外部サイトOne word at a time : the use of single word utterances before syntax外部サイトPresupposition外部サイトMorpheme and word in Maori外部サイトLes machines dans la linguistique : Colloque international sur la mécanisation et l'automation des recherches linguistiques. Rapporteur: Zdena Skoumalova外部サイトA Festschrift for native speaker外部サイトBrève histoire de la langue roumaine des origines à nos jours外部サイトThe determination of stages in the historical development of the Germanic languages by morphological criteria : an evaluation外部サイトProblems of theoretical phonology外部サイトComparative studies in Amerindian languages外部サイトThe syntactic structure of Mezquital Otomi外部サイトStudies for Einar Haugen外部サイトThe verb forms of the south English legendary外部サイトThe French speaker's skill with grammatical gender : an example of rule-governed behavior外部サイトKamchadal texts collected by W. Jochelson外部サイトThe old high German diphthongization : a description of a phonemic change外部サイトAbriss einer funktionellen Semantik外部サイトSyllable, word, nexus, cursus外部サイトLes dérivés parasynthétiques dans les langues romanes, roumain, italien, français, espagnol外部サイトSelected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978外部サイトSur la théorie de la syllabe外部サイトEpistemology, logic, and grammar in Indian philosophical analysis外部サイトSubstantive evidence in phonology : the evidence from Finnish and French外部サイトLanguage learning in Wittgenstein's later philosophy外部サイトStudies on semantics in generative grammar外部サイトLinguistic interference and convergent change外部サイトThe phrase structure of Egyptian colloquial Arabic外部サイトWest Germanic inflection, derivation and compounding外部サイトBeiträge zur Valenztheorie外部サイトLanguage and natural theology外部サイトLanguage in the crib外部サイトA functional analysis of present day English on a general linguistic basis外部サイトThe Child's communicative competence : language capacity in three groups of children from different social classes外部サイトMorphologie des Verbs im Cahuilla外部サイトDictionaries and the authoritarian tradition : a study in English usage and lexicography外部サイトPratidānam : Indian, Iranian, and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday外部サイトA theory of structural semantics外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトA model of standard German intonation外部サイトSimulation of natural language : a first approach外部サイトDialect boundaries and the question of Franco-Provençal外部サイトTurkish-English contrastive analysis : Turkish morphology and corresponding English structures外部サイトThe noun class system of Proto-Benue-Congo外部サイトVerb-intensifier collocations in English : an experimental approach外部サイトWord order patterning in Middle English : a quantitative study based on Piers Plowman and Middle English sermons外部サイトA sketch of comparative Dravidian morphology外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトA comparative study of Yuman consonantism外部サイトLa machine à traduire : histoire des problèmes linguistiques外部サイトFree association behavior and human language processing : a theoretical model外部サイトThe neogrammarians : a re-evaluation of their place in the development of linguistic science外部サイトViewpoint, reflexives, and the nature of noun phrases外部サイトWilhelm von Humboldt's conception of linguistic relativity外部サイトLanguage and being in Wittgenstein's Philosophical investigations外部サイトThe conduct of linguistic inquiry : a systematic introduction to the methodology of generative grammar外部サイトThe syntax of Japanese honorifics外部サイトSur la théorie de la syllabe外部サイトDie Metaphern in der Phonetik : ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des wissenschaftlichen Denkens外部サイトDescription and classification of Sirionó : a Tupí-Guaraní language外部サイトPragmalinguistics : theory and practice外部サイトNarratology : the form and functioning of narrative外部サイトThe instrumental case in English : syntactic and semantic considerations外部サイトZur Konstitution einer allgemeinen Grammatik外部サイトParametric linguistics外部サイトAspects of meaning in Thai nominals : a study in structural semantics外部サイトLanguage standardization : studies in prescriptive linguistics外部サイトLanguage, mathematics, and linguistics外部サイトSyntactic factors in memory?外部サイトA modern theory of langue外部サイトDialogue in children外部サイトSoviet psycholinguistics外部サイトThe semantics of choice and chance : a test of the deterministic approach to meaning and an examination of an alternative hypothesis外部サイトThe word as a linguistic unit外部サイトPrepositional phrases and prepositional verbs : a study in grammatical function外部サイトTransformational grammar and written sentences外部サイトOn voice in the English verb外部サイトThe languages of a bilingual community外部サイトCollectanea linguistica : essays in general and genetic linguistics外部サイトStructures lexicales et enseignement du vocabulaire外部サイトStratificational grammar : a definition and an example外部サイトMeaning in Mayan languages : ethnolinguistic studies外部サイトFormal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics外部サイトThe morphology of King Alfred's translation of the Orosius外部サイトDialectics of the motion forms in language外部サイトLanguage in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior外部サイトJaqaru : outline of phonological and morphological structure外部サイトBibliographie de la traduction automatique = Bibliography of mechanical translation外部サイトComprehension and problem solving as strategies for language training外部サイトPerspectives in zoosemiotics外部サイトThe structure of English orthography外部サイトEvaluation of theories on child grammars外部サイトTheoretical and experimental base for teaching reading外部サイトEffects of the second formant on the perception of velarization consonants in Arabic外部サイトProgress in linguistics : a collection of papers外部サイトRules : a systematic study外部サイトSentence structure and the reading process外部サイトSubjects and predicables : a study in subject-predicate asymmetry外部サイトPhonology, morphonology, morphology外部サイトExplorations in semantic space外部サイトNeuropsychology and neurolinguistics : selected papers外部サイトLinguistic structures in scientific texts外部サイトOutline of a semantic theory of Kernel sentences外部サイトComputational experiments in grammatical classification外部サイトMarxism and the philosophy of language外部サイトThe semantics of the modal auxiliaries in contemporary German外部サイトConcordance and thesaurus of Cheremis poetic language外部サイトSet theory and syntactic description外部サイトThe state of the art外部サイトSemantics and comprehension外部サイトContribution à l'étude des catégories morphologiques du genre et du nombre dans le français parlé actuel外部サイトAutomatische syntaktische Analyse外部サイトLanguage loyalty in the United States外部サイトNational bilingualism in Paraguay外部サイトInformation sources in psycholinguistics : an interdisciplinary bibliographical handbook外部サイトSens et usages du terme structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales外部サイトAcoustical models generating