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- Hobart paper specialHobart papers
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- Still not enough competition? : business restrictive practices re-examinedCorporate governance : accountability in the marketplacePaying by degrees : a study of the financing of higher education students by grants, loans, and vouchersGrowth through competition : an alternative to the national planUnshackling accountantsFreedom to drink : a critical review of the development of the licensing laws and proposals for reformCan de-industrialisation seriously damage your wealth? : a review of why growth rates differ and how to improve economic performanceGrowthmanship : a study in mythology of investmentA market for aircraft : a critique and a proposal for radical reconstruction of British government procurement policyThe price of stability ... ? : a study of price fluctuations in primary products with alternative proposals for stabilisationHave the banks failed British industry? : an historical survey of bank/industry relations in Britain, 1870-1990The British disease : a short essay on the nature and causes of the nation's lagging wealthTransport for passengers : a study in enterprise without licenceHow little unemployment? : A micro-economic examination of the official statistics and their relationship to the "natural" (or "unnatural") rate of unemploymentAdvertising in a free societyFederalism and free tradeGold and international equity investment : a study of investment in gold mining and the lessons for the international market in equity capitalThe company, the shareholder and growthMoney in boom and slump : an empirical inquiry into British experience since the 1880sDenationalisation of money : an analysis of the theory and practice of concurrent currenciesThe end of macro-economics?A prosperous pressHow to end the 'monetarist' controversy : a journalist's reflections on output, jobs, prices and moneyMoney in boom and slump : an empirical inquiry into British experience since the 1880sTaming the tiger : an essay in the economic theory and political economy of indexation to mitigate the consequences of, and slow down, inflationMonetary policy for stable growthCompany law for shareholdersRevolution in retailingPensions for prosperityLow pay or no pay? : a review of the theory and practice of minimum-wage lawsPrices for primary producersDenationalisation of money - the argument refined : an analysis of the theory and practice of concurrent currenciesTheft in the market : an economic analysis of costs and incentives in improving prevention by government and private police and reducing loss by insuranceWheels of fortune : self-funding infrastructure and the free market case for a land taxThey meant well : government project disastersLibraries : free-for-all?Gold or paper? : an essay on governments' attempts to manage the post-war monetary system, and the case for and against restoring a link with goldWhat right to strike?Pricing for pollution : an analysis of market pricing and government regulation in environment consumption and policyMoney in the international economy : a study in balance of payments adjustment, international liquidity and exchange ratesBalance-sheet for take-oversFarming for consumersSir Humphrey's legacy : facing up to the cost of public sector pensionsTaxing inheritance and capital gains: towards a comprehensive system of capital taxationHow to end the 'monetarist' controversy : a journalist's reflections on output, jobs, prices and moneyHousing and the Whitehall bulldozer : a study of the maintenance of demand and a proposal for the cellular renewal of twilight zonesNew private monies : a bit-part player?The price of blood: an economic study of the charitable and commercial principleThe land use planning system : evaluating options for reformEconomics, education and the politicianU.K., commonwealth & common market : a reappraisalFuller employment?The role of business in the modern world : progress, pressures and prospects for the market economyRelief for the ratepayers : a study of the finance of local government and the effects of revaluationPaying for TV?UK and floating exchanges : a debate on the theoretical and practical implicationsFreedom for fuelA market for labourToo much money ...? : an analysis of the machinery of monetary expansion and its controlCan coal be saved? : a radical proposal to reverse the decline of a major industryThe war between the state and the family : how government divides and impoverishesLand and heritage : the public interest in personal ownershipTrade policy, new century : the WTO, FTAs and Asia risingLiving with Leviathan : public spending, taxes and economic performanceMoney and asset prices in boom and bustPoverty before politics : a proposal for a reverse income taxTransport without politics--? : a study of the scope for competitive markets in road, rail, and airOver-taxation by inflation : a study of the effects of inflation on taxation and government expenditure, and of its correction by indexingFrom crisis to confidence : macroeconomics after the crashReform for purchase taxDelusions of dominance : a critique of the theory of large-scale industrial dominance and of the pretence of government to "restructure" British industryFreedom or free-for-all? : essays in welfare, trade and choiceMonetary policy for stable growthAncient or modern ? : essays in economic efficiency and growthQuack policy : abusing science in the cause of paternalismNew Europe's old regionsFor love or money? : a preliminary analysis of the economics of marriage and the familyChoice by cable : the economics of a new era in televisionThe economics of lawThe poverty of 'development economics'Winning the war on drugs : to ligalise or not?Unions in prosperityHow to end the 'monetarist' controversy : a journalist's reflections on output, jobs, prices and moneyKeynes versus the 'Keynesians' -- ? : an essay in the thinking of J.M. Keynes and the accuracy of its interpretation by his followersThe dilemma of democracy : the political economics of over-governmentWhich road ahead - government or market?Will China go 'capitalist'? : an economic analysis of property rights and institutional changeOn the move... : a market for mobility on the roadsGrowth through competition : an alternative to the National PlanEducation for democrats : a study of the financing of education in a free societyCompetition and choice in the publishing industryMarkets in the firm : a market-process approach to managementRegulating financial markets : a critique and some proposalsThe wage fixers : a study of arbiration in a free societyIndustrial merger and public policyFinancial intermediaries and monetary policyThe common market : is there an alternative : prologue to second edition of UK, commonwealth & common market1980s unemployment and the unions : essays on the impotent price structure of Britain and monopoly in the labour marketPricing for pollution : an analysis of market pricing and government regulation in environment consumption and policyThe european institutions as an interest group : the dynamics of ever-closer unionState forestry for the axe : a study of the Forestry