- 資料種別
- 図書
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- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
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- 一般
- 一般注記
- General editor varies: Mark Perlman, Mark Blaug, David ColanderPlace of publication varies: Cheltenham, UK
- 関連情報
- The economic structure of the lawMethod, money, and the Austrian SchoolEconomics and social justice : essays on power, labor, and institutional changeLocation economics : theoretical underpinnings and applicationsMacroeconomics and economic policyDoing economic research : essays on the applied methodology of economicsUnintended effects of government policiesThe world economy in perspective : essays on international trade and European integrationInstitutions and development strategiesEconomic performance and the theory of the firmMoney, interest rates, and inflationThe emergence of economic ideas : essays in the history of economicsCompetition policy, domestic and internationalProduction, stability, and dynamic symmetryMacroeconomic instability and coordination : selected essays of Axel LeijonhufvudMoney and macroeconomics : the selected essays of David LaidlerWelfare economics and public financeMacroeconomic theory and policySpatial microeconomics : theoretical underpinnings and applicationsGrowth theory and technical changeEconomic growth and business cycles : prices and the process of cyclical developmentNew perspectives in econometric theoryMacroeconomic issues from a Keynesian perspectiveThe collected essays of Richard E. QuandtProductivity change, public goods and transaction costs : essays at the boundaries of microeconomicsPolitical economy, Oligopoly and experimental gamesCapitalism, socialism and post-Keynesianism : selected essays of G.C. HarcourtExchange rates and the monetary system : selected essays of Peter B. KenenThe repressed economy : causes, consequences, reformEconomic theory and financial policy : the selected essays of Jacques J. PolakStudies in labor supplyEconomic theory and policy in context : the selected essays of R.D. Collison BlackInternational trade opening and the formation of the global economy : selected essays of P.J. LloydEconometric methods and applicationsIndustrialization, inequality, and economic growthThe economics of environmental regulationInformation, finance and general equilibriumStudies in positive and normative economicsClassical economics, public expenditure and growthEconomic thought from Smith to KeynesThe economics of public lawThe theory of international tradeMonetarism and macroeconomic policyMacroeconomics and monetary theoryMeasurement and meaning in economics : the essential Deirdre McCloskeyReflections on economic development : the selected essays of Michael P. TodaroInnovation, technology and the economy : the selected essays of Edwin MansfieldTheoretical and applied econometrics : the selected papers of Phoebus J. DhrymesStrategy, technology, and public policyThe economic development of modern JapanGrowth, the environment, and the distribution of incomes : essays by a sceptical optimistStudies in human capitalEconomic theory and reality : selected essays on their disparities and reconciliationDynamics and income distributionVariants in economic theory : selected works of Hal R. VarianEducation, training, and discrimination : the collected essays of Orley Ashenfelter, volume twoInternational adjustment, money and tradeGeneral equilibrium theoryMoney, cycles and related themesEconomic theory and capitalist societySturdy econometricsGrowth, development and trade : selected essays of Hans W. SingerOrganization and technology in capitalist developmentMethodology, money and the firm : the collected essays of D.P. O'BrienEconometrics, macroeconomics and economic policy : selected papers of Carl F. ChristEducation matters : selected essays by Alan B. KruegerEconomic doctrine and method : selected papers of R.W. ClowerEssays on international economicsThe economics of growth and development : selected essays of A. P. ThirlwallMoney and financial institutions : a game theoretic approachApplications and criticism from the Austrian SchoolPracticing econometrics : essays in method and applicationEconomic institutions and the demand and supply of labor : the collected essays of Orley Ashenfelter volume threeEconomic theory and market socialism : selected essays of Oskar LangeEconomic theory and public decisions : selected essays of Robert DorfmanMonetary theory and monetary policyMoney, credit and policyStudies in econometric theory : the collected essays of Takeshi AmemiyaThe economics and politics of money : the selected essays of Alan WaltersThe theory of international capital movementsMicroeconomics, growth and political economyInvestment, national income and economic policyFoundations of modern econometrics : the selected essays of Ragnar FrischThe economics of imperfect knowledge : collected papers of G.B. RichardsonApplied microeconomic theory : selected essays of B. Curtis EatonTrade, development and political economy : selected essays of Ronald FindlayGrowth theory, nonlinear dynamics and economic modelling : scientific essays of William Allen BrockPoverty, famine and economic developmentThe welfare stateStudies in fiscal federalismAdvances in econometric theoryTowards a new economics : critical essays on ecology, distribution, and other themesEconomic analysis and political ideologyThe Keynesian revolution, then and nowMarket institutions and price discoveryTime series analysis and macroeconometric modelling : the collected papers of Kenneth F. WallisThe economics of private lawThe history of economicsInternational capital and service flowsThe public choice approach to politicsExplaining the economic performance of nations : essays in time and spaceBayesian analysis in econometrics and statistics : the Zellner view and papersEmployment, labor unions and wages : the collected essays of Orley Ashenfelter volume onePublic economics, political processes and policy applicationsStrategic approaches to the international economy : selected essays of Koichi HamadaInternational trade theory and policy : selected essays of W. Max CordenThe economics of competitive enterprise : selected essays of P.W.S. AndrewsCapitalism and democracy : challenges and responses in an increasingly interdependent worldEconomics against the grainNational accounting and economic theoryOn the foundations of monopolistic competition and economic geography : the selected essays of B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research