the formants of the vowel phonemes外部サイトTowards a general comparative linguistics外部サイトRational discourse and poetic communication : methods of linguistic, literary, and philosophical analysis外部サイトThe theory of graphs in linguistics外部サイトStructure du dialecte basque de Maya外部サイトTowards a theory of programmed language instruction外部サイトThai syntax : an outline外部サイトLinguistic science and logic外部サイトLanguage and rules外部サイトRoman Jakobson : a bibliography of his writings外部サイトPhonetic variation and acoustic distinctive features : a study of four general American fricatives外部サイトThe interpretation of deviant sentences in English : a transformational approach外部サイトType-token mathematics : a textbook of mathematical linguistics外部サイトDie alten Postpositionen des Nenzischen (Juraksamojedischen)外部サイトOn linguistic method : selected papers外部サイトThe Hungarian language外部サイトMaung grammar : texts and vocabulary外部サイトStructures of modification in contemporary American English外部サイトSome aspects of text grammars : a study in theoretical linguistics and poetics外部サイトA lexical study of Raeto-Romance and contiguous Italian dialect areas外部サイトThe sentence in biblical Hebrew外部サイトPrincipes de noologie : fondements de la théorie fonctionnelle du signifié外部サイトA controlled historical reconstruction of Oriya, Assamese, Bengali, and Hindi外部サイトGrammatical gender : its origin and development外部サイトWernicke's works on aphasia : a sourcebook and review外部サイトAutomatische Erzeugung englischer Sätze外部サイトGenerality, gradience, and the all-or-none外部サイトLe frioulan : à partir des dialectes parlés en Roumanie外部サイトThe realization of the verbal composition of speech by preschool children外部サイトCybernetic aspects of language外部サイトA classification and analysis of "noun+de+noun" constructions in French外部サイトToward a semantic specification of deep case外部サイトThe two forms of subject inversion in modern French外部サイトThe economy of diphthongization in early Romance外部サイトSyntaktische Studien zu den Monseer Fragmenten : ein Beitrag zur Beschreibung der inneren Form des Althochdeutschen外部サイトTzeltal numeral classifiers : a study in ethnographic semantics外部サイトStudies on child language and aphasia外部サイトThe effect of selective narrow-band filtering on the perception of certain English vowels外部サイトMethod and theory in the semantics and cognition of kinship terminology外部サイトThe Harley Latin-Old English glossary : ed. from British Museum MS Harley 3376外部サイトA descriptive syntax of the Parker manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle from 734 to 891外部サイトProblems in applied educational sociolinguistics : readings on language and culture problems of United States ethnic groups外部サイトThe grammaire des grammaires of Girault-Duvivier : a study of nineteenth-century French外部サイトThe development of the proto-Indo-European laryngeals in Greek外部サイトLanguage and psychiatry外部サイトLanguages of Guatemala外部サイトAufsätze und Vorträge zur Wortfeldtheorie外部サイトA transformational analysis of the syntax of Ælfric's Lives of saints外部サイトOn linguistic method : selected papers外部サイトProceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, held at the University of Montreal and McGill University 22-28 August 1971外部サイトLinguistics and philology in Spanish America : a survey (1925-1970)外部サイトSign, language, culture = Signe, langage, culture = Znak, język, kultura = Знак, язык, культура外部サイトLanguage in the crib外部サイトLanguages and linguistics : an introduction外部サイトLangage et contexte : le problème du langage dans la conception de l'expression et de l'interprétation par des organisations contextuelles外部サイトIntonative features : a syntactic approach to English intonation外部サイトIntroduction to the spectrography of speech外部サイトCochabamba Quechua syntax外部サイトOppositions in morphology, as exemplified in the English tense system外部サイトTrends in linguistics外部サイトOut of the mouth of babes : earliest stages in language learning外部サイトEnglish adverbials外部サイトHokan studies : papers from the First Conference on Hokan Languages held in San Diego, California, April 23-25, 1970外部サイトPhonétique générale et romane : études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français外部サイトDescriptive analysis of discourse in late west Saxon texts外部サイトTheorie der Grammatik外部サイトColloquium Paedolinguisticum : Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Paedolinguistics, held at Brno, 14-16 October 1970外部サイトDiscussing language外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトKompositum und Katalysationstext : vornehmlich im späten Sanskrit外部サイトIntroduction à la phonétique française外部サイトModern Tagalog : a functional-structural description外部サイトSociolinguistics : proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964外部サイトA statistical linguistic analysis of American English外部サイトConversational routine : explorations in standardized communication situations and prepatterned speech外部サイトThe rise and decline of a dialect : a study in the revival of modern Hebrew外部サイトSyntactic structures外部サイトManual of lexicography外部サイトOn remembering, forgetting, and understanding sentences : a study of the deep structure hypothesis外部サイトSpeech errors as linguistic evidence外部サイトPredication : a study of its development外部サイトPhilosophy and psycholinguistics外部サイトAn analysis of syntactic patterns of old English外部サイトSprechbewegung und Sprachstruktur : morphographisch-strukturelle Ableitungs-Hierarchie eines Modell-Universums der Sprechbewegung und Sprachstruktur外部サイトStudies in the pragmatics of discourse外部サイトÉtudes de linguistique sémitique et arabe外部サイトTransformations and their use in the resolution of syntactic homomorphy : prepositional ot constructions in contemporary standard Russian外部サイトОсетинско-русско-немецкий словарь : Ossetisch-russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch外部サイトLinguistic units外部サイトTargets and syntactic change外部サイトDescriptive syntax of the old English charters外部サイトStandard English in the United States and England外部サイトSet theory and linguistics外部サイトThe Soviet decipherment of the Indus Valley script : translation and critique外部サイトTo honor Roman Jakobson : essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966外部サイトA description of modern Chaldean外部サイトNatural logic and the Greek moods : the nature of the subjunctive and optative in classical Greek外部サイトQuestions and answers in English外部サイトSuprasegmentals, meter, and the manuscript of Beowulf外部サイトThe article and the concept of definiteness in language外部サイトImperative constructions in old English外部サイトThe diction of the Anglo-Saxon metrical psalms外部サイトBeauzée's Grammaire générale : theory and methodology外部サイトFormal logic and linguistics外部サイトPhonology, morphology, and syntax外部サイトSens et usages du terme structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales外部サイトThe descriptive technique of Pāṇini : an introduction外部サイトComparative Tacanan