Commission and de-nationalisation by the marketTrouble in store? : UK rerating in the 1990sAn adult approach to further education1980s unemployment and the unions : essays on the impotent price structure of Britain and monopoly in the labour marketChaos, management and economics : the implications of non-linear thinkingThe energy "crisis" and British coal : the economics of the fuel market in the 1970s and beyondRise and fall of incomes policyRegulating European labour markets : more costs than benefits?Health through choice : an economic study of the British National Health ServiceLimited government : a positive agendaChoice in pensions : the political economy of saving for retirementEconomic forecasting : models or markets? : an introduction to the role of econometrics in economic policyFinancial intermediaries and monetary policyClimate alarmism reconsideredThe shadow economyThe fallacy of the mixed economy : an Austrian critique of conventional mainstream economics and of British economic policyTransport for passengers : a study in enterprise without licenceSelfishness, greed and capitalism : debunking myths about the free marketGive us this day ... : an economic critique of political intervention between men and women and their daily breadGovernment as it is : the impact of public choice economics on the judgement of collective decision-making by government and on the teaching of political scienceGovernment and enterprise : an analysis of the economics of governmental regulation or control of industryThe invisible hand in economics and politics : a study in the two conflicting explanations of society: end-states and processesVacant possession : a study of Britain's 50-year-old 'housing problem.'The fallacy of the mixed economy : an "Austrian" critique of recent economic thinking and policyPrices for primary producersThe global education industry : lessons from private education in developing countriesCompetition in bankingThe building society price cartelPricing or taxing? : evidence on charging for local government services invited by the Layfield Committee, and a critique of its reportProtectionism again ...? : causes and consequences of a retreat from freer trade to economic nationalismCorporate governance : accountability in the marketplaceStriking out strikes : changing employment relations in the British labour marketDoes Britain need a financial regulator? : statutory regulation, private regulation and financial marketsThe logic of mergers : the competitive market in corporate control in theory and practiceWhat future for British coal : optimism or realism on the prospect to the year 2000Transport policy: co-ordination through competitionMoney in the international economy : a study in balance of payments adjustment, international liquidity and exchange ratesWhat price North Sea gas? : A study of economic issues in fuel policyMonetary policy for stable growthDenationalisation of money, the argument refined : an analysis of the theory and practice of concurrent currenciesThe economics of law : an introductory textMacromancy : the ideology of 'development economics'Policy for incomes?Central banking in a free societyThe price of blood: an economic study of the charitable and commercial principleMonopoly in money and inflation : the case for a constitution to discipline governmentThe centralisation of Western Europe : the common market, political integration, and democracyTV : from monopoly to competition--and back?U.K. : commonwealth and common marketHousing, town planning and the Land CommissionThe consequences of Mr. Keynes : an analysis of the misuse of economic theory for political profiteering, with proposals for constitutional disciplinesLess than zero : the case for a falling price level in a growing economyRescuing social capital from social democracyRegulating pensions : too many rules, too little competition?Crime : economic incentives and social networksSport in the market? : the economic causes and consequences of the "Packer Revolution"Transport for passengers : a study in enterprise without licenceTraining too much? : a sceptical look at the economics of skill provision in the UKMacro-economic thinking and the market economy : an essay on the neglect of the micro-foundations and its consequencesLiberating the land : the case for private land-use planningFair trade without the froth : a dispassionate economic analysis of 'fair trade'UK, commonwealth and common market : A reappraisalTV : from monopoly to competitionWhy no cuts? : an inquiry into the fiscal anarchy of uncontrolled government expenditureWhose business? : an analysis of the failure of British business schools and a radical proposal for their privatisationTaxmanship : principles and proposals for the reform of taxationAnything but action? : a study of the uses and abuses of committees of inquiryHow to end the 'Monetarist' controversy : a journalist's reflections on output, jobs, prices and moneyParticipation without politics : an analysis of the nature and the role of marketsExperiment with choice in education : an analysis of new methods of consumer financing to bring more resources into education by vouchers and loansThe myth of social cost : a critique of welfare economics and the implications for public policyRates or prices? : a study of the economics of local government and its replacement by the marketOrdinary shares for ordinary saversThe birth of enterprise : an analytical and empirical study of the growth of small firmsShould we mind the gap? : gender pay differentials and public policyMisguided virtue : false notions of corporate social responsibilityMoney in boom and slump : an empirical inquiry into British experience since the 1880sWhat price unemployment? : an alternative approachInner city waste land : an assessment of government and market failure in land developmentRise and fall of incomes policyHow markets work : disequilibrium, entrepreneurship and discoveryThe dilemma of democracy : the political economics of over-governmentEmployment tribunals : their growth and the case for radical reformThe benefits of tax competitionPolicy for incomes?Over-taxation by inflation : a study of the effects of inflation on taxation and government expenditure, and of its correction by indexingTransport policy : the myth of integrated planningBeyond universities : a new republic of the intellectGrowthmanship : a study in mythology of investmentPicking losers...? : the political economy of industrial policyPaths to property : approaches to institutional change in international developmentParticipation without politics : an analysis of the nature and the role of marketsChoice and the end of social housingCutting the costs of crime : the economics of crime and criminal justicePrivate money : the path to monetary stabilityU.K. : commonwealth and common marketPaying for parkingWhither Sunday trading? : the case for deregulationHow Japan competes : an assessment of international trading practices with special reference to "dumping"The price of prosperity : lessons from JapanAccountants without standards? : compulsion or evolution in company accountingPolicy for incomes?
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research