phonology : with Cavineña phonology and notes on Pano-Tacanan relationship外部サイトUnderstanding language : a study of theories of language in linguistics and in philosophy外部サイトSociolinguistics : proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964外部サイトVocal registers in singing : Proceedings of a Symposium ; Seventy-eighth meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, Calif. Nov. 7, 1969, and silver jubilee convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1969外部サイトPhonotactic grammaticality外部サイトThe rate of linguistic change : limits of the application of mathematical methods in linguistics外部サイトSentence patterns and reality外部サイトStrukturen der Syntax外部サイトThe closed-list classes of colloquial Egyptian Arabic外部サイトCoptic future tenses : syntactical studies in Sahidic外部サイトA mathematical grammar of English外部サイトThe D-stem in western Semitic外部サイトType crossings : sentential meaninglessness in the border area of linguistics and philosophy外部サイトApprendre la langue rwanda外部サイトSievers' law and the evidence of the Rigveda外部サイトProbleme der Sprachwissenschaft : Beiträge zur Linguistik外部サイトThe speech of primates外部サイトThe phonological basis of Latin prosody外部サイトLinguistic subgrouping and lexicostatistics外部サイトThe Middle English subject-verb cluster外部サイトCoding information in natural languages外部サイトVergleichendes und etymologisches Wörterbuch der germanischen starken Verben外部サイトHans Reichenbach's philosophy of grammar外部サイトThe English verb system外部サイトThe methodology of field investigations in linguistics : setting up the problem外部サイトWortbildung Syntax und Morphologie : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Hans Marchand am 1. Oktober 1967外部サイトDie neuiranischen Sprachen der Sowjetunion外部サイトProceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists : Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962外部サイトLes verbes à la fois transitifs et intransitifs en français contemporain外部サイトThe syntax of Spanish reflexive verbs : the parameters of the middle voice外部サイトEnglish speech rhythm and the foreign learner外部サイトPhonologie du grec attique外部サイトA survey of psycholinguistics外部サイトHandbook of middle English grammar : phonology外部サイトTheory of the linguistic sign外部サイトThe history and development of tagmemics外部サイトAn empiricist theory of language acquisition外部サイトFunctor analysis of natural language外部サイトA syntactic study of Egyptian colloquial Arabic外部サイトA diachronic phonology from Proto-Germanic to Old English stressing West-Saxon conditions外部サイトThe acquisition of modal auxiliaries in the language of children外部サイトNoun substitutes in modern Thai : a study in pronominality外部サイトA transformational analysis of modern colloquial Japanese外部サイトA contribution to the general theory of comparative linguistics外部サイトSelected works : articles on general linguistics外部サイトCarnap on meaning and analyticity外部サイトEnglish aspectual verbs外部サイトThe application and ordering of grammatical rules外部サイトTemporal sequence in the perception of speech外部サイトProblems in the construction of a theory of natural language外部サイトAmerican structuralism外部サイトIssues in phonological theory : proceedings外部サイトThe tense aspect system of the Spanish verb : as used in cultivated Bogotá Spanish外部サイトNordkalabrischer Sprachatlas anhand der Parabel vom verlorenen Sohn外部サイトA descriptive syntax of the Peterborough chronicle from 1122 to 1154外部サイトThe linguistic relativity principle and Humboldtian ethnolinguistics : a history and appraisal外部サイトLanguage disturbance and intellectual functioning : a comparison of the performances of hemiplegic patients with aphasia and hemiplegic patients without aphasia in nonverbal tasks of intellectual functioning外部サイトCochabamba Quechua syntax外部サイト



  • Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest

  • Written language : General problems and problems of English

  • Les constructions perfectives du verbe anglais contemporain : étude comparée de l'aspect transcendant dans les systèmes verbaux anglais et français

  • Fundamentals of language

  • The London dialect of the late fourteenth century : a transformational analysis in historical linguistics





  • CiNii Research

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Janua linguarum : studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata
Edenda curat Cornelis H. van Schooneveld
NCID:AA00249106 -- Ser. Maior
NCID:AA00249117 -- Ser. Minor
NCID:AA00249128 -- Ser. Practica
Publisher's name changed to: De Gruyter
Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest
Written language : General problems and problems of English
Les constructions perfectives du verbe anglais contemporain : étude comparée de l'aspect transcendant dans les systèmes verbaux anglais et français
Fundamentals of language
The London dialect of the late fourteenth century : a transformational analysis in historical linguistics
Methodological aspects of transformational generative phonology
A study of Japanese syntax
Actes du premier Congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique, Paris, 16-19 juillet 1969
Die Baltischen und Slavischen Akzent- und Intonationssysteme : ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der baltisch- slavischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse
Polynesian languages : a survey of research
Die phonologische und grammatische Struktur der Kaingáng Sprache
Topics in the theory of generative grammar
Papers on linguistics and child language : Ruth Hirsch Weir memorial volume
The methodological status of grammatical argumentation
Foundations for an adequate criterion of paraphrase
Linguistics in remedial English
Sandhi : the theoretical, phonetic, and historical bases of word-junction in Sanskrit
Semantics and syntax in complementation
A descriptive analysis of Cypriot Maronite Arabic
The anagogic theory of Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus'
The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Persian Azerbaijan : linguistic analysis and folkloristic texts
The language process : toward a holistic schema with implications for an English curriculum theory
A linguistic analysis of Akkadian
Roman Jakobson and beyond : language as a system of signs : the quest for the ultimate invariants in language
Ars grammatica : a bibliographic survey, two essays on the grammar of the Latin and Italian subjunctive, and a note on the ablative absolute
A tagmemic comparison of the structure of English and Vietnamese sentences
A synopsis of English syntax
Studies in phonetics
A phonological study of the Indo-European laryngeals
Man, language and society : contributions to the sociology of language
Arabic phonology : an acoustical and physiological investigation
The grammatical foundations of rhetoric : discourse analysis
The generative structure of the Slovak sentence : adverbials
Syntax and semantics of the English verb phrase
Semantic structures for the syntax of complements and auxiliaries in English
Turkish intonation : an instrumental study
Structure of the syllable in Cantonese
Principles of structural linguistics
The function of the lexicon in transformational generative grammar
Linguistic method : essays in honor of Herbert Penzl
Meaning and truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
The conjunctive mood in English : as a problem in general linguistics
Essai pour une histoire structurale du phonétisme français
Components of the content structure of the word
Modelling the phoneme : new trends in East European phonemic theory
Linguistic interference and convergent change
Russian and Slavic grammar : studies, 1931-1981
The thread of discourse
A comparative study of Creole French dialects
Linguistic evidence for the priority of the French text of the Ancrene Wisse : based on the Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402 and the British Museum Cotton Vitellius F VII versions of the Ancrene Wisse
A psycholinguistic study of phonological interference
N.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes
The meanings of the modals in present-day American English
Child language : aphasia and phonological universals
Dictionary of Mong Njua : a Miao (Meo) language of Southeast Asia
The phonetics of modern Hebrew
Strukturelemente der deutschen Gegenwartshochsprache : Phone und Phonaden
Modern linguistics and language teaching : [proceedings], International conference, Budapest, 1-5 April 1971
The syntax of the old French subjunctive
Evidence for laryngeals
Traumatic aphasia : its syndromes, psychology and treatment
Languages of Australia and Tasmania
Linguistic stylistics
Saga af Viktor ok Blávus : a fifteenth century Icelandic Lygisaga
Studies in syntactic typology and contrastive grammar
La place de l'adjectif en italien moderne
Études linguistiques
Selected writings in English and general linguistics
Rule-governed linguistic behavior
Meaning and negation
Die Satzstellung des finiten verbs im Tocharischen
Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences held at the University of Helsinki, 4-9 September 1961
Inductive semantics and syntax : foundations of empirical linguistics
Afroasiatic : a survey
A synopsis of English syntax
Introduction to the study of language
A phonology of Italian in a generative grammar
N.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes
The conduct of linguistic inquiry : a systematic introduction to the methodology of generative grammar
A transformational analysis of Turkish syntax
Comparative Hokan-Coahuiltecan studies : a survey and appraisal
System der paradigmatischen Suffixmorpheme des wogulischen Dialektes an der Tawda
Relativization in Hebrew : a transformational approach
Linguistic structures in poetry
Linguistics, language teaching, and composition in the grades
The structural basis of word association behavior
Language communication and the brain : a neuro-psychological study
English prosody from Chaucer to Wyatt
Mélanges Marcel Cohen : études de linguistique, ethnographie et sciences connexes offertes par ses amis et ses élèves à l'occasion de son 80ème anniversaire, avec des articles et études inédits des Marcel Cohen
Études stylistiques comparatives : néerlandais-français
That's that
On machine translation : selected papers
Case grammar and diachronic English syntax
Papers in computational linguistics : [proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting on Computational Linguistics, held at Debrecen, Hungary]
Invariant ordering
Zur formalen Charakterisierung des Satzes
The verb system of present-day American English
Colloquial Sinhalese clause structures
Latin punctuation in the classical age
The lexical structure of Spanish
Mathematical linguistics in the Soviet Union
Current Russian phonemic theory 1952-1962
Papers in general linguistics
Contribution à l'étude de la force d'articulation en français
A history of six Spanish verbs meaning "to take, seize, grasp"
Verbal cues of organizational information in message decoding : an integrative approach to linguistic structure
Nordica et Anglica : studies in honor of Stefán Einarsson
Linguostylistics : theory and method
Cypriot Greek : Its phonology and inflections
Language universals : with special reference to feature hierarchies
Studies by Einar Haugen : Presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday, April 19, 1971
The vocalization systems of Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic : their phonetic and phonemic principles
Automatische syntaktische Analyse englischer nominaler Gruppen
Principles of structural typology
An essay concerning aspect : some considerations of a general character arising from the Abbé Darrigol's analysis of the Basque verb
Introduction to the spectrography of speech
Themes in linguistics : the 1970s
The Shuswap language : grammar, texts, dictionary
Le créole français d'Haïti : étude des unités d'articulation, d'expansion et de communication
Conventionalism in logic : a study in the linguistic foundation of logical reasoning
Focus on meaning
The sounds and phonemes of Wulfila's Gothic
French kinship : structure and history
French reflexive verbs : a case grammar description
The morphology of the modern French verb
Language of motivation and language of actions
Systems of prosodic and paralinguistic features in English
Approaches to semiotics : cultural anthropology, education, linguistics, psychiatry, psychology : transaction
English verb inflection : a generative view
Gothic "ai" and "au" : a possible solution
The verb system of present-day American English
Linguistic structures in poetry
Vocabulary and syntax of the Old English version in the Paris psalter : a critical commentary
Arabic phonology : an accoustical and physiological investigation
Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the light of comparative Arabic dialectology
Where have all the adjectives gone? and other essays in semantics and syntax
The phrase structure of Egyptian colloquial Arabic
The regional French of county Beauce, Quebec
The syntax of substantive and non-finite satellites to the finite verb in German
A syntax of King Alfred's Pastoral care
Morphosyntax of the Homeric Greek verb
Language and discourse
Tense and tense logic
Creole phonology
Degree words
A grammar of Sango
Applications of the mathematical theory of linguistics
The articles in English : a structural analysis of usage
The linguistic work of Friedrich Karl Fulda
Article and noun in English
Mechanisms of speech
Syntactic structures
The language process : toward a holistic schema with implications for an English curriculum theory
Diachronic and synchronic aspects of language : selected articles
Meaning and truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Linguistic studies
Studies in socio-linguistics
"Klasse" und Klassifikation in der Sprachwissenschaft
Diachronic studies in romance linguistics : papers presented at the Conference on Diachronic Romance Linguistics, University of Illinois, April 1972
The Squamish language : grammar, texts, dictionary
Optimization of natural communication systems
Three essays on linguistic diversity in the Spanish-speaking world : the U.S. Southwest and the River Plate Area
On the place of the progressive palatalization of velars in the relative chronology of Slavic
Explorations in semantic theory
Probabilistic performance models of language
Étude linguistique
Les langues slaves de l'Unité à la Pluralité : (série de leçons faites à la Sorbonne)
The syntax of the old Spanish subjunctive
Noun morphology of modern demotic Greek : a descriptive analysis
Problems of typological and genetic linguistics viewed in a generative framework
Manual of lexicography
Linguistic frameworks and ontology : a re-examination of Carnap's metaphilosophy
Trade name creation : processes and patterns
A descriptive analysis of Gascon
Some systems of substitution correlations in modern American English
The Scandinavian languages : fifty years of linguistic research (1918-1968)
Huichol syntax
The Port-Royal grammar : general and rational grammar
The Rumanian verb system
Morphology of Cayuvava
The Inga language
Papers in linguistics in honor of Léon Dostert
Semantische Relationen im Text und im System
The structuralistic approach to Chinese grammar and vocabulary : two essays
Papers in linguistics in honor of Léon Dostert
The formal analysis of natural languages : proceedings of the first international conference
Propositional logical thinking and comprehension of language connectives : a developmental analysis
Studies in linguistics : in honor of George L. Trager
Philological essays : studies in Old and Middle English language and literature, in honour of Herbert Dean Meritt
Conversation analysis : the sociology of talk
Content, meaning, and understanding
On deletion Phenomena in English
English influences on Mexican Spanish in Detroit
Idiom structure in English
A segmental phonology of black English
The two-word verb : a dictionary of the verb-preposition phrases in American English
Syntactic translation
Can there be a private language? : An examination of some principal arguments
Current issues in linguistic theory
The sociolinguistics of the Brazilian-Uruguayan border
Peoples and languages of the Caucasus : a synopsis
A transformational grammar of Russian adjectives
A descriptive grammar of sa̲ei : di, Egyptian colloquial Arabic
A morphological study of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
The qualifying adjective in Spanish
Kann das Phonemsystem einer Sprache durch fremden Einfluss umgestaltet werden? : zum slavischen Einfluss auf das rumänische Lautsystem
Outline of a general theory of structural relations
Grammar discovery procedures : a field manual
Sur la théorie de la syllabe
Language and philosophy
Missionary linguistics in New France : a study of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century descriptions of American Indian languages
Degree words
A computer validated Portuguese to English transformational grammar
The justification of linguistic hypotheses : a study of nondemonstrative inference in transformational grammar
Grammatik und Grammatizität
A descriptive syntax of the Ormulum
Yiddish language and folklore : a selective bibliography for research
Ungarische Grammatik
Ostjakische Volksdichtung und Erzählungen aus zwei Dialekten
The transformational syntax of Romanian
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences
Elements of mathematical linguistics
Dialect boundaries and the question of France-Provençal
Selected writings : to commemorate the 60th birthday of Kenneth Lee Pike
Linguistic relativity versus innate ideas : the origins of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in German thought
A generative syntax of Luangiua : a Polynesian language
Concepts and language : An essay in generative semantics and the philosophy of language
Modern French CE : the neuter pronoun in adjectival predication
Linguistics and economics
Papers on functional sentence perspective
Hamito-Semitica : proceedings of a colloquium held by the Historical Section of the Linguistics Association, Great Britain at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970
Papers in linguistics and phonetics to the memory of Pierre Delattre
Two centuries of Spanish and English bilingual lexicography (1590-1800)
Phonology of old Mandarin
Logos and eidos : the concept in phenomenology
The Organ of Hearing
Intonation and grammar in British English
Studies in functional logical semiotics of natural language
Fundamentals of language
Linguistically determined categories of meanings : a comparative analysis of meaning in The snows of Kilimanjaro
Investigating linguistic acceptability
Linguistics and second language pedagogy : a theoretical study
The theory of syntax in modern linguistics
Cohesion in literary texts : a study of some grammatical and lexical features of English discourse
Greek : a survey of recent work
Basic problems of neurolinguistics
The Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay : an annotated bibliography for 1940-1978
A study of adverbs
The acquisition of Egyptian Arabic as a native language
The calculus of linguistic observations
Concerning the deep structures of Spanish reflexive sentences
Functional load : descriptive limitations, alternatives of assessment and extensions of application
Introduction to psycholinguistics
Language, thought and perception : a proposed theory of meaning
Questions of meaning
Selected writings of Gyula Laziczius
Selected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978
The prehistory of languages
A resonance-theory for linguistics
Language behavior : a book of readings in communication
A sociolinguistic investigation of multilingualism in the canton of Ticino Switzerland
A phonological investigation of aphasic speech
Aristotle and information theory : a comparison of the influence of causal assumptions on two theories of communication
Studies in French and comparative phonetics : selected papers in French and English
Lexicostatistics in genetic linguistics : proceedings of the Yale Conference, Yale University, April 3-4, 1971
Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft und Ethnographie
Phonological variants and dialect identification in Latin American Spanish
A theory of meter
The development of American lexicography, 1798-1864
Modern linguistics : its development, methods and problems
Neurolinguistic approaches to stuttering : proceedings
Ethiopian argots
Language typology : a historical and analytic overview
Le système verbal du français contemporain
The dynamics of the English phonological system
Obligatory constructions of Isthmus Nahuat grammar
Hesitation phenomena in adult aphasic and normal speech
Dictionnaire inverse de la langue française
Philosophies of language in eighteenth-century France
Phoneme and morpheme in Kabardian : Eastern Adyghe
Principles and methods of contemporary structural linguistics
The Akkadian of Alalaḫ
Grammatik und Grammatizität
Reduction in language : inequality and economy in linguistic production and attention
A tagmemic analysis of Mexican Spanish clauses
A description of colloquial Guaraní
A linguistic analysis of a collection of late Latin documents composed in Ravenna between A.D. 445-700 : a quantitative approach
Bibliographie de phonologie romane
Грамматика грузинского языка
Studies in phonetics
Modern Greek and American English in contact
A grammar of subordinate structures in English
Language in the philosophy of Aristotle
Ostjakologische Arbeiten
Communication complexes and their stages : a contribution to a theory of the language stage
A history of the Romance vowel systems through paradigmatic reconstruction
The physiological activity of the speech organs : an analysis of the speech-organs during the phonation of sung, spoken and whispered Czech vowels on the basis of x-ray methods
Comparative Dravidian phonology
Linguistique générale et romane : Études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français
The syntax of the simple sentence in proto-germanic
On linguistic method
Method and theory in linguistics
Viewpoint, reflexives, and the nature of noun phrases
Grammar and logic
Principles of constructing linguistic models
Language in the philosophy of Hegel
Ayacucho Quechua grammar and dictionary
Markov models and linguistic theory : an experimental study of a model for English
The two-word sentence in child language development : a study based on evidence provided by Dutch-speaking triplets
Acoustic cues for constituent structure : a series of experiments on the nature of spoken sentence structures
Theory of Hindi syntax : descriptive, generative, transformational
Syntactic structures
Syntactic structures
Allgemeinste Strukturgesetze in Sprache und Grammatik
Die Lautgestalt der Sprache
Temporal variables in speech : studies in honour of Frieda Goldman-Eisler
Die wichtigsten konsonantischen Erscheinungen des Vorgriechischen : mit einem Appendix über den Vokalismus
The linguistic concept of word : Analytic bibliography
Les mots composés dans les langues romanes
The dialect of the Life of Saint Katherine : A linguistic study of the phonology and inflections
Toward a science of vocabulary development
Fundamentals of language
Language and Lewis Carroll
Le Créole français
A stepmatricial generative phonology of German
The syntax of English phrasal verbs
Die Sprache als Form
Studies in honor of J. Alexander Kerns
Equational grammar
One word at a time : the use of single word utterances before syntax
Morpheme and word in Maori
Les machines dans la linguistique : Colloque international sur la mécanisation et l'automation des recherches linguistiques. Rapporteur: Zdena Skoumalova
A Festschrift for native speaker
Brève histoire de la langue roumaine des origines à nos jours
The determination of stages in the historical development of the Germanic languages by morphological criteria : an evaluation
Problems of theoretical phonology
Comparative studies in Amerindian languages
The syntactic structure of Mezquital Otomi
Studies for Einar Haugen
The verb forms of the south English legendary
The French speaker's skill with grammatical gender : an example of rule-governed behavior
Kamchadal texts collected by W. Jochelson
The old high German diphthongization : a description of a phonemic change
Abriss einer funktionellen Semantik
Syllable, word, nexus, cursus
Les dérivés parasynthétiques dans les langues romanes, roumain, italien, français, espagnol
Selected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978
Sur la théorie de la syllabe
Epistemology, logic, and grammar in Indian philosophical analysis
Substantive evidence in phonology : the evidence from Finnish and French
Language learning in Wittgenstein's later philosophy
Studies on semantics in generative grammar
Linguistic interference and convergent change
The phrase structure of Egyptian colloquial Arabic
West Germanic inflection, derivation and compounding
Beiträge zur Valenztheorie
Language and natural theology
Language in the crib
A functional analysis of present day English on a general linguistic basis
The Child's communicative competence : language capacity in three groups of children from different social classes
Morphologie des Verbs im Cahuilla
Dictionaries and the authoritarian tradition : a study in English usage and lexicography
Pratidānam : Indian, Iranian, and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday
A theory of structural semantics
Syntactic structures
A model of standard German intonation
Simulation of natural language : a first approach
Dialect boundaries and the question of Franco-Provençal
Turkish-English contrastive analysis : Turkish morphology and corresponding English structures
The noun class system of Proto-Benue-Congo
Verb-intensifier collocations in English : an experimental approach
Word order patterning in Middle English : a quantitative study based on Piers Plowman and Middle English sermons
A sketch of comparative Dravidian morphology
Syntactic structures
A comparative study of Yuman consonantism
La machine à traduire : histoire des problèmes linguistiques
Free association behavior and human language processing : a theoretical model
The neogrammarians : a re-evaluation of their place in the development of linguistic science
Viewpoint, reflexives, and the nature of noun phrases
Wilhelm von Humboldt's conception of linguistic relativity
Language and being in Wittgenstein's Philosophical investigations
The conduct of linguistic inquiry : a systematic introduction to the methodology of generative grammar
The syntax of Japanese honorifics
Sur la théorie de la syllabe
Die Metaphern in der Phonetik : ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des wissenschaftlichen Denkens
Description and classification of Sirionó : a Tupí-Guaraní language
Pragmalinguistics : theory and practice
Narratology : the form and functioning of narrative
The instrumental case in English : syntactic and semantic considerations
Zur Konstitution einer allgemeinen Grammatik
Parametric linguistics
Aspects of meaning in Thai nominals : a study in structural semantics
Language standardization : studies in prescriptive linguistics
Language, mathematics, and linguistics
Syntactic factors in memory?
A modern theory of langue
Dialogue in children
Soviet psycholinguistics
The semantics of choice and chance : a test of the deterministic approach to meaning and an examination of an alternative hypothesis
The word as a linguistic unit
Prepositional phrases and prepositional verbs : a study in grammatical function
Transformational grammar and written sentences
On voice in the English verb
The languages of a bilingual community
Collectanea linguistica : essays in general and genetic linguistics
Structures lexicales et enseignement du vocabulaire
Stratificational grammar : a definition and an example
Meaning in Mayan languages : ethnolinguistic studies
Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics
The morphology of King Alfred's translation of the Orosius
Dialectics of the motion forms in language
Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior
Jaqaru : outline of phonological and morphological structure
Bibliographie de la traduction automatique = Bibliography of mechanical translation
Comprehension and problem solving as strategies for language training
Perspectives in zoosemiotics
The structure of English orthography
Evaluation of theories on child grammars
Theoretical and experimental base for teaching reading
Effects of the second formant on the perception of velarization consonants in Arabic
Progress in linguistics : a collection of papers
Rules : a systematic study
Sentence structure and the reading process
Subjects and predicables : a study in subject-predicate asymmetry
Phonology, morphonology, morphology
Explorations in semantic space
Neuropsychology and neurolinguistics : selected papers
Linguistic structures in scientific texts
Outline of a semantic theory of Kernel sentences
Computational experiments in grammatical classification
Marxism and the philosophy of language
The semantics of the modal auxiliaries in contemporary German
Concordance and thesaurus of Cheremis poetic language
Set theory and syntactic description
The state of the art
Semantics and comprehension
Contribution à l'étude des catégories morphologiques du genre et du nombre dans le français parlé actuel
Automatische syntaktische Analyse
Language loyalty in the United States
National bilingualism in Paraguay
Information sources in psycholinguistics : an interdisciplinary bibliographical handbook
Sens et usages du terme structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales
Acoustical models generating the formants of the vowel phonemes
Towards a general comparative linguistics
Rational discourse and poetic communication : methods of linguistic, literary, and philosophical analysis
The theory of graphs in linguistics
Structure du dialecte basque de Maya
Towards a theory of programmed language instruction
Thai syntax : an outline
Linguistic science and logic
Language and rules
Roman Jakobson : a bibliography of his writings
Phonetic variation and acoustic distinctive features : a study of four general American fricatives
The interpretation of deviant sentences in English : a transformational approach
Type-token mathematics : a textbook of mathematical linguistics
Die alten Postpositionen des Nenzischen (Juraksamojedischen)
On linguistic method : selected papers
The Hungarian language
Maung grammar : texts and vocabulary
Structures of modification in contemporary American English
Some aspects of text grammars : a study in theoretical linguistics and poetics
A lexical study of Raeto-Romance and contiguous Italian dialect areas
The sentence in biblical Hebrew
Principes de noologie : fondements de la théorie fonctionnelle du signifié
A controlled historical reconstruction of Oriya, Assamese, Bengali, and Hindi
Grammatical gender : its origin and development
Wernicke's works on aphasia : a sourcebook and review
Automatische Erzeugung englischer Sätze
Generality, gradience, and the all-or-none
Le frioulan : à partir des dialectes parlés en Roumanie
The realization of the verbal composition of speech by preschool children
Cybernetic aspects of language
A classification and analysis of "noun+de+noun" constructions in French
Toward a semantic specification of deep case
The two forms of subject inversion in modern French
The economy of diphthongization in early Romance
Syntaktische Studien zu den Monseer Fragmenten : ein Beitrag zur Beschreibung der inneren Form des Althochdeutschen
Tzeltal numeral classifiers : a study in ethnographic semantics
Studies on child language and aphasia
The effect of selective narrow-band filtering on the perception of certain English vowels
Method and theory in the semantics and cognition of kinship terminology
The Harley Latin-Old English glossary : ed. from British Museum MS Harley 3376
A descriptive syntax of the Parker manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle from 734 to 891
Problems in applied educational sociolinguistics : readings on language and culture problems of United States ethnic groups
The grammaire des grammaires of Girault-Duvivier : a study of nineteenth-century French
The development of the proto-Indo-European laryngeals in Greek
Language and psychiatry
Languages of Guatemala
Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Wortfeldtheorie
A transformational analysis of the syntax of Ælfric's Lives of saints
On linguistic method : selected papers
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, held at the University of Montreal and McGill University 22-28 August 1971
Linguistics and philology in Spanish America : a survey (1925-1970)
Sign, language, culture = Signe, langage, culture = Znak, język, kultura = Знак, язык, культура
Language in the crib
Languages and linguistics : an introduction
Langage et contexte : le problème du langage dans la conception de l'expression et de l'interprétation par des organisations contextuelles
Intonative features : a syntactic approach to English intonation
Introduction to the spectrography of speech
Cochabamba Quechua syntax
Oppositions in morphology, as exemplified in the English tense system
Trends in linguistics
Out of the mouth of babes : earliest stages in language learning
English adverbials
Hokan studies : papers from the First Conference on Hokan Languages held in San Diego, California, April 23-25, 1970
Phonétique générale et romane : études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français
Descriptive analysis of discourse in late west Saxon texts
Theorie der Grammatik
Colloquium Paedolinguisticum : Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Paedolinguistics, held at Brno, 14-16 October 1970
Discussing language
Syntactic structures
Kompositum und Katalysationstext : vornehmlich im späten Sanskrit
Introduction à la phonétique française
Modern Tagalog : a functional-structural description
Sociolinguistics : proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964
A statistical linguistic analysis of American English
Conversational routine : explorations in standardized communication situations and prepatterned speech
The rise and decline of a dialect : a study in the revival of modern Hebrew
Syntactic structures
Manual of lexicography
On remembering, forgetting, and understanding sentences : a study of the deep structure hypothesis
Speech errors as linguistic evidence
Predication : a study of its development
Philosophy and psycholinguistics
An analysis of syntactic patterns of old English
Sprechbewegung und Sprachstruktur : morphographisch-strukturelle Ableitungs-Hierarchie eines Modell-Universums der Sprechbewegung und Sprachstruktur
Studies in the pragmatics of discourse
Études de linguistique sémitique et arabe
Transformations and their use in the resolution of syntactic homomorphy : prepositional ot constructions in contemporary standard Russian
Осетинско-русско-немецкий словарь : Ossetisch-russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch
Linguistic units
Targets and syntactic change
Descriptive syntax of the old English charters
Standard English in the United States and England
Set theory and linguistics
The Soviet decipherment of the Indus Valley script : translation and critique
To honor Roman Jakobson : essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966
A description of modern Chaldean
Natural logic and the Greek moods : the nature of the subjunctive and optative in classical Greek
Questions and answers in English
Suprasegmentals, meter, and the manuscript of Beowulf
The article and the concept of definiteness in language
Imperative constructions in old English
The diction of the Anglo-Saxon metrical psalms
Beauzée's Grammaire générale : theory and methodology
Formal logic and linguistics
Phonology, morphology, and syntax
Sens et usages du terme structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales
The descriptive technique of Pāṇini : an introduction
Comparative Tacanan phonology : with Cavineña phonology and notes on Pano-Tacanan relationship
Understanding language : a study of theories of language in linguistics and in philosophy
Sociolinguistics : proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964
Vocal registers in singing : Proceedings of a Symposium ; Seventy-eighth meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, Calif. Nov. 7, 1969, and silver jubilee convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1969
Phonotactic grammaticality
The rate of linguistic change : limits of the application of mathematical methods in linguistics
Sentence patterns and reality
Strukturen der Syntax
The closed-list classes of colloquial Egyptian Arabic
Coptic future tenses : syntactical studies in Sahidic
A mathematical grammar of English
The D-stem in western Semitic
Type crossings : sentential meaninglessness in the border area of linguistics and philosophy
Apprendre la langue rwanda
Sievers' law and the evidence of the Rigveda
Probleme der Sprachwissenschaft : Beiträge zur Linguistik
The speech of primates
The phonological basis of Latin prosody
Linguistic subgrouping and lexicostatistics
The Middle English subject-verb cluster
Coding information in natural languages
Vergleichendes und etymologisches Wörterbuch der germanischen starken Verben
Hans Reichenbach's philosophy of grammar
The English verb system
The methodology of field investigations in linguistics : setting up the problem
Wortbildung Syntax und Morphologie : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Hans Marchand am 1. Oktober 1967
Die neuiranischen Sprachen der Sowjetunion
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists : Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962
Les verbes à la fois transitifs et intransitifs en français contemporain
The syntax of Spanish reflexive verbs : the parameters of the middle voice
English speech rhythm and the foreign learner
Phonologie du grec attique
A survey of psycholinguistics
Handbook of middle English grammar : phonology
Theory of the linguistic sign
The history and development of tagmemics
An empiricist theory of language acquisition
Functor analysis of natural language
A syntactic study of Egyptian colloquial Arabic
A diachronic phonology from Proto-Germanic to Old English stressing West-Saxon conditions
The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in the language of children
Noun substitutes in modern Thai : a study in pronominality
A transformational analysis of modern colloquial Japanese
A contribution to the general theory of comparative linguistics
Selected works : articles on general linguistics
Carnap on meaning and analyticity
English aspectual verbs
The application and ordering of grammatical rules
Temporal sequence in the perception of speech
Problems in the construction of a theory of natural language
American structuralism
Issues in phonological theory : proceedings
The tense aspect system of the Spanish verb : as used in cultivated Bogotá Spanish
Nordkalabrischer Sprachatlas anhand der Parabel vom verlorenen Sohn
A descriptive syntax of the Peterborough chronicle from 1122 to 1154
The linguistic relativity principle and Humboldtian ethnolinguistics : a history and appraisal
Language disturbance and intellectual functioning : a comparison of the performances of hemiplegic patients with aphasia and hemiplegic patients without aphasia in nonverbal tasks of intellectual functioning
Cochabamba Quechua